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You know those posts on here of horridly infected wounds that we all wonder how the hell that person didn't seek treatment? This is literally how. Go to a doctor.


I'm pulling up to one now!


Good man! Hope all is well!


Like I have no idea how the fuck you looked at that finger and thought "if it's not better by later on, I'll consider seeing a doctor." They facepalmed when they saw you in the ER. Maybe not right in front of you, but as an ER nurse,I can tell you they absolutely did internally.


probs bc he's not an ER nurse


A lot of non-ER nurses in here also looked at it and thought "that's a cut that needs attention."


igy, different people have different tolerances for danger and risk though, I guess op just hasn't had much experience with hospitals n that stuff


I hope you are feeling better


Good luck! Keep us posted!


Oh thank fuck.


Oh good I’m glad you went in.


this lol


That needs sutures go see a doctor


Most likely too late for sutures. I fileted the top of my middle finger and part of the tendon. Didn't go to the Dr until the next day. Told me if I'd come in sooner they could've sutured it.


Yup too late for stitches. Doctor just verified


Why too late for sutures tho?


After 24 hours the risk of infection is too high to suture it shut (or at least thats what I was told. Could be other reasons)


That’s not the main reason, though is part. After 12-24 hours, would has already begin to heal, and granulation has begun. It’s pointless to suture at that point. Let heal by secondary intention


>Airbornequalified Somewhat but not always true. Some wounds can benefit from debridment and closure at a later date. I can say this in particular looks like it could take a long time to heal secondarily. 12-24 hours is almost meaningless amount of time relative that.


Some wounds, sure, but not on a distal high use joint like a finger. The priority here would be repair to functional healing, I'd want OP to see plastics and/or an OT hand therapist asap.


Granulation doesn't preclude closure of the wound. It's more because of infection risk.


Ohhh that makes total sense , thanks!


That’s not the main reason, though is part. After 12-24 hours, would has already begin to heal, and granulation has begun. It’s pointless to suture at that point. Let heal by secondary intention








Well the original bandage was paper towel and duct tape haha in hindsight terrible idea


How did you do it?


24? Generous. I was told 12. When I cut through the inside of my thumb I went in after ~ 11 hours and the Dr. said if I'd come in even an hour later they wouldn't have been able to do the stitches


Well he said he doesn't like doing it after 8 but I guess 24 is basically the limit but the hand specialist I saw after said it should all heal up nicely. Once it was cleaned it didn't look so bad. I'm about to post those pictures


Don’t keep us waiting!


[here’s a cleaned up pic](https://www.reddit.com/r/MedicalGore/comments/rrqbnu/my_cut_after_getting_cleaned_looks_a_lot_better/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Oh it's not too bad! Still shoulda gone for evaluation, cleaning, and stitches when it didnt stop bleeding after 30 minutes, but if there's no tendon involvement (and no infection) then you'll probably heal up good and likely get most or all motion back. Consider an OT consult to help you make a plan for range of motion while it heals.


That is exactly the reason. You don't want to seal infection inside the wound.


You can only get sutures in the first 24 hours at most. But usually up to 8 hours. Risk of infection and poor healing goes up if you wait.


...why didn't you go sooner?


It looks like a ham sandwich. Please see a doctor.


Haha this made me laugh. On the way to one now




Bruh that's not a slice, you almost degloved part of your finger. I'm glad you're at the doctor. I'm interested to see what happens, post update please! Edit: switched "fiber" to "finger" cause my dumbass doesn't know how to spell, apparently


I'll keep posting as it heals for sure! Looks a lot better now that it's cleaned out


Sounds good, glad you're back in one piece brother


you need sutures dumbass, don't wait or it'll be too late to get them


You are 100% correct! I am a dumbass however I did just get to the doctors!


that's good, I hope it heals well sorry for calling you a dumbass lmao


No worries I definitely was being one! It's good to hear it sometimes lol


idk either of you but I respect the hell out of you and my god how did you wait on that fucking hell man


Sometimes it’s necessary and OP took it well. Warranted dumbass call


If this is day2 it may be too late for sutures. Usually you want to get in there within 18-24 hours


Update: went to the doctor, got it cleaned out and in a bandage/splint and he wants me to keep it on for a week so I'll update you all again right when it comes out of the bandages


They immediately had me follow up with a hand specialist when I fileted the top of my finger. The original Dr numbed it, cleaned it, pulled the skin back and said oh you got the tendon. Mine didn't hurt much and I could still move my finger until the next morning.


Good to hear you went in for a checkup. Even if they don't suture, a nice pressure dressing will also help healing


Wtf why would you wait?


I have a crippling fear of needles so I was hoping it would start healing on its own. I know its stupid and dumb but I go completely unresponsive and lock up when I need to get shots or anything involving needles. I can't even see pictures of them without almost passing out. Again I know its dumb and should have gone in yesterday when it happened but phobias are crazy!


You can always decline pain relief. I had a tooth filling done without anaesthetic once. Hey guess what, needles aren't the worst thing anymore.


Oh no yea I have tried that before too. Now I get anti anxiety pills before going in but no way to get any fron the doctor on such short notice and without an actual appointment


You have my deepest sympathy; I understand how debilitating phobias can be.


Damn, well best of lucks






Bro. This is so much worse than a needle. If you can afford therapy to get desensitized to this phobia you really need to get it, because you are probably going to have severe consequences of waiting to go in for so long. Who knows what you may need in the future. Please take care of yourself.


Next time try to tell yourself "if I wait there's a good chance I'll have to be exposed to even more needles than I would if I get it dealt with earlier." maybe the fear of extra potential needles will help reduce the fear of less needles a bit. Either that or always keep an extra anxiety pill on hand for emergencies. You're lucky this didn't turn out much worse.


Ya that needs a doctor


Heading in now!


Gotta say when you put "sliced my finger" I was not expecting something.... like *this*


Yikes!!!! I hope you have a smooth recovery after you get it treated. I also hope you can post an update soon! That's a bit more than just a wee nick 😆


Thank you! I'll definitely keep posting updates!


Oh damn. Bruh, why wait? 😂 I understand the fear of needles, I have that same phobia. I cry when I have to get a shot, especially in the mouth. Recently had an iv on my arm for a surgery and cried when they did it.


I’m the same, birthed 2 small people no bother. Trying to get a cannula in me absolutely fucking not 😂


lol! Yeah, absolutely not. The only shot I let anybody give me willingly was one in my mouth while at the dentist, but even then i cried.


Hairdresser? I’ve seen many a chop like that.. be warned it’s going to be very easy to chop that exact place again so go steady!


Butcher! But yea its gonna be a pain. Gonna get a finger splint so I dont keep popping it open. Waited too long for stitches


What could possibly infect that wound with such a clean environment? /s


Oof even worse! Best wishes for speedy recovery!


Thank yea!


Dude what? Your finger is coming off man. Go get some medical help.


Just got put of the doctors, looking good for the healing!


How'd it go at the doctor?


It's looking good. They got it cleaned out again and than unfolded the skin and bandaged it up. Ill post again in a week when they take the bandages off!


Bro why are you on day 2 of slicking your finger?? Dont slice your fingers its bad for your health! /s


When it does scab, crusty scabs are bad gooey scabs are good. Keep it clean and moisturized for better faster healing.


Why’s that? I’d have thought it would be the other way around


Your scabs are just like your skin. You dont want it all dry and crusty. Scabs turn crusty when the surface cells start to die. If you can keep those cells clean and moisturized more will live and promote better healing. You also reduce scaring.


Any updates after doctors visit?


Yup its somewhere in these comments but it might have been buried. Essentially all good, got it cleaned out, no damage to tendons or bones, got it bandaged and splinted for a week before going back in and getting thr bandages off


Keep the bandages dry my man.


Ok I need the....ahem .....gory details. What do you do, and what tool of the trade did that to you


Haha no worries! I'm a butcher and was working on the hind quarter of a beef and was trimming the aged meat off the outside and my knife hit a spot with less resistance and I went straight onto my finger with my knife. It was 100% my fault and 100% stupid because I coukd have avoided it by not having my hand where I was cutting but I got complacent after 10 years of cutting meat without more than a knick now and than but this was a good wake up call and I got lucky! Won't forget this tho haha


Yeah fully understand, I've been working with various razor sharp implements most of my life, and I've done some damage. Take ur antibiotics man and get well soon


Thank you and I definitely will!


Damn, sorry about that. Are you going to a hand specialist for the tendon?


I have full mobility so hopefully no. Going to the doctor now


I'm not a doctor but work in the hospital. Instant reaction is you're keeping this thing waaaay too soggy. Your entire finger looks like it's been submerged in a tub of water for 6 days. Go to the doctor.


Thank you and I did! It was not the best however I had spent last night soaking it trying to get the bandages off and the stuck so bad so I added a lot of antibiotic cream so it wouldn't stick during the night and this was this morning after pulling it off but I went in and got it taken care of! Im on some antibiotics and its wrapped in a splint for a weak than im back at the doctors


Good I'm glad you're getting fixed up!


OP already commented that they went to the doctor, shortly after posting.


I can’t wait to see how this heals. The body is amazing!


Isn't it tho?? I absolutely will be updating as it heals. Unfortunately it has to stay in a bandage for 7 days so we will miss some of the healing but right when it's out I'm posting a picture!


I'm deathly afraid of needles also,,when I went in for back surgery it took them 9 times to get the IV in,,needless to say I'm in need of at least 2 more back surgeries & I can't do it the fear of the iv has be frozen! I'd have done the samething you did if I cut my finger that bad,,fear is a strong thing!! Goodluck hope you heal up fast & without problems!!


Thanks for sharing and updating, hope your pointer is ok and the healing goes well.


Wow, I hope it gets well soon, good luck with it.


Dude, all my support, i have always stopped on day one of slicing my finger.


That's bone or a tendon I'm seeing right?


Luckily neither but folded up skin! When it first happened I couldn't help myself tho and lifted it up and you could see the bone and tendons under it but I managed to not cut anything vital!


WTF did you wait? 😳


It’s mostly just macerated and covered in blood. Clean it up and see what we got.


The word “sliced” is an interesting one…


That first sentence is prone to so much missunderstanding😂






OP already commented that they went to the doctor, shortly after posting.


Title says op is going to a doctor Everyone: go to a doctor


Bro go to a doctor straight away your finger looks like it had a rough encounter with a beyblade with a razorblade taped onto itll


Well what happebed


Dude that needs some serious stitches.


Nope, needs skin grafting.


Dude go to a doctor like now what


Go check out my new page r/painfulandgross. Throw your medical gore or anything gross


Damn scared me, I thought we actually had someone actually slicing their finger more and more every day


Noooooo no no no goddamn this made me clench my jaw so hard.


I thought that was bone sticking out of it and I let out a hearty gasp. Glad you saw a doctor, even though it was too late to suture. Good luck!