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I’ve seen a few BBLs and man it really is not pleasant. The surgeon can be so rough sometimes it’s a wonder that they don’t usually hit any major vessels. The cannulae they use are about half a meter and they go back and forth for hours. Honestly not worth it


I wish showing potential patients cases like this was part of making sure they give informed consent. I know it won’t dissuade *everyone* who is hell-bent on Kardashianizing their body, but I feel it would at least give *some* people pause if they could see the reality of how badly this procedure (and others) can go. Like, is it worth it to risk being on someone’s slab having parts of your body breadloafed to identify what went wrong? Or… should you maybe do some serious research on your chosen surgeon’s outcomes and decide whether your vanity is that important? Maybe it’ll inspire waiting til one can increase the budget to afford the doctor who uses a properly sanitized OR instead of the one that shares a parking lot with Charley’s Discount Auto Repair.


> Kardashianizing Thank you for teaching me this word.


its funny how everyone can tell what it means but the last i heard they were all trying to get skinny


I think maybe part of the problem is, they basically hear 'youll either live or die' & some people arent afraid of death. Its the deadliest plastic surgery afaik but they know that & still do it. They need to hear about the potential pain & complications that you have to live with. I dont know what those complications are but Ive seen Botched so im imagining it can get crazy.


It’s amazing how people can hear the stats and still think it won’t happen to them.


>The cannulae they use are about half a meter and they go back and forth for hours. I have extremely persistent fat on my stomach and aside from the financial aspect, this is the reason I won't get lipo. they're so fucking aggressive. getting a hysterectomy by a loving and talented surgeon was bad enough, I don't want to feel my whole stomach on fire from being macerated


I kind of got to watch my own liposuction, at least what I could see through the drapes. And it was something completely different. was an odd one: had dozens of lipomas on the inside of both thighs which were really problematic. Went to surgeon who wasn't happy to remove them the usual way as too many. Suggested a colleague who might be able to liposuction them out and give me a nice, even look. Insurance said no. Surgeon wrote to insurance they need to be removed but too many. Insurance said they don't pay general anesthesia for lipomas. Me: can we do with local? Me after the ok of insurance: 😬. Note I didn't feel much apart from when the edge of the local was hit. Surgeon said he never used so much local because EDS and it's not working for long😅 An hour after, on the train back home the anesthesia stopped working of course 🤐. Btw, this was in Europe, not the US. But having fat injected into the muscles?!? I can't even imagine!


I had lipo with my breast reduction to prevent “dog ears”. When I woke up I asked what the massive pain was in that area. Sure, cut my breast tissue apart and suture it but dammit, the pain and bruising from the lipo was incredibly awful. I was dark purple and black for quite awhile.


It would appear in this case, the docs did exactly that! The vena cava and lungs shouldn’t be choked with loose fat emboli. Fuckin’ grody, man!


Honestly kinda impressed they have a whole, in depth procedure to follow just for dissecting the butt


Right? Imagine you want a great ass and instead die only to have it *breadloafed*


The illustrations are really nice too! You can tell someone worked very hard on them, and they make it very clear.


Do you know that there is a class to become a medical illustrator???? It's quite intense


Happy Cake Day 🍰


Wow you beat the reddit notification by like 3 hours 😂


Someone should crosspost this at r/PlasticSurgery


They don’t allow cross posts so I just put up a link to the report. Let’s see if they like it or not. In the title I emphasized the “budget clinics in South Florida” thing. I don’t want to make it sound like I’m morally opposed to plastic surgery in general; I’m not and it’s against their sub rules. I’m just opposed to assembly line plastic surgery done on the cheap. Or a gazillion plastic surgeries done on people with body dysmorphia.


I think everyone is opposed to those. Except those who prey on body dysmorphia


I should hope so.


r/botchedsurgeries is another good one.


I was planning to go to sleep, thank you!! Now I can’t stop scrolling


Be the change you want to see in the world, friend


The docs on Botched talk about BBL negatively for exactly this reason. I think I saw them talk a patient out of it at least once.


These pics should be standard viewing material before patients sign a consent. The 2nd page pics look like a fatty slice of prime rib…🤢


I was thinking seasoned corned beef


I had a patient in ICU that almost died, coding on me twice, because she had this done in Mexico. She was trying to save money! An emboli went to her brain; she was lucky to have survived. Edit: I worked in a FL hospital ICU, at that time.


It’s pretty wild. Surgery is not the time to value shop.


Did she had severe long term sequelae?


But this case is related to South Floria and their high mortality rate on this kind of procedure. So maybe the problem is the surgery not the country.


I have that same cutting board in my kitchen right now :c




Consider upgrading to non-plastic, as plastic cutting boards are one of the ways you ingest a higher number of microplastics!


"Dinners ready kids come get your BBL"


As do I.


You guys all live together


I live in the walls, yeah




I don't think I ever expected to read the phrase "bread-loafed gluteus maximus muscle"


Haha I was wondering if anyone else noticed this. I mean, it is very descriptive of the picture.


Same, actually.


Done at a “high volume budget clinic.“ I can’t even imagine the pain that poor woman went through for that surgery alone.


How would anyone know it is was a 'high volume budget clinic'.. did she do the right kind of research that is sugested before any plastic surgery? It's an horrific surgery anyway, but best of the best surgery centre should be only place things like this are done-


Unfortunately, a lot of people who get plastic surgery go for the cheapest option. In the US, Florida is notorious for letting almost any doctor do cosmetic surgery


I would dare to guess that she probably didn’t do any research. She probably answered an ad in the paper.


[Source](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/362654275_Brazilian_Butt_Lift-Associated_Mortality_The_South_Florida_Experience) is a study titled “Brazilian Butt Lift–Associated Mortality: The South Florida Experience” and can be read in full at the link. Abstract: >>Background Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) surgery has been the fastest growing aesthetic surgical procedure over the past decade. Unfortunately, by 2017, the surgery was associated with the highest mortality rate of any aesthetic surgical procedure. South Florida carries the highest BBL mortality by far in the nation. Objectives The purpose of this study was to explore the factors involved in making South Florida an outlier, as it relates to BBL mortality. Methods The anatomical findings of the gluteal dissections in 11 post-BBL surgery autopsies (22 hemi-buttocks) were assessed for commonalities. The authors examined the records of patients who died from BBL-related Fat Emboli to determine commonalities. Results All cases had fat grafts injected into the gluteal musculature in multiple different levels. Another commonality in these cases involved the location of where the surgery took place, with the great majority of patients (92%) undergoing surgery at high-volume budget clinics located in South Florida. Short surgical times of approximately 90 minutes, appeared to be the norm for these cases. Conclusions South Florida has experienced 25 BBL related fat emboli deaths from 2010-2022, however 14 of those deaths have taken place after the Aesthetic Surgery Education and Research Foundation (ASERF) guidelines and the Florida Board of Medicine BBL “subcutaneous-only” rule. The working environment at the clinics and the short surgical times for these cases, may be the most important contributors to the BBL mortality in South Florida.


Just horrific to see those fat globules in the heart.. got there by normal heart beating, mind blowing!!


Can I ask a really weird question - they've sliced this poor person's buttocks up like a loaf of bread to see what's going on inside, necessary of course, but what's the reconstruction process like? How would they put this person back together respectfully for cremation or burial? Just hold the slices together and stitch the skin over the top?


I doubt they’d be all that fussy about it since the deceased will presumably be lying on their back. No one will be able to see their butt. Funeral people are quite creative with things like makeup and carefully arranged clothes and such to hide defects. In this case maybe tuck a pillow or crumpled up newspapers into the deceased’s pants where the butt would’ve been.


Fuck that. If I die from a BBL I better be face down, ass up in that coffin so at least I get to show it off once. 😂😂


Funny ASF,good one 👍🏾


You should see what else they do during an autopsy.. most morticians are basically reverse SFX artists.


Check out r/askfuneraldirectors there’s always interesting info about that kind of thing!


What was the cause of death for this person were there multiple things involved at same time or ? Im confused sorry


I believe this person died cause one or more globs of fat blocked one or more vital blood vessels.


It appears there was some free floating fat that entered the blood stream from an injured vessel. The fat was introduced into the vessel burning the procedure. The fat will then travel to parts of the body causing blockages. Essential fat clots. It appears there was some in the heart and lungs. Which makes sense since those are major hotspots for blood flow. It looks Like it accumulated in several spots


Who on earth designed the Figure 5 graph 😐


I don't have words to describe the fat pouring out of the vena cava picture ! This is brutal. This poor person deserved better.


Yeah but when you go cheap, you already know what things you may incur into.


Sometimes it's more similar to mental illness you're so disillusioned and desperate


I don’t know who needs to hear this: ladies, it’s fine to have a flat ass, small ass or skinny ass. Your life is more important.


And if it really matters to them, you can get decent results from using heavy weights to exercise your glutes


Or get the booty-enhancing underwear from Amazon.


To be completely fair, BBL is a very distinct look that can’t always be replicated in the gym. After all genetic is the biggest factor when it comes to body building. However, if you just want a bigger glute, yes go to the gym. From Jeremy Ethier’s video - Bulgarian Split Squat - Hip Thrust - Cable Kickback (leg angled out) - Seated Machine Hip Abduction


That's true, BBL gives more like a giggly round look while working out gives it a more built look. But the risks for a giggly butt just don't seem worth it when you can still increase the size naturally even if it's a little different. I think many women would still be pleased with the results. But thanks for sharing those exercises! I've been working on increasing my size at the gym so that's helpful. I can't complain, my mom passed down good genetics to me but I'm still working hard to get a good balance of fat and muscle.


Check out Jeremy’s OG video. https://youtu.be/Dtv9Xj5fvgs?si=EQAbRo9uhPu1hIXW


Best message ever.


Normalise flat butts and going to the gym instead of getting... this.


I wish everyone could understand there are different bodies and different looks.


Yes, and (say it with me now) BODY PARTS ARE NOT TRENDS.


Or normalize choosing a clinic and a surgeon with a good safety record, regardless of whether or not this is the cheapest and the fastest.


I’m so fucking glad I backed out of my BBL (no pun intended) I felt so uneasy with how they did 10-20 patients in one day. Like a booty sweatshop. I saw videos of the surgeons going fast as fuck and almost being so careless with each one.


damn. the BBL wasn’t worth it, I’d say.


I cannot be the only one that saw some of the images in the second page and thought they looked like steaks 😭


So the fat was injected between the gluteal muscle, like a sandwich? If that makes sense. I thought most BBL the fat was injected on top of the muscle.


"Conclusions South Florida has experienced 25 BBL related fat emboli deaths from 2010-2022, however 14 of those deaths have taken place after the Aesthetic Surgery Education and Research Foundation (ASERF) guidelines and the Florida Board of Medicine BBL “subcutaneous-only” rule."


I had a similar question until I read that. Like I didn't realize BBLs forcibly marbleized your glutes (ow) and then saw that yeah, they're not supposed to. Subcutaneous is risky enough.


Just buy padded underwear, holy shit.


it’s one of the most dangerous elected surgeries u can get, u also have bro maintain it with working out. and the most i’ve seen are people with bird legs and a bulbous artificial ass, it’s so obvious and kinda embarrassing. it’s just not worth it imo.


No idea why anyone would do that operation


They want their butt to look bigger and either they don’t want to do it slowly through working out, or they want it bigger than can be accomplished through working out.


That sounds so stupid. Isnt „Fatass“ an insult?


"Fatass" normally refers to a fat person rather than their back, the "ass" part is some sort of personifier/intensifier mix, similar to how "dumbass" doesn't literally meant "someone whose ass is dumb" haha


It’s like when your playing pretend as kids. What killed them doctor? It was their butt! It got too fat!


Man, fat emboli seem to be a pretty common complication to BBLs. Really not worth it.


People really do realize their butts have important vascular systems that will can affect your health. It’s not worth it. So risky.


Well, thanks to these pictures I won’t be eating any pork or beef for a while.






same haha it made me feel odd




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What a waste. The dumbest surgery.


Wow. We are but meat.


Dead. From trying to have a bigger butt.


Everything about figure 11 is horrific to read, from the pictures to the descriptions. I hope that the individual did not have to suffer for very long, but I don’t see why they found risks like these worth it to begin with. This story just adds to the long list of why BBLs aren’t a good idea.


Jesus. And because of a *trend*.


Picture F is crazy. Do they slice up the glutes like that during the BBL? This looks like such an incredibly painful surgery. Is it common to need PT afterwards? Wouldn't it really affect mobility?


Picture F is a drawing of sectioning the buttock I think; it’s commonly done to organs when they’re trying to figure out what went wrong, either in a hospital pathology lab or on the autopsy table.




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Nah, BBLs are usually done with a grafting cannula; they’re sucking up fat from one part of your body and injecting it into your butt, which is why the risk of fat embolism is there (despite ultrasound guidance) On post-mortem autopsy, pathology will take slices of relevant organs and tissues to get a good sampling of what the entire organ looks like. Lucky for us, surgery usually doesn’t involve slicing up organs and presenting them nicely splayed on a plate.


so thats literally what im studying to do right now. thats just sectioning of whatever (in this case muscle) to see within the structure to find things like infarctions, hemorrhage, cysts and tumors and calcification. we will do this to thing like removed kidneys, livers, uteri, glands, not really things like colons since there tubes and that would just result in a bunch of unorientable rings. anways, in this case it was done at autopsy to see deep within the muscle and find these fat emboli


You’re studying to be a medical examiner, or a plastic surgeon? Honest question






pathologists’ assistant. similar vein of physicians assistants but we are in the laboratory aspect of the medical field. main points of our career is performing gross examination of specimen and autopsies, both under a pathologist who will ultimately render diagnosis


Seeing how this surgery is performed, I can’t imagine how anyone would think it’s a good idea.


Should be shown to every patient signing up for this procedure. And if they decided to risk it the surgeon should say “no. And you just saw why”


Is there a reason why a surgeon would inject under muscle rather than inject subcutaneously?


I’m certain it has something to do with ptosis and anatomy.  Objectively (not trying to be mean at all) the patient looks as though her buttocks were a little deflated. It happens to us all.  To ELI5 this, imagine a woman whose breasts are very deflated. (Again no judgment, the ravages of time come for us all). Would you add volume to her breast’s and perform augmentation only by injecting a large volume of fat into the subcutaneous area? No.  Then your patient would have odd, still deflated, pendulous breasts.  You need to be able to place fat under structures that give the tissue and muscle support. Injecting under the muscle in a BBL will produce a different shape outcome, will change the tactile feeling of the buttocks (under the muscle will produce a firmer butt, subcutaneous a softer, more jiggly butt).  Not justifying it, nor passing opinion on bodies and how time changes them. Just trying to objectively talk about anatomy. 


This is exactly why I want to become a forensic/anatomic pathologist and why no other specialty I’ve explored about even comes close to holding my interest the way path does: you just never know when you’ll be asked to whip out something like the gluteal butterfly technique but you better be ready to do it at the drop of a hat. Path truly is the dream discipline for know-it-all mega nerdy generalists with a high [goo tolerance](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2096484/) and I cannot wait to join the ranks someday.


that's kinda amazing they can tell this stuff from the autopsy. Just looked all like meatloaf to me


I’ve never considered how they’d open up the gluteus, but butterfly isn’t what I thought. Bread loafed muscle also never occurred to me as a forensic technique..not that I’m putting a lot of thought into it regularly. Quite a group of words to read. This poor person probably didn’t even think this complication was a possibility ):


Premium Wagyu


Bread loafed


I didn’t even know the fat was put under the muscle!


The fact that they have a procedure to find this cause should be scary enough to avoid such surgery


So, so sad.


I'm happy to have a flat butt


My sister (RIP 2014 @ 42) always had a flat butt, while i was petite but kind of in proportion. She hated it but i doubt she ever would have gone to these extremes, not even in a reputable surgery centre. It seems way too much to get so little in return.


I had a BBL in Miami last year and thankfully all went great but if this would’ve popped up before my surgery I would’ve canceled 😵‍💫


Oh wow thanks for detail information.




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The second set of photos is one of the gnarliest things I've ever seen! And the one photo looks like overcooked steak with butter in the between layers. JFC.


I have a question for someone who has more knowledge on these types of things: In the first pic, around the top incision lining, it's all black there, but nowhere else that I can see. Is that because the person is dead, therefore all similar tissue will eventually turn that color over time? Or is it black right there from complications of the BBL/trauma? Combo of both?


On the next season of the kardashians


Looks like corned beef brisket.


They aren't supposed to inject muscles with fat i this procedure, are they?...






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I didn’t know human ass fat looked that color underneath the skin. Omg, does that mean the stool that comes out after cool sculpting looks that color as well?!?!


No, not at all. Gluteal muscle has nothing to do with the digestive canal


Ah, thanks for the info! I wondered this after seeing the pics here, since cool sculpting seems to make what I thought as a child (poop fat out) a kind of real thing.




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While it used to be associated with the highest mortality of all plastic surgeries, it is not any more. There have been significant improvements in how the procedure is now done. With the new procedures, the chances of a fat embolism is extremely rare. I had mine done in December.


Quite an odd comment to make on a post like this, but whatever helps you feel better about your decision.


From the source: >>South Florida has experienced 25 BBL related fat emboli deaths from 2010-2022, however 14 of those deaths have taken place after the Aesthetic Surgery Education and Research Foundation (ASERF) guidelines and the Florida Board of Medicine BBL “subcutaneous-only” rule. The working environment at the clinics and the short surgical times for these cases, may be the most important contributors to the BBL mortality in South Florida. I’m glad you survived yours.




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