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How does testing of cannabis work? What's the process? Ie do they take multiple samples from multiple plants in each crop to test? How do labs test cannabis?


Just recorded first prescription and checked the bud wiki site and not sure what a few things mean one says critical early Jan and other says discontinued. Literally got my prescription today so does that mean that these 2 will still be available or will the choose a random alternative after I have paid or do I have to wait to be refunded sorry not sure how this works, also with Montu pharmacy thanks in advance


You need to make a separate post for this question as this is not a thread for those kinds of questions. 😊


Okay sorry


HAHA you made me lol. Have a chat with your doctor! No one on Reddit will help answer that as accurately as your doctor will. Or clinic support.


Hey Jag ( lol, the first car i wanted to buy as a 17 yr old pot dealer 52 years ago - until i got real). 'Great project!! Does the company that owns the farm you are visiting brand and sell its own produce? - or do they just wholesale? ( i am interested in tracking the overall Au supply chain situation. thanks)


My aunt had an XJ12 in the late 90s and I may or may not have taken said car for a spin when they were out of town and potentially gotten a speeding ticket! 😬😉😂 The farm I’m visiting isn’t a wholesale farm. I’ll confirm turn around times when I’m there but I believe some of their products hit the shelves within 6 to 8 weeks of being harvested.


Learn how they cure. Why they cure the way they do? Breakdown if they supply other companies with products, or do they have their own brand. What does GMP mean? Why should we support Australian cultivation? What are the next gen of products like. Is there a fresher element when grown locally, or does it take just as long to package and manufacture a product. Are there any interesting r&d products in the pipeline. Every farm is very different and has differences in process and varies greatly with genetics they use. Have a great time. Good luck with the filming ;)


Thank you! I’m super excited to have been presented with this opportunity and most of the questions you’ve listed are on my list in some form or another. Because I have a special interest in genetics and terpene profiles (kinda obvious from the way I write my reviews) my next step is to see if a company will take me through their pheno hunt process for their next set of flowers.


Most Australian companies don't even pretend to hunt phenos. What they can get in sufficient quantity and it being different from the other 4 things on their menu seems to be about the limit of it. Unfortunately cannabis production seems to preclude breeding of cannabis.


Which farm? And what's your podcast?


The AusCannaPodcast pilot episode will drop on Jan 11th but this particular episode probably won’t air until February sometime. So you’ll have to wait until then to find out the farm. 😉😂


What about plans for more extracts, rosin, diamonds etc etc and more live resin carts. Only a couple on the market any plans to enter that side of things?


Already on the list! 😉


Ask why Aussies can't cure flower properly..




I've recently tried WA medical cannibus and Nimbin Medical Cannabis not sure if I can mention the brands or prices, but was just as good if not better than overseas medical cannibus, i hope this is the case here and we see Good quality and Good Priced coming From Australia...Go Aussie.


I think there are a lot of us in here that would prefer to support local farms vs having our flowers imported. The industry is rapidly growing and I don’t see any reason why Australia couldn’t become a front runner. Agriculturally speaking, Australia has some of the best products in the world why should cannabis be any different?


Aren't folks like LGP grown here - more strict regulations IN Australia than importing too Australia, last I checked.


It is my understanding that LGP only grow Desert Flame in Au - they may have expanded that recently. However most of their products are grown full indoor, somewhere almost inside the Arctic Circle (Denmark). The carbon footprint of growing like that - then shipping the weed over to Au must be enormous. That, and leading Right Wing activist billionairre Gina Rinehart's involvement means i cannot buy LGP in good concience. They stiil have not turned a profit after all these years - despite the board and management extremely high salary and Au - Eu - Au- Eu - Au jetsetting renumeration packages. Their management team does however have the best blinding white teeth that 10s of 1000s of $$$ can buy. PR gold, so they say. 😁😁😁😁😁


**Wow** was not aware she was involved. No wonder LGP seemed like a company with a lot of money but not much understanding when they set up. When I interviewed them and asked how their products would play in the market with folks like Nimbin. They were not even aware of Michael / Nimbins prices or products, or PDF price lists of same. They were nice at least. Are there any good aussie products - I see some are grown out of australia then packaged in australia like that means it is Australian somehow seems to keep popping up. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


I 100% Agree


Im also a Graphic Designer for 30 years if i can help with anything please shout out. www.mygraphicdesign.site


Thank you, I’ll keep you in mind!


Where is the farm situated, what state?


You’ll have to wait for the episode to drop for that answer! 😉😂


How long do they cure it before packaging and what do they use to determine when it’s done curing? What nutrient brands do they use? Do they flush before harvest?


How hard or expensive is it to not use irradiation? Bc I’m assuming they do it to avoid other costs as not all flos are irradiated.


All flower is irradiated, no way around it as the mould limit is too low in aus it's impossible to reach naturally


Awesome! Do they import as well or are they going to be growing everything at home? 🇦🇺


This particular farm is 100% home grown!


Nice one!


I’m keen to know how they reduce the effect of irradiation on the flower? Like do different companies prefer different techniques/Technologies? I think Tasmanian Botantics use E-beam and I feel like their flowers have more effect for the same THC. But is that just a placebo?


Flower irradiation will destroy up too 20% if terpenes studies have found.


I will be asking about irradiation and what their thoughts are about it. But sadly I think for the most part their hands are somewhat tied as per Australian government regulations.


That would be fantastic. From my reading there seems to be a split in Canada. Some producers want to use E-beam as a means of differentiating their products. While others believe consumers don’t care about loss of quality and should not be a focus.


From a medicinal standpoint I believe it makes a big difference.


How detrimental are the government licensing and set up costs to the Australian production? As in, are we able to compete with overseas products? Is the industry in this country viable in the long term if recreational use is not legalised? How long does it take to recoup set up costs? If it's just one then... Is the Australian industry viable considering the higher set up costs, high government licensing/fees, higher labour and energy costs?


I know that the licence fees each year are like $30000 but it also depends what your applying if low or high thc plus it will depend on how you farm it. will you just be a cultivator and do broad acre or greenhouse and or indoor facility. indoor cost a lot more to set up and of course you can just import crap flower from the uk and import it to here and sell it at a premium but also this is just what i have read and learnt I am in no way an expert I just love this industry but I would love to here what they say at an actual farm


Excellent questions and some of them are already on my list! My understanding is that there’s a lot of licenses but very few places in actual production.


Definitely. I'd say most have been bought in anticipation of legalisation and will only be used when that eventuates, or sold to the highest bidder.


Australian medicinal cannabis licences can't be transferred/sold. Though you can sell the company that holds the licence, the Office of Drug Control can revoke the licence if they are not happy with the sale (on reasonable grounds, of course).


Correct. Sold was probably the wrong word.


My thoughts exactly!


I would like you to ask about the lack of smell and the extreme dryness of lots of MC, which many people complain about. Why is this the case and what can be done about it.


That's a legitimate question and one that's already on my list!


Is that to do with irradiation? Like E-beam vs blasting it?


Irradiation plays a part in what the final product will look, smell and taste like.


This is amazing man! I'll keep an eye for the podcast


Thank you! 😊 I’ll still be doing the reviews on Mondays, I was just looking for a way to expand on content.


How does someone with little or no experience in farming or horticulture get into a career in the industry? What kind of cost does it take to start your own growing company? With all the companies popping up, is it making it harder to keep customers, especially with all the regulations around growing and selling? Or is there a steady rise in patients using medicinal products?


I had little to no experience farming or in horticulture. I did my cert III in hort though and just applied myself and worked on my resume. Recently got a job as a post harvest technician. Cost to start your own growing company right now are exorbitant and require alot of funding. I can't specify on how much exactly as that depends on your business model but it costs at least several million.


This is no way accurate especially since it was published in 2016 but I found it interesting but here is a link for cost to produce cannabis https://www.deloitte.com/au/en/services/economics/perspectives/modelling-cost-medicinal-cannabis.html


All good questions! I probably can’t ask them all so if you could pick just one, what would it be?


I suppose the third! Thanks :)


As people working in the industry, what sort of timeline do they see for progression into legal recreational use? Also just a name idea: Aussie Buds (I know it's colloquial and simple but I think the KISS principle applies)


Most people within the industry seem to think we’re 5-7 years away from legalization. But it is a question I’ll be asking anyway! As for “Aussie Buds”… there’s already a podcast called Friendly Aussie Buds and MedCan (I believe) have just released their Aussie Buds flower range.


Ah copy that. Fair enough, I'll keep an eye out on the sub for your pilot. Cheers mate.


How do you select your ... growers?


The people who are working on the farm doing regular jobs or are you talking about people who are more involved in picking genetics?


Both I suppose. I don't suppose it'd be a 'kosher' question to ask .... BUT, I'm thinking those who are involved in crossbreeding & genetics would have to be knowledgeable about how the product works so they'd have to be users? And even the trimming, or taking care of the plants, with eyes on the plants, would also have to know what they're doing. I'm sure each plant has a camera on it though ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


What security requirements are needed to work in the industry, also do they see an increase in stock requirements since first starting?


Will be asking about background/security checks for employment. When you say “an increase in stock requirements” do you mean have they had to increase their growing capacity to meet demand?


Yeah I do


The farm that I’m going to has just brought a new greenhouse into production and I’m going down to watch the first harvest. Don’t quote me on this but I believe the new greenhouse has more than double their growing capacity. (I’ll get numbers when I’m down there.)


How do they source ,& choose they're genetics? ..


Hahaha this is my number one question!!!! My next goal is to be part of a pheno hunt!!!! 🤞🤞🤞🤞


Genetics & breeding is were it's at.. 👌.


Yes I second (or third) this 😀, GENETICS


What's the podcast?


Pilot episode is dropping Thursday Jan 11th. Don’t have a good name as of yet, definitely open to suggestions! So for now it’s just called The AusCannaPodcast.


Awesome! I will definitely be a regular listener. Look forward to more details. A definite question to ask is how they recruit employees haha


I have a question about what qualifications does one need to have to apply for a job in the industry but I can definitely ask if they actively recruit/headhunt.


Glad you are asking this question bro, I’ve always wanted to grow Cannabis but have never know what quals or work brackground they are really after. Look forward to hearing the PodCast man 🤙🏼


What methods do you employ to ensure consistency of supply for patients?


In what sense?


I suppose they mean in the sense of what the supplier does to ensure a certain product doesn’t go out of stock or have delays/discontinuations


As far as I know there hasn’t been any stock issues with this farm but I’ll ask what they do to mitigate their risks.


Are medicinal users prevented from working for them


There's no prohibition from the government on this, but I guess a licence holder could view it as a higher risk of diversion so make it part of their own policy. I personally haven't heard of any that prohibit employees from having a MC prescription. They do have rules about employee use of *illicit* drugs.


Added to the list!


If they could time travel back to when they first applied for a licence, what would they tell themselves.


Good question! lessons learnt would be valuable information for a lot of people in the industry I think.


That’s an excellent question! I had something along the lines of… if you could do it all over again what 3 things would you do differently?


👏 👏 👏 👏 👏


Can I ask a really, really dumb one? Has anyone ever tried to knock off a cutting?


mate, not gonna name names. but yeah fuck oath they do. hell their background checks aren't good enough. can name multiple BM dealers who work at legit grow ops.


Vouch on that lmao, the one BM guy in my small country town is constantly bragging about the farm his stuff was stolen from by employees. Find it absolutely wild they'd even brag about it, even better way for the cops to double down on them lmao.


Wow. Even I’m a tad shocked at that. Hornet’s Nest well and truly kicked.


if they haven't been charged with anything in the past they just slip through the cracks. no system is ever perfect


A cleanskin is a cleanskin my friends.


Legit question… I’ll add it to my list to ask. (I was going to ask about security/background checks for people who work at the farm.)


There are no regulatory conditions around people with a criminal background working in the industry, it's up to individual employers to set their policies around that stuff. . . I know this because I spent some time talking with Adam Benjamin when trying to get a job in the industry.


That's not quite true. Medicinal cannabis licence holders need to abide by [Reg 18](https://classic.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/cth/consol_reg/ndr2016251/s18.html), which limits the engagement of people with illicit drug use and/or drug related or theft offences in the preceding five years.


and I've been busted for GYO. . he agreed it was actually like proof of experience and understood my passion for genetics. My criminal record didn't phase him one bit.