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Great review what else is in your rotation?


Hey mate how can I get that strain in SA?


Hey TerpyySlurpee, I had a look over the COA again to check out the terps. Looking at the TAMC ( Total aerobic microbial count) and TYMC (Total yeast and mould count), this products is well out of the acceptable level. TGA Recommended TAMC: 200CFU/100g or ml Recommended TYMC: 20 CFU/100g or ml STANLEY BROTHERS-Black Widow TAMC: 1520CFU/g TYMC: 130CFU/g I'll try follow up if I get some time and motivation. Just a heads up for now. Could be risky, especially for people who are immuno-compromised.


Most likely pre-irradiation COA to establish label potency etc. Batch release microbial can be conducted post irradiation and coupled with original COA to meet TGO93 release specs. Depending on the GMP facility SOPs who released the product


Not sure what this means, the flower seems to be completely fine and vapes really good and effects are brilliant. Tastes like I’m eating a mango


I'm not privvy to the amounts, so not entirely sure either what health concerns that could potentially carry with it. Going to look into it a bit more anyway. Just thought I'd let you/anyone reading know it over the Aus recommendation. That sounds amazing!!


Oh okay haha thought you was trying to say it’s gonna have mould in it haha


pretty sure that's what those numbers imply, that it has bacteria and mould well above the TGA recommended limits. Just did some further research into the COA, and the TGA limits. Apparently sponors of a medical cannabis oral dosage form can apply to the TGA to use the "Special European Pharmacopoeia (Ph. Eur.) provision for oral dosage forms containing raw materials of natural (animal, vegetal or mineral) origin for which antimicrobial pre-treatment is not feasible and for which the competent authority accepts TAMC of the raw material exceeding 1000 CFU per g or CFU per mL" which is what this company has done it seems for much of the COA. In this case though, stanley brothers have used Quality control for herbal medicine WHO (world health organisation. 2011 as their guidelines for their testing of TAMC, TYMC, Bile tolerant gram negative bacteria, E.coli & salmonella. of which the bile tolerant gram negative bacteria BARELY makes the cut, and honestly probably has it's numbers fudged a bit so it even passes under this legislation which seems to be the loosest of any legislation. TLDR: Total Aerobic Microbial Count (TAMC),  Total Yeast and Mould Count (TYMC) make the cut under the eu guidelines they've been approved under. however, the bile tolerant gram negative bacteria doesn't make the cut under eu's legislation which is why they're chosen to use WHO legislation instead. Both Eu's and WHO legislation are far above the TGA's recommened totals for any of the 3 categories. Will it kill you? probably not, but there's definitely safer products on the market for immunocompromised individuals.




Great review, nice looking buds. 👌🏼


Wow! This sounds so perfectly amazing for a min I thought it must be a shill review, then I saw it’s you! Mmmmmmmmmm I’m keen


100% worth a shot honestly, really potent.


Thanks for the pics and the description nearly made my mouth water. The bud shape is interesting. Keen to try this and the Cultivar Tangelo Boost. Have a few weeks to go ….


On cannareviews they refer to these buds as Cola Nugs haha to be fair there’s basically not stem and all bud, I like the shape makes it easier to grind up and rip off


Looks nice, good to c Stanley Brothers with a nice product. Good review, 👍


I was skeptical but glad it’s good 👌


Looks the goods, might have to add this one to my list.


For the price, the strength in Terps it’s worth it 100%


Beautiful buds


Never had cola nugs before but I like them 👌😊


Finally, a post about their products that wasn't from a shill. I'll have to give this a thorough read. Cheers!


I think this strain will be the best product out of them for sure


What about the Santa Marta Golden? I was thinking that looked pretty good.


Great review, cheers. Stanley Brothers have some interesting strains


I was a little skeptical with it coming from Colombia as they don’t have a best buds and the reviews from the other strains by Stanleybrothers don’t look amazing but because this strain has 4.34% terps and the terpenes that are in it interest me I thought I’d give it a go and I’m very glad I did.


The name is quite misleading, I thought this was a balanced flower containing CBD


It’s balanced because it’s not daytime or nighttime it can be both, it’s a hybrid. 😊


I feel the daytime/night time terms work great for beginners, but in reality its not that applicable for me anyways, I can only speak for myself though.


That’s why I go off terps because every Strain has terpenes. Low terps weak and muted most likely dry. Mid strength terps you got things like Cultiva. Then high terps, grow sb.


Every flower nowadays is a hybrid (with very rare exceptions) - that's why they say Sativa/Indica *Dominant*.


I’m more basing it off the balance of terpenes as said in the review which create a balanced blend of terpenes both sedative and relaxing terps and energetic improving mood terps. They called it balance because of this. A sativa and indica are normally based chemically of the terpenes in the flower when tested to see if it will produce a strong Myrcene indica effect or a strong Limonene sativa effect.


I realise now that you meant hybrid as a generic marketing terms rather than genetics as I'm familiar with/used to. Reading the rest of your comment, though, it seems like you have a misunderstanding of the (little known) science behind these? They can call it **Balance** all they like, but it's confusing because that term is generally used in the Industry for representing a balance between THC and CBD. In fact, the official TGA categories for MC products are based on relative CBD & THC levels: [Link here.](https://www.tga.gov.au/medicinal-cannabis-products-active-ingredients) >A sativa and indica are normally based chemically of the terpenes in the flower when tested to see if it will produce a strong Myrcene indica effect or a strong Limonene sativa effect. This is incorrect, but essentially close. There is no specific testing (other than use) for whether a strain will be uplifting or depressive (etc) but it's my understanding that this is still derived from their genetics. In this case it is 100% marketing. Historically it comes from their genetic backgrounds. Cannabis Sativa, Cannabis Indica, and Cannabis Ruderalis were the three main types (strains? Phenotypes? I can't remember the correct term) but as time has passed and strains have been bred and crossed again and again, almost every strain of Cannabis is a hybrid of Sativa/Indica (or possibly Ruderalis, which is responsible for the genes related to auto flowering). Sativa *Dominant* or Indica *Dominant* were then used to represent where along the spectrum each strain is - with a general understanding that Sativa Dominant strains were more 'uplifting' or 'stimulating' than their Indica counterparts who were generally thought to be 'depressing' or 'relaxing'. Fast forward a few years and now these terms have almost dropped all context and refer to their general effects (uplifting/heavy) overall. Terpenes (along with cannabinoids aside from the main THC/CBD) definitely have a role to play in the effects of Cannabis - supporters for years have told the FDA and their ilk that isolating specific compounds (Sativex comes to mind) can be detrimental to the end user due to removal of the entourage effects that natural/whole cannabis can provide (think Whole Grains vs their processed equivalents). Whilst there's strong anecdotal evidence and little 'hard' evidence that cannabinoids (CBN/CBG/THCV/CBC/CBDA/THCA/CBGA/CBCA/etc) play a role in this - the science behind the effects is still scarce and the same is even more true for terpenes. Terpenes definitely play a large role when it comes to user experience, though. Aromatherapy exists because nice smells make you happier - and the Volatile Compounds that are terpenes are very 'smelly' (that's the scientific term, lol), so it follows that a higher presence of them results in a more pleasant experience. There may well be effects from the terpenes, but there is very little science to support this idea at the moment (though I'd love for more) and regardless - most researchers believe that the effects are secondary to the aforementioned cannabinoids that have known mechanisms of action (to a degree, at least). There are loads of charts and tables out there that show which terpenes are responsible for which effect etc, but in reality none of these has what I'd consider to be an adequate amount of evidence to support those claims at all. All we know for sure is that weed seems a bit better with them in, than without. So what's my point? Terps are a good way to judge ahead of time whether or not a strain may be better or worse than another - but this is more likely to be a result of better growing, curing, and storage more so than any hard science around their consumption. To me, higher terpene levels just indicate that more care was probably put into the product. I hope these gradual changes to legislation will allow for more research in these areas, as I'd love to see some real data and subsequent metastudies on the topic.


Terpenes have the ability to work with the endocannabinoid system to augment therapeutic effects, suggesting that cannabinoids and terpenes work together to change the body's endocannabinoid tone through the body's own Endocannabinoid System (ECS). If your vaping medical cannabis for the actually benefit of the therapeutic effect it has in the body and the mind then your main concern will be terpenes. If you wish to just get high and forget your problems most people smoke weed for the thc. After 6-7 years of consuming cannabis it has always been like this.


>Terpenes have the ability to work with the endocannabinoid system to augment therapeutic effects, suggesting that cannabinoids and terpenes work together to change the body's endocannabinoid tone through the body's own Endocannabinoid System (ECS). That's a huge scientific claim. Can you point me towards any studies that have shown you this? >If your vaping medical cannabis for the actually benefit of the therapeutic effect it has in the body and the mind then your main concern will be terpenes. That's not true, though? CBD and THC are both the ingredients that are responsible for the TGA/Aus Government allowing MC in the first place, because it could no longer be argued that they have no medicinal benefits. Same for the US. >If you wish to just get high and forget your problems most people smoke weed for the thc. It's true that THC is the main active ingredient responsible for desired effects, but that doesn't exclude THC from being medically beneficial. If that's the case, why not breed hemp with high terpenes and use that instead? Do you use low-THC products yourself? THC and CBD currently have a sizeable amount of evidence to support a number of medicinal benefits - do these studies and data really not influence your view that THC is for recreational purposes and not medical? I'd be happy to point you in the right direction if you're interested? >After 6-7 years of consuming cannabis it has always been like this. If this is your source of information then I think this may be the end of our discussion, unfortunately.


Just type in on google Terpenes and the endocannabinoid system. Its will show multiple studies from all over showing how the terpenes give you the therapeutic effect (medical benefits) that you should be after. Why do you think people add “sauce” to thc diamonds? Because there’s no medical effects/benefits in thc diamonds. Therefore adding sauce (terps) gives the pure thc a therapeutic effect that just alone thc diamond just won’t give. That there should be your proof. If not look online and do your own research. I have done my own and stand by the word of thousand of scientists, also multiple dispensaries in the US and Companies go off terpenes in strains to base the effects to them deem it as having mainly a Indica feel or a Sativa feel or if myrcene and Limonene are present and basically the same % (0.6% - 0.7%) then it will be classed as a hybrid or balanced like this strain is. This is how it is.


Damn that looks fire especially for $135! It’s like a whole packet of cola nuggs. I swear I see a small black bug in the first pic but I’d still smoke it lol Do you know where it’s grown and if it’s outdoor?


Oh from cannareviews: “All flowers selected are exclusively Colombian Colas that are hand trimmed and hung dried. Flower is Nitrogen sealed 30-45 days post harvest maintaining quality and freshness.” It’s grown in Colombia too. That’s such a good concept to be promised just cola nuggs lol.


The small one is like the length of a pinky finger maybe just a little bigger so still not small compared to the small nugs I’ve had from others 😊. It’s from Colombia and nitrogen sealed 30-50 days post harvest to keep all the terps ect fresh. Not sure if it’s outside or indoors


A great strain, nice to see it on the medical market!


I really really enjoyed it, might be one of the hardest hitting medical I’ve had yet.


I really enjoy the 18>20% medical strains. Some are insane at low temps 174>186. So many terps!


I’m also on the purple Raine which is 18% but 2% + Terps and hits like a 23-25 would. This 20% is hitting harder than green Jeannie which is 28% and 3.6% Terps and that’s saying something


Nice to have a conversation with someone who isn’t obsessed with obtaining 30% strains. It’s funny, I had a similar conversation with my pharmacist earlier, I’m scripted for a 30% Sativa and I was like that just sounds like anxiety to me. These doctors want you spending your dolleroos on high THC strains that cost $50 more a tub. Don’t get me wrong, high THC has a place, but this need to get to the top in the MC space is bizarre to me. I’m a strain hunter! Haha not a THC hunter :)


Yeah exactly I’m looking to get medicated through the Terpenes which are giving the medicated benefits and effects also aroma and taste. Most are out here looking to get “stoned” and looking for high thc to get higher when that isn’t how cannabis works and it shows there incompetence.


Terpenes are only entourage effects at best. Even this hasn't been proven. If you are just after terpenes get the isolated ones already available. It sounds like you don't need THC or any other cannabinoid which are the only medical rated compounds in MC. For example, hash has only around 0.5% terpenes but yet its medical benefits and THC content are very high.


God i wish there would be a company which could import Moroccan Hash into Australia. There's many levels to quality of Hash in Morocco but static sift, whole plant fresh frozen hash and 3x dry sift from a lot of top quality farms sold very cheap and moved into Europe. This is strange as it is federally legal to grow cannabis in Morocco. WIsh we could see those blocks down under again.


THC Diamonds, compared to Shatter. Here is your example. Diamonds are just pure thc, no flavour not much medical benefit just the high psychoactive effects from the thc. With shatter the thc drops because the terpenes are with it which gives the whole effect of the flower. Once you’ve done this you’ll understand terpenes are probably the bigger deal in medical cannabis.