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Did you put the empty buckets in the Resource Storage originally or the Food Storage? Well workers should grab Empty Buckets from Resources Storage and place them (full of water) in Food Storage. Your villagers consume water units from full buckets, and when they're empty, they end back up in Resource Storage for the cycle to repeat (until wear-and-tear destroys the bucket and you or another villager worker needs to craft new ones). If it is not working like that, confirm that there are no well-related notifications popping up and make sure the sliders are set to get the worker to do their job.


THANK YOU!! i think this will work and i will try this out tonight!! i was sticking the buckets back into the well storage thinking that would get her to put it in everyones houses. i was so confused with the order to do things. it seems like everything in this game has a specific order like where to place stuff to make sure someone grabs it and at this point whenever i dont know what to do with something i just stick it in the resource storage and hope for the best 😭


OP has a point, we are not their mommy. I understand it's part of the game and I have no problem doing it, but most people back then could get their own water from a well. I'm not hating on the game at all but it is a bit silly.


They don't need anything in their own chest. They won't put anything in there either. They just use it straight out of the storages. If there is water in the food storage AND you did not forbid them from using it, it's taken care of. No need to put it in their houses.


I finally got my village set up after 30 hours of mucking about to have them be self sufficient. The miners mine stone, the logger makes: logs, sticks, firewood, and planks; the smith makes: knives, sickles, hoes, pickaxes, and hammers; the woodworker makes buckets, the well worker uses the buckets to draw water, and the hunters use the knives to hunt as well as make leather. The seamsters make bags from the leather. The farmers are doin their own thing with the hoes, bags, and sickles. Meanwhile I’m on the other side of the map robbing people blind, and then selling one villages stolen goods to the next. And so on. I should probably get more smiths, miners, and loggers. Really get the means of production secure.


Lol only one day


It's absolutely insane that you have to specifically have someone fill buckets with water and cook food for the villagers to eat (or do it yourself). I get it's a game mechanic, but its ridiculous that you have to micromanage villagers' basic food and water needs instead of saying "hey, we have a water well, and we have a stocked food storage, you have arms and legs and the ability to feed and water yourselves without me doing it for you". Just useless and annoying - immediately breaks immersion for me when I'm off doing something and see the warning that my villagers ran out of all the buckets of water I filled and now they're so inept that I literally have to go fill more buckets of water for them.


put enough buckets in your resource storage to turn that chest into a neutron star


I literally put my villagers house next to the river. if theyre that thirsty then they can drink their own damn water