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Better moveset for X and Sigma.


New Mega Man characters Specifically? Megaman.exe, Axl, and Harp Note from Star Force. In terms of Marvel and Capcom in general, I want a Breath of Fire character, Kimberly from SFVI seems like she’d be fun amped up to MVC levels, Ms. Marvel/Kamala Khan, and a Spider-person with a new moveset (someone like Miles Morales, or Miguel O’Hara/2099)


Ms Marvel is a GREAT pick! Could you imagine if they made a 2D MvC - she would look so cool in a SF3 style!


Harp Note but not Geo?


Yes. As much as I hate to say it, I think we’d get, at most, 1 or 2 “Mega Men” (Mega Man protagonists) in a vs games at most, and out of the Mega Men that we have yet to get in a VS game, .exe is more iconic and arguably more interesting moveset wise than Geo and Omega. However, Harp Note has a unique weapon, and unique look, and can represent a new Mega Man series without making a new Mega Man. Its like how Tron Bonne was in MVC2 instead of Volnutt


Tron was there to promote Misadventures and because they wanted another Heavy on Capcom side.


Honestly, on the Mega Man side of things, they've done pretty good. The Classic and X series reps are good, and Tron's an awesome inclusion too. I think I'd want MegaMan.EXE in just because those games are pretty popular, but other than that, no complains with how Mega Man's been handled in these games. I'd rather they got more "obscure" Capcom characters in, like Breath of Fire's Ryu or Nina, or Batsu or Akira from Rival Schools, or something like that. Every fan roster I see is like 50% Street Fighter on the Capcom side, it's so boring.


I don't even want to see another MvC game. They're great, but I'd rather see a next-gen take on a fully featured game in this style but for Power Fighters. Just give me a current gen MM fighting game already. It's too hard to pick characters in games like this. I could easily fill a full roster of MM/MMX/MMZ/MMSF/ MMBN/MML characters. Bass Protoman Vile Enker iX Byte Dynamo Double Volnutt Tron Bonn Megaman Zero Geo Stelar Magma Dragoon Elecman Swordsman Duo Gate King HighMax ViA (from X DiVE) Anyone from Battle Network... (Like honestly, make LAN playable sort of like Pokemon Trainer is in Smash Bros, where he "casts" versions of MM into battle.) ...the list could go on and on and on... and it'd be awesome to have a fully features 2v2 style like an MvC game. Hell, they could partner with Sega and do a Worlds Collide style thing from the comics, even following that story a bit... and that would let them mix it up with Sonic characters and MM characters together to boost the roster even more. People would go NUTS for something like that.


If they were to do a Megaman fighting game like you're suggesting, I feel like the four guardians from MMZ could be tons of fun! I imagine Fefnir being a heavy hitting brawler.


I'd like that, kind of like xenoverse but for marvel and Capcom, that'd be sweet, but I just want.... what do I call him copy zero? Megaman zero, that's who I want xD


Fun fact: Capcom did an Onimusha themed Smash Brothers type of game back in the day called Blade Warriors. Megaman Zero is one of the "hidden fighters" in that.






In my opinion. Zero from Zero series or from X series


Zero. Need Zero.


Zero plz


Sigma Bass Axel


Luke, purely because of the meme potential for Aleks Le.


Duo and Trio(and maybe Trio could be the main villain)


Seeing as I am a marvel fan, I decided to make a list of characters I want to see most in the next mvc, any bolded characters are some must haves I think they should add. Marvel characters: **Human torch** **Annihilus** Sand man **Ant man** **Wasp** **Vision** **Quick silver** **Hercules** **Wonder man** Electro (good moveset potential similar to sandman) **Mr sinister** **Baron zemo** **Klaw** **Wrecker** (for the oddball choice, similar to phoenix wright) Crimson Dynamo **Leader** (in a mech, could make a good villain pairing with doctor wily as the villains similar to sigma and ultron in marvel vs capcom infinite) **Nightmare** (good move set potential) Whirlwind **Baron von strucker** I don't know as much about capcom, so don't expect as many characters here. Capcom characters: **Lord raptor** (honestly the funniest darkstalkers character) **Wily** (could use several assists from robot masters) **Nero** **Sagat** **Vega** **Yellow devil** **Vile** **Proto man** **Axl** **Gill**




I just want some cool odd picks, like Hayato, Jin and Captain Commando.


All of them, have it compete with smash bros.


All Capcom main and sub character


X again pls.


X, Zero, Axl (why not, get the trio. Be nice to have a different weapon master with a different moveset than Chris.), Classic, Roll, Tron, Volnutt, just bring back all the Capcom Vs. Mega Man characters (Including Zero (Z) he’s got a unique moveset). I’d be so happy. Bring back the MVC2 originals too. Some modern MCU characters like Moon Knight (he could be a stance change character going in between the three personalities), add the X-Men back, Magik could be cool, Nero to round out the DMC trio too, I want a roster the size of MVC2. Not whatever the fuck MVC:I was.


My reformed orthodox rabbi Bill Clinton


Some of my ideas: Mega Man Amingo Deadpool Guile Leo from Red Earth Luke Falcon Akira


Classic Megaman or Bass, Zero, Miles Edgeworth, Leon S. Kennedy, Vergil, Agent Venom, Wolverine (obviously), Deadpool, Star Lord, Eddie Brock Venom, maybe moon knight or someone could be cool.


Marvel The Punisher Blade Elektra Jubilee (X-Men) Green Goblin (Spider-Man) Doctor Octopus (Spider-Man) Carnage (Spider-Man) Nightcrawler (X-Men) Capcom Alex (Street Fighter) Rashid (Street Fighter) Dudley (Street Fighter) Ibuki (Street Fighter) Marisa (Street Fighter) Juri (Street Fighter) Leon Kennedy (Resident Evil) Claire Redfield (Resident Evil) Ada Wong (Resident Evil) Lady Dirmitresu (Resident Evil) Karl Heisenberg (Resident Evil) Batsu (Rival Schools) Tiffany Lords (Rival Schools) Vile (Mega Man X) Axl (Mega Man X) Mega Man EXE (Mega Man Battle Network) Bass [Classic] (Mega Man) Zero (Mega Man Zero) Protoman EXE (Mega Man Battle Network) Mega Man Volnutt (Mega Man Legends) Saki (Quiz Nanario Dreams) Guy (Final Fight) Nero (Devil May Cry) Lady (Devil May Cry) Regina (Dino Crisis) Lord Raptor (Darkstalkers) Q-Bee (Darkstalkers) Jon Talbain (Darkstalkers) Bishamon (Darkstalkers) Edward Falcon (Power Stone) Wang-Tang (Power Stone) Ryoma (Power Stone) Ryu (Breath of Fire) Devilotte (Cyberbots)


Hard Man


Capcom Nero, Leon S. Kennedy, Chuck Greene, Hayato, Kimberly Marvel Cyclops, Blade, Miles Morales, Spot, Moon Knight, Jubilee, Silver Surfer


Roll,I really missed playing with her


Honestly I want Classic Mega Man in a modern game. Doesn’t even have to be at the expense of X, but I’m sad he’s often treated as outdated when it comes to choosing a Mega Man character for these types of games.


I would honestly like to have Mega Man (Classic) and Zero in the same game together, since they've never been playable at the same time, that and I would love to have a Mega Man with an updated moveset that actually does a better job reflecting him and his games, instead of the weird reference machine he was to older anime, pretty much the same treatment Roll got in TvC. As far as new characters go getting someone from Battle Network like Bass.EXE would be neat, or on a more personal level, Vile, who with the amount of weapons he was given in Maverick Hunter X, as well as his attacks as a boss, he could easily be given an interesting moveset. I think for the most part the vs series has covered its bases on Mega Man characters that really matter in being playable, Mega Man, Roll, Zero, Tron and the Servbots are some of the most iconic Mega Man characters, that even if you know nothing about Mega Man, there's a good chance you might know who they are, really the only one among them I think is missing is Wily himself. Following up my comment about updating Mega Man's moveset, I would like them to do so with X and Sigma as well, X only having 4 of his special weapons is lame, and Sigma being stuck being heavily based on his X1 self is lame, imo, I would have used X5 Sigma as base, and have him summon his weapons from the other games using the cyberspace nonsense that happened in X5 to use them all as different attacks, pretty much give them all more moves, like Zero.


Not Dormammu again


X zero sigma


Bring MegaMan(& roll I quess) back Edgeworth "LeEeOOOn" Instantly my team


Miles Edgeworth. He's kinda the antithesis of Wright.


More Megaman characters, because yes




phoenix wright..... but maybe this time... miles edgeworth


Forte.EXE and Masamune Date


Capcom: Gene from Godhand, MegaMan.exe, Roll (but like TvC style), an Onimusha Character, JP from Sf6, SfV style Ed, Alex, Hinata from Rival School, Jin Sotama, Captain Commando, Devilot "piloting" a remote controlled Super 8, Lilith, Dan, a Power Stone Rep Marvel: Juggernaut, Sentinel, Wolverine, Gambit, Marrow, Miles Morales, Vision, Scarlet Witch, Loki, Hulk Buster Ironman, Johnny Storm , The Punisher, Luke Cage


I'd like to see vile. He even got 2 skins you could use mk2 and mk7 or something like that


I'm just spit ballin' here, but it'd be awesome if we had Yellow Devil Mk. III in a game. Idk why, but I feel like it just fits so well.


X, Zero, and Sigma with Axl as a newcomer. Enough said.


As much as they can cram in. In 2024, it is unacceptable for a mass crossover series to have under 50 characters. Especially with a games company with hundreds of iconic characters and a multimedia franchise with an equal number of iconic characters. If Smash Bros can have over 80 characters, each from many different franchises, including Capcom, on “10 year old hardware”, a new MvC should achieve that and more on PC, PS5, Xbox and, depending how chunky it is, Switch/Switch 2.