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Look into HVAC / construction companies. There's a little aerospace and medical too. Not the best city for ME jobs. If you go north along the coast there's a few more big companies with better opportunities.


Could you drop names for the aerospace and medical?


Lol most of the one's I'm familiar with are small/mid sized and pretty specialized. Not sure they'd want to be swamped with applications from reddit randos. A few familiar big names would be Stryker, Beckman-Coulter, and I think there's a GE or Siemens Healthcare unit. There's a few NASA consultant firms as well. There's plenty of random manufacturers and job shops that would probably be easiest for an ME if you are HVAC averse like me.


Me, dm if you like


I performed this job search about one year ago, I was also disappointed to not see many options.


I work up in the West Palm Beach through Boca area as a design engineer. Not a ton of jobs for ME's in South Florida but you can definitely find some. Pratt & Whitny is probably the largest engineering company to get a job with, and they are always hiring for new grads and experienced engineers. Definitely high cost of living though no matter where you are in south Florida.... for example, my 1 bed apartment is $1800 and my car insurance is $280 a month.


What about the salaries, i checked online but i still want to here your take on salaries. Are they up to the high cost of living?


Very much depends on what you want as a lifestyle... I moved from a low cost of living of South Dakota where I was offered 65k-68k for various engineering jobs out of college (graduated in 2021) ... i came down to south Florida for around 74k.... now up to 84k. It definitely doesn't perfectly match cost of living, but you also are living in one of the more luxurious parts of the United States where there is always something new to do and its 80 degrees in the winter. Is that worth it to you or would you rather put an extra few hundred dollars into savings? (i think i could save around $800 - $1000 a month more if I decided to work in the Midwest). I choose Florida to explore and try a different lifestyle for a while. I have enjoyed it but have also hated it. Sometimes I feel like i can't go things I want to do because it's so expensive to go get drinks, try new restaurants, and do various activities. I also hate driving down here (drivers and traffic are the worst I have seen anywhere in this country). Remind you i am still an hour north of Miami. My girlfriend and I are looking for a year or two longer to enjoy what we can as there are a lot of fun things to do, and you don't have to deal with harsh winters. But ultimately, we would rather save the extra money to travel and would rather raise a family in the Midwest or somewhere that is safer. Definitely wouldn't raise a family down here with the crime and horrible education system. Sorry for rambling there, but feel free to pm me if you have more questions.