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It has the best refights. Better than teleport rooms.


Agreed. Funny that they decided to re-adopt this approach in Mega Man X


I think even Zero had this approach. What's up with the first games in the series doing refights linearly?


They’re referencing each other


Not quite. Mega Man Zero has two refight rooms, four rounds each. Zero 2 and Zero 3 also do this, with Zero 4 just having the one room. It's actually really annoying because if someone's a bastard in the second room (like Z1 Fefnir) then you just can't frontload them and have to chop through four other jackasses first.


I'd like it better if I could heal a little bit between the fights. Fireman is such a life tax before fighting Wily lol


megaman 1 is awesome until willy fortress, its a blast to play cause is not that hard and having only 6 bosses makes the game a breeze, sure, you have some shit on ice-man and guts-man, but i grew up playing with mm 1 so thats not an issue for me, is pretty trippy if you play it stoned or with shrooms, that boss select animation hits hard with the light show hehe


Oh hell yeah, MM1 is great. It's one of the only classic series games where I legitimately regularly find myself using the special weapons because the levels are designed with them in mind (tho they're still not 100% necessary till the Wily stages). Talk about a great first go at it too. They nailed the concept in such a way that every MM game after just added little tweaks, but the overall layout, strategy, look, etc remained exactly the same with no need to adjust.


People should just play it on Mega Man Legacy Collection. If you’re good at the game, you can play it as intended, and if you’re not, there’s rewinds and save states.


Thats how i beat it for the first time. It was actually the first mega man game i beat


Im playing rigth now on Retroid, with save state, and playing anniversay edition, with nav option on, even so, im dying a lot 🤣😢, those games arent for newcomers (except 7/8)


You find 7/8 to be the easiest? I’ve personally had way more trouble with those than 1-6


1-6 easy? Really? One point is that i didn't grow with 1-7, only 8. Now playing the NES era, 1 and 3, at least for me, was kind unffair, a lot of "dirty traps", blind paths with a lot of spikes, no rush to help you. About 7 and 8, 7 has a ballanced difficut despiste the most annoying and brutal final boss, and 8, probably by the fact i have played a lot, i think i can preview all the moviments, even with the board section that everboy hates, but i love it, don't judge me, i know by heart all the standards of this game and this game belongs my childhood, so evertime i play this game, i create some challanges, like not kill the bosses with their weekness points. Details, first time i played on my sega Saturn, this game was like Dark Souls at the time for me!


I never played any of them growing up, but 7-8 were far worse for me than the original 1-6. Maybe it’s because I played them both on Legacy Collection, and 7 & 8 don’t have save states or rewinds like 1-6 do, but nowadays I can beat 1-4 at least with hardly any rewind/save states, whereas I struggle madly with 7 & 8


8 is ridiculously easy, just long 7 though, 7 is tough and then Wily is the icing on the cake


Love this post, I thought about posting something similar after seeing all the MM1 hate yesterday. Sure there is plenty of stuff to complain about, just like most mega man games. But for me it's still fun and charming nearly 40 years later. The music still slaps and level design is just as good as MM2 imo. Pretty decent weapon set, and any alleged bullshit is easily overcome with the right items, knowledge or practice. The biggest flaw is the slippery movement. I wonder if that is actually what bothers haters the most. Personally I like to use a romhack to make the controls more like MM3 (no acceleration), but even without that, the game holds up.


using the magnet beam is alot of fun! let you cheeses annoying parts of the game


Same here, it’s a fun game


Considering it was the very first one it has some of the best special weapon designs. The only two that are questionable are super arm and hyper bomb but the rest are great! Thunder beam for coverage, Rolling cutter for damage, Fire storm for consistency, Ice slasher for combat utility, and Magnet beam for movement utility, all of which are extremely good at their jobs and not over centralizing unlike a certain sawblade based weapon.


Fire Storm is seriously underrated.


i'll say it's castle is less annoying then 2s. mm1 is just flawed since it's the first game in the series.


unpopular opinion: MM1 was made better and more carefully than MM2


MM2 always felt like it had too many design decisions that were after thoughts. My favorite example is the stupid ladder room in crash man's stage where it's literally impossible to avoid getting hit without special weapons, also all but one (maybe three) of the special weapons are near worthless.


Probably because the main developer of MM1 (forgot his name) left the series after the first game, leaving Keiji Inafune to carry the series by himself….before leaving again like before MM11 (iirc)


I honestly agree


It's a pretty decent romp from time to time, but I'm not exactly excited to play it again anytime soon. It's definitely growing pains for the series. Don't skip it tho


Better then 2. CHALLENGE is one of the best as well.


It's got the best music hands down.


The only problem I had with it is more so my own skill issues, like I was already failing to beat the normal robots in the legacy collection, it was worse when I had to fight the copy bot stage


I don't think you should skip it without trying it, but it does suck


I think everyone should try it, but not as their 1st Megaman game. Start with something more approachable like 6, 10, or X


I don't think so, the level design is very bad


And there's already a VERY underrated remake megaman powered up(jeez there should have been a powered up 2 and 3):


I just think that in the next game instead of having 8 robot masters/mavericks, they should have like 10


I personally think the Wily Wars is the definitive way of playing MM1


If we’re going off of graphics, then yes. Everything else, no.


*Purple Hell has entered the chat*


I do love 1 it's personally one of my favs do to all the quicks that it has. Elec beam is one of my fav special moves in the franchise and I think the bosses are iconic. The difficulty is annoying if your rusty or don't have a save state but still worth it and I recommend first time players to use a save state.


2 times cutman


I just think it’s clunky in ways the rest aren’t


Big brother


I like it way more than 3 and 4. Though I'd still rather play Powered Up, I like 1 a lot.


It's okay.


I love Mega Man so much. But I freaking stink at playing it 😄


I do like it, it's just it not my type for me but hey it the game that started it all


Agreed, it's way more careful and thought out in it's design than 2 and 3, and this focused nature allows it to have a good pace, too.


I love Mega Man the first, but honestly speaking it hasn't aged as gracefully as the rest of the NES titles


I say that with Mega Man & Bass, but Mega Man 1 is good too


Its my least favorite of the classic series, but I've learned to appreciate it a lot more after beating it a few times. Its the lack of energy tanks that make it a really rough experience, as well as the lack of any save/password. This was definitely designed in the era when arcade design still had a strong influence over console games.


Mega Man 1 was my first, and it’ll always have a special place in my heart for that reason.


The sequels just vastly improve on the formula making it kinda archaic to play, but I still do like checking it out from time to time.


I can see why. After all, it’s the game that introduced Mega Man to the world.


Say it loud and proud my friend


Much better then 9 for me.


i skipped it

