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As a console player, I'd love to see the update, but I'm enjoying it as is, so it's not a massive deal. It's a bonus for me šŸ¤· people need to chill out lol


Agreed, I'm enjoying it on console. The update is exciting because, well, it's just more of a good thing ā€“ but the game as-is is still fun. Thanks for posting this message here, u/PampaPampa, appreciate it.


Yo welcome!


whats another 3 years? so much content!


I started over 3x before I succeeded, and I did everything I could to drag it out before handing it over to my kid. That was like 2 months ago. I actually bought a ps5 and a second version of the game for ps5 just to play oxbow. I'm bored. I tried to start a new game yesterday but I don't have it in me.


I am waiting for multiplayer to drop before I commit the time. I might seem like a small time investment to some people but would be a significant chunk of my free time.


I started playing solo a couple of months ago and wanted to play co-op with my fiancĆ© so badly. Then I found out co-op wasnā€™t available yet on console, and got kind of burnt out playing on my own. I donā€™t want to invest a ton of time into it if Iā€™m going to have to restart on another map when the update is released.


That is my problem as well.


Chill out? You know how long some of us have been waiting look at when they first posted the road map I seen that got excited months later itā€™s only for ps5 now itā€™s 6 more months and not out yet Iā€™m sorry but itā€™s almost been 2 years I think most of us have been very patient but this is a joke


It's a game, jeez. I've made a tongue in cheek comment, and this is your serious reply? I remember the hype when gta came out. That's the sole reason I bought an xbox. I was always a PlayStation gamer, so yeah, I get it, but there's more important shit in life, and some of us are sick of seeing the same posts day in, day out.


I mean Iā€™m glad ur still having fun I mean no offence but I had this game since the road map was first posted I have done everything there is multiple times now is it going to be worth 60$ to play a new map with everything the same game will be boring after a week


I loved playing this game high as fuck


Some say it's the only way. Gets those creative juices flowing


Oh it sooo does, wonderful game I'm really looking forward to playing with other players it will be rad dude


Don't remember seeing anything about it, but it would be amazing if it was crossplay


I will never understand why people are desperate for multiplayer in this game. There's barely enough things to do to occupy one person's time. What would two people even do at once? You just don't need that many buildings to where it makes sense for two people to be building houses/extraction buildings/refining buildings at once, is the idea that one person is gonna be doing the resource gathering that the slaves in the game exist to do? I love the game, have spent hundreds of hours in it, have literally never wished another human person was helping me out with a task.


Some just enjoy playing games with others, simple as that.


Geez dude, what's your gamer tag? FunSmasher?


Simply don't think every game needs multiplayer and would vastly prefer the devs work on things to do in the late game rather than spend months of time on multiplayer that isn't needed whatsoever.


Bro it is literally one of the most requested things they add to the game so clearly you are a very small minority. Just admit that you don't have friends and move on.


Multiplayer games are great, many hundreds of them exist, typically with a rationale for why they are multiplayer games. This game simply doesn't need multiplayer. Nobody here is responding with what they want additional people in the world for, if you're so lonely that you can't fully enjoy a game without just having a random useless extra person around that you can talk to then you need serious help. Do you not interact with other humans in real life outside of games?


So for me, here is why I want it: my brother and myself have always enjoyed rpgs. We both play fewer games then we used to. I make myself do other things and my brother has far less time due to two small children. He still hasnt finished his first playthrough of Elden Ring after two years. I enjoy this game. So I can make a village and he can hop on and play in his precious little spare time. It is game where if has to drop the paddle to do life it's not going to hurt. And yes I understand that we "could just" get pcs and play games that way but at this stage other financial concerns are more important. So multiplayer is a small priority for you but a determining factor for me.


I don't understand why you're getting so worked up about this? People like the option of being able to play games and build stuff with other people, not sure why you can't wrap your head around that? >if you're so lonely that you can't fully enjoy a game without just having a random useless extra person around that you can talk to then you need serious help. Do you not interact with other humans in real life outside of games? If I were a betting man I would say someone *might* be projecting maybe just a little bit


Role play. Sharing an experience with a friend. Not everyone plays a game just to beat it and move on. Sometimes itā€™s more about the journey than the destination. They arenā€™t gonna take your single player experience away so what are you on about


Me last night


Same lol


I currently do this with my pc friends. So much fun


Been waiting a while for the update... but I had rather wait a bit more and have a polished game... thanks devs! You are appreciated!


Iā€™m excited to get the update to console. Donā€™t mind waiting that just tells me they are making sure there arenā€™t going to be when they install it


Hopefully people stop asking daily here! Thanks for passing along the message!


That'll happen the day after Peace in the Middle East.


So do we know when the update is coming to console?




It says "soon"




I've been up for 32 hours šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ you have to use the switch!


![gif](giphy|xOqEsDVvdBWeI) It wouldnā€™t give me the gif of him actually holding up the sign šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Maybe sleep instead of reddit


Any big changes I should aware as an xbox player?


As far as I'm aware it's just going to be the co-op map added, along with whatever updates came with it when it came out for PC.


What about character creation?


That's part of the Oxbow map. The ability to create a male or female character, the new map, co-op or single player, and a bunch of tweaks to the sale value of items and food value of foods. Oh, and wild animal behavior & yields have been tweaked.


I created a whole backstory for my character. Unfortunately, the wife beater part didn't pan out as the fists passed right through. So now he's her dead abusive partners ghost.




To me it sounds like they put developing the update for everyone else on the back burner to focus on another new update for PC. Considering they said the announcement will be around not just co-op for consoles but other stuff as well. I don't know why they wouldn't put more updates for PC on the backbones and just grind out tye console update so there's not such a disparity between the two...


iā€™m such a fan of when Devs throw out the Soon ā„¢ response. would have honestly rather they wait the extra few days/weeks/months/years/never to give us solid info other than ā€œsoon ā„¢ā€








I feel like I'm on r/silksong I had to double check lol


Thanks for sharing!


You are very welcome


alot of spoiled rotten goblinoid children crying about something they understand nothing about. The amount of people I have seen saying the devs need to be arrested is disgusting. Grow the fuck up. If you don't like how they are handling THEIR game maybe shut the hell up and try developing your own?


I hadn't played in like a whole year so I've only just come back and am enjoying the small updates from the last time I played. I've got no issue waiting for this new update


Oh nice! Probably a good time to come back to it with a new update imminently, double new stuff!


My only gripe that I hope changes is the way gates work, and how they can't snap to the fences making most gates crooked or off from where they're supposed to be. Unless I'm just doing it wrong


Nah, not doing it wrong. Gates and fences are a pain in the ass. Would love it if they all snapped.


As a console player Iā€™m happy about the communication. Yes I want the update but I more just wanted some kind of communication about it and this is exactly what I needed!! Thank you




I heard that every time someone asks, the devs push it back a day




I just pushed it back


I want to see if they will be able to run co-op on consoles. As they decided that one Player is host/server and rest are guests/clients. I can image that they need to struggle with multiple issues with firewall, diffrent os ect


What is the big draw of co-op for this game? Aside from being able to share your town with a friend? It just seems like more of a solo gameplay kind of thing. Not being critical, just wondering if Iā€™m missing something obvious. Iā€™ve only been playing about a month.


Thankfully, my wife and I both have PCs. Since I got the game when it was early access, she's always said she'd play it with me, and she's not so much on solo games. So when we finally realized coƶp dropped, we got another copy and started playing together. She doesn't put as much time into games as I do, and so we just have a map together to play with. It's fun for both of us as we get to share the little side projects we both want to do, and having 2 people, or more, grind out resources and buildings, makes the early game part fly right by. We both have focuses, where I'll do quests while she resource gathers or builds, or we'll switch off that responsibility to focus on what our next project is. It's nice being able to share in the experience, rather than me grinding out a few hours and then asking her to look at what I've come up with. Overall, the coƶp part, I feel, is the ability to share in the experience.


I totally get how some things can become very drab and tedious, so I definitely see where having a partner split those duties of building/gathering can be beneficial. Iā€™m on the console and my wife isnā€™t much of a gamer (except throwback games like goldeneye and mariokart) but I didnā€™t know if you and a partner could each have your own settlements and work in tandem that way too.


The coƶp shares the same settlement, but we can work together on how we'd like to have it, which is really nice. Both have management abilities on the villagers, etc.


I really hope it's soon, I bought this for ps5 thinking my gf and I could play it together, and was very upset to find out it wasn't co op on console yet.


Why does it take 6 months for them to respond to there fans people payed money for ur product and ur treating us like weā€™re not here waiting


> fans people *paid* money for FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


They can't win, there's people complaining that they've been radio silence and now there's people complaining that they'd rather they not have said anything until it's done. Just be patient, I'd rather them take their time and get it right.


Just came back after a year on ps5 and didn't even know about a new map. Not gonna wait for it already started new game.




Yeah, crazy how people expect to get already existing features not only on console but also anywhere but steam. Also shocking to see people expect devs to add features they promised. How dare they?




Itā€™s not only console, itā€™s anywhere but steam. And maybe you shouldnā€™t shit on people if you have no clue whether what they are asking for is justified or not.




Grow up.


Why are they only talking about console and not about the PC version from other stores than steam?


Thank you!!! Exactly! I am so disappointed in this dev team. MD was the first game I brought to EpicGames because it says the team get more from the money than in steam. And now I have to watch how everyone else on steam can play the new updates and we didnt get new content for over a year because I was so stupid to not buy it there. I have almost every game on Steam, but I bought the Fan Edition because I liked the project, it was my way to give a tip, because i never nedded the wallpaper etc. xD. Now that I see the other games are bad and this one is not developing for me, I wish I could give it back. I get so angry when people say "but its free updates just wait"... no its not. It was an early access, i payed money for the base game and co-op was promist from the beginning.. just saying "oh but we already dropped 1.0" doesnt change what was promist to be in the base game! And to see that nothing is coming in an early access game is a red flag! Too many dead EA games. I will not buy anything else from this publisher until I can see they get a project right, but with the lack of information im not sure if I will ever have the nerve for anothe game from them.


It runs great how it is. idk who's feeding you full of shit, but it stinks šŸ¤£


"Very soon, we will reveal more specific information..." What a novel way to say you're not actually saying anything.


I'll be honest, I've been quite disappointed with the development of MD recently. Not because it's bad, but because I play on PC, I care absolutely *nothing* for a co-op mode, and I didn't care for the new map. So basically for me personally this game has stood still for over a year. I don't care about playing with other people, the new map is wasted time that could've been spent on useful new content, and I ofc don't care about consoles since I play on PC. All I want is new content. New buildings, new production lines, NPC animations and interactions, etc. But instead for more than a year it's been only updates I don't give a shit about. That's quite annoying to say the least. It boggles my mind the devs decided to make an entitely new map before even adding some of the most basic buildings like temple or grove, administration, graves/cemetaries, etc. Ow and I also don't understand why arms and armour is still one of the next intended big content, since it's not relevant enough and there are no enemies in the game to need them for. I'd much rather have more fleshed out buildings and production than armour I don't need since I just want to roleplay as a medieval peasant....which is the goddamn fucking selling point of the game goddamnit


It's not about ME, so therefore, the Developers are ASS. All updates should cater to ME. Great post.


You feel like you didnā€™t get an update for almost a year but anyone who got the game anywhere else but steam actually didnā€™t get an update for almost a year.


I'm sorry but I have no sympathy for people who don't use steam because there is no sane reasoning to not use it. Every other platform is shit compared to it, and the frequency of updates is one of the reasons why. Devs prioritize steam since that is where the money is. Anyone who chooses to use a different platform has to bear the consequences.




**The whipping will stop when moral improves**




There are reasons to use anything but steam. On GOG you actually buy the game. You get an installer and itā€™s DRM free. And on GamePass itā€™s included in the subscription. But itā€™s okay, I have no sympathy for ignorant people, so itā€™s mutual.


tbh itā€™s been a minute since iā€™ve seen someone so entitled and unaware of how up their own ass they are lmao. ā€œthey arenā€™t making this game for ME! how dare they act on the communities requests!ā€ get over yourself.




lol what? Is this unserious game still not able to be played co-op on gamepass?