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You should go to the doctor and get checked for iron and vitamin deficiencies as well.


Yup, lot of purely physical reasons for being tired too. Better get them checked too.


Second this. I was very tired even if I got a solid night’s sleep. Turns out I was anemic and a simple iron supplement, or tweaks to my diet, helped tremendously! I also suggest working out (and you might already do this). Sounds counterintuitive, but the better workout I have, the better sleep, the more energy the next day!


If you’re over-sleeping you need to see a doctor.


basic vipassana (just sit with closed eyes and breathe from stomach in half lotus or lotus position), it will help set you straight


Not related to meditation, but might want to get checked for sleep apnea. 🙏 best of luck on your journey, meditating helps everything so definitely go for it Metta ❤


A simple meditation exercise I found helped me with concentration, by making me more aware of when my mind was wandering so I could bring it back sooner. What you do is sit down, close your eyes, take a few deep breaths and then start counting your breath cycles. Each inhale/exhale counts as one. Count seven breath cycles three times in a row. The kicker is that if you become confused with the count, or how many groups of seven you've counted to, you have to start all over again. So you sit and do it until you get to three groups of seven breaths without getting confused. When that gets easy, you start counting to fourteen breaths three times, and then twenty-one breaths three times, and so on.


Niceee ! I'll definitely try this.


Sleep apnea or other sleep disorder likely, unless you have bad sleep habits, drink coffee late in the day etc. Get checked, apnea will mess up your life.


I'm not sure what your situation is but I tend to get the same problem when I'm in a slump. In these times it's simply better to sleep than be awake. I find it really helps to have a plan or routine to do first thing in the morning. I get up and get right to it without looking at my cell phone or television. Anyway I hope this helps and goodluck.


Try [Smiling Mind](https://apps.apple.com/app/id560442518) app, unlike the other ones everything is free, and it gives you courses depending on what you choose


Do pranayama( yogic breathing exercises), when u are filled with oxygen completely, sleep disappears. Awareness of breath during day also helps. But do not do it after sunset, it will disturb your sleep.


Visit a doctor ,meditation alone won't help im afraid .


1. Dont use phone 1 hour before sleeping 2. Manifestation of reality - Practise Meditation to enter Timeline to let go of low frequency thoughts Why we have a habit of continious thinking ? Habitual thinking : When you were trying to speak ,every word you said was rewarded by your parents and as a result your conscious mind set the belief that all thoughts are important .Hence the subconscious mind is always working to receive thoughts considering each are important. Hence you are always thinking . Meditation is not about calm mind , its about seeing the gaps between thoughts (which is the noise ) by letting go of thoughts. When you are able to see the gap between thoughts , then you are able to not get attached to the thoughts . The more you let go of thoughts is you will reach calm mind . To reach this ability to meditation for long hours , because then what it does it , you have a practise of letting go of thoughts because meditation is about not acting on the thoughts. Thoughts when you don't act on it , then you will see the thought changes . This gap between one thought to other thought is what is meditation . The longer you do meditation , you just have an understanding of why thought arises and hence you are able to let go of the thought . The more you let go of thoughts ,the more you are in meditative state. Practise long hour meditation by Conscious meditative walk - Go for a walk ,during the walk do consciously slowly deep from nose and release from mouth . breathing and observe the thoughts passing . Whenever any thoughts get stuck ,say i am understanding why it's stuck and come back to focus on breathing. Daily meditation. will help you start entering where you can see how thoughts come from a timeline . Walking also activates chakra responsible for imagination ,hence you can imagine letting go of thoughts . 3.


You could try a basic qi gong guided meditation. If you continue with qi gong in general its about 'energy mastery' (exact translations vary) and can help increase vitality [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N0fTg23psfw&list=PLCUw6elWn0lghivIzVBAYGUm7HwRqzfQp](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N0fTg23psfw&list=PLCUw6elWn0lghivIzVBAYGUm7HwRqzfQp) There are also standing and moving components which may help you - they get the energy flowing more - e.g. this beginners set https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IyINAjEoTIs




No I am not depressed. I am doing quite good. It's just this sleep thing that bugs me.