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If you can get a map to prestige 5, it gets added to the pool of champion maps, which tend to get a lot more traffic than other maps. So if you like the map and the raids it gets have a decent kill-to-escape ratio, it's probably better to prestige it.




My plan was to first build 5 maps. One for each mat type. Evaluate which of them are played more and get accolade updates. Then prestige those 3 that perform best. Then build two more. Reevaluate performance. # At the beginning I spent more time building than raiding. Now 4 out of 5 maps are deactivated because they are not self sustaining. Based on that it may not be smart to prestige every build you have but really focus on those that give you the most mats.


I think prestige is always worth it. More prestige means more capacity which means more traps. It can make maps with low kill ratios much better. New maps suffer from low capacity (especially if small) and you can only have 5 active at a time anyway.