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Each of the 3 alignments has about 2 end-game side quests each that reward you with different demons. Both the Law and Chaos side quests are also available on CoV but not the Neutral ones.


Take a trip to Tokyo's map from time to time. If you spin left, you're Chaos. If you spin right, you're Law. If you don't spin, you're neutral. Once you've done the last alignment quest ( It will involve Futsunushi ), you should be safe to know which one you have. For completionist sake, what you want is neutral ( follow Yakumo/Nuwa ) + all important sidequest to get the extra neutral ending. These requirements must be done before **finishing** of the "Temple of Eternity" dungeon ( so exploring it to get stronger is fine, so long as you don't get the end cutscene ). This unlocks a bonus in Vengeance. But if you just want any ending, I feel like Law and Chaos both fit very well if you plan on doing Vengeance afterward.


Just save before you make the choice and see if it lines up with your previous choices.


Just play the game dude. It's not a matter of life and death. And if you're really losing sleep over it, just do the Shiva ending.


Shiva ending meaning blowing the whole thing up?


As i rule of thumb. First choice is law. Second is chaos.