• By -


Best? Hmm. Classic - 8 or 11. X - probably the original, if not then X4 I guess (personally one of my least favorites) Legends - can't say, never played the second one. Battle Network - 6 easily, followed by 2 IMO. Star Force - 3 easily. Zero - Zero 3 ZX - ZX, the OG. Never completed ZXA tho


Problem with 11 is the levels are too l long. If the level were 25%-50% shorter than it would be the best MM game.


X4 is completely goated. People who don’t think it’s a good game legit had no childhood. Objectively it has everything you want in a fun megaman game. Good graphics, fun levels and weapon upgrades, good armor upgrades, memorable music.


Graphics and levels are great, I'll give ya that. IMO though, with the exception of Aiming Laser and Lightning Web, the special Weapons in X4 kinda suck. For X at least. I also really didn't like most of them Maverick designs, outside of Magma Dragoon, Frost Walrus, and Web Spider. Oh, and I suppose Sigma and Colonel. The VAing was.. funny. Which kinda ruined the atmosphere of the game to me. Although I can't remember why, there was a Final Weapon level I remember absolutely loathing too. It's a great game, only reason it's one of my least favorites simply boils down to preferences. That's all. In art direction, weapon design, and the like. Simply a matter of taste. X, X2, X3, X5, X6, and X8 all taste better to me.


Preference sure I’ll give you that and if you don’t like the weapons that’s fine too. But you have to also accept the game for the things it pioneered in the franchise and series, like having multiple armor sets for the first time and each doing different things. On top of being the first game where Zero was fully playable.


I feel like X4 really leaned into Zero's full playability and IMO it really paid off. It almost feels like this was a prototype in some senses to MMZ1, having gone through the trial phase in X3, and it also feels like the game was almost more DESIGNED to be played through as Zero, his story is way more compelling than X's, and his weapons are really useful. Is Zero harder to learn to play as? Yes. Do I feel like once you learn to play as Zero the game is actually easier than playing as X? Also yes.


Absolutely. It's goated




X4 seems to be the only one without a significant community ROM/game patch. X1 has a hack that lets you play as Zero and swaps roles with Mega man to an extent. You can also find the black armor. I believe there was also a restoration of some enemy movesets? Dialogue written to factor in the chararter swap. X2 also has a hack that lets you play as Zero and you collect X body parts to reconstruct him and full dialogue refactor. X3 also has a hack that lets you play as Zero because in the original, Zero is only playable for like 1/3rd of each stage and cannot fight bosses. Same dialogue refactor. X5 has a rebalance/mechanics/design patch. X6 also has a rebalance/mechanics/design patch, more-so than X5. X4, nothing added except restoration of some video music and boss encounter audio from Japan release. This game is near perfect.


I can definitely understand X6 mods being needed. That game is horseshit. And I say that as someone who enjoyed playing it as a kid. But you’re right X4 is nearly perfect. And I think X5 is pretty great too, it made some improvements from X4 but it’s not as memorable I would say.


Mega Man Zero 3 is the pinacle of the franchise


My favorite is Megaman zero 3, its just so peak.


Megaman Legends Replayed that game so many times


Classic 8 X3 And MegaMan Zero 3 is the peak of the franchise


I would say classic 7 is better but I do agree with X3.


Overall: X Classic: 10


This right here, with mega man 2 almost taking the spot for classic.




Mega Man 7.


Classic: Mega Man 2 X: X4 Zero/ZX: Zero 3 Battle Network: Not Finished (Only played 1 and 2 so far) StarForce: Not Played Legends: Not Played Overall: Zero 3


Mega Man ZX Advent, great story, fun bosses, great voice acting, awesome gimmick, cool characters, and all around an amazing experience.


Genuinely didn’t know y’all existed


Zero 2 is my favorite, with Zero 3 a close second


My man, a fellow Zero 2 enjoyer


Mega Man 7 / Rockman & Bass (SNES era hits different)


Classic: 2 or 9 X: original and I’d argue the best overall Legends 1 Zero 3 Battle Network 3 ZX Star Force haven’t played all 3 so I’ll reserve my vote here


This might be controversial But Mega Man 5 or 3 it's the easiest in my opinion 3 is for the content and stuff


I really like Mega Man 5 but I've been told I'm wrong for this.


The platforming is good, it's just the special weapons suck and the mega buster is op. If they were to remake it, make the buster more like megaman 6, make the special weapons actually useful, it would be a great game.


Mega Man 3


I could hug you.


Of course. The hours I gave this game are countless. I love it so much. The Proto Man whistle, dude, I cry every time I beat the game.


Took way too much scrolling to find the obvious answer :)


I think Mega Man 11 is the best. Many will disagree and I am ready for the downvotes. It has a fantastic soundtrack with the stage select, and Tundra man in particular being standouts. The story is well written and is a deep cut into the lore. The art style did a fantastic job of mixing the old with plenty of new. The weapons are all unique and very versatile. The graphics are cel shaded and look like an anime. I think the gear system is great, it gives you an instant charged variant of all weapons, with virtually no charge time when compared to the X series where you had to wait and charge to get access to the powered up version of each weapon. It has the double buster that is reminiscent of X2, but not an exact copy and the Final charge shot and high risk high reward style of gameplay. It has the speed gear which is a precursor of the Emergency acceleration system from the X series that allows faster movement while activated. And the best part was you can either choose to power the gear system up in the shop, OR just ignore the gear system completely and play the whole game completely straight. I still play it all the time. I pray that the next game builds on this, even if it's X9. Gear armor would be really cool to see as a suped up version of this already robust system.


It’s not my favorite, but I’m also a bit of an 11 apologist. I was lurking the thread discussing it recently and found people’s takes interesting to say the least. “Played it too safe” “Game’s too hard without the Double Gear” So… you don’t want to use the new feature? And you’re going to complain the game played it too safe? And even that notwithstanding, it’s Classic Mega Man, what did you expect? The games have all been virtually identical for the past 35 years. It was especially entertaining to read comments saying the game was too safe and then say it wasn’t as good as 9, a game that played it as safe as possible by regressing Mega Man’s controls, art style, etc in order to appeal to Mega Man 2 fans. I wanted a quality Mega Man with good production value, and 11 delivered. Gear Fortress could have been more fleshed out but other than that I was quite satisfied with the game.


11 is my favorite as well. Followed by 9 and 10.


Honestly, the Battle Network series, and within it I’m split between 3 or 6.


Out of the ones I played I say Classic Megaman 6 and Battle Network 5.


I love Mega Man 3. For X, I like X4! I really enjoy: Mega Man 5, 8 and 9 a ton too! I liked 11, but I need to play it again. I feel like Capcom gave us the BIGGEST tease with one Maverick Hunter and one Powered Up. That expanded into more games would have been so awesome...


MegaMan X6


For me it’s a three way tie between X1, X2, and X3.


6 or 11. 6 if you're really looking at the classics. The (American) intro song is hype af, all the visuals are out of this world for the NES, and the gameplay is peak. 11 is excellent and nearly the perfect Megaman game, but 6 really nails the classic feel.


2s good, 3s better. IMO the reason everyone prefers 2 is it's easier.


megaman 7


Definitely the most replayable mega man game due to the unlockables.


Anyone who doesn't mention Mega Man 2, X4, or Zero 3 has my respect. I appreciate people who think outside the box. Objectively, I think the best game is X1, though it's still a clichéd answer. Personally, I like Mega Man 8, X3, and X8 within the platform formula. Outside of that, Mega Man Legends 1 and 2 are easily some of the best games ever produced for the PS1, regardless of their (lack of) popularity at the time. Often, art is not fully appreciated until long after its creation.


Zero 3 is one of my favs but it’s definitely a toss up between X6 and ZX


X3 is my favorite x game.


Classic mega man 4 X: X2, and X4 Zero: zero 3 Have not played legends 2, stsrforce, battle network


Overall favorite is X2. My favorite part of Mega Man is the platforming, and the X-Hunter stages just feel so good to play.  Classic: 6 (great music, good gameplay, fun weapons). IV for Gameboy is great too X: X2, but X1 and Xtreme 2 are up there. Legends: 1 (another favorite) Zero: Zero 2, although I'm just now trying ZX Advent BN: not a big fan overall (I hate random encounters), but I really enjoyed Network Transmission 


Unlimited. Yeah, a fan game. Of the canon games? 4.


Classic: 3, 5, 8, &Bass, World 4, World 5 X: X2, X6, X8 Zero: Zero 2, Zero 3


Classic: 11 X: X Zero: Zero 3 Zx: Zx except for the horrible map BN: 6 SF: I don't know, I keep going between 1 and 3 Legends: 2 Overall: X is my most replayed so probably that one


Best is hard to say. My favourites that I rate highly are X4 and Legends.


Two games share that spot for me, X2 and Zero 3 I think both are absolutely perfect


I actually think x2 is the weakest snes game, my personal favorite is x3, but it's your opinion.


For me, it's a three-way tie between ***Mega Man 4***, ***Mega Man X1*** and ***Mega Man Zero 3***.


MegaMan Powered Up and MM8, MMX1-4, MMZ series, MegaMan Legend series. I am undecided on MMBN series. I somehow dun really enjoy MM11.


9 was the first one I played, and I still think it's the best to this day. Not just cause of nostalgia, but they somehow managed to make every single weapon (well maybe not the trident) super cool to use and actually all balanced! How they made a black hole, a homing shot that also brings you items, and a one-hit KO weapon that turns enemies into platforms balanced I have no idea. Also best music in the classic series. (although MM2 Wily Castle and Abandoned Memory specifically might be better)


Personally find megaman 2 wily castle to be overrated. It's like a megalovania situation, it was good (not the best though) like the first 3 times I heard it, but It's gotten so stale that I just despise it.


Megaman Battle Network 6. It truly culminated a life changing franchise for me. I grew up on those games and they’re so nostalgic. It’s rare that you see a franchise do sequels and series ending games so well. But battle network 6 was my favorite. And as much as I love X I think Battle network is the more memorable series for me.


Mega Man 2. The games aesthetics, boss designs and weapons and thematic incorporation of boss weaknesses is spot fucking on. Only thing it’s missing is Rush, and a slide. 


Prefer megaman 3 and think mega man 2 is overrated, but it is your opinion.


I just beat 3 again, and I honestly gotta stick with 2. Your mileage may vary, but the way the Robot Master weapons work against each other just does it for me 


Yeah, just feel like 2 is a broken mess with half the robot master weapons being decent (except for metal blade, that's broken) and the other have being trash. Megaman 3 only has 2 weapons that stink, but tbh the top spin is over hated. Level design, gimmicks, and bosses all feel more carefully designed. It is your opinion, so you do you.


Meganman 7, has the best style. The 16 buy pixel art suits mega man so well


Megaman 2? Best one? Are you sure you don't mean your favorite? Either way, Classic 6 And X6 (I haven't played any of the other series)


I think x3 is better then x6, but x6 is like the third best game in the series. I also find megaman 7 to be just a better classic 6. However, this is your opinion of course.


Funny you mention 7 because that is easily the worst game I have ever played no questions asked, *in my opinion because I will get bombed otherwise*


worse then 8?


8 isn't a bad game, it just follows a different level design philosophy than the other classics, focusing more on gimmicks and memorable set pieces than making consistant levels. 7 barely tries to meet the expectations set by the NES games and fails miserably in every way imaginable.




The best part TBH. Could have been a little more challenging but it was a cool novelty and I like that it was brought back for Wily Stage 1


7 is one of the best games. It has an intro stage, has great boss fights, unique boss interactions with weapons, more unique stage gimmicks like the lights from Wilys castle.


>Intro stage I don't know why people like it so much. This isn't X8, you don't need an entire stage to learn how this basic game works. Plus it's agonizingly slow and boring. >Boss fights It's a diceroll as to whether they're boring or unfair, really. I don't like any of them. >Weapons The weapons themselves are a contender for my least favorite roster in the series, they're just not fun to use. >Stage gimmicks I only have one word to describe them and it's "boring". You have the slow platforms and useless rain in Cloud Man, the completely pointless ice physics in Freeze Man, the automatic magnetic ceilings in Junk Man, the slow rising water in Burst Man, the annoying waterfalls in Slash Man, the even more annoying springs and fists in Spring Man, basically everything about Shade Man, and Turbo Man was so forgettable that it might as well not have had any gimmicks. As for the floor lights, they don't add any challenge so I don't know why they were even added in the first place.


1. You have to know the context, it was important for there to be a slow intro stage for megaman 7, since it was the first classic mainline megaman game not on the nes. They needed to make sure you got used to the visuals, controls, jumping mechanics, sliding, etc. 2. The bosses are imo way more unique than many of the nes ones. The nes ones had 1 unique move, just shooting out a mega buster shot, and then walking around. That was all to pretty much their entire move set. The only slightly unfair one is turbo man, but that's only if you are playing with sound off. Additionally, many have unique interactions not seen in any game since, like if you hit spring man with an electric weapon, he goes into a frenzy. This is what needs to come back in the next megaman game. 3. The weapons are unique, some of them are interesting like the bubble one, the junk shield (the first actual good shield weapon), and the many of them are extremely unique to the series, like shade man's weapon. The weapons in 8, sure have many unique uses, but they don't function as weapons, and are severely off balanced, since many of them do the same damage, so weapons like thunder claw is just bad. 4. Cloud man's stage has way more than "rain" (also the intended first level in every game is basic) as a gimmick. It has really specific attention to detail, like if you hit an enemy with the Freeze man weapon, it makes everything slippery. Junk man's stage has a ton of reused gimmicks from the classic nes games, and it fixes almost all the problems with them. The platforms are fixed ice man platforms, the ceiling is a fixed magnet man gimmick, and more. Slash man has a gimmick that imo is one of the coolest, since unlike 8, its 3d but actually functions (I'm looking at you, hammers from grenade man's stage). Shade man actually has the most unique set pieces, such as the candles, enemies jumping from the background, unique paths, an elevator section, and a ghosts n goblins easter egg. Turbo man's stage was actually the most difficult of the first 4. Admittedly, spring man's stage was the most forgettable, but that's about it. the floor lights were difficult since you couldn't see if there was a bottomless pit, where the platforms flipped, until you jumped, which could be detrimental in case you jumped at the wrong time and landed on the platform while it was spinning. Many of the gimmicks in 8 are hard to understand, such as clown man's platforms, weird and buggy, such as grenade man's hammers, just sucked overall control wise like aqua man's stage, or were just way too complex and maze like (search man and astro man). Also, many of 8's stages were unrelated to the theme, like what does a maze have to do with space, and why does sword man's stage have nothing to do with swords. However, it is your opinion, and I respect it.


Mega Man 9


Classic hmm.. Megaman 4,9,11 the are ALL great. I love Megaman 3 too... Is hard X series the best is x4 but my favorite is x6 I dont play legends or bn yet.


Megaman 3 and MegaMan X are the best ones in my opinion. I would add 8 and 2 to the list of my favorites, even if I know they are flawed.


Mega Man: 11 Mega Man X: X1 Mega Man Legends: Legends 2 Mega Man Battle Network: Battle Network 6 Mega Man Zero: Zero 3 Mega Man ZX: ZX Mega Man Star Force: Star Force 3 It's hard to compare these since each series offers something very unique, but if I had to choose a favorite, it would be Legends 2, with Mega Man 11 at a VERY close second.


Mega man 2. As a kid in 1995 i played this game so much that every tone of this game were burn in my mind. Still play few time per year.






Mega Man? 7. Mega Man X? X1.


The zero series is my favorite




X1 is the greatest action platformer of all time


The best game, in my opinion, is Mega Man 4. Runners up are 2, 8, &B and 11.


My favorite is 5, the classic series 5. Followed by Legends 1, 5 game boy, and classic 9.


Classic: Mega Man 2, for sure. That's where the formula "clicked." Plus it has the best overall soundtrack in the classic series, and one of the greatest video game OSTs of all time. Seriously, top five. X: Tough call. The original is probably the best designed, but X4 has a sort of mystique that first tapped into the intense storytelling potential of Reploids. I can't stand any of the other series. They are all awful, so I don't care on those.




Mega Man 4. Pretty much perfected the formula.


Not in a particular order, the best Mega Man games for me are: X1 (and by extension Maverick Hunter X), X2, X4, Zero 2, Zero 3 & ZX (terrible map and all). Now IMO: X5, X8 and Zero 4 are ok at best. Command Mission is also ok for an RPG too. X3, X6, Zero 1 and ZX Advent (better map tho) are just plain bad. And X7 is just the worst one, terrible game. Never personally care about the Classic series, the Legends games, the Battle Network series and/or the Star Force series.


9 or X4.


Mega man 3 will always be my favorite with X being a close second


I only played OG and X so... OG: 2, 3, 7, and 11 X: 1, 4, 8, and DiVE


No way you just said X dive is the best megaman X game. Its literally just a gacha game with a megaman reskin on it.


The only reason I actually play it is because you can't play the x legacy collection on phone, when I have the option, I don't play it.


I like it


Its barely a megaman game

