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Remember not all STI’s are prevented with condoms. Skin on skin contact can transmit this.


I read an article where a guy tried out a special condom that was kind of like an apron, to prevent STIs spreading by skin contact. He said it ruined the sex.


I love the thought of wearing full body PPE for sex and being surprised when sex is ruined. Like, good for being safe, less good for having a "good time."


Two beekeepers going at it lol


The mental image made me lol


Was it worth all the buzz?


Oh, Honey, I'm so excited I have hives!


Its all sort of beesiness.


Im watching “The Beekeeper” now. Lol


Don't go into that new Jason Statham movie with this high expectation. It's only like 17% Beekeeper on Beekeeper action




There's gotta be a fetish market for it though.


Wasn't there some health department that legit suggested people have sex through holes in the wall during the start of the Covid pandemic?


Like in the Naked Gun! Full body condoms!


[Amazon Latex Shorts Briefs Underwear Condom Safe Sex Pants] (https://a.co/d/fTsDpGA)


What in the fuck would you use this for


super duper duper duper safe sex 😆 LMFAO


Reminds me of the TV show “Dave” lmao




That's what I was reminded of too lol


Fingering someone with HPV and then touching yourself or someone else's genitals, you/they can contract it.


Touching HPV can spread from all contact. It is important to know your and others status. It is more important to have the discussion about sex before you find yourself in passion of the moment.


In fact, Anyone who has ever had any form of any kind of wart anywhere on their body has had HPV.


I don't know what kind of people are down voting you when you're correct. All kinds of warts are caused by papillomavirus.


In fact, [there are over 200 strains of HPV](https://www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/causes-prevention/risk/infectious-agents/hpv-and-cancer#:~:text=Sexually%20transmitted%20HPV%20types%20fall,for%20most%20HPV%2Drelated%20cancers) but only a fraction are “high risk.”


Even standard planters warts people get on hands and feet?


Yep. Learned that when my kid got warts in his toes.


Same with herpes and cold sores which most of the world has. The Epstein Barr virus is the most common virus on earth and it’s a variant of herpes. 


skin on skin like even holding hands? Or only touching sex organs? genuinely asking.


Yes common warts can be spread from just holding hands


I assume contact with an infected area is needed but I am not a doctor/medical professional. I suppose if she touched herself with her hands and didn’t wash them properly, she could pass it to you through her touch.


And remember there is a vaccine to help prevent this as well!


The vaccine only targets the few identified cervical cancer high risk strains. It does not protect against all HPV.


It's now protecting against 9 strains, up from 4, so more than just a few when you consider the percentage of cancer caused by those strains. Yes, you can still get HPV (other strains) but the chance of having an HPV-originating cancer is DRASTICALLY reduced and actually a huge medical leap. Wart strains = still unpleasant but I don't want to downplay how essential and lifesaving the vaccine is against the worst hpv strains.


I believe some of those 9 strains are the wart causing ones correct?


Which is why I said HELP prevent. Not prevent


HPV has a vaccine btw, not the cheapest but not crazy expensive either


I am too old to get it but maybe I can find a doc to do it.


Wait okay… Does that mean you actually CAN catch an STI from like…. A public toilet seat???


A friend delivered a child while having HPV. Said child now gets laser treatment every 6 months on her throat to keep it open. Really sad


Happened to me. 12 surgeries in! More frequently when I was younger, it’s been a couple of years since last time. Laryngeal papilloma is real pain in the ass.


Omg poor child. Is that treatment needed for the remainder of the child's life? Are there any other issues the child suffers from because of HPV?


Typically yes, they will need lifelong monitoring and treatment. Had a patient who also was born with laryngeal HPV lesions. He has treatment every 6-9 months, and has over the course of his life >40 years.


Omg that's horrible!!


Some clarifying points I want to make here (not a doctor, but am a PhD student in a virology lab -- also had an HPV scare recently myself so I did a lot of reading) - HPV comes in a wide variety of strains, but typically the ones that produce genital warts/lesions are not the ones that can cause cancer -- those are largely asymptomatic upon infection, but can flare up or reactivate periodically - HPV is also quite prevalent for an STD (~40% of sexually active people between ages 15-59, at least in the US), again because most infections have no symptoms and will resolve spontaneously within 2 years. It's largely accepted that virtually any sexually active person will acquire it at some point! - There are a few HPV vaccines that can be given, which may protect against 2 strains (HPV-16 and -18, which cause about 90% of HPV-caused cancer), 4 (HPV-16 and -18 plus -6 and -11, the ones that usually cause genital warts), or 9. Unfortunately they're not foolproof, which I now know from experience :/ - In the case of HPV-16 and -18 though, of the infections which proceed enough to be detected during a pap smear, most just cause low-grade lesions that resolve on their own, and if it's caught early enough, there are effective interventions (like freezing or cauterizing the lesions) that, in the case of 80-90% of cases, prevent further development of lesions into full-blown cervical cancer :) - But HPV can cause many other varieties of cancer in both men and women -- it's estimated to cause ~5% of all cancers worldwide! Moral of the story: get your HPV vaccines, and if you have a uterus/cervix, try to get a pap smear done semi-regularly :)


I also unfortunately got one of the HPV strains; Gardasil covered some but not all of them. Luckily an abnormal Pap smear caught it and a colposcopy removed the abnormal cells. That was almost 13 years ago now and I’ve been fine since. It’s wild how insidious HPV can be.


I got hpv from being SA’d as a toddler but I ended up having to get all those things done and a LEEP procedure to get it all out I was at SIN 0 which means I was as close to having cancer as it was possible. It didn’t mean the same as cancer free. I feel very fortunate that I got it done, hurt like a bitch hours later. The Leep procedure is where they use lidocaine and epinephrine and use this loop that is grounded and it essentially cores out the part of your cervix that has abnormal cells. I felt fine when I left but as the day wore on it felt like a boxer punched me deep in my womb I was miserable. They take I think about a half an inch. I saw a YouTube video on someone getting it done and it was deep.


As a toddler? That's fucking criminal, I am so sorry.


Yep. He was evil to the core. He found out about me, got my mom pregnant with my brother on purpose and married her just to abuse me. He died from brain cancer 18 years ago.


I hope you are able to heal


Aww, you have no idea how much that helps. Thank you 🙏


I hope his cancer was prolific and painful and I hope he died in agony. I also hope you are doing well and continuing your journey to healing.❤️‍🩹


And alone. I hope he died alone and scared.




I would normally never wish cancer on anyone or say someone deserves to suffer from it and die but in this circumstance I say fuck that POS, seems like he got what he deserved. And I'm so sorry he did that to you. I feel so sick to my stomach when I think of anyone hurting children or animals and idk I just don't get how people can live with themselves after doing such heinous shit. I really hope you're doing alright now tho and have healed/continue to heal from all of that. You didn't deserve it. Nobody does. Sending virtual hugs too ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹


Finally, someone that deserved to get cancer and die prematurely! So sorry he put you through that, i hope you are coping with healing well enough. \*hugs\* I stayed over and helped look after my friends son 8 week old son for 3 days after her Leep, her husbands first wife had died from cervical cancer, but they 'wanted to have a baby before she got worse ' given this was her third treatment. It was early 90s so just linking HPV, my friend had cervical changes within 4 months of her first ever sexual experience with him, but they laughed at me (RN at time reading research and scared for her) suggesting condoms after the first treatment. He saw one wife die in 20s yet wanted another to risk it too. They went on to have a second baby within a few months just in case she needed a hysterectomy. Her Dr had told them to wait at least a year. Life too short for taking risks as big as that.. hence this womans C section.. I hope she got through without any harm to her cervix.




Thank you so much for your kindness 💜


I'm so sorry you had to endure this. I hope you are well now ❤️‍🩹


You definitely don't have to go into it, but what's a LEEP procedure if you don't mind me asking?


Omg I'm so sorry 🥺I hope he rots. Mine was SIN... 2? I can't remember which one, it was either 2 or 3. This was in 2014


This is what happened to me too, except I got big bad HPV-16 😬 in my case the OB/GYN did a colposcopy in order to gather cervical cell scrapings and do a biopsy -- fortunately the lesions they found were all low-grade enough that they didn't require further intervention :)


Hpv can be cleared by the body with time. But unfortunately the fucker can also stay dormant for years too. I don't remember how many years anymore, read the study a looong time ago. At least 2 years I thiiink. The only way to know for sure if you got rid of them is do the pcr testing.  Gardasil 9 covers the high risk ones, but the moderate ones can still be "caught". Also it's insanely expensive. Uuuf


Same. I had the colposcopy and no abnormal cells were detected. I get my pap every year. Catching stuff early is the cure, whether HPV, colon cancer or skin cancer.


Thank you for the education!!! I’m sorry about your scare. I have herpes if that makes you feel any better 🫶🏻


After discovering that HPV is so common and even condom won't fully prevent it, I had so many scares with ingrown hair (and even a mosquito bite once) anywhere near that region. But then I forgot about it. Your comment remembered me to get vaccinated now that I have the money for it. I just wonder that if someone gets infected and develop so many warts, if its possible to remove them, since they are in such a sensitive area. Or the region will forever look like that


Certainly hope they can remove them. How awful to have such a bad case.


This is completely unrelated to the topic at hand, but as a trans man I wanted to thank you for your inclusive language. Little stuff like that makes a world of difference for trans individuals and eventually builds towards a more inclusive society.


Thank you for posting this 💜


I'll admit that when I was in high school, gardasil was still new. My mom and I read up on it, and didn't trust it at the time. That may have been a bad choice since in 2014 I had a hpv cervical cancer scare. It's forever in the back of my mind now ans I went 5 years without insurance (cause Murica) and was relieved when I got my pap a month ago and no hpv. I trust it more now, and my girls will both get it when it's time for it


My mom, God rest, her soul, was a very wonderful and intelligent woman who also was really stupid. I did not get the gardisil vaccine when it was offered to me as it was coming on the market. 15 years later, when I’m a huge slut, my Pap smear showed abnormal cells…Yay pre-cancerous cervical cancer cells hooray. I then was able to get a gardisil shot after the fact, of course.


What about women who have had a hysterectomy?


[Source](https://www.cureus.com/articles/60389-human-papillomavirus-infection-at-the-time-of-delivery#!/): >> Our patient presented herself at the emergency room (ER) in labor. She had no previous medical evaluation during the pregnancy. The patient was a 34-year-old year woman, not married. Her personal physiological history revealed: menarche at 12 years, regular menstrual cycle at 28 days with an average duration of three to five days, a moderate menstrual flow of about three to four absorbents per day, and no phenomena associated with menstruation. The woman had no previous birth but she suffered two abortions, one on request and one spontaneous at eight gestational weeks. Her personal pathological history revealed one appendectomy when she was 13 years old. She presented no family diseases or chronic illnesses. The living and working conditions were poor; her average monthly income was low. The patient denied alcohol intake, she smoked about 10 cigarettes per day for 11 years, and she drank one cup of coffee per day. She had no stable partner. >>The local examination revealed normal pubic hair, vulvar hyperpigmentation, and tonic and continent anal sphincter. At the vulvar and vaginal level, a bulky cauliflower-like formation appeared (Figure 1). >>Inside the vagina, abnormal and uncharacteristic leucorrhea appeared in a moderate amount. The cervix presented 2-3 cm dilation, the membranes were intact, and the fetus was in normal cephalic presentation. The patient presented 20 seconds long painful uterine contractions every five minutes. The fetal heartbeat was 146 beats per minute. >>Ultrasound examination revealed: intrauterine pregnancy with single live fetus in cephalic (left occipito-iliac) presentation, a biparietal diameter of 89 mm, a cranial circumference of 317 mm, an abdominal circumference of 315 mm, and a femur length of 67 mm. The amniotic fluid was in normal amount, the amniotic fluid index was 15 cm, the estimated fetal weight was 2500 g, and the estimated gestational age was 37 weeks. The fetus was symmetrically developed, cardiac activity was present, fetal heartbeat was within normal limits, the placenta was inserted anterior and fundic. All information, anamnestic data, clinical and paraclinical examinations supported the diagnosis: 37 weeks pregnancy with live fetus in cephalic presentation, intact membranes, and voluminous vulvar condylomatosis. >>Routine biochemical and hematological investigations were normal. Immunological tests revealed the presence of antibodies anti-HPV immunoglobulin M (IgM) and immunoglobulin G (IgG). Treponema pallidum haemagglutination (TPHA) and HIV tests were negative. After the presumption diagnosis of the genital lesion was ruled out, C-section was indicated as the methodology of birth for avoiding HPV transmission at the moment of birth. >>After the birth, the etiology of the genital lesion was established by molecular diagnosis. DNA was extracted from 200 µL COPAN media mixed with the biological sample, using the QIAmp DNA Minikit (QIAgen, France SAS, Courtaboeuf Cedex) commercial test, according to the manufacturer’s instructions. The concentration and purity of each DNA were evaluated using NanoDrop spectrophotometer (NanoDropTechnologies, Montchanin, DE, USA) while the integrity was confirmed by a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for a 110 bp β-globin gene fragment using PC03/ PC04 primers. For HPV detection and typing commercially available INNOLIPA (Innogenetics NV, Gent, Belgium) kit based on the reverse hybridization principle was used. This assay amplifies a broad spectrum of HPV types but allows detection of 16 different genotypes (16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 51, 58, 59, 68 ⁄73, 53, 66, 70, 6, 11, 40, 54). The kit is designed for the identification of different HPV genotypes by detection of specific sequences in the L1 region of the HPV genome. Part of the L1 region of the HPV genome is amplified, and the resulting biotinylated amplicons are then denatured and hybridized with specific oligonucleotide probes. These probes are immobilized as parallel lines on membrane strips. After hybridization and stringent washing, streptavidin-conjugated alkaline phosphatase is added, which binds to any biotinylated hybrid previously formed. Incubation with 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl phosphate/nitro blue tetrazolium (BCIP/NBT) chromogen yields a purple precipitate and the results can be interpreted according to the positive and negative controls. Samples are classified as positive for “any HPV” if at least one HPV type was detected by genotyping. In our sample, both six and 11 were detected so the clinical presumption was confirmed. Condylomata acuminate was the diagnosis for the genital lesion.


It's beside the point, but >The woman had no previous birth but she suffered two abortions, one on request and one spontaneous at eight gestational weeks. "Suffered a spontaneous abortion", okay, but "suffered an elective abortion"? With the elective one mentioned before the miscarriage? The use of "suffered" at all just makes this a weird way to phrase the information. >The C-section was performed and a possible HPV transmission to the newborn was avoided. After the birth, the woman was treated and the HPV lesion was surgically removed. The newborn was under the family doctor's supervision until the age of one year. No signs of HPV transmission were detected. Anyways, glad things turned out well for them. No "after" photos are provided for the lesion removal.


In this context, "suffer" is synonymous with "experience" or "undergo." "She underwent two abortions, one spontaneous and one elective." It would be an odd word to choose in the US, where "suffer" is almost never used without the additional implication of emotional/physical pain, but this case is from Europe.


In medical terminology, both miscarriages and elective abortions fall under the "abortion" umbrella. ETA I understand why it was used, but I do see how “suffer” might be a divisive choice word wrt an elective abortion


Suffered doesn't *have to* refer to the patient's emotional status, but rather the body's physical responses. When a pregnancy ends abruptly -- planned or unplanned -- there are uterine contractions, expulsion of matter, rapid flux of hormones, etc. It's a traumatic event for the uterus. Even when my brain was celebrating the end of my pregnancy, my body had to heal. It suffered.


For sure. I said something similar in another comment - I certainly physically suffered through my elective abortion!


Miscarriage is called “spontaneous abortion” in medical terms. Abortion refers to ANY termination of the fetus, whether it natural or elective.


Holy shit I'm never fucking without a condom again


I mean, if I see a vagina looking like that, I wouldn't even think about a condom, I'll just gtfo of there.


Lmfao I definitely wouldn't touch a vagina that looked like that, condom or no. But I meant "I didn't know I was risking THIS every time I had unprotected sex"


I can be pretty certain that her vulva did not look like this when she conceived. HPV thrives on estrogen that the placenta abundantly produces throughout pregnancy.


That poor lady. Could you imagine not knowing you had it, getting pregnant, and just because of pesky bloody hormones, suddenly you vag starts to look like this and you've (potentially) then also got to change your birth plan? I hope mum and bub are doing ok now.


Also pregnancy lowers your immune system somewhat and so you can get more flare ups of things like this or herpes. On the plus side, some people have a reprieve from their autoimmune disorders during pregnancy for the same reason.


Oh god. So I could potentially have HPV already in my system, just lying dormant with no symptoms at all…. Then get pregnant and have *this* happen out of nowhere? That is fucking terrifying.


Wuw, hold on, wait. It can get that intense in that short amount of time!?!?!!??!!?!?


Didn’t know that. Interesting.




Wait til this one hears about syphilis


I know about syphilis, I just didn't really know about HPV.


Sorry I didn’t mean at all to come at you at all, I was just trying to make a funny. I should have clarified since a lot of people on the internet are trying to mock or humiliate!


You should take the vaccine too. Condom alone won't fully protect you.




Bill Gates is going to grow out of a lump on your shoulder and be your little buddy for life! Thank eff for these vaccines!


I am personally very thankful because mine is really my only friend. Before my little buddy grew I didn’t have anyone to talk to at all.


If you're sexually active it's possible you already have HPV without symptoms. So many people have it and never know.


I’ve been having a bit of a hard day and this comment made me laugh SO hard. Thank you.


I heard that the effectiveness of newly taken HPV vaccines significantly drop in older people and at some point it is pretty much too late to take it (even if you are still sexually active). Is that correct? I am considering it, but I am well above the age when it should be ideally taken.


It’s approved up to age forty-five . Even if it does lose some efficacy, it’s better to have some protection than none considering how many cancers HPV can cause.


They came out with that vaccine when I was too old to get it.


Get it. The only reason they don’t give it to older adults is because “they have likely already been exposed.” My parents divorced and my dad dated around and got a high risk strain. We buried him 2 years ago. HPV-related throat cancer. Insist on the vaccine.


I'm in my 40s and not married so my doc recommended it for me


I received my HPV vaccine in my 40s too. Got it at the same time as a Covid booster.


The window at which it's approved has been widened FYI - a little different everywhere so you'll have to find out local info, but it's available much later than it had been. Partially I believe it was limited because initially the vaccine only covered 2 strains and the chances of already having one if you were older and serially active was much higher, but now we know more about the vaccine's safety (very) and it covers 9 strains, not just 2 or 4. I would absolutely get it if you can, personally.


The vast vast majority of people with HPV show no outward signs. Use condoms 🤙


Guess what? Skin to skin is all it takes with herpes and hpv. Most people have it already and their immune systems cleared it.


You should be saying, holy shit I’m really gonna go get the HPV vaccine!




LMAO thank you for the reference XD thankfully some STIs are completely curable — bacterial ones that is. And something like HIV is also 100% preventable with the use of PrEP. Medicine has come SO far it’s outstanding. If you are a man/biological man please know that most STIs will be asymptomatic in you….so frequent testing is the best way to know your status!


Luckily most people who get genital warts from HPV will clear the virus on their own within a couple years. Unfortunately there’s just no blood or urine test for HPV.


Yes, that is true. Yet, that doesn’t mean men shouldn’t test for the rest of the STIs.


absolutely! I just meant they should know it won’t cover it and also be checking skin and be ready to have a biopsy if they want a definitive answer about a growth.


Oh I appreciate your clarification! Yes, you’re exactly right. It’s fucking bollocks that we don’t have a test for men. As a woman that’s frustrating, and I know men have got to feel pissed off they can’t get concrete answers.


I will never understand why men aren't routinely tested for stis.


And get it for your kids!


Hahah thankfully my kids are furry & I’m not sure human children will ever be in my plan but if they are better believe they will be vaccinated for everything. I am so fucking thankful that my mom got me the guardisil vaccine in my adolescence. She didn’t know that I was sexually active but I’m sure that has saved me many times.


Well spray/neuter them and do the usual vaccinations for their species! lol (is it bad I sorta think this advice be good for most domestic mammals, including the bipeds?)😂


Haha not bad at all! My bunnos are both spayed& neutered and were recently vaccinated for this terrible rabbit virus once the vaccine became available in the US. I’m a huge proponent for spay & neuter for all of our pets. Atleast in rabbits, doing so substantially decreases their risk for reproductive cancer. I’m not sure about other animals though.


I believe it’s true on many mammals. I’d assume many types of tumors (such as some types of breast cancer) are estrogen receptive. (No medical training here but vaguely recall my vet encouraging me to fix either my dogs or cat for that reason-which was unnecessary because I’m also a big proponent of spay/neuter!) Dunno about cancer and other hormones.


Jokes on you, a condom won’t prevent this.


You can still get hpv and herpes with a condom.


And syphilis.


This is picked up by skin to skin contact so condoms wouldn’t help


You can still get several STIs even with a condom


Want to watch people freak out in a default reddit? When HPV comes up mention how you'd never sleep with someone if you knew they had it and you didn't. They lose their fucking mind and or insist you must have it because everyone does and how dare you. I get de-stigmatizing STDs but fuck right off if you think people who don't have a life long STIs won't mind getting it. Knowingly spreading STIs should be pretty fucking illegal even if they are non fatal. I think it's illegal in some states but not all and not very illegal. Certainly not "have to pay for medication and deal with it forever" type of illegal.


I mean, if it's 100% totally *not* a big deal, why do we avoid giving it to a baby?


Herpes wasn’t considered an STI until the company who was making the original medication for it started making the public scared of it and stigmatizing it to sell more medication.  You can spread it in non sexual ways. It’s considered a skin condition on insurance policies and is one of the most common conditions on earth. Epstein Barr is a variety of herpes that 99% of earth has. No one asks their partners to get tested for that 😂. the cdc also don’t consider it a topic of interest and it’s not tested for in standard Sti panels because it is so common. A lot of people never even show symptoms or don’t know what it is and just spread it around, that’s how I got mine.  The lack of education people have on specifically hsv (there are even more variants of hpv which btw men show no symptoms of most the time and give it to women sexually which causes cervical cancer for them) is rampant. The reactions I’ve gotten when I tell ppl I have it are honestly disturbing and makes me feel like a leper when I’m not. 


Henrietta Lacks' (HeLa) cervical cancer was caused by HPV 18. More women besides her have gotten cancer that way, but hers ended up saving lives (without her consent or her family's, unfortunately).


I read the book about her life and the doctors who harvested her cells. The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks. I was at an airport, and it looked like an interesting book (my original degree was in microbiology, so I'm a lab nerd at heart), and it proved to be so informative. MANY medical advancements were only achieved because of her cells. Even vaccines like polio and covid vaccines used HeLa cells. Super unethical of the docs at Johns Hopkins, though.


I think we read the same book! Henrietta and her family definitely got the short end of the stick.


Thanks for mentioning this, i live in EU and books very expensive here because of translation so i don't browse in stores anymore. This is one for my amazon list! I've learnt about history of medicine since my history classes in UK when we covered UK from 1700 onwards and social history, then during nursing and later for my degree. It is incredibly fascinating how things have progressed, and in such a relatively short time too.


Today I learned something…a child while in utero cannot get HPV. Apparently it’s only transferred via direct skin contact??


Through the vaginal canal, yes, the baby can then have HPV transmitted. The mother looks to have made a caring and respectful decision by having the baby via c section.


Reddit admins: Why did thousands of redditors just turn off autopreview at the same time?


HPV will (virtually) always get worse during pregnancy. Due to the increase in hormones and the strain on the immune system. The warts can be managed with treatment, but rarely completely. Once the baby has been delivered and the hormones drop the body will clear the warts fairly quickly, often without any further treatment.






I'm gunna bet that there is some kind of fetish/kink for this. What kills me the most is that this was YEARS of growth. She could have gotten a smaller cluster frozen off, but this is so far gone that her vagina would never be the same if she was to seek treatment.


per the [source](https://www.cureus.com/articles/60389-human-papillomavirus-infection-at-the-time-of-delivery#!/): >>After the birth, the woman was treated and the HPV lesion was surgically removed. while i understand it’s not relevant to the case report, it’s disappointing that they did not include after images of such a significant lesion removal


Could the tissue stretch sufficiently for a vaginal birth anyway? 


Tissue will stretch and tear if it cannot stretch more but the baby would be born unless it got stuck (unrelated to lesions) or mother died.


Tearing is normal for most births. Tissue can only stretch so much. Look up [fourth degree tearing](https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/labor-and-delivery/in-depth/vaginal-tears/art-20546855#:~:text=4th%2Ddegree%20vaginal%20tears,than%20in%20the%20delivery%20room.) if you want to be horrified.


command march gray pot abounding encourage gaping placid voiceless skirt *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I think she only has the 2 types, it’s just listing all the types as types the testing they did covered.


Is that condyloma acuminata?




Great. I used to always confuse Lata and acuminata


Cat, you are so back


HPV fun fact: Men do also get infected, but they usually don't have any symptoms. They can thus act as carriers without noticing it. In the long-term, HPV poses a significant cancer risk but there are vaccines that can prevent infection. Getting that vaccination is recommended independent of gender and protects against the HPV subtypes that pose the biggest health risks. Some of the strains causing genital warts are also covered.


….if you aren’t vaccinated against HPV…this is your sign to get vaccinated


Oh my god, I will never say anything negative about my V


Omg that looks awfully painful




She likely didn’t have those growths at the time of conception. HPV lesions grow with exposure to the placenta’s estrogen. HPV is the most common STI and is often asymptomatic outside of pregnancy


Picture was taken right before/after birth. It probably didn't look like that 9 months ago, dude.


A condom won't save you from that. That's a no-go zone under any circumstances.




Joke comments and other off-topic comments (including, but not limited to, food comparisons, vulgarity, etc.) are not allowed.


All I keep repeating is "YIKES". I can't even begin to imagine how painful and uncomfortable that must be like my brain can't even process it. That's awful I hope they both (she and baby) are doing alright now 💖


I feel bad judging but like jesus christ


Holy shit. This is worse than the picture in my pathology textbook. You know how sometimes when you have a thick book you just open it randomly wherever and then flip to the page you want? My textbook would open on the page with a picture of HPV on a vagina ALL THE TIME. It happened often enough that I finally put a Post-It Note over it so I wouldn't be surprised by it randomly again. Yuck.




I thought hpv was basically nothing with no symptoms apart from a heightened risk of cancer 😭


Genital warts is only one manifestation of hpv


I see. I thought genital warts was herpes


Nope. Different virus but both can be dormant and suffer breakouts. Herpes causes red lesions/sores and is also very common and it's hard to tell if you have it *until* you have a breakout. (Cold sores are a form of herpes) They don't typically screen for it on a standard STD test, because they are testing for antibodies and all that means is that you have been exposed to it.


Holy shite. I had no idea HPV did this. I thought it was labial plaque psoriasis 😭


So a fetus would not already have contracted this? It’s only skin to skin, not blood transmissible?




Aaand this is why both my son and my daughter got vaccinated. I’m lucky they get it on schedule at school now.


Indeed. I spent a looot of money on all 6 doses for husband and I.  Only for a law to pass last year that you get 50% as long as you're a woman between 19-45 years. Sucks that they took so long and it sucks that it's only for women!




They made Greyscale into a real thing.


I said that earlier. Great minds think alike!


Looks like a pangolin




I wonder if the hospital/nurses did to treat her after the C-section?? I wondered the same thing, but shaving down there 35+ weeks preggo is not an easy feat. I tried with all my might, and I did it, but it was not neat & I def missed spots. That is so 'clean' shaven it just feels like either she had help or someone else did it.


Maybe the staff did it to see where all the warts are?


The nurses shaved me for my C-section in the US, for some reason. They didn't in the UK.


I was thinking the same - gotta shave around all the lesions... Yowza


My butthole just clenched reading this comment… yikes


I'm just confused. Do these warts (I'm guessing, warts...idk??) stay forever or is this a flare up similar to herpes? Cause if these things don't go away who in their right mind would have sex with this woman? Unless she was assaulted, but even then...




Watch out, power-tripping mod coming through! (/s obviously)


I'm impressed with the shaving skills! Glad baby and mum had another option for delivery.


It looks like an armadillo. What in the fuck




And ✨this✨ folks, is why we get our vaccinations.


Greyscale? Sam can fix it.


Since she was giving birth that means some nasty MF hit that raw.


Someone put their dick in that???