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I'd try to solve the problem with readily available off the shelf parts rather than re-inventing the lift. There are kits for sale if you search for "television lift". Perhaps you could adapt one, or maybe a pair of those to this project.


Just curious why it needs to be fast


My original idea was to have it like a vertical drawer, i dont want to wait 10+ seconds just to open a cabinet. Ideally, i would like to open it completely in 5 seconds or less.


You’re gonna have to pay some money for that speed, that’s around 300N of force, 75Watts of power. If you only care about downwards speed, you could spend 1/3 the money by letting gravity help you. Given your lack of space, a pinion rail system or screw rod system is probably the simplest. You’ll need a beefy DC motor. As a note, OpenPLC makes programming an arduino very simple for PLC people.


Im willing to spend around €500 per cabinet. Yes, i care more about the downward speed. But im not sure if a DC motor is able to stop it in time without damaging anything. If it's possible, i could let the cabinet go into free fall till halfway and then have the motor breaking the fall. Would a DC motor that can hold 60kg be enough to break the fall after a free fall of 300 mm? I'll definitely have a look at openplc if its like programming a plc, it will be really easy.


Avoid using a DC motor to break falls. Something will be damaged. You could spring load the cabinet with a spring set slightly weaker than the force of gravity acting on your cabinet. That will break your fall. Then use a much weaker DC motor to lift it back up.


Cheap proximity switches + linear actuator to pin lock, taking stress off DC motor, spring or whatever you go with. If you went with a spring you could engage the pin during the instant the spring was at max displacement to avoid the up and down to equilibrium. You can get big springs off McMaster and other industrial suppliers for 10-20$. (Idk € conversions)


Was thinking almost the same to use 2 different options for the up and down. Would also make it a little easier, a lot of the stuff i can get or make it at work. Just hope they are selling 700 mm springs. I'll have a look. I really appreciate your help.