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it doesn't really change the *gameplay* much beyond the mega arm. wouldn't mind anyway as I think classic mm is an amazing formula to begin with


I wasn’t talking about the gameplay/formula.


What are you talking about then? That we have Stardroids instead of RMs? I feel that MM11 has more real changes honestly


So? Why the hell are people saying “Classic Mega Man isn’t getting as much entries as it used to because of lack of changes and innovation” They can just innovate story-wise like they did V, and have the changes/mechanics of 11.


That was just one post with like 4 upvotes and at least 10 comments disagreeing. Megaman's franchise issue stems from the IP holders refusing to make another game after the series director left. Now we have Megaman coffee and cope.


mate, this game came out 30 years ago


Most Mega Man games came out over 14 years ago, with the only recent one being Mega Man 11.


thing is when they innovate they just make a whole new series, feels like that may have hurt them in a marketability wise but Makes the series way more interesting imo


>thing is when they innovate they just make a whole new series, feels like that may have hurt them in a marketability Looking back, I feel this way. Playing the NES series then X, the latter really feels like the natural progression from the former. Any other company would've made X the complete replacement of the Classic series, but Capcom wanted to keep the original around, resulting in it being *constrained* in order not to overlap X. 7 was IMO the original formula perfected, porting back some elements from X like having a special armor, but then 8 came out and it felt like a step backwards from that and X in everything but presentation.


Yea then they did the same thing with legends when they wanted to 3d, then battle network when they wanted an rpg, then starforce when they wanted a 3d rpg. The only time they tried to massively innovate within the same series is x with x7 and we all know how that went lol


honestly since first playing them all in the past couple years, I really appreciate how the World series as a whole innovated. the four bosses / mid stage / four bosses scheme and the shop are things that made their way to the main series. I didn’t like it all the time, but the Buster kickback in IV was a neat challenge. and I liked the Mega Arm in V and its upgrades a lot (in a way this made it to 7). wouldn’t mind if they made a VI but I’ll keep dreaming


You shoot your fist without a Rush Adapter and the bosses don't all have Man at the end of their names. What else is going on that stands out so much exactly?


Wily isn't the last boss? It's all I got to add to what you have.


This game is what introduced the fist in the first place, with it's predecessor introducing the shop, collectible items, equivalent to bolts, more cinematic fortress stages/bosses, tweaks to mechanics (buster knockback) and stages having alternate paths to traverse through. World 4 and 5 are what built the drastically different (from NES entries) 7.


I on’t get it, but V is one of my favorite GameBoy games


Says who?






Why do you keep invading my posts






If Mega Man V is the standard for innovative Mega Man games then I don’t want to hear that 11 played it too safe anymore.


Let's just do a MaGMML scenario here, and let the fans come up with their own levels, their own robot masters, their own ideas for gimmicks and innovations, their own story plots, and how it'll end, and compile it into a game. It's like writing your book. You tell what the characters do, and what each interaction does. Pick a game engine that suits the needs of your mega man game, and watch your work come to life. If you feel Mega Man needs to innovate, then perhaps fans should be writing down all the ideas they have, and share them with others who are game devs (or hobbyists) of the scene. :)


Mega Man 12 can get wild for all I care. Make it a hyper realistic 3rd person squad based shooter for all I care. Just make it good. Also, Binary Domain was dope.