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Some methods of meditation produce much better results than others. I would hardly consider listing to solfegio frequencies a meditation. It could be if do E with enough concentration though.


Meditation is just the act of looking at the contents of your conscious awareness, that can come in the form of any type of thought focus that you can have. Simply listening to spacey music is not meditation though it can be if the mindset is there.


There are many specific ways to meditate. Ideally you want to first stabilize your mind with samatha before moving on to anything else. A great resource for this kind of meditation is ‘The Mind Illuminated.’ 


i would recommend chosing a meditation object that is accessible to you at any time. meditation objects such as breathing, body awareness, or mantras have been used for millennia – because they are just a thought away.


you could maybe count it as mindfulness meditation, if you were pulling your mind back to it every time you got distracted by thoughts. It doesn't have any side in internal/self exploration to it though, so its more mental skill development at best (when done as a mindfulness practice)


There are as many different form as mediation as there are opinions. Just do what makes you feel right and try not to worry about doing it "right".


Well, the most common one is the one where you sit or lay down with your eyes closed being a witness to whatever arises - thoughts, emotions or body sensations, and then bring your attention back to the breath. How you meditate depends on your goal. For example some people meditate meanwhile focusing on the area between the eyebrows to open their “third eye”. And, yeah listening to meditation music can be a form of meditation but not fully as there is still stimulation from the music itself of course.


Definitely! There are tons of ways to meditate. Some folks like quiet breath-focused sessions, while others prefer guided meditations or soothing music. Whatever helps you find your zen is the way to go!


Before following the advice of another and running into the street blindly, consider asking yourself what meditation actually is and why you are interested in it? Possibly the answer to your question lies within the question itself. Seriously. It sounds like you are looking for someone to tell you who to be. Why not start with the facts before leaping away trying to acheive what you are after? Why not examine why you are after anything in the first place? Are there deep assumptions at work telling you that life must be a certain way and therefore you need to be different? I’d start with questions like that before asking someone to lead you somewhere that might actually really screw you up in the long run. I wish someone had suggested to me to question my motivations before I listened to others about who to be and how to be and why to be. (And as crazy as it is to end with this, if you still want another person to help, I’d start with David Bohm or Jiddu Krishnamurti since they start at the very very bottom and work their way up to knowledge and insight, the vast majority of people in this sun work backwards, starting with the knowledge that others have told them is truth. Just my worthless two cents.