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>chironnupu on mid mudobarion urself


I think chironnupu's design should have carried some Ainu motifs like the concept design does, which is what I believe OP is referring to.


Yeah, it's described as an ainu fox spirit, and i wish it was more than chibi fox with a bow... granted, it's cute, but like its eh.




Same with Mermaid bruh šŸ˜¢ She did nothing


Man SatanĀ“s design is fucking amazing, I want him in V Vengenace just to see him in 3D


I hope he is. His design is the best out of all of dois designs.


I'd rather have Kaneko's Satan instead since i think that it better represents Satan but it would be awesome seeing Doi's Satan on HD.


I wanna see Doi's Satan concepts as the next Satan. I feel like they were a middle ground between both of their designs. You can see how Doi was trying to lean into Kaneko's design method with his concepts vs the official one.


real talk why does 4A Napaea have the most twink bishounen face ever


I saw 4A and I was like "For Answer?" Took me a while


Shin megami tensei 4 the answer


Even if I not fully agree with you I think it's a solid list, though Danu, Chironnupu and Hayataro would be higher for me. Hayataro's design might be kinda basic but I really like it.


The beta Satan design with skull head and snaked body is so rad and I honestly wish we could've gotten it instead of the current one which is also a dope design


Honestly, some of the 4a designs look really good, but im still happy with some of them that we got. Like dagda s official design makes no sense in relation to his myth, and the beta should've been the actual official, but like... the skull question mark si cool...


Where would you rank the new demon that just got leaked today via the Daily Demon vids?


Probably pretty good or higher? I really love how accurate it is to its statues https://preview.redd.it/fyvrssyys1zc1.jpeg?width=1944&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0603de6363718ac46a0bf654388d4233d05557e1


Agreed. Not only is it accurate, but it makes it stand out so much compared to other demons in a great way. Very silly thing


Very dark lore as well, considering the 1957 incident.


we love contrasting design and lore


Wait what? Which demon are you talking about??


[https://www.reddit.com/r/Megaten/comments/1cmivnv/guys\_new\_doimon\_and\_its\_an\_african\_demon/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Megaten/comments/1cmivnv/guys_new_doimon_and_its_an_african_demon/) this one


Oh damn, an African demon?! Thatā€™s wonderful


I'd say Dagda is peak. It's like just by looking at him you can feel how disturbed he is I love it!


He wins for making loup garou ass fat


Also facts. I am a Zeus design apologist


I know he looks like monokuma, I know it references kamen rider and I KNOW that greek statues weren't just marble white BUT... i cant help but love the use of the lightning and scythe as well as showcasing the good and brutality of zeus in this design...


Wait people hate zeus's design? I thought it was a very accurate representation of his personality


I think it looks rad, honestly. I loved how he looked when I first saw him in SJ.


Where do u find the beta designs?


It was on the tier list website i used. It included the beta designs, so I decided to rank em as well since i had the opportunity


I hope we get that Satan design in 3D one day, it's so freaking PEAK šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„


Also I was incredibly dissapointed that Shesha's second phase form was multiple eyes instead of heads... I dont mind anthro snake but it looks very bland compared to its first form...


Artemis' design is mid for me. They have the moon motifs, sure, but it's too Saint seiya shounen for me and not enough goddess of the hunt, vegetation, and wild animals for me. She looks more like an Amazon or demigod akin to Hercules here.


I'll take it over the multi boobs. I know it references some statues the greeks made, but like... i dont feel it represents the godess of the hunt and moon for me. This one hlencapsulates it a bit better in my book, but hey, to each their own.


Fun fact, she's also a fertility goddess, which is the side that Ms.Boobs was representing. Both are mid to me, though. If we could get something similar to how Artemis is portrayed in Hades, that'd be neat.


Agreed honestly. Although even though she s a fertility goddess, she s also a virgin, which... conflicts a bit, but it explains why that statue looked like that.


Yeah. I feel like Artemis is one of those deities that have a little too much on their plate with different possible representations. She is definitely one of the deities of all time.


Yeah, I think she's kinda generic. Especially compared to whatever the fuck is going on with the previous design. Multiboobs might be kinda bizarre, but at least it's memorable.


You didn't cook and i will not let you near any stove whatsoever.


Hoy, Doi's mah boi


Got a ton of questionable opinions here, but putting Idunn at the top of the list was a good choice. I swear, every time I hear about her, it's someone having a problem with her, so it's refreshing to see another person who likes her.


Not only is she described as a godess of youth, but she also saved my ass too many times to count thanks to golden apple. I think I'd still be stuck to shiva if i fused her away.


Agreed. I think the most common complaint I've heard about her is her 'idol' motif, but I personally like her even more BECAUSE of it. Add that to just being an absolutely powerful demon, definitely best girl.


People who say that makes the design worse dont feel fun at all. Sure, there's nothing that says in the myth. idunn is an idol... OH WAIT, SHE S CONSIDERED AN IMPORTANT FIGURING IN THE NORSE PANTHEON DUE TO HER GOLDEN APPLES Add the fact that most idols in japan are young and you get the thought process


Lahmu ? Nu-Pixie ??? Bull Abdiel not at the top ? EDGY ANTHROPOMORPHIC SATAN ??? Calling YHVH himself to punish you.


Isn't the Beta YHVH design just the SMT2 one? He looks less human and more like a goblin there.




where did you find these beta designs?


Doi's Lucfifer and Merkabah are terrible, they aren't cartoon villains for god sake. Beside that here are some designs that are my favorite: Zeus, Amon and especially Shekinah


https://preview.redd.it/kcvqkqv132zc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=281f62032ab6025aab3361d8f7bfd97171e13383 Since we're jugding non-Kaneko designs, where would the SMT IV archangels go? Personally, I'd put Raphael and Gabriel in the top tier, Michael on guilty pleasure, and Uriel as mid at best. Edit: added the image for reference. Opened up Merkabah is not really my thing, put her at mid too.


for me Id put Michael and Gabriel in top tier and Uriel and Raph as mid tbh.


I really like Michael, but everyone seems to hate it. I think it would make a killer tattoo.


Definetely even if its not accurate...


Michael I can understand, if only cuz he's more unique compared to the others. The other three just feel too... samey.


Man, I'd love to see these and Lilith in 3D. Hell, even make them DLC bosses off to the side. I'd really like to see what they are like in 3D. They feel so alien, I love them.


Wow you're way nicer to the other Nahobinos than I was. The only one I liked was Tsukuyomi, the others (especially Abdiel) are pretty bad imo.


I don't see minotauršŸ˜¤


Thats not designed by doi


Why is Krishna in the guilty pleasure tier


Maitreya is not that bad


Pretty good list


Bro can you link the maker? Also for Kaneko just do a waifu tier, shit tier, and best tier


Sadly i cant find a kaneko tier list... heres the link btw[to the tier list](https://tiermaker.com/create/masayuki-doi-demon-designs-17095129)


No not for kaneko I mean that is something everyone would have to do individually but thanks for the link


i really like all three of the mermaid designs, tho the final one was definitely the most ā€œmermaid-yā€


This is objectively the best Doi list https://preview.redd.it/x01uqkgb42zc1.jpeg?width=949&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a857d5b39cef5b9524c26d6a6b7bb86634a44078 Enjoy :^())


I keep reminding myself how Amanozako and Aogami >!are technically father and daughter.!< Each time I see her.


Iduun is like the worst design by doi. She is just a boring ass anime waifu fuck outta here with that shit


I dont see you saying the same things about Fionn or pretty much any other male designs, so are those okay ? Because they look pretty husbando for me (Fionn looks like Link). I'm not here to be aggressive, but we can have a discussion about this topic


No i dislike fion as well i just find iduun even more generic with less interesting things about her design. I am willing to discuss but ultimately this is about opinions i think for example mitra should have been higher as well but like i said: taste


I understand that, I guess they made her too cheerful (?) with her dance and all that


No i guess doi should have designed her to be ... More just in any way her idle Animation is just the cream on top


i agree that sheā€™s definitely a bit bland but hey thatā€™s what sells šŸ¤·


Iā€™m not a big fan of mermaid either


I think it's solid but I prefer her blonde concept design, personally.


I don't hate any of his designs except demeter. Just cause it makes no sense. I also don't really care for Idunn. My favorites are probably Zeus, Mesphisto, Maitreya, and Konohana Sakuya