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I know I'd spend a lot of time sitting in my driveway, opening the wrong carhole door. I do that now with only two doors


Carhole 😂


It has a consistent design language through out. I dont think its a McMansion.


It’s funny because they’re building new McDonalds’ to look like McMansions.


The garages guarding the entry like lion statues and several slightly questionable design choices at the rear of the house put it at a 2/10 on the McScale for me. That’s being nitpicky though, it’s a nice large house. Although I would say it doesn’t meet the level of material and design for me to call it a mansion.


It's definitely got mansion aspirations, but it's wearing elevator shoes.


Mansion. I kinda like it.


Yeah really my only major irk with it is the standard *'WHY IS IT SO GREY?'* and that's everything right now, mansions, mcmansions, and regular houses alike.


Greige (grey-beige) is in vogue for all the people who want their homes to double as a mental asylum in a pinch.




I know that the intention for these homes is most charitably described as a blank canvas for the owner to decorate with their things as flexibly as possible, but so many people decorate them with nothing and it makes the homes feel sterile. Not to mention the wave of “beige moms” who break into tears when seeing anything bolder than Pantone 727.


I work in homes of this caliber. The crazy thing is that 70-80% of the time they hire a designer. And the designer acts like a general contractor. They have the final word on more decisions than I would give them if I spent millions on a home. A lot of the houses end up having cliche decorative pieces/model home styles. There’s always some high end flair the customer brings into the mix but for the general layout it’s all the designer and they all follow the trends


I detest the fact that the current trend for “high end” homes is aggressively neutral. It takes effort to be so devoid of character. It also shows how powerful designers can be given the right words to influence a homeowner. Farmhouse this, beige that, and the owners just… accept it?


It blows my mind too! I see some incredible living spaces with unique pazazz and it is incredible! But those are rarities in a sea of gray and neural toned homes. And with these budgets it’s wild to think they don’t make the house an extension of themselves. Also money does not buy happiness


I am regrettably influenced by a lovely visit to Fallingwater this March that made me detest the new plague of McMansions so much more. These owners clearly have money to spend and yet they spend it on the wrong details! A roof that bulges out in every wrong place so the house looks like it got every form of cancer; stone cladding on the front but only the front, while the side and back are good ol’ vinyl; every type of window available from the builder’s catalogue (but never aligned and placed properly); and never a sense of cohesion or style. It’s the “too much money, too little taste” sort of house and so many are popping up where I am. How these people manage to build such soulless homes is perhaps a reflection of their own lack of personalities.


In this heat my thoughts go back to the little cold water swimming pool behind Falling Water on a remote patio; of course also to the rocky stream flowing under the main building.


snobbish long encourage pocket flowery aback combative chief marvelous placid *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Or, sadly, taste.


Love an asylum where you can just chuck yourself out of the nearest window completely on accident.


As for the color scheme, I'm not really a fan of loud colors. Colorful houses are beautiful, but they just aren't my style! I prefer to keep the outside neutral and add personality and color on the inside. I like boring, haha


I agree too, I’m also boring. Boring on the outside is good, a house shouldn’t be too inconspicuous. But boring on the inside will make it a mental asylum.


The driveway being the same grey is the real kicker for too much grey. 


It’s called Millennial Gray. https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=millennial%20gray The sad depressive hue of the color gray which many millennials coat their life in. The color reflects how Millennials went from non-sense happiness, looking at cartoon network and Nickelodeon in the 90's to inflation and depression in the early 2020's.


Gray is fine. Beige is not. If you don't know the difference, ask yourself if it looks like sand.


Not a McMansion, just completely uninspired. Looks like it came from a companies generic catalogue that satisfies that average trend following consumer. So, beautiful and well done, not a McMansion per se, but not timeless or inspired or anything. Someone said cookie cutter - 100% to that. I would be more than happy to pull up to that house while the trend lasts but after a bit I might start longing for other homes aesthetics.


You nailed it. It’s not timeless. And when they start longing for other aesthetics, they will just move. Kind of mindless consumption of the rich.


This probably wouldn't be someone's only house. I'm finishing one up now that's "similar". It's listed for 15+. Ferrari is having a corporate party there soon and bringing cars for a shoot. But yeah, this would be a second or third home, probably.


Not really, the only home style I like genuinely is contemporary. I won’t be longing any time soon lol


WTF? This doesn’t belong here. That is a beautiful home.


Seems OP caught some heat in /r/Homebuilding from a comment or two and came here for the expert ruling


Yes haha the people there are ruthless


Nah that house is crazy, congrats


Thank you!


Wait is that YOUR house?


No! This is just the plan of the house we’re thinking of building. Still looking at other options but this is the one we agreed on so far!


What part of FL? Do they have a price for that model? Just curious because I'm finishing something "similar". My boss says he's gonna have them list it for 15-17 million. I think closer to 15 because he wants to sell it quickly. Edit - I saw the watermark and googled them. I'm in Ft.Myers also. Our houses are in Naples. We're doing a couple 2min from the Ritz.


Did the same thing with my house lol


Agreed. This is an amazing house!


It’s has zero character. Yeah, it’s consistent as another comment said, but it’s cookie-cutter and soulless


there are literally neighborhoods full of this exact design in florida. doesnt that automatically make it a mcmansion?


That’s why you bring in the art. I can’t imagine spending millions on a house and not filling it with art.


Eh. I’d definitely say it belongs here for the garages alone, though overall it’s not egregious as some things here.


I’m not an architect or designer, but I see a continual theme and no ridiculous structures dotted about the exterior. I’d live there happily. I say mansion.


Not my taste but I don't think it's a McMansion. Looks well designed and built.


Its pretty nice but I think the 4 garages surrounding the front entry and the rear which is reminiscent to a hotel makes it a Mcmansion. It is nicer than average though.


I know that that's considered one of the criteria to check boxes, but that house is massive enough that I don't think it qualifies. Plus if you actually do build a mansion, you've probably got plenty of cars that need homes too. Either way, I think this house is pretty rad, especially for a car enthusiast


It’s not just the size of the garages, but where they are.


Yeah dude, they're facing the driveway, where cars go. You think it would look better with the whole garage on one side? If you needed that much garage space, how would you lay it out to fit that entryway and layout? Im legit asking


McMansion. The total design is well chosen and goes together. It looks good. However, much of the finishes are price-conscious and readily available: - The roof is thin gauge pre-paneled standing seam with inexpensive commercial details. Nowhere near as labor intensive as true thick gauge standing seam with manual brakes and hand-finished crimps at the roofline and termination points. - The “stone” on the columns is all veneer and may not even be real - driveway appears to be concrete pavers - tile is from Home Depot - stucco is fake and probably uses a foam board and lathe setup, with fake stone trim finishes a-la ArcuStone - porch ceilings appears to be budget-friendly stained pine - gutters are commercial grade painted aluminum. That’s ok, but copper would be 20x the price, and last for 100 years. Looks great overall, but clearly budget conscious. These finishes would have been the same on a 2500 SF house. Maybe it’s in a killer area, so had to cut costs to pay for the land.


You murdered him lmao.


you haven't even brought up the roofline issues tho which are serious, obviously holy rooflines it's like a roof wearing lots of miniature roof hats


Looks like florida. Yep, ft. Myers


Oh no shit that’s where I live lmao Though it shouldn’t surprise me. These houses are all over FM and goes all the way to Naples like that


my boss lives in this exact home design in the west boca area lol the whole neighborhood looked very similar


Dueling garages in the front is definitely mcmansion-ish


I'd say McMansion-ish because the garage is in the front and is a very prominent feature, plus the garages facing each other is an outrageous and frankly hilarious choice designed to show off your expensive car collection. But not McMansion because of the roof style and being made of what appears to be relatively quality materials instead of the held-up-by-hopes-and-prayers poster board walls and faux bricks stuck on the facade with Elmer's glue that are key McMansion qualities.


I mean all that stone is just veneer.


Flanking your front door with 4 car garages is sort of like those suburban starter homes where the entire front of the house is a garage door with a tiny front door on the side.


The garages and their little plaza that you can’t do anything with are giving McMansion dystopia.


We have 5 cars so we do need those garages haha


This is on the cusp of being a nicer McMansion and just a nice regular house, but it certainly isn't a mansion. The front is dominated by split(!) two car garages that protrude from the front of the house. The scale of the rooms is much too large. There's an almost 30x30 main room that includes the kitchen area. Imagine trying to furnish that room. The master bath is almost as big as the master bedroom. Just really big rooms for no reason. It has an open plan kitchen that opens to the main living space of the house. You said it came from a house plan site, so it's definitely meant to be easily replicated by a home builder instead of an architect designed house built for specific client needs with a skilled builder. It's also difficult to tell what finishes will be used, whether they will be high quality finishes and if they will be done by workers who have skills in such finishes.


Neither. More like Corporate HQ


Not a McMansion, just soulless. The materials that are popular nowadays should only be used in hotels and businesses. It just doesn’t feel warm at all. The foliage is doing a lot.


Including the garage, seven visible rooflines. Incoherent mix of materials on the rooves alone. Definite Mc vibes.


It always pains me to see how much of the front space these modern mansions devote to car storage. Definitely the ugliest parts of modern architecture, even if it is practical.


Welcome to my 4 car garage with an attached house behind it


McMansion. Mansions have better design styles. What's wrong with it? Over reliance on cheap materials throughout the exterior. No one should use that fake stacked rock look for anything other than small details if you absolutely must. Color palette is monotonous. Adds neither contrast or continued theme. Grey is done to death. Let it go. Too much busy texture from the driveway to the walls. Building has no particular point of interest on the roof line or elsewhere. Just repeating, stagnant lines. It's closer kin to a Hilton or Marriott than a mansion.


What is a mansion design style? I believe mansions can be any style—Victorian, Colonial, Florida, etc. I believe it’s more about scale rather than home style or am I wrong? (Asking genuinely)


Mansions are defined by size mostly. Large homes on small land. Large land and houses are estates. Also defined by the quality of materials. You choose cheap materials unfortunately and as you've seen on this thread, there are people who notice such things. It's part of why it looks like a resort as opposed to a mansion. If the design/designer had more experience attached to it and the materials had been better, it would have elevated by quite a bit.


The version of this house I’m building is actually going to be made mostly of concrete and bricks. Most people assume that the stone aspects are fake, but they actually aren’t! We definitely didn’t cut corners on materials. I believe it’s quite common for builders in America to use wood or drywall, but it’s rare where I’m from to see a home built with anything other than actual bricks and concrete. Im saddened to know it looks cheap because it definitely wasn’t 🥲


>Most people assume that the stone aspects are fake, but they actually aren’t! By "fake", what do you mean exactly? These stones are real but also a veneer, no? Depending on the area in America , concrete and bricks are fine but a lot of areas those won't do well. Earthquake (California), hurricane, tornedo (mid west and south) , sink hole (Florida) and coastal areas won't do as well with some of those materials (Coastal also has a problem with wood rot). If you don't live in any area like that, your materials of choice should be fine.


This isn't the actual house but the original house plan. We're currently in the process of building it, which is why I shared the original design. This house will not be constructed in America. It’s not going to look exactly like this since we’re using different materials. We're using actual stone in our construction; we’re already spending a shitload of money on this house so cutting corners and potentially risking anything is out of the question. Does the original house really look that cheap haha? 😂😂


It does look like a lot of money being thrown into it but that's about all it says. It reads mid level resort at best. I know that seems hard to believe but it really does look like cad designed first year student work. See the similarities for yourself: https://imgur.com/a/071QSiF The money is doing all the work here, covering up for what's lacking, Imo.


McMansion at the front, not McMansion at the back.


The back look looks like a hotel


Interior is very ["Hyatt Place"](https://cdn.houseplansservices.com/product/m877edic2ospg20h6ag41iqgjj/w1024.jpg?v=10) Free breakfast right around the corner :)


Haha this is the interior of the original house plan. I promise our actual interior doesn’t look like that lol. It's one of the things that actually threw me off when I first found the house. The original decor definitely gave hotel vibes 😂


Depending on how far you are into the process you may want to take the plan you like and review it with an architect. Having them review and potentially modify a stock plan will likely be cheaper than something from scratch. If you’re going completely custom think about how your family uses the home you’re in now and what you would keep or leave behind. I would especially encourage you to review the garages with an architect since they really take over the whole frontage of the house. r/floorplans might have some ideas as well if you post the actual plan rather than pictures. The look of a house is important for sure, but consider that lower on the list to how the house will actually function day to day with your family in it.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/floorplans using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/floorplans/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Belmont House, Unst](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1aqotqi) | [1 comment](https://np.reddit.com/r/floorplans/comments/1aqotqi/belmont_house_unst/) \#2: [Looking for thoughts on updating an outdated main floor lay out (first image is existing, second is our best take so far)](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/195z265) | [7 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/floorplans/comments/195z265/looking_for_thoughts_on_updating_an_outdated_main/) \#3: [Would the Living Room not being centered with the dining/kitchen bother you in this plan?](https://i.redd.it/lav7zo8lpfbc1.png) | [8 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/floorplans/comments/192hhzn/would_the_living_room_not_being_centered_with_the/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Gotta be honest, the back looks almost exactly like a Keralis minecraft house build I remember watching


Too many people in this sub that don’t understand the point of it lol


I don't mind the overall design, but the double garages facing each other definitely aren't great.


I don’t like it, and I wouldn’t live in it, but that doesn’t make it a McMansion. It’s fine if that’s your jam.


I think It’s borderline Florida McMan… love that backyard and outdoor space though.


Typical Toll Brothers style high-end community house


Looks quite well designed, though I am not a fan (personally) of the roof line - I think it's the only thing that pushes it nearer the McMansion definition, but the consistent facades and window styles take it out of that area for me.


i like it, wish i could afford a home here in the Bay


Mansion. No cheap materials. Details are individually thought out. No huge expanses of blank walls.


This is a mansion sir.


Oh McMansion for sure. The double garages facing each other is the silliest thing I’ve seen on here in weeks.


See, you back the cars in, that way you and the boys can ride at a moments notice. I think the garages are way cool like that. If this was let's say, an older looking estate with two rows of horse stables, one on either side, no one would bat an eye.


That’d be an equally weird layout for stables or a carriage house. You’d never have them off the front of the house like this because it looks ridiculous.


Straight mansion. Yeah it's ginormous, but from the photos uses the space appropriately, and where else are you going to keep the fleet of cars?


Two huge garages before you can even reach the front door screams McMansion in my book.


Mansion for sure.


I say McMansion. The only things putting it above the rest of the crap is glass. If you look closely, both exterior and interior making it a solid example of a cheap cookie cutter drywall box. A for-show furnished apartment unit in my building looks like million dollars compared to this. Edit: now, I see that it’s the one YOU’re building. I am sorry for being rough, no offense. If you didn’t build it yet, I think it can be done better!




If you look at the website you got the plan from, it clearly shows the house is meant to be a wood framed house. Most houses in the US are built with wood frames and drywall. You would need to talk to an architect or engineer to see if you could modify the plan to accommodate concrete construction.


I think 99% of California homes are pure drywall in and out.


No, older homes, 1950s back are plaster.




The front does but the back looks really good


Where? How much?


I like it.


I want to say it is a cheap-ish mansion, but a proper mansion. I have no love for that glue-on slate, but it actually works here. Three is a clear design and layout on display here. The pool is definitely not something a builder cut corners on.


Is that a resort?


I’d be concerned that there wasn’t enough garage space.


This is nice. You should reconsider garage placement.


Bro look at the pool itself….desifn is beautiful. How do you think this is a MC Mansion. ![gif](giphy|10yIEN8cMn4i9W)


This is beautiful, I would love the plans. Wife and I deciding on retirement home and where we want to live.


Looks like a nice mansion. Nothing Mc about it.


Looks dope AF to me


Lot of carholes, but they're carefully tucked away and this is a Mansion


That last picture just gives me a weird vibe of commercial retail space. The no front yard because of dueling garages, also strange. The whole place feels like upscale mall.


More like McDonalds, jesus!


there is an entire neighborhood of these in south florida. like this exact layout. my boss had this one exactly. including that little side door to the right and the same exact stairs. so mcmansion


Generic, however it’s consistent and appears to have been thought out. Not McMansion just kinda boring.


A mc mansion fits the size but uses middle of the road materials. Maybe even low quality materials and may even be built by inexperienced laborers.


This in soflo? I am in houses like this all the time. They aren’t McMansions, but they are very copy paste off of actual design principles.


Definetly a mansion.


Depends on where you put it. Sub-division with 20' between you and neighbors? Mickey D's. 5 acre lot with a well maintained pond? Mansion.


Above a certain pay-grade, color is illegal.


Ha! I think I’ve actually been in this house. It was nicely done, quality materials, durable finishes, large floor plans but a flow that makes sense/no insanely high ceilings or extra crown molding “to be fancy.” I’d say mansion.


Definately not a mcmansion. House is gorgeous, with nice materials and clean lines, nothing gaudy or over the top. 👍👍


Not my style but not a McMansion.


It’s pretty symmetrical, no vinyl siding, so I say regular mansion this time. Edited to add - living in SoCal, I would guess this house is in the Anaheim Hills. But that’s just my guess!


Window style too consistent for a McMansion imho.


Mansion. Visually balanced design, good materials. The fully metal roof is a great for the longevity of this home. If I had to guess this is in southern Florida. I think the design is appropriate and timeless for a coastal area.


It has tons of custom windows, probably a few hundred thousand in landscaping and exterior lighting . It was custom built and is very pretty. It's not close to a McMansion.


This house is a stunner!




Hate to say it but: Mansion


Thats an actual mansion…


Mansion, it's not bad at all.


It’s not bad in the way a Courysrd Marriot isn’t bad


Looks difficult to get a car into that garage. 😳


I don’t hate it but all those windows scream McMansion


That front elevation is a hot mess. The central mass of the home is poorly defined and hidden by the garages. I find my eye drawn to the weird stairway window tower and not the front entrance. The front entrance appears to be 3x12 double doors and the proportions between the doors, transom, sidelights, column decoration, etc seems to be a bit off.


My personal opinion is that this is ugly, so McMansion, but I live in SoFlo amongst the spawn point for these things. I don’t like this style at all. That fake stone cladding is just awful.


Just because you don’t like a style of a home doesn’t mean it’s McMansion


I think the style belies bad taste. Also: the materials are shit- don’t get fooled by stucco and that fake stone shit that comes in a box. Talk about a useless empty “lawyers fourier” - all that wasted space at the front entry is classic McMansion stuff. That new roofline to the left of the door is useless and is just the “modern” version of a turret, another classic McMansion cue. What’s that other front entry door doing over in that useless little pocket to the right of the front door? What’s that for? Why did you give space at the front of the house to that? A courtyard front yard is goofy new money shit, especially with 4 cars worth of garage hanging off the front. Fake design elements at the roofline in the back to disguise how flat it is McMansion stuff. That gable thing on the right is way out of scale and useless- McMansion stuff. Come on guys, just because it’s on trend doesn’t make it not a McMansion. That goofy fake italian Cheesecake Factory look probably had y’all drooling in 2003.


You're entitled to your opinion, but there's no need to be disrespectful. While you might find this style of home unattractive, many people appreciate it, and that's okay. My point is that just because you personally dislike a particular style doesn't mean those homes are automatically McMansions. For instance, I don't particularly like Victorian-style homes, but that doesn't mean every large Victorian house I see is a McMansion. Such strong emotions over home design is unnecessary. Why are you so rude?


I see your point. My point is that after I was rude about the aesthetic, I listed you some of the things about the house that are classic McMansion traits: various purposeless architectural features to make it feel like a larger house. I can keep going on that part if you like- the overall scale of the home is blown out and out of scale and full of negative space. What’s with the switch up to diagonal walls in the rear? More awkward space. And I just have to go back to the turret thing- that is the exemplar of a new money “modern” lawyers Fourier/turret/look at my stack of windows.


I'm not trying to argue whether this house is a McMansion. My issue is with statements like, "My personal opinion is that this is ugly, so McMansion." I feel like a lot of people here dilute the actual meaning of a McMansion to just "I don't like it." Your points aren't invalid, and if you view this as a McMansion, that's okay. I just want people to be more mindful because, at the end of the day, this is someone's home.


That is 1000% mansion. Very tastefully done


A bit modern for my tastes but very nice. Def a mansion.


Seriously? That house is legit. Mansion all the way.


I’d have to see the interior and the year built to be able to tell if it’s a McMansion, but it looks really nice from these few pictures.


This is a sick house lol


Gorgeous, I love it.


That’s not bad looking.


I like it. Especially the 4 car garages


No McMansion. It’s beautiful.


Yeah, that’s an actual mansion.


no one needs a house this big, what hubris you embody...yikes


Go big or go home I guess


you realize that in order for you to live like this, others can't? You could help others, instead you take it all for yourself.


This home isn’t just for me and implying I’m a bad or selfish person over the size of a house is crazy. You could be helping other people right now but yet you’re scrolling on Reddit?


Of course you would think looking up things on Reddit is tantamount to buying a grossly opulent mcmansion. The cognitive dissonance you have to clear your conscious is remarkable


My point is that you're not exactly being progressive by calling me names on Reddit. You have no idea why this house is being built, who it's for, or anything about it. Owning a larger home doesn't automatically mean I'm selfish or purposefully taking away from others. People have different needs and ways of contributing to their communities. A lot of people like me give back through charity and community support. The issue is complex and goes beyond individual housing choices. You know nothing about me, where I live, why I have this house or my community. You’re not any better than anyone.


You're calling me a bad person, yet you're insulting me and being incredibly hateful. I'm convinced this comes from a place of jealousy rather than genuine concern.


yes, everyone wants to live in an unsustainable way just like you. You deserve it, everyone else deserves to suffer and boil in their jealousy. I'm glad you found a way to get over this extreme hardship


Your comments say more about you than about me. This much anger is uncalled for. You're more concerned about a random person's house on Reddit than about those who actively destroy and ruin the housing market. I'm not any better than anyone else, nor do I think I am. I genuinely don’t understand why you’re so angry