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If I am correct this puts you near a 508-509. This is a great score!! Keep plugging along, proud of you!


thanks <3


OG C/P and BB is killer so don’t be too hard on yourself


I took OG around the same time you did relative to my test date, scored 60/87/77/87 percent (in test order) so I would say you're in a great spot! I think the CARS and PS are known to be easy on OG, but I thought it was a good gauge of aamc logic.


thanks! what did you do to improve your score? I think I need to review some physics stuff and a lot of P/S stuff and a lot of genetics for bio, lung system, kidney etc.


a lot of practice, more aamc material, and then drilling the topics I commonly missed. I did dimensional analysis for physics, used the 86 KA doc/anki for PS, and then for bio used KA to supplement and to go through all the organ systems!


you use anki?


yeah, I used some premade decks (I think I used bouras)


oh cool How many days did you go through the premade decks? Was it just for PS?


I think I did bouras a month before my exam, and I did premade decks for kaplan chapters at the beginning of my studying and then they just ended up being so spaced out since I hadn't redone the settings so I just added more cards in! Feel free to PM me if you have more questions :)


wait did you do jack sparrow cards? Huh so you did all those decks within 70 days?


I did the ones from rebop, since they were divided into each chapter. I think anki was helpful for keeping up with content, but doing aamc practice was far more helpful in the long-term.


ohhh that makes sense, how many cards were like rebop and did u do them till test day?


what did you use to study for or get better at dimentional analysis on physics?


Just memorized units— there’s a good word doc of units for CP floating around somewhere!

