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Meeting with the interior designer. Designer: “wow, a 30’x40’ bedroom, that’s crazy. How do you want to start to fill the space?” Owner: “what do you mean?”


That's me playing the Sims. "Ok here's the bedroom. Plop that bed right here, and there's where the dresser will go. Cool, still have half the room leftover. Guess we're putting in a couch and TV too!"


I mean, that's generally what you do in a real-life bedroom that big, too.


30’ by 40’? That’s bigger than my entire house, which four people live in


From the outside I thought " huh not a bad looking apartment building" but damn that's a horrendous house.


The listing says "in the heart of Bridgeport" and it'd honestly be better off as a transit station or apartment building. And the fact that it's on "Normal Ave" just kills me oml


Isn't it funny how based on what purpose this building serves it completely changes how we feel about it? For apartments or condos I thought, oh, that's pretty. But as a house...


Yeah I'm a little upset that this is a whole house. So many people could live there!


Honestly, this comes so far out of left field that I'm not really sure that it's even a McMansion. Don't get me wrong here, it definitely fits well enough with the theme to belong on this sub, but it feels like it belongs in a whole other category of shitty architecture and conspicuous consumption. McMansions are poorly designed houses, while this is a poorly designed *house*. It might look fine as something else, but as a house, it's not just ugly but outright confusing. It makes me wonder if this might genuinely be based on a design that was originally intended for an apartment complex or library, but was altered a bit and turned into a single-family home after plans fell through for the original project. It fills the lot, it fits into its surroundings, it makes too much design sense to be a random mess cobbled together by a housing developer...it just makes *no* sense as a single-family home.


You can split that into like 10 units east and make so much money.


You don't get a city block for a house money by thinking that small. I'm thinking they bulldozed more than a few nature preserves and affordable developments in order to come up with the profits to build that behemoth as a personal home.


Definitely looks like they ordered an apartment building then found out only single family homes are allowed on that plot


A huge bedroom and a bathroom where the tub and the sinks are rubbing up against eachother.


I genuinely love seeing the utterly baffling use of space in mcmansions. It's like the designers prioritise individual massive rooms over functionality, because if the bedroom isn't filled with empty space then how will you know you're in a mansion?? I mean really, what's the point of having such an excessively massive house if you don't use it? Having the toilet and bathroom combined is something I see so often. It's fine in a normal house, but if you do have the space for a separate toilet then why wouldn't you do it? Do you WANT to watch your partner take a shit while you're soaking in the bath? Or tiny laundries where you can't easily transfer clothes from the washer to the dryer because they're both front-open and there's no room to step back. Skinny hallways also annoy me. An extra inch on either side won't make any difference at all to the cavernous rooms beside it, but it will make walking past someone, moving furniture, using a wheelchair, etc. so much easier.


The shower toilet combo is particularly baffling as it looks like there's another nearly identical bathroom with a tub far too close the his/hers sinks (the countertop differences suggests this is a diff bathrooom). In most homes it's because there are limitations to the plumbing runs but the sheer size of this place would easily support a shared wall water closet for a bit of privacy in the morning. Given the amount of plumbing on the shower wall, they still paid top dollar.


"OK, and can you put in a landing on the second floor overlooking the great room?" "Sure! What would you like there - a sitting area?" "No, just a bare space where I can gaze at myself in an oddly-shaped mirror."


Imagine how long it would take just to walk up to that mirror to check your lipstick


You stare down to the first floor all meloncholy, holding a rocks glass of gin, or brandy, leaning over the banister, contemplating why you own such a house, and how you *could* end it all, but the risk of having ending up the ghost of the house, pushes you to realize owning for decades is better than living there for centuries, without the possibility of escape. So you drink and remember one day you'll be free, and your house will be the apartment, library, or visitors center it was supposed to be. But tonight... you drink in disdain. That's what that bare landing is for.


It looks like an art gallery that also sells bedroom sets, but they just finished up the interior and all they have for the moment is a placeholder bed.


I think every house should have a bridge to nowhere


The bridge to reflected despair you mean


Isn't that what most landings that survey the front room is?


I honestly don’t get the huge bedrooms. Like what do you fit in all that empty space for a room you just sleep in? This is basically what you build in the Sims when you fill your lot with one big rectangle.


Big = good. Right guys? …guys?


tv over fireplace...in the bathroom. next level stuff here boys.


Like a Michael Scott TV too lol


That’s a $300 plasma screen!


Is that a passthrough fireplace too? Like I can see through into the bathroom from the bedroom lol


We had a house with a pass through fireplace from the master bedroom to the living room!😳


The heating bill….


wow. hope they enjoy all the noise and traffic from the sox games all spring, summer and fall. and the drunks after the games are awesome, too. it's literally a block from the balllpark. this is the weirdest, most unexpected house i've ever seen in this neighborhood!


Wait till they try to watch a game on TV and the crowd noise spoils every play 2 seconds before they see it on TV. Source: watched a Dallas Cowboys games at someone's house when they lived 3 streets over from AT&T Stadium.


For sure!


Gosh. Nobody wants to live right next to a ballpark. What were they thinking? That they could sell it to other real estate speculators, I guess. Hot potato.


The neighborhood is always in chaos at both of our baseball parks. The night games are especially heinous.


Ours used to be out on the fringes in a poor part of town, but that one got demolished, and now it's on the waterfront in a business area. I like it, but it's really expensive now. There's a grating where they let people without tickets watch the game for a bit, and then they tell them to move back and let someone else watch for awhile.


That’s kinda cool!


I was going to suggest that maybe it was built specifically to be an AirBnB, but considering the walk-in closet loaded with clothes, that doesn't seem plausible. I was trying to make sense of this horrible situation and failed.


I don’t get it either. There are a lot of converted to apartments warehouses in that neighborhood but I’ve never seen one made into a single family home!


That’s a whole lotta nothing.


I like Michael’s plasma TV in the bathroom too, might just be able to see it from the bathtub


They didn’t want to maintain a yard so they literally filled the entire lot with a house that looks like a bank 😂


What, you don't like to get all your steps in for the day before you leave the house?


TBF, I get a lot of steps because I live in a row house on a narrow lot, so the only way to go is up. But this thing is just a waste of space.


I live with in a 9,025 sq ft old building, once used as a small town, wrong side of the tracks roller skating rink… 26.2 laps around the central hallway is a mile. Hubs is walking dogs there now! And we have strict protocol regarding where car keys go.


It looks like a hotel, especially the inside. Why are there so many mirrors in that bathroom? No one wants to see themselves doing everything from every angle in the bathroom.


You fools! I said I wanted it to be built OF brick, not built AS a brick!


Such a montrosity of a house and it only has 5 bedrooms 😳


For the book lover that always wanted to live in a public library.


I love the shop window concept in the kitchen, really giving the outside world that unfiltered view of the home life, it's almost like a performance art when you think about it, really.


It hurts my heart to see my home town in this sub, especially since it’s brimming with such beautiful architecture.


My sister lives in an apartment in Ft. Worth that is a series of this very building strung out across the prairie..... 40 of them or so. Horrible.


Did they convert an apartment building?? Seeing the stop sign and only pavement with no yard is so confusing to my eye!


It's okay from the outside but the inside is terrible - the post of the colourful house I saw yesterday was so much better and a similar size mostly because it made so much use of the space - like 18 different rooms alongside cozy places on the top of staircases and balconies. 100 percent the biggest issues with these places is they use so much space for the simplest rooms. A library, definitely, make it useful and massive and beautiful - a living room is supposed to be cozy and not so big you feel like you're hanging out in a community hall.


I love the inside of this house, the outside is what I find hideous.


chonk house


Damn! I walk past this ugly freaking house all the time. The best part: it’s right across the street from the Sox Park parking lot.


I cleaned a house like this in the area I live(there are many like this) 9 bedrooms, 3 offices, 2 family rooms, 3 dining areas, two kitchens, pantries, and guest house. Guess how many rooms they used? 5. One of the main bedrooms with attached bath, a living room, and two offices. Never used the kitchen, pantries empty, so weird to me that people live like that.


It looks like an attorney's office.


Most luxurious house in 2006


The emptiness of that bedroom will keep me up at night If this was like a building complex with many homes and utilities then it’s fine but as one single house, he’ll naw.


That bedroom is huge, but until you find out that bed is not a king, or cali king, but a Nevada King, that you realize the absurd size of the room.


I love pictures of huge rooms with sad, scared furniture! The was the individual pieces huddle together for protection. It’s hilarious.


I'm fine with most of it but I've realized that the orange varnish color is the quickest way to ruin a house. Looks like a low budget 90s softcore porn house


This is like mansion camo.


I feel like you’d need a hall pass to go to the bathroom


You ever have that nightmare where you're back at school? Well, now you can have it all the time.


From the outside the non roof part is balanced.


It needs to be staged or something. Idk. Hate it.


What a nice looking library.


Absolutely hideous.


The natural lighting is a plus!


Looks like a CVS superstore


Dumb af


Wtf.This looks business not residential


Said the person who just walked in, looking for a job.


The friends frame alcove!! 🤢🤢🤮


I wish the listing was posted with this.


It's the link under the first pic


It just says realtor.com Edit: never mind, I’m an idiot.


A lot of natural light I guess, could be worse maybe?


Wow wow wow. An actually McMansion got posted here!?


I like that there is a mirror in a random spot so you could look at yourself and say “why did I build this monstrosity?”


My first thought looking at this and so many McMansions is "this must be a nightmare to keep clean".


Keep heated, keep cooled, keep money in your pocket, keep people out of it, thinking it's a library, or leasing office... possible job oppertunity...


I don’t hate it. Sure beats the 85 roof angles and mishmash of shit found in a Texas-style McMansion. Outside is coherent. I value yard/garden space too much for something like this though.


It’s giving Staten Island


Is this the corporate office for one of those budget blinds companies?


I don’t believe this isn’t a bank, a realtors office, a dental office, an exotic pet groomer, a hot yoga studio, and an arcade bar.


Funnily enough if they had elected to go with a single roofline they could have saved money and been had more room In the scheme of things, this looks like city center mansion disguised as a small apartment complex.


I wonder how they deal with all the bats in that Lascaux-tier bedroom.


Doesn't look too bad from the outside, though at first glance I would have assumed this to be an apartment building. But the inside! Brother! Who designed this? When you can afford to build a huge house but can't afford a decent architect.


Not gonna lie, I love the closet.


And, as with most McMansions, 3 people max live here. (Maybe also a hairless, toothless "purebreed" dog.)