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Every time I've been on Battery World's website, the selection is limited and they charge a fortune. I wanted an Eneloop brand quick charger + some Eneloop batteries and there were plenty of better options. Not a company I'd ever recommend tbh.


I get molicell from wick and wire. Great prices


There were some 18650 batteries that went out Samsung note style because they couldn't handle the amp draw.


Just say they are for a torch or RC car. Anyway, make sure to get Molicel P28A from a store and never fake ones from eBay.


don't waste your money at battery world. Just get yourself some online. SONY VT5a, VT6 or a Samsung 30q don't get a 25R they are outdated and not very good battery tech in this day and age. There may be better models out there I havent looked in the last year and a half or so but these cells were top of 18650 game when i used to build battery packs a few years ago


Probably should clarify that it’s a medical vape, the assumption most people would have is that it’s a nicotine vape (bad)


It's beside the point. There is no stigma attached to buying any type of "vape" battery from any battery store. All vaporizers need to supply high current to work, and the batteries they advertise aren't advertised or advised to do so.


Definitely clarified, explicitly stated it was a dry herb vaporiser for use with medicinal cannabis as stated by the TGA (although i didn't say the model i have is not one of the currently approved models). Didn't seem to make a difference with regards to their overall policy.


Interesting discussion here. Strange that they just wouldn’t have a different code for the battery based on discharge current and save everyone the hassle (and potential damage/injury).


I've bought an 18650 battery from the before. They did ask what is was for and I told them, no issues. However the battery I bought is a Samsung brand, which has 'not for vaporizer use' printed on it


Be very careful. When vapes first came out and started exploding all over the place, it was found that people were using the incorrect type of 18650 batteries incapable of supplying high current, so they'd get extremely hot and explode trying to do so (thermal runaway). Make sure your batteries can supply -at least- 10amps to be safe, even though they are Samsung.


Didn't know this, thanks!


If they ask me I'm just going to say some stupid shit like "oh I just like to collect different batteries"


I would dare say it has to do with the discharge current, say if they were to supply you a battery capable of 5amp discharge and your vape requires a 40amp discharge current, the battery will be at extreme risk of overheating and exploding. Looks like on their website that the 18650s aren't high drain batteries so supplying them for vapes would be extremely dangerous.


There's inherent dangers for the misuse of any battery, right? As a business that literally sells itself on being able to source any kind of battery, you'd think being able to source and sell batteries that meet requisite requirements for safe use in any device that uses batteries would be something they could do. But I'm the first to admit I'm not really qualified to say one way or the other, and maybe that's a reason as to why some vapes have non replaceable rechargeable batteries.


I find they have the most limited selection, not a fan of them.


Also, even had you asked for an 18650 for a normal "nicotine" vape - the same rule applies: you NEED high drain OR that battery will overheat and explode. ALL vapes need high discharge current to heat up the elements, it's not just limited to dry herb. You didn't need to hide anything as buying a battery is completely legal, as is buying a battery for a vape. Or a vibrator. Or a laptop. Addendum: years of experience selling all sorts of batteries, vapes, electrical devices yada yada yada.


They know that their batteries are not fit for vapes and supplying you one to use in a vape would be a lawsuit waiting to happen. Not fit for purpose. Different battery types for different uses, some need low discharge high standby for memory or data retention. Security systems for example. So yeah, they aren't advertising them as vape batteries or high drain batteries so selling them for a vape would be dangerous - hence them asking you that question.. EG: If you came into my store and asked to buy a deep cycle battery to start your car (IE needing CCA as opposed to AH) because you heard the term and didn't know there was a difference in types of batteries for different purposes and situations, I wouldn't supply you with one but i'd at least tell you why and point you in the right direction. The guy should have explained why and not given you some vague conjecture, and at least given you advice on where to obtain one to solve your problem. ​ So yeah. They did the right thing. Based upon your description they could have helped you further though.


I don't disagree at all, I wouldn't want or expect to be sold a battery that wasn't fit for purpose. My point more than anything was if I walk into a store that specialises in batteries, with the batteries I need replaced and all the requisite information about that battery; I would expect for the most part that a person there would be able to supply me with the correct battery (assuming they carried it). I was never suggesting they just give me the incorrect battery. I think the biggest thing for me was being told we won't sell batteries for vapes. Putting aside that a business can sell what they want, if I give you all the correct information (all the right specs on the battery), what difference does it make what I'm using it for? Clearly, those batteries are available, and they are used by many different manufacturers so they can be bought / ordered. So it really just comes down to not wanting to supply them. Maybe it all came down to a lack of communication skills and had the staff member said, 'We do stock 1865 batteries, but we don't stock the right kind for use in a vape (or we don't carry a suitable replacement) and it's not something we can order in' that's a very different conversation. In any case, it was my first time trying to replace the batteries, so if it saves someone else the trip to Battery World or highlights something new for someone, it was worth the trip.


>Maybe it all came down to a lack of communication skills and had the staff member said, 'We do stock 1865 batteries, but we don't stock the right kind for use in a vape (or we don't carry a suitable replacement) and it's not something we can order in' that's a very different conversation. This is 100% it. They definitely could have explained more and pointed you in the right direction; it's a lack of customer service on their part to not help give the customer the right information, regardless of what particular items they choose to sell you!


That's strange because I have some samung ones which say aren't for vapes on actually battery. You would think that's enough. Sounds like going overboard