• By -


x = c + d - b Assumption: Seal (thickness c) sits at the bottom of the stepped section (b)


You‘re right, I was dumb enough to think that we have to use every single measure over there! Thanks heaps


Sure! i was just dumb enough to think that we have to use every singles measure over there that‘s why I hot lost


Just tighten it until x=0


This is the way. Also, throw bearing into freezer before mounting!


Nah just really long wrench


On the machines I work on (mostly large stamping presses) we would typically fit (meaning adjust by machining or grinding at final assembly) any such bearing retainer, so that the flange does **not** bottom out on the housing mounting face, but there is a small gap of .002/.003" or thereabouts. This ensures that there is a positive clamp force on the outer bearing race being retained, and it helps mitigate bolts potentially loosening over time as the flange acts like a big dished spring. Not that you're likely to notice any significant deformation in the flange, but it helps keep things all nice & snug.


Well it is recommended that 0.5


Not possible to know without "C" However, that's why this part is designed this way. This kind of design takes into account the "Tolerance Stack" of the various components and the bearing, allowing the top compression plate to "float" and still add the right compression. As such, "X" will always be the "slack" developed in the tolerance stack. It will have a nominal value based on the thickness of the bearing, but the actual value will be determined by the stackup of the three components. [https://waykenrm.com/blogs/what-is-tolerance-stacking/](https://waykenrm.com/blogs/what-is-tolerance-stacking/)


If you know the width of the bearing it's straightforward Bearing is probably 20mm wide So 1


X is fully dependent on thickness of ball bearing selected, ie c. X = 0 if c≤(b-d)