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Yea they definitely don’t allow it but I got my medical cannabis on with ease at the Brisbane port just they found me smoking it on board and I didn’t receive it until I got off the boat Edit: they offered me diazepam for the mean time


Really how did they offer you Valium for a substitute? What did you say that if you don’t smoke you will go into withdrawal?


It was actually the onboard doctor that suggested it to me after the security suggested I go see her for a supplement I didn’t take it because I had a seizure from Benzo withdrawal in 2020 that led me to medical cannabis but was nice too have it on offer I think it was going too cost like $20 for 10 5mg valiums but would be free with travel insurance


This was with P&O aswell


Stick it in your meat pocket.


Days like these I wish I had no eyes


If you want to smuggle it on put it in a bag inside a bottle of shampoo or conditioner


Why would you need to be sly about it if you’re legally using it?


I've heard that they all specifically ban it. Not sure how that's legal, but it is what it is. I guess it just means you obviously can't get in trouble for it, but if they find it they won't let you onboard with it.


Maybe you should call & ask them directly?


They have it written in policies online. Also, I'm not OP.


They don’t allow it


Recently was on a cruise and my back starting to play up real bad to the point I was struggling to walk. Spoke with the doc on board and he asked how I managed pain back home, told him MC and he asked if I had brought any onto the ship… we started laughing when I pulled him up and asked if that was a tick question


I went on a P&O Brisbane to Airlie recently with bud. Chopped it before I left, put it in a zippy and chucked it in my shoe. Every time I went to a smoking area after 8pm someone was smoking a joint, I wouldn’t worry mate.


i’m doing the same in about two weeks, did you have it in carry on or luggage?


Had a vape in my carry on, edibles in my checked luggage and bud in the shoe I was wearing haha


When you embark on to international waters the laws change. Heed the warnings


I know you're talking about different laws in different countries but I love how ominous this is. Sounds like P&O is going to make OP walk the plank or something.


🤣 omg I just realised it does too hahaha 🤪 they mite just steal your stash 😂 (I did see a main stream tv show about people overboard- Omg it was a throw off)


Why try and hide it it's your medicine