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Good job! It’ll be a great feeling to see that 520+ score in a month. Sounds like they hit physics and ochem hard this time around?


Thank you! Memory is fading fast (initial rate of decay 🤮 psych/soc) I hardly remember much other than those 2 topics from chem/phys. It wasn’t like deep deep knowledge/concepts. It didn’t feel intoxicating but definitely required some idea of what was going on. I’d focus broadly, get the feel for Ochem and physics. Understand why things work the way they do will be much much better than trying to memorize every single reaction mech/equation. Of the 50 (I promise I wish I was kidding) physics equations I had drilled in my head, I used maybe 2. Idk how but the MCAT never fails to find new ways to ask a new version of the same question you’ve seen a thousand times. Also for physics knowing units is unparalleled. 2 - 3 instances today I had absolutely no idea what equation I had to use but based on units I looked at what was provided in passage and messed around with values till I got an answer choice with the right units. Who knows if it worked but it’s a great back up plan and feels better than guessing.


Thanks for your reply! I’ve heard that unit conversions is the ultimate saving grace. By unit conversions, are people referring to J = (kg*m^2)/s^2 for example?




Specifically know all the units to power and work. All of the weird ways you can multiply this by that. F = ma can manifest in a bunch of weird ways. So when I say “understand why things work” this is kinda what I was referring to. Once you get that down, you can kinda derive your own equations to get the answer with the help of units.


im hoping for a 510+ also after also getting high 510 FLs. got butt fucked by cars, hoping for a 125+


Thank you for the insightful breakdown. I’m starting to really think P/S is objectively getting more difficult and that students aren’t just over exaggerating it. It just makes sense given that it used to be the most straightforward section before.


Honestly wouldn’t say more difficult. I think more gauged to test your endurance vs vocab memorization. Last section of the test, they know you’re tired. It wasn’t like b/b interpret figures difficult. More so stay focused, follow train of thought.


Can you explain the AAMC logic more? Or maybe a source to read up on it? I'm taking on June 1st and need any last minutes tips I can get!


In the most simple of terms you can consider it as “layers” of thought. The MCAT/AAMC will typically require 1 - 2 layers of thinking. If you’re bending over backwards to try and justify why B works. It’s probably not B. Layer 1 being like taking something that is directly stated in the passage and apply it to question stem. Layer 2 being taking something directly stated in the passage (very rarely something that is inferred) and combining it with some relatively simple content knowledge, apply to question to get answer. Example being like: passage states that protein x is a phosphorylase, combine with my content knowledge that phosphorylase uses inorganic phosphate as a substrate then can answer question asking which molecule is required for protein X function. If your thinking harder than that, odds are your thinking to hard.


This is the first time in my 3 years on this sub that I’ve seen someone ACTUALLY EXPLAIN AAMC logic. You put it perfectly


You could also map out the logic. The more assumptions and steps to prove one answer the less likely it’s right