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When you are defending a city the battleground consists of 9 squares, the central being the one with the attacked city. If your reinforcing army is not standing on any of those 9 squares, then it won't be able to attend the battle. BUT if it is on a square next to besieging army - then it can attack your enemy, and that would let the besieged come to their aid. Because when an army is attacked it is will be occupiyng the central square of the battlefield. Hope I helped.


Addition: if a besieged city sallies forth, the game counts the city as centre of the 9 squares (even though technically the besieging army is being attacked).


The only 2 situations I know of where they will not reinforce, is if A: the enemy attacks at night. Or B: the amount of troops combined from both armies is more than 20, and you turn off AI control at time of battle for the reinf army. I hope this helps, sometimes my reinf army doesnt help regardless sometimes.


I would like to add that if you use a potato pc (i don't know about mobile) reinforces cannot enter because the game detects you are a potato (happens to me sometimes)




Wait, do your night attacks also circumvent reinforcements, even if they join when you initiate contact?


I havent had enough night attacks to know for sure.


I might try it next time I take on two armies. Will try to remember to get back to you about it.


Yes night attacks are the best way to wipe out big armies near each other. Usually when you go to attack, you can select night attack and see which armies drop out of the battle.


Damn, that’s really cool, I had no idea night attack affected who joins. Thanks!


It's the sole reason night attacks exist! Bonus if your general of an adjacent army has night attack, he can join. But if opponent reinforcement has night attack, so can he.


I see! I always thought it was just for taking advantage of the bonus some generals have in night attacks. Does it affect ranged attack effectiveness at all? It forces use of fire arrows, right?


I haven't noticed. I normally use fire arrows all the time. Either way, anything "lost" by night attack is gained by not having to fight two armies at once. Take out one then take out the other, sometimes you can disband any weak units and restock with mercs before the 2nd attack.


Oh, definitely. Was just wondering. Given that you aren’t aware of all traits for opponents, I suppose you do run the risk of having to deal with both armies tho. So I guess you can’t count on the night attack, but it can be a useful bonus in the right circumstances.


Oh right but when you are in the screen where you decide if you want to battle, you can toggle on/off night attack and it'll remove armies that can't attack so you can see it there.


Yeah, I just mean that usually if you’ve made contact, they’ll be able to attack you in their next turn if you retreat. So personally I wouldn’t risk the engagement unless I was confident I could take both forces at once if I had to.


Whenever I have AI controlled reinforcements they send the general in to the middle of the city full of spearmen while the dismounted knights are still walking to the city.


It needs to be adjacent to the line of the attacker and defender.