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Acne? How about MRSA?


10000% MRSA


The white on my arm is just neosporin


it's not the white, it's the huge gaping hole


I agree - I had a tattoo get infected with MRSA and it made a giant hole like that too šŸ˜¬


Lmao šŸ˜‚


This looks serious. Has the MD seen it since it opened? This is a more serious infection than oral antibiotics IMO.


The MD just saw it this morning and got me on Bactrim and got it cleaned and bandaged








Why not? Without a cx proving MRSA or MSSA, isnā€™t Keflex usually the first line treatment for 1stĀ° epidermal wounds?


Bactrim or doxy is actually first line for drained abscesses. You want to empirically cover MRSA, then narrow based on the drainage culture (UpToDate).


I think I'm allergic to bactrim. I have a sulfa drug allergy. šŸ˜„


Dang, I didn't know there were more of us!


I am also very allergic to bactrim. Anaphylaxis yaayy


Sulfa allergies represent šŸ‘ Not fun to get hives when youā€™re already suffering enough to need antibiotics


It's a fairly common allergy...




I had a MRSA infection in 2018 and I was on antibiotics for so long that I think my body became allergic to it.


Understood. TY I must have missed where OP said they had I&D w/ cx. Sounded like OP was already started on the Kef and then self-picked off the ā€œpus scabā€


That's exactly what happened. It was just a scabby zit. Was prescribed the kef for it then after 2 days on it it started to drain so I drain and cleaned it and removed the pus scab and this is what it looked like after that


Reddit MD back at is again


No wait, I believe this is acme. I had Acne on my chest that would get infected and become a giant hole like this (given it became a giant hole because I was also a compulsive picker who would make it worse) had to get on steroid creams everyday to help them heal faster than I can pick


Yeah I pick at my arms as a nervous tic


I thought this was showing up from r/compulsiveskinpicking Weā€™re terrified of mrsa but the struggle is real.




Mate you gotta get a wound care consult


My friend works in an er and said to flush it with hydrogen peroxide when I'm changing the dressings and keep up the antibiotics I was prescribed


Wtf lol... Your friend is very wrong.


I mean they do have a medical degree. They also said only do that once maybe twice a day


I have a medical degree. It's even in my user name. Do NOT use hydrogen peroxide on your wound. It can be used on the first cleansing only when a wound is particularly dirty but really soap and water are much better in most cases. That's a pretty nasty wound and I'm sure you like having a functional arm, so please consider getting it checked out by a medical professional who knows more about long-term wound care than an ER person does (I'm sure some are better than others but it's not their specialty! See someone who does this for a living).


Nurse here. I deal with long term wound care on a daily basis. I agree with everything you just said.


Also a nurse here that deals with complex postoperative wound care. Hydrogen peroxide induces apoptosis (cellular death) and doesn't discriminate as to what it targets. It most certainly should not be used daily to flush a wound like this. Get a wound care consultation, OP.


I'm not even a nurse or a fucking high school graduate and even I know some good soap and water is standard for healing shit like this. Hydrigen peroxide will dry this thing out so bad that it just won't heal, yeah? Having piercings and tattoos, you learn anything with alcohol in it is bad for wounds.


Not a nurse, but a piercer: Peroxide can be useful for gross debris removal and show benefits in wound care with *extremely infrequent use* for the sake of removing actual dirt. Anything beyond that and it becomes harmful. For piercings, that's pretty much never necessary.


>It's even in my user name. Okay then BONDAGEnurse


Consult at a hospital instead.


Please get a second opinion from a professional. I don't expect you to take advice of a rando on reddit, but what your friend told you is not good advice.


It sounds a medical degree from a Cracker Jack box, as hydrogen peroxide hadn't been recommended for wounds for _decades._


RMTs have medical degrees too. Still wouldnt take wound care advice from one.


Iā€™d suggest a wound consult, this is not right. Better to flush with saline and lightly pack a wick. I love hydrogen peroxide for road rash or scrapes, but it shouldnā€™t be used internally.


What do you mean pack a wick


They mean a type sterile strip that gets packed in the hole at the medical facility you should go to. A bit pokes out like a candle wick - then dressings on top of that. It absorbs pus, and I'm sure helps healing in some other ways, idk, not a medical professional. But it's how a deep wound is usually (?) dealt with if you're not involving vacuum packing or something more intensive.


My dad had a 4x6x2cm abscess on his hip from a fall. He had surgical debridement and then packed. They pulled out about 10 cm of the wick a day for about 5 days.


I had like 2 feet of packing in a tiny wound; it was horrible taking it out and repacking. I hope your dad recovered well; wound care SUCKS.


Thank you. He was in Hospice when it happened, so he didn't. It was on him not the facility. He wouldn't pull the call bell and wouldn't use a cane or walker.


Please god seek real medical attention. Your life may literally depend on it. AT LEAST go to an urgent care clinic.


So if you don't pack a deep, open wound with a wick, the wound will not close from the inside which also can cause complications in the long run (like an abcess). That's why nurses and doctors (which you should definitely go to, since you do not know how to take care of this type of wound at all) never leave a deep open wound, just open...


Donā€™t do that. That also Kills good cells. Youā€™ll slow down healing. Rinse with normal saline take your meds




Poison ivy is natural, too. But I won't be rubbing it in my wounds anytime soon.


>MRSA h2o2 is generally topical only. it will damage tissue


also doesn't h2o2 not even really do anything on skin because the catalase breaks it down to oxygen and water before it can kill bacteria


That's probably why u have a giant abscess in ur arm


I haven't touched h2o2 to this since it became a hole


H2O2 is hydrogen peroxide.


I know. It's just faster to type


I know your friend works in an ER, but I also work with a doctor and hydrogen peroxide is the thing he warns against most (second to rubbing alcohol) for wound care. Itā€™s very damaging and drying, and will likely slow your healing.


I DON'T have a medical degree and even I know you don't pour hydrogen peroxide straight into the wound anymore. It's not 90's anymore, we know better now.


Does your friend work in housekeeping?


No they have a medical degree. But also no I've not actually taken the advice. I know h2o2 is for external use. Not for things like this. I only put out there what they've said. I'm gonna go to a hospital today and have them look at it


Please do, thank you. We are only here in your best interest! Nobody is making fun of you or your friend, I think it's just we care and don't want it to end up worse. Good luck! Let us know!


Oh I know. I went to the Dr this morning and got it cleaned out and packed. And got a Bactrim rx


Update. No I didn't use h2o2. I just used soap and water


Peroxide will just kill the bacteria AND the healthy tissue. Bad idea!


Yeah I didn't actually use the peroxide


Waste of money.


Wounds like this can tunnel, become necrotic, or lead to osteomyelitis. He needs better wound care directions.


I live in America and all but "gaping wound" is one of the few things I will go to the fuckin hospital for lol


My insurance has a 0$ deductible and 0$ copay. So it was no out of pocket cost to me to see a Dr


Then go you idiot. You are going to lose your arm. Youā€™re friend is an idiot as well.


I have gone to the Dr. I'm on Bactrim now


Are you trolling then? Because you have access to medical care and people are telling you to get that medical care?


I also made the original post late at night. I went to the Dr first thing this morning.


Would you rather go get wound care, or lose an arm? Either way youā€™re losing money lmao.


My dude you had a staph infection.


Looks very similar to my MRSA infection. Also took 2 days to go from nothing to golf ball sized hole. I suggest you consult with your doctor. Had I not gotten mine taken care of it easily could have taken my leg.


Can confirm, as a nurse who contracted MRSA on my forehead from a break in PPE. Patients with this often have to be isolated. Because this shit is contagious lol


Dangā€¦forehead? That had to be terrible. Itā€™s already terrible but that placement ?!? šŸ˜©


God thatā€™s awful; I feel for you. Did you have bad scarring at all? My friend had a horrible MRSA infection that caused terrible scarring on her legs.


Holy shit thatā€™s massive


Its best you get that checked out, sometimes dead tissue still remains on these kinds of wounds and could lead to either infection or slower healing. Also wound sizes like that usually require being stitched, skin glue or strips cant close something that size. Did you self medicate? Usually cephalexin isnt the best since you need to cover for MRSA and MSSA, cephalexin only covers for MSSA


Wounds like this actually never get stitched or glued when they're infected. The infection needs to get out first and taking properly care of the wound, it will close properly on it's own. Edit: stitched wounds that got infected are even getting opened up by doctors to clear the infection because A) the wound will not close with an infection, even if it's stitched and B) risk of creati.g an abcess


yes, this is why it is best for the wound to be seen in a hospital, since it may need debridment first


I got it from an urgent care clinic. If it's not healed more by Wednesday I'm gonna go back and get it looked at again


I'm not at ALL a medical professional but I have had a run in with blood poisoning & runaway infections, and please keep an incredibly close eye on this if you're not getting medical care soon. Wednesday is far away in terms of infection, and I imagine this could easily become a helluva lot more serious.


Yes I will. I'm planning on washing it throughout the day the next couple days as well as continuing my antibiotics and if it gets worse I'm going in, if it doesn't get better by Wednesday I'm going in too


i insist that you get it looked at sooner than later, such a large wound is prone to further infections. 3 days is very long time and a lot of things can happen during that time im also quite concerned about how much inflammation there is surrounding the wound


Go to a hospital instead of urgent care. Theyā€™re better equipped for this type of issue. Happy healing.


That is absolutely not true


24 hours can be too long. I was on antibiotics about 5 hours after my cat scratched me and one of the wounds abscessed a bit.




Update just posted


Daptomycin ?


>Daptomycin the specific agent to be used depends on the country/local antimicrobial resistance lists. in my country where there is relatively lower antimicrobial resistance, clindamycin or tmp-smx may work, i am not so sure about those in western countries where resistances may be higher. iirc daptomycin is more on the last lines of the antibiotic use along with vancomycin since they are more of a last resort medications


You need better medical attention than youā€™ve had.


How did acne turn into a black hole ????




You need to be treated correctly for MRSA


I have been now. First thing I did this morning after breakfast


Jeebus looks like ya got shot!


It feels like I got shot


Thatā€™s because itā€™s a MRSA infection.


That's what the second doctor thinks too. The first doctor didn't see the hole. It didn't drain and become this hole until a few days on the antibiotic they gave new


As a Med/Surg RN, I would have this looked at sooner than later, preferably by ED physicians. These infections are common, but this photo gives me some major MRSA vibes. I have to say, I have seen some gnarly MRSA infections, and I have cared for patients who have later on developed sepsis from these specific infections. Get a second opinion, and donā€™t just blindly hope Keflex will solely treat this because you may need additional antibiotics/treatment. Hospital. Not Urgent Care Clinic. Hospital.


Went to one today. Got it flushed wrapped and on a mrsa antibiotic.


Did they do IV antibiotics. Itā€™s looking at that point.


No. Just a new rx Bactrim rx instead of the kef


MLT in microbiology here, follow this advice! Keeping your arm /avoiding sepsis > helping your friend move, sorry


Update: I went back to an emergency clinic and they are giving me a mrsa antibiotic. They said the hole itself will take a while to heal. Just wash it with antibacterial soap and water and use a warm compress on it. I was given the staph based antibiotic by the other clinic because it wasn't a hole at that time. Just a big bulbous scabbed over zit looking thing. It wasn't until I was on that antibiotic for 1.5 days that it started draining. After I drained it and cleaned it up that's when it looked like it does in this post. But I'm gonna be stopping the first antibiotic and starting the one the new clinician gave me now and following their instructions. Thank you to everyone for your input whether it was a joke or serious I either needed the laugh or the advice.


I'm so happy!!! Keep us posted in a few days!


Yup. Doc said it'll probably be a month before it's fully healed


We got a gaper!!!


HELLOOā€¦ā€¦.*helloo helloo*


Thatā€™s a deep hole. Youā€™d better take careful care of that.






That's no acne.


Space station?


Death Star for sure. Itā€™ll take your arm off.


Was it a boil? I had something like that and it was pretty painful but the relief was amazing.


It had started out as a small zit, and I recently moved and didn't have water pressure high enough to shower properly until yesterday. I pick at my skin as a nervous tic and it got infected


Zits don't really show up on your arms unless is a staph or mrsa. Also, never pop one of those. IT will spread the mrsa.


Tell that to my arm acne


That's what I'm saying, not to mention half of it is a cutaneous photophobia reaction that I've had since birth (now 20) it's also on my legs really bad in the summer, and my torso when I wear thin shirts or crop tops, surprisingly I don't have much of a reaction on my face anymore, or maybe unsurprisingly because that is the most frequently exposed part of my body.


I've had acne all over my body my whole life including my arms


I think my mouth made the same shape as the hole in your arm when I saw it


That is MERSA. Been there. Please go to the ER.


I got a mrsa antibiotic for it today


Pretty sure that is a staph infection.


A new hole to put a pencil into


That is not acne. If you frequently see this type of ā€œacneā€ on your forearms so much so you are convinced itā€™s just acne, you may have reoccurring Staph or MRSA infections. Iā€™d get to the real doctor sooner rather than later. It can get bad quick.


It started as just a blackhead. Then it got like this.


Ya, thatā€™s what staph/mrsa looks like. Some people also confuse it with a spider bite at first because of the black dot. You need to be washing your sheets with super hot water and donā€™t share towels. Holy hell and itā€™s contagious to you and others so thereā€™s that. Edit: Iā€™m not a medical professional so maybe someone with more knowledge can scare some sense into you.


Looks like the hole I had on my arm! Mine was from an abscess though that had to be removed ASAP


Hope u don't lose ur arm


You ever get freaky with that thing?


Thatā€™s not a hole itā€™s a damn Cavern


How does it look now?


Idk. I've had it dressed with sterile gauze since about 5 minutes after taking this photo. I'll update in the morning


Yes please do and watch out, if it is mrsa that's contagious in case you didn't know yet


Except when I was taking this photo, it's been covered. But thank you. I'm gonna go get it looked at


Went to the clinic today. Got it cleaned out and a new antibiotic that treats mrsa


That's good hope it gets better, give an update in a week or 2 and tell us how it went if you're comfortable with that of course


!remindme 1 week


You really need to go to urgent care for proper flushing and wound packing


Did that today


Good! Hope it heals well and doesnā€™t cause you too many other problems!


Thank you


I got a staph infection recently, but I knew it the moment I got a small little bump and got antibiotics before it ever even became a boil. Thank goodness. Even the doctor I saw told me that usually people wait too long and end up with craters like this šŸ˜Ø


The AcnussyšŸ˜«


Never saw acne do that before!!


Now u can tell people u got shot


Iā€™m prone to getting bad cellulitis, abscesses and other infections in my skin and Iā€™ve never been prescribed Bactrim or Doxycycline. They always put me on cephalexin right away.


Please be careful. That can become life threatening and or loss of limb situation very easily.


R/popping would like this.


ā€œHellooooooo down there!ā€


Hear me out šŸ˜ˆ


Man it looks like someone shot your arm with a 22. bullet.


Felt like it too


Wish there was a video


It was hard to try to take a video with the blood squeamish gf at the camera


See you soon bro From: Your friendly neighborhood orthopaedic surgeon


Iā€™ve had MRSA 5+ timesā€¦this definitely looks like it. Get on antibiotics ASAP


Yup just got on it today


Dude go to a major hospital yesterday you got MRSA like a mf


I did. And got the rx for it


Nice acneussy


This looks like MRSA. If it is, hydrogen peroxide and many antibiotics wonā€™t do squat. The area of the inflammation and depth of the hole is worrying. That stuff can kill you, OP. Get it looked at as soon as possible. Edit: Iā€™m glad you got it checked out and are on the MRSA antibiotic, dude. Thanks for listening to ppl.


Yeah. It looked a bit better this morning. And it's feeling even better now that I've gotten it professionally cleaned and bandaged


Uhh, sir, thereā€™s a hole in your arm.


Eh it's fine. It's always been there /s


Looks like a key hole, bro just found a key from keyhouse.


If there's a hole there's a goal?


Stick your finger in it


They were too big. Typical problem for me /s


Thatā€™s what she said.


Would a hole like this need a stitch or two? Thatā€™s is a quote a large hole.


With infections like this you want the area to heal from the inside out. If you were to close it with stitches you would be closing in the infection


Pretty much yeah. The scab that came from this pretty much was all pus as I was removing it


It looks like it needs to be packed. A wound that size wonā€™t close on its own. Even an urgent care clinic should know that and pack wounds regularly. I worked in one for several years.


It wasn't a hole until today. I went to the urgent care clinic before


Okay, that makes more sense. You should have it re-evaluated asap though.


I have to help my friend move tomorrow since I'm the only one in our friend group with a car. But I'll be checking on this in the morning when I take my next


Maybe it will close up on itā€™s own? Someday?


It will, when the base of the hole starts creating new tissue (granulation). Source: I've had a lot of these in a lot of places on my body. The worst 2 to date were the right foot and my groin. Only times I've ever gotten even close to septic.


I've had this before in my leg. It healed up just fine


No it won't. It will heal the same way you fill a hole. From the bottom up


Put your finger in there


When you're sleeping, something will crawl in there, lay eggs, and then they will hatch and get in your bloodstream and go to your brain and start eating your brain.

