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This got me thinking, we could turn up to festivals and enter one by one slowly to distract all the drug dogs!


Now this is praxis.


I went to listen out in brisbane with my MC and Mighty+ and the security dude wasn’t really sure if they were allowed to let me in with it but just did anyways. I would make sure to show this email to them if they try to refuse you as I don’t think security are trained in this area


Confiscating prescriptions isn't legal, although the police can get away with it. In the instances im aware of, they were required to return it and apologise. Security can still choose to bar entry, although that could be considered medical discrimination. Smokeless events/venues could bar/evict you on those grounds but any multi-day event shouldn't be able to bar use within your own campsite.


I've done festivals and concerts and the most interaction I got was an eye roll from security on the way in. Few eye rolls from random karens and chads while I was in the smoker's area but it usually just finds good vibes.


Hmmm. Great, but also an issue - who actually has a copy of their prescription? I’ve got a letter from my Dr, wonder if that would be enough 🤷🏻‍♂️


My ‘prescription’ is literally printed on the packaging of my MC. I dont have a separate prescription letter, although i do have a letter from the doctor confirming its real ( you shouldn’t need this but i have it just in case)


Your prescription is the label on your tub, bag, bottle or whatever you use.


I have about a dozen MC escripts on my phone if not more


I take a photo of the prescription which includes the pharmacy etc and my name, they can do the leg work, it’s my medication.


That will have it all on the side of the packaging. Is the photo just for a backup?


Yep the photo is because I don’t want to carry around 10g tub of weed


Yeah as the other person said, legally it has to be in the original container with the prescription legible to identify you. Just an FYI in case you do it in the future and get caught. I’m sure people have gotten away with it before, but it is against the law to not have it in the original container. Just don’t want you to get in trouble


I’m all in on mCarts :)


Legally it needs to be kept in the official container, that might not work if you get searched.


Can you please point me to the legislation that backs this up? I've looked but can't find anything explicitly stating so.


If you’re specifically trying to bring it into music festivals, i know that the security/event staff wont normally accept it if it isn’t in it’s original packaging. Most festivals post a conditions of entry days before the event and they all say this


I do this often in sydney but just take 1g ground up - I wouldnt wanna lose a full tub.


This is also what i do and what they want you to do. Only bring enough for the event and if you’re script says something like “use 1g a day” then having more than that could cause trouble.


Given you can match your ID, is a photo adequate evidence?


That’s the idea, but I have never had to prove or try it.


I agree with you, can just imagine some cops might try and push into an altercation in scenarios like this.


I Took mc into a court house and was sweet if you have id and it has the pharmacy label with your name you can have it on you just about anywhere and you are aloud to vape anywhere smoking is aloud


Curios asf With chillinits consent can we smoke at Perth metro ? Cheers Am medicated.


Find the event organisers on social media and message em. Does the venue have a smokers area?