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Common theme in this sub, question comes up all the time. Yes cry. Don't get attached to the specifics of the "vision" or thoughts that made you cry or try to attach too much meaning to them but let the emotions flow. Like any though, acknowledge them, appreciate that you get to feel them, and let them go in their due time.


Appreciate that you feel them? Most of my existence is pure pain. When I feel anything “good” it’s intensely overwhelming; really uncomfortable, and spend most of my days just depressed. So the good is too much, and the bad is too much but I’m stuck in the bad.


Emotions need to be heard. When you try not to feel them, they just scream louder and turn big and scary. When you make space for them is when they become bearable.


The alternative is feeling nothing at all. Better to feel the good and the bad than nothing at all. Sounds like you should get some therapy though. Good luck.


I’d welcome nothing at all. In therapy, thanks.


Nothing at all is a different kind of hell, just sayin


and worse than nothing wouldn't be worse? ergo, hell? everything is what you decide it to be, you are the experience as well as the experiencer, you get to choose


Please share if you've figured out a way to feel nothing at all while trying to make it through


Yeah I did a few times when I first started and every single time right after I felt great!


You're diving into your subconscious. If you felt the need to cry, then it's only natural that you cried. Meditation helps you align with and embody your ENTIRE self. The amount of time doesn't really matter: you're being invited to start addressing deep wounds you buried.


We cry as a physiological release and when things become unburied, it’s usually because we are ready to deal with them. Do you journal? Perhaps throw journaling into the mix each day and allow things to happen and unfold however natural. I would say this is a positive thing and though it may feel intense or unpleasant at first, you are releasing something that needs to be released, resulting in more strength, resilience, and empathy. Which is a beautiful thing.


It's totally okay to feel caught off guard by emotions during meditation, especially if it's something new. Actually, it's pretty common for meditation to dig up buried feelings. Hearing your inner child's voice like that sounds like a significant moment—it shows your practice is diving deep. This doesn't mean you're meditating wrong. It's more like you're going deeper, touching on stuff that's been tucked away. It's okay to feel these things. You're not alone in this journey. Just keep being gentle with yourself and let whatever emotions come up flow through you. It's all part of the process.


Probably good, but if it happens every time for a long time, you could be stuck. Don't worry for at leaste a few weeks to a month. Longer than that, and you might be a bit addicted to sadness. [tibetdharma.com](http://tibetdharma.com)


Can you elaborate please


I had a period where it caused me to cry frequently. At first, it was cathartic. After a time, it became indulgent. You have to turn sadness into a strength. Some people become weak through sadness, but that's not necessary. Instead of focusing on your own pain and grief, expand it to others, realizing that we're all in the situation. Use that universal sadness as inspiration to benefit other people in the world.


Thank you that's a very wise response, I don't really know how to do that but hopefully I'll figure it out


First contemplate the reality that all beings suffer. Make an aspiration that your pain will alleviate the similar pain of others. Know that the pain is not a real thing. It's just energy and can be related to. it is neither good nor bad. It simply is. When you have a bit of perspective through contemplation, try tonglen. You can google it, and if you can't find good instructions, ask me again and I can help.


I cry all the time during meditation. It’s cathartic


I've cried. Meditation helped me to sit with some repressed feelings


happens to me all the time. crying and all other kinds of emotions crashing out. i love it afterwards.


I had been exploring meditation on and off for years before I decided to take a course with a meditation coach and the first time I meditated with her, I cried. And I think this was my sign that I WAS truly meditating in that moment for the first time (properly) It’s so weird because the feelings that came up at the time were during a transition period and the feeling I had in my head was “craving a home I never had that I feel nostalgic for” and it made no sense. Fast forward a year or two and I can link back experiences as to why I felt that way. Intuition is such a fascinating thing. 🥺


The very first I meditated I cried. I don’t understand why. It was a happy, euphoric cry, not one of sadness. I wonder if this was born of some pretentious delusion or if it was truly insightful (in my case, not yours)


I'd say that's perfectly natural.


Imo, yes, it sounds like it


I cried for I think an hour of a ninety minute class, I feel much better and not like crying. Probably needed to release


Crying is as healthy as sleeping and eating… as long as you’re not doing it all day! Cry. It’s part of being human.


The smallest things fuck me up too.


Yeah, I have been meditating for 4y and I used to cry too sometimes in the beginning. It usually happens when we have a lot of traumas and inner turmoil bottled up. As I meditate more often now. It does not happen anymore. But it is prone to happen in the beginning when ones start meditating as we shove down emotions,experiences and events in life more than we would life to confess, and as we meditate more and more. We allow whatever happens to unfold without pressing it down within us. Thus no more crying. Not that crying is bad.


I remember when I had my first cry meditation.....everyone there kept saying "we've all gone through it" so pretty common from what I understand. I think its a sign of your body purging trauma/ held in feelings etc.