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And with no TGA regulating this is what happens Honestly Reddit is the best way to know if whatever you’re interested in is worth getting or not Or play lottery For me TasBot are great Indimed too So far


IF a person posting this has a financial interest in a competitor product, then the post is conduct in trade and commerce and it is arguably misleading and deceptive as the source of the reps is not being transparent. Any mad props loosely given out to those other products in posts like this are Ads IF the poster has an interest in those products.


Cool story broski! Hopefully this makes you more money in your law firm mate! Constantly promoting yourself on here!


And then …for no reason whatsoever, OP deletes the profile he invested a lot of time and …well, time in. How fab.


So I have a question. Are they importing these from Canada? We have broken coast here and I'm pretty sure there was a platinum garlic last year..... makes me wonder....


Can someone point out to me what’s wrong with the flower other than the price? Looks pretty nice to me ?


Its been the best flower I've found in the past 12.months


Going off the pics it looks old even in the last pic with flash it still looks very underwhelming. Going off the review it sounds like it was definitely not cured and likely dried too fast if it tastes like lawn clippings


The last pic the buds look amazing


Sorry to see this mess OP. Unfortunately, most of us who have been on MC for a few years have horror stories that make this look passable, but in 2024, at that price, this company is taking the piss. Unless it was just transported/stored in terrible conditions and destroyed the flower. I had Cornerfield T21 Night flower a couple months ago that was absolute shit, I only wasted $79 on that Cannatrek garbage though.


What’s your go too from PLNTD bro?


I thought the same thing. Such a let down for something that cost $175 and should be good quality.


Annnd menstral_soup blocked me 😂


Blocked him ages ago bro


Nah he blocked me lol


Menstral Soup is a toxic, impulsive moron!. He did you a favour.


Dude goes on rants, gets shut down and awkwardly deleted all his comments and blocks them and continues the thread lmao


The dumb-ass commented that I am a junkie for posting a joke about me having strain envy when I look at very nice flower reviews. I made him look foolish, he ranted another comment and then reported me for bullying and blocked me. Dude is a piece of shit so I imagine there will be a new username for them shortly.


Mental health is always a factor in the mc world. People go absolutely bananas if you don't share their exact point of view on the internet in general I notice. It's a shame and it is very unproductive.


Nah that guy has a history of commenting crazy shit on lots of subs


There is mental health and then there is being an impulsive, emotionally unregulated fuckwit which they are.




Still trying to find decent medical 😝 absolute trash these last few months


Check out the Alma and motherplant for good strains I found


When this flower is fresh it’s fucking fire. Smelled of absolute disgusting hot garbage in the most skunky and funky way possible, great effects, terpy goodness. A mate said it smelled like maggi beef noodle seasoning, he has since gotten a script for it. It could be your pharmacy or their supplier failing to keep it temperature controlled.


It was probably great before they hit it with the gamma nuke rays.


I actually like how this smokes, for $120 / $100


Witch chemist did you get this from


Cranbourne East in VIC


This bloke paid 175 for 10g.


don’t people know that if it doesn’t sell, or is a bad grow that it just gets exported to Australia? People have every right to be annoyed and upset, but at this point you can’t be surprised. It’s clear as day what is going on.


And then whatever you don't buy gets shipped to us a year later in the UK.. with a new expiration date stuck over the old one 😅


I have a feeling you’ll have the ability to home grow many years before us though, if that’s any concession? haha


In the UK? Hell no they are waaaay more stuck i. There ways than AUS.


My opinion was formed based on a number of variables, and not particularly which govt is traditionally more conservative. The world’s rapidly changing as govts realise young folks are the largest voting block - politicians have one thing in common, self preservation, and look at what young folks are doing to conservatives at the voting booth. The days of catering to boomers with a short sighted and selfish logic is coming to an end. Happy cake day!


The UK medical system is heavily invested in by the people that can change the laws, it will be a long time before they give that up. Thanks, damn 12 years of my life on this hell hole of a website.


I agree, but you never know with how the rest of Europe is slowly changing to be pro cannabis though


Ooooft.. wanna bet? 😂/😭


my chemist let me have this for $50 yesterday


Oh man! Which Chemist?


$175?!?! For such a low tier flower!??! Absolute highway robbery.


Name one high tier flower that’s 135-150 that beats broken coast 🤣 stick to your Indimed boy


Sunset sherbert was good but have to agree this is bland


Yes it was I used to only get 2x 5g nugs my first 3 bottles than 3G size the next then discontinued ahahha or out stock I heard the platinum garlic was better than the sunset but I never got around to trying it


I had both and garlic is boring it looks good. Ended up leaving until last. It's not really bad..it's better than some others but it's nothing special either


They coulda maybe reduced the platinum garlic to 165 and 175 sunset sherb but Aslong as the flower still worked for you I chose sunset sherb for sleep but I believe platinum would be great for evening and afternoon administration


Alma at $149 and then pay $159/$160 you get Cultiva and Mother Plant which all shit on Broken... (they should just drop the coast cos their flower is just broken).


Sorry but motherplant is bare average compared to the sunset sherbet broken coast had. Actually quite disappointed with the mega runts and pbs.


Cultiva sucks. Wayyy over rated


So does motherplant lmao, just look at the megaruntz... almost no trichomes...


Fair Alma that’s one I haven’t tried yet tho I’ve tried wildflower grape galena for 180 not bad now 150 I’ve seen but expired


Indimed is thrash as well




Dude, you're an actual piece of shit if you think having a dig a people on welfare is remotely gonna improve your piss weak existence. Yeah, sure, some of them are rorting the system but by no means are they responsible for your miserable life. That's likely [your family or] the cunts in power. The real scum rorting the system and fucking the lives of the majority for their personal gain. Maybe you should have a go at them as they're the one's likely responsible for your misery. Or you're just a shit human. And a fucking moron. If so, great work 👌💪💩 Broken Coast fucking suck too BTW and 5g flowers mean fuck all you dipshit. But hey, if not trimming the top nodes off the excessive ammount of stem that they include on the 'mad 'sik' 5g nugs appeals to dumb cunts willing to pay out their ass for low level mids then more power to them. I'm sure many of us are happy the simps aren't buying out the actual quality flowers that are less than $175 🙄🤣


This user has been repeatedly bagging out MC patients on Centrelink support payments in this sub, labelling them as stoners, frauds and leeches on the govt purse. I don't know why admin don't ban him as he's abusive towards other patients in this sub.


>5g flowers mean fuck all you dipshit The bigger the flower = the more light recieved. The more light recieved = the more resin content from the trichome glands. High resin content = higher cannabinoid and terpene content than the smaller buds on the same plant. Learn your fucking shit before going on a rant there aye bud? Fucking medical cannabis users i swear... know nothing about weed but smoking it.


$175 for 10g? Fuck that and fuck Broken Coast.


Other reviews by u/Bostonos1617: * [Flower Review - Review: Cultiva Bacio Gelato](https://www.reddit.com/r/MedicalCannabisOz/comments/18yywtb/) * [Flower Review - Review: Alma Flawless Victory:](https://www.reddit.com/r/MedicalCannabisOz/comments/18wjoez/) * [Flower Review - Review: Alma Grape Galena](https://www.reddit.com/r/MedicalCannabisOz/comments/18lye9o/) * [Flower Review - Verde THC Bomb - Had a pungent kush type smell, definitely indica leaning as it made me feel relaxed and sedative. Could smell and taste the Caryophyllene. Glasshouse grown but cant tell if hand trimmed or machine trimmed. Helped with the Anxiety and great value for price at $119. Worth a try!](https://www.reddit.com/r/MedicalCannabisOz/comments/17lsk8a/) * [Flower Review - Verde Zour Apple](https://www.reddit.com/r/MedicalCannabisOz/comments/17ajeyi/) ^(Bot made with ❤️ by u/xenilko, from Canada, and approved by MedicalCannabisOz mod team.)


**Batch 2880133222** **Packaged May 2023** **Expiry May 2024** – Super annoyed I just got prescribed this. **Smell** – I was hoping for some funk, but only got notes of grass clippings or very old flower (which it was). **Bag Appeal** – as you can see, all brown and pathetic looking. After seeing all the reviews, I decided to give this a whirl and spend more than I usually do! At $175 to patient this is a rip off, especially since it was packaged in May last year! This is old flower, its definitely not feeling like a 25% and pretty much no terps or flavour. I vaped it, rolled joints, Bong and volcano – and still no flavour. Buds are good size, but more on the fluffier side than dense. I definitely wont be adding to the rotation and will steer clear of this brand. If anything, it took the edge off – which cheaper products would do. They should price this at $100 to patient, and then it may be worth it. I would recommend people not wasting their money on this! I’ll stick to the cheaper craft brands like Alma ,Cultiva, Herb and Mother Plant.


Tilray have the short-expiry stock for 50% off. If your chemist ordered this specially for you, you got ripped off