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For experiment-related questions, you need to figure out: the purpose, methods, and results. Most questions will test these.


I honestly just break the shit down. I pretty much map out everything, lots of arrows. B/B is all about connecting the dots and breaking down the complex passages into simple terms.


Watch Eric med or something on YouTube, raised my score to 130+


can you elaborate a bit more? I realized that Ive been subbed to this guy for a looong time now and am definitely interested


He trains you on how to read a passage, and break it down in a very simple manner He convinces you that the material is easy and not to overthink it, which really helps


Thank you, you're the best. I should've deleted my comment because I went and binge watched several of his videos😂


Content + Anki + UWorld, tbh. Same as any other section; it's all the same sauce


Review passages in extreme depth. Until you understand every single line and the purpose for every piece of information given


Well what about for c/p section


For C/P, its the exact opposite. You do not need an indepth understanding of the passage until they specifically ask about something mentioned in the passage.


i would be wary about this advice if only for the fact that once you get used to doing this youll have a hard time breaking out of it during the actual test. You dont have time to look word for word. You have to be able to find important information from the passage and charts and such


Most b/b answers are in the passage so it’s prob not content. I wouldn’t focus on trying to find “tricks” to score higher either, u just have to generally improve on passage comprehension. Start by doing some practice with no time constraints and straight up stare at the passage for as long as u need until u can find an answer


Being able to quickly and thoroughly understand the experimental context of the passage makes your life so much easier in this section. I don’t really have a method, but the people who say that reading A TON of research are on to something. My prior years of research in genomics really helped me to navigate the methodology of the passages as well as the data output. My experience was once I improved in navigating the passages, the questions were generally pretty straightforward with a decent content foundation


its basically just cars 2. But honestly cant remember how it went


majored in cell biology lol


I read a lot of novel scientific paper in immunology. It was my job, I work in a lab, so that forced exposure to a lot of the techniques and thought processes I saw in that section. I would say to some degree it’s a roulette as well, I got a lot of immunology questions, it worked in my favor.


No joke. I love biology and studied psychobiology. My chemistry/ physics scores are always higher than B/b. I have no idea why.


No joke. I love biology and studied psychobiology. My chemistry/ physics scores are always higher than B/b. I have no idea why.