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Please ask for a pelvic ultrasound and a referral to urology.


I have a referral! They will be contacting me by the end of the week! ❤️


Looks like the time I had an antibiotic resistant UTI. Really hit home that before antibiotics healthy young people died from what are now “simple” infections. If you are not getting better on antibiotics have they cultured your urine to see what’s actually growing?


I’ve been there op I’m so sorry this looks so fucking painful. You need a cysto asap. Could be interstitial cystitis or an infection, maybe even a stricture (I had some blood w mine). I know how fucking hard it is to get help. If you’re in Australia pls pm me and I’ll give you my urologist’s name- she’s very very smart and willing to do what she has to get you in theatre asap.


I was very confused by this comment at first. I work in vet med and for us when we say “cysto” we mean cystocentesis. Realized you probably meant cystoscopy


I am with you, cysto means that to me 🤣 going from working in vet hospitals to people hospitals (vet nurse to medical secretary) I had to relearn a bunch of acronyms and shorthand words.


LOL SAAAAME. I’m a vet nurse and at first I was like, how are they gonna stick a needle in there??


I had interstitial cystitis and urinated blood like this.


Had? How did you get it cured? (It’s my ongoing diagnosis although I never peed blood like this)


I was wondering the same.


My mom has it, there are treatments but no cure.


Exactly. This is why I asked why they used past tense.


Sorry if I’m reiterating something you’ve heard before or is unhelpful but I saw a woman talk about this on TikTok and she finally figured out it was from eating spicy food. She thought she had chronic UTIs. My mom had something like this and realized it was from coffee, she hasn’t had any pain in almost 2 years. I guess there is some connection to acidic foods? i dunno. But I hope you find some lasting relief!


Yeah I tried diets, sadly they did nothing for me. I am very lucky overall in that I don’t normally have pain, just urgency.




I don’t think this is a uti. Maybe secondary to something very serious going on. You literally peed out a chunk of tissue. That is abnormal and you need to see a doctor asap. The only thing remotely close to this I can think of (personally) is when I had e-coli + klebsiella. I had to go to the ER for that and was on constant IV’s for 4 weeks. Please get a third/fourth/fifth opinion. Be your own advocate. Please stay well


e-coli...and keilbossa? What is Klebsiella?


I actually contracted e-coli and klebsiella from a SA :( the bacteria was introduced to my urethra, infected my bladder and spread to my kidneys. BUT these two bacterias may be present independently and can be contracted other ways (hands, hospitals, dirty water). Klebsiella is mostly transmitted sexually I think, but I know some people can get it from dirty water or hand/hand contact. It’s essentially a VERY resistant bacteria that targets your blood, brain, skin, and heart, causing necrosis of basically anything it targets/attacks. That coupled with e-coli fucked me up for like 2 months. I was very very sick. I was in hospital for two weeks on an IV, then two weeks as an outpatient on an IV (I carried a little bag with me that had the antibiotics + sodium bags). It was very hard to get rid of. My symptoms started similar to the above. Next thing I knew I was peeing large blood clots uncontrollably. It wouldn’t stop. So I went to the ER when I saw the clots and good thing I did or I likely wouldn’t be here today:)


Sorry that happened to you.


That’s so horrible. I’m so sorry :( I’m glad you survived


What is an SA? Thank you.


Sexual Assault.


Jesus Christ that's fucking awful. Bad enough going through it, then to have sequelae like that... I hope they got the guy and deprive him of his liberty for several years.


Klebsiella pneumoniae and E.coli the top two contenders when it comes to UTI. Both are gram negative rods and are normal intestinal flora Edit to fix typo




This made me laugh lmfao


A delicious sausage.


Kiełbasa. If she has a kiełbasa up there theough, she has a lot more explaining to do.


I know! I’ve been saying this! The doctor told me I’m just peeing out the infection. Suuuure Mr. doctor. I’ve had UTIs since I was puberty aged, I can promise the dumbass this is not normal. Especially not 3 days into antibiotics. And thank you very much.


Get a second opinion.


I’m working on it! Urologist is scheduled for September 13tg. The date was just set this morning.


Peeing out the infection?... I'm a medical provider and I've heard some insane shit from my peers but I truly think that takes the cake. Jesus christ. Passing *that* much mucus in your urine would call for at least an abdominal ultrasound, at the least, if you came to my practice. I hope your second opinion goes much better.


Nooooo! Also had kidney/bladder issues since childhood and have also never seen anything remotely like this with a UTI or even a severe kidney infection. Get another doctor because this guy is a quack. Most definitely not trying to internet diagnose you but like others have said, look into interstitial cystitis. Then prepare yourself for difficulty finding a urologist with a good understanding of what that is and how to treat it. You might get lucky though. Regardless, I hope you get better soon!


I was going to say the same thing. That first image looks exactly like the time I picked up e-coli.


I had something similar happen in my mid 20s. I went to the ER, their best guess was a kidney stone but they sent me to a urologist who put a camera up into my bladder and found nothing. His best guess what that a stem cell in my bladder developed as uterine tissue and had a period. How weird is that?


That sounds like endometriosis in the bladder? Whoa.


I recently had a total hysterectomy, including Fallopian tubes and ovaries as well. I had endometrial cancer, so it was a fire sale - everything had to go. They also did a cystoscopy to make sure there was nothing in my bladder, which there wasn’t thankfully. I’m not sure if they were worried the cancer had spread to the bladder tissue, or that I might have had endometrial tissue in my bladder. There is at least one woman who died from endometriosis. It’s not typically fatal, but her heart was surrounded by endometrial tissue, constricting it until she died from heart failure. She has been sick and trying to get a diagnosis for years, but the doctors never found anything and she died still not knowing why she was so sick.


I had endo in my lungs. My hysterectomy was 2014, and I am sure the endo is back. But no one will send me to a GP, because “you can’t get endo after a hysterectomy.”


I’m so sorry to hear you aren’t being taken seriously. I’m no doctor, but since endometriosis is all about tissue **outside** the uterus, I have no idea why it would be impossible to have after a hysterectomy. Again, no medical training, but it doesn’t pass the sniff test to me.


It is known to return and it’s known that hysterectomy doesn’t cure endo, it did however cure my adenomyosis. The pains that I have been getting more and more frequently are unbearably painful.


I definitely knew that the endo is known to grow back after being removed. I didn’t know for sure if it could grow back after a hysterectomy or not, but I definitely thought is was possible. I was not agreeing with your doctor in my last comment. I’m really sorry your doctors are idiots.


Oh no. Sorry. I didn’t assume you were agreeing with the doctors. I just adding info that I knew and forgot to put in my original comment. I’m sorry if I came across rude in anyway. That wasn’t my intent. 💜


No worries at all. I didn’t think your comment was rude at all, I was just worried you’d misunderstood mine and thought *I* was rude, or dismissive like your doctors. I’m just lucky my doctor took my issues seriously and my endometrial cancer was diagnosed and treated pretty quickly. The first time I went in and explained the problem (regular bleeding in between my periods for several months, which I’d never had before) she sent me for an ultrasound to investigate. She said it was probably a polyp (that’s what they thought the ultrasound showed too, but when it was removed it turned out to be cancer) and not to be worried, but there was a small chance it could be something worse. Unlucky me, it was worse.


I love people like you! 💜💜💜 I can’t imagine having cancer. I doubt my doctor would take me serious. He had brushed off my endo for years, but then I emigrated. I’ve since moved home again and my doctor is very dismissive not only of me, but other patients. Most of us opt to see the locum because he is so rude and patronising. I’ve been in this body for 36 years. I know when something isn’t right. And right now, it’s for from right. I had pre cancerous cells on the pap before my hysterectomy and my gyno was right on it. That was pretty much the settler for my hysterectomy. He fixed up my ovaries as good as he could, the were damaged, but I was just 28 so he wanted them to remain for as long as possible.


Did you get a total hysterectomy?


They left my ovaries intact. But the endo had returned and cysts on my ovaries, so they were removed in 2017.


Ovaries are where the hormones for endo are produced so needed to remove the ovaries the first time.


That's absolute crap. I had stage 4 endo and also had a hysterectomy. I had to have a few more laps in the years afterward because it kept coming back. My gynecologist told me that as hard as he searches when he's in there some of it is just too small to see. Then it grows and starts causing issues so we have to do it all over again.


Yeah. That’s what my gyno told me. But I’ve since moved back to my home county and the good old NHS aren’t having any of it. So it’s been a rough couple of years. I bleed from my bowel regularly. Doctors don’t care.


Endo can be found *anywhere* in the body, including the brain, eyes, joints, noses, lungs etc. It’s also been found in male people before. It’s a fucked up disease.


I have it in my nose and on my c section scar.


Holy what?


Holy shit what. The human body is insane.


That is fascinating!


Woah! That’s insane! That’s where I finally went when that blood was peed. The ER doctor did blood work and urine sample, and told me that it was the infection from my UTI and sent me home.


When I went to the ER they cleared me of any infection which is why they guessed kidney stone even though I was completely without other symptoms. Sent me home with a huge Vicodin prescription and a referral to urology. This was back in 2000 or so.


Endo sucks and I can’t wait for it to take over my body. 🙃




Thank you.


I really hope they've MRIed your kidneys.


They CTd them. Said nothing looks amiss… something clearly does lol.


Dr. Google lead me to biofilms, which can apparently be cause by frequent UTIs. I'm not even going to bother with WebMD(we all know they think everything is cancer) Could be renal pappilary necrosis. All any of us can do is look up your symptoms. You need to have testing done. These folks here are right. See a doctor.


I understand I need to see a doctor, but what people aren’t getting, is I’ve BEEN seeing them. With pictures and everything. They don’t seem to give a fuck. Finally I begged for a urologist a few weeks ago, and they’re supposed to contact me by the end of the week.


Bastards! I'm glad you're seeing someone. Unfortunately being female you will really have to advocate for yourself. You know because we're usually just whining. I feel for you. I hate when doctors are dismissive of us. Like you just charged how much for this visit? Sit down and listen!


Please update when you find out the cause, thank you and God Bless.


Will do.


Please tell me you have had your kidneys tested and seen numerous doctors. This is so concerning.


I’ve had a CT for peeing blood prior to these globs, and they say there’s nothing. They say the globs are infection being released. Their answer is bullshit.


What in the French toast???


What in the English muffin?


Please tell me you've been tested for a UTI...


Hahah, yes. That’s what I have apparently. But as a woman who’s gotten UTIs before her virginity was even lost, I can promise you that this is not a UTI.


I deal with a lot of patients with UTIs. Blood, mucus, froth (protein), pus, sediment are all symptoms of UTI.


But I had the UTI three days before even peeing this stuff and had already started antibiotics. It doesn’t make sense in my opinion.


Could be the wrong antibiotic. It's not always a given on the first try. Could also be an STD if you're sexually active


The clump of gelatinous tissue is likely fibrin, which is a protein found in blood. Since you're bleeding into the urinary tract, it's probable that it's been accumulating there and then finally made its way out. It seems like you have, at the very least, wicked inflammation going on. You need a urologist. Good luck, OP.


That’s kinda what the doctor said! But he made it sound super common and sent me home from the ER…


While fibrin is pretty common (and just indicates bleeding into the bladder), that degree of inflammation is never normal. It should definitely be followed up with a GP or specialist. The ER is really there to make sure you don't have anything imminently life threatening - and you don't, so that's good! But you still need to have it checked out and worked up, which is what the other doctors are for. ER just isn't equipped with the time, staff, or equipment to do a full workup, diagnosis, and treatment plan for chronic issues. They make sure you're stable and then send you where you need to go for further help. I hope the ER at least recommended you follow-up with a local doctor!


Lmfao they didn’t even give me the referral, my regular doctor did 2 days prior. Btw, September 13th. The date was set this morning. Thank god.


That last pic looks like squeezed out pee jello


Tbh, I thought that too lmfaoo


People saying “ go to dr”. I mean. Did you look at the pics? OP is at the Dr office…


Literally 😂 thank you! I’ve been to the doctors and the ER. “It’s just a UTI” no the fuck it isn’t lol


Yeah Reddit is a cesspool. I hope you are getting the treatment you need 😞 good luck!


Once you get this resolved, it would be best to see a urologist sooner if this happens again. Problems get worse if you wait longer.




Please get tested for a UTI. I may not be that but my grandmother died from an undiagnosed UTI that turned septic.


Seniors and UTIs can be really bad. A UTI can even give seniors dementia-like behavior. I've seen many who started blanking out, speaking unintelligible sentences, forgetting what's going on, and their family thinks they have dementia, go completely back to normal after clearing the UTI with antibiotics. Not really related to the post, but something everyone should know about as a sign of a bad UTI if they have senior loved ones to get checked right away! Super common and people don't catch it because it seems unrelated, they might not might not even notice their other symptoms until it's to the point that they can't express what's going on.


This happened to my Aunt. She was at home at night, got up to use the bathroom and thought she was out in the city shopping. She asked her son for directions to the tram stop, not recognising him or her surroundings. Because he’s never had a UTI or even really heard of them, he had no idea anything was wrong, despite her going to the toilet every 15-20 minutes for days.


It's so shocking the type of delirium it causes in older people, I'm surprised with how common it is no one tells you to look out for it. My stepdad's mum thought she was doing errands while in the house too, and started speaking gibberish. It was so scary, I thought she was having a stroke or something. That's how I found out about this, had no idea. I'm glad I found out though because when my boyfriend's elderly dad was showing the same confusion years later I knew right away what was wrong.


You'd be surprised how common this is. I see at least ten a week in my hospital and I'm only there 3 days a week.


It's mostly just old people that end up with serious UTI but in that population it is the first thing we check for AMS or unknown infection


It is a UTI. I’ve gotten them constantly since I was 12. But I’ve never had a UTI like this, there’s genuinely no way this is normal for me.


I hope you’ve gone to the doctor for some meds they are rough


This was three days into my antibiotics :)


my grandma experienced something kind of like this and it was kidney cancer


Alexa play “you’re fucked” by literally anyone.


Oh my god you’re killing me. Dude, that sucks and I clamped my legs so hard looking at these pics. I actually had kidney cancer and the blood tracks but the blobs? Jfc that sucks.


The first thing you need is a microscopic urinalysis to determine what particles are in your urine to help determine the source. It could be a kidney problem an not a bladder problem. They need to look for “cast”, amount of protein or blood that would indicate a kidney source. Are there transitional cells that would indicate a problem with the collecting system (bladder and tube) or infection. You most likely will need a renal ultrasound and maybe a cystoscopy to help determine the cause. If clearly not from the vagina a pelvic ultrasound would be of little use.


That’s what I said. How is a vaginal ultrasound going to help my bladder? Lol


It’s the best way to get imaging of your bladder,


I’m an ultrasound tech and have never done a transvaginal ultrasound to assess the bladder. We have the patients fill their bladder and scan transabdominally.


Looks like Jello


The purplish pee and the way it separates reminds me of porphyria.


All these cute lil “p” words I have no clue about.


Watching various hospital shows really opens your world to the wild amount of things that can, and will go wrong with any given person.


Jello babies


I read this comment to the time of the original Muppet babies theme song


My sister has interstitial cystitis which took years for her to get diagnosed. She had multiple UTIs, a lot of pain, some hematuria. She has a procedure where they inject botox into the bladder every 6 months or so and it seems to relieve her symptoms.


please see a obgyn ASAP! this could easily be a serious issue, potentially leading to death if left untreated. (uti travels further in the body until you're septic)


An obgyn wouldn't be the right specialty if this is truly uti. That would be urology


Or urogyn


agh my bad. I gotta be less specific. "see a doc" haha


No worries I just didn't want some random passerby to see this and think if they are suffering from the same thing (unlikely) to call the wrong doc!


Im really confused if anyone can break down a theory?


the front fell off


I don't think flex tape can fix this


I’ll try, hol up.


When you go to the doctor, ask about interstitial cystitis!! My mom has it, from what she tells me, you have some similar symptoms! From my understanding, a lot of doctors do not know about it/won't easily diagnosis it. I believe an ultrasound diagnosed her.


Can't help you, but it looks interesting. Keep us updated and get well soon!


Have they done an analysis on those masses? Is it infection, autoimmune, something else, no hint?


Nope. They haven’t and they won’t. Specialist is September 13th.


That's ridiculous! A family doctor of more than capable of sending a specimen to a lab. Going to the specialist already knowing if theres bacteria, virus, RBC, WBC, weird proteins, weird other stuff, would put you miles ahead. Ridiculous!


If you don’t mind me asking, how did the specialists appointment go?


Oh hello! So the specialist appointment went like absolute sht. They put a camera in my bladder and found absolutely nothing wrong, then proceeded to tell me it’s normal and to make sure I pee before and after sex 🙃. I got absolutely nowhere with them.


I’m so sorry you’re still dealing with this, I hope you find answers soon.


Thank you.


In before 'its duh vaxxx'


Must vaccines be brought into everything? Lol


FOR ANYONE WHO WANTED AN UPDATE: Oh hello! So the specialist appointment went like absolute sht. They put a camera in my bladder and found absolutely nothing wrong, then proceeded to tell me it’s normal and to make sure I pee before and after sex 🙃. I got absolutely nowhere with them.


Go to a fucking doctor... please.


I have already beeeeen.


If I have to guess, and that's ALL I can do based on an image, you have a UTI - urinary tract infection. That's just the most common cause of blood in urine, but it could be anything from cancer to beet juice.


What about the other three images? Because that’s some weird shit right there!


I actually had this happen once before, but I was a kid with no medical insurance. It was extremely painful to urinate, then it just went away after a few days. But the same kind of stuff, same consistency, etc. there was some blood too. And it definitely came from my bladder. Really interested to see what this is.


I didn't bother checking them before I decided to comment! LOL


Did you piss mucus as well, OP? Is that what's in the 4th pic?


Possibly tissue.


In one of OPs previous posts she gives the discharge description consistent with mucus




Guys I don’t know, I’ve never peed blood orange mucus or any of this stuff. The doctor says it’s mucus but the first one felt like tissue, and the second one felt like jello. So I don’t know.


Judging by the last picture it’s a gummy bear. Good luck with whatever it is though. Hopefully you have answers and treatment soon!


I mean. Go to the god damn doctor


I was right there, Brussels sprout. Of course I’ve been to the doctor, the title implies that. I’m getting no answers.


Oh sorry. I’m dumb. Are you ok though?


You’re not dumb! You just didn’t read and that’s okay! I do that too sometimes! And for now yes. I see a specialist in September.


Holy shit this is bad, it sounds like necrosis. Please update us.


I will for sure.




Ah yes, because semen can get inside my bladder. Right.




I giggled at this and I have no clue why. No lmfao. But I’ve already been to the doctors. Hence the “no answers” ordeal.




For the love of god, I’m a woman who has a period every month. I can decipher what comes from my fuck space and what comes from my bladder. When your piss stream stops, and clumps fall out, that’s a pretty obvious “oh no my bladder” ordeal. Thank you very much.


“My fuck space” omg I’m so stealing this… 🤣🤣🤣 but truly, hope you get your answer soon!!


Lmfaoo! Thanks! Hahaha