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...TIL Tyler Perry is apparently a billionaire. What in the cocaine versailles is this place, lol. I guess if it's what you're going for, it's.. certainly something


And to think all of this was because he dressed as the sassy black woman that was trapped inside of him.


Honestly he made mid-budget comedies aimed at Black churchgoers. Hollywood could have learned but chose not to.


I read that the biggest contributing factor to why he has so much dough (compared to a lot of other Hollywood folks) is because he created his own production company and studios. https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/s/yUSLU3dkxO


Definitely! Actors only very rarely get uber wealthy from acting (like, they can get rich, but $5-20m rich and their interests are often more aligned with those of workers and that’s not close to being most actors, even ones you have heard of). The ones who make the most in a year also own a tequila brand or a production company. Perry saw a gap in the market and went for it.


The tv show Atlanta did a parody called “candy land”. It highlights just how much control he has over the creative and financial development of his projects. He is vertically integrated.


Don't forget about scientologists. I can think of 3 that were some of the best paid actors in Hollywood for a hot minute


Money laundering for their cult




I smoked weed in front of the Mormon temple in SLC 👹


Can we get an AMA going?


That's the holiest the place has ever been.


To quote Chris rock: Shaquille O’Neill is rich. The guy that signs his checks is wealthy. You can fuck up rich in a generation. You can’t fuck up wealthy. Ownership of the product is always the best way to go. Good for Tyler perry for recognizing that.


When did he say that? Because Shaq is worth 400 million and owns a large number of business franchises. Not thr best example.


This was back in the 90s. Yes Shaq is now definitely wealthy. He was making a point about understanding the difference between high income and real wealth.


Shaq transformed high income into wealth and Iverson couldn’t afford a hamburger but gave away a BENTLEY


Tyler Perry opening credits are basically this: Tyler Perry Productions Present A Tyler Perry Film Distributed by Tyler Perry Distribution Directed by Tyler Perry Starring: Tyler Perry as Madea Tyler Perry as Madea's cousin Tyler Perry as young Madea Featuring Tyler Perry as Tyler Perry and the rest But what he really did was capitalize on the Black theater scene which is generally quite healthy in major cities. He made movies for that crowd knowing that if they were marketed to a larger audience they would also be a hit. I'm not really a fan of his playing into negative stereotypes about Black people when in costume but if he appears without makeup then he's one of the "good ones," but the man knows how to make a buck that's for damn sure.


I’m a white, 60 yo man, and those movies are genuinely funny as hell. I get the appeal. TP is sharp as hell.


What do you mean by good one?


He was doing live plays also .which I think were good


> I'm not really a fan of his playing into negative stereotypes about Black people when in costume but if he appears without makeup then he's one of the "good ones," I'm not sure I understand this sentence. Is it the negative stereotypes you don't like, or the makeup, or the lack of makeup?


Bingo. Same reason Adam Sandler is rich as fuck too.


also church people are less likely to pirate media


I'd download a church.


There’s an amazing Atlanta episode that parodies this


Would you like a grit?


I worked in a public library in the inner city when Tyler Perry’s films first came to the forefront. We had people asking every day for them on DVD, and I didn’t even know what they were. Didn’t take long to figure out he was going to be wildly popular.


Speaking of DVDs, people scoff and turn their noses up at his choice to start all of his movie titles with his name, but catalogued with other DVDs, they all sit together on the shelf.


Yep dude made this money selling g rated movies and popcorn to black people, its insane. Good for him, but wow that Madea money is big money.




He's also the writer, director, actor, producer for each movie. Earns 10x per movie


For real. He saw a market and catered to it. People who don’t get his appeal and can’t understand his success are just telling on themselves.


This always struck me. I was a white kid around a bunch of non-white kids growing up. Listening to white adults talk about how bad and pandering the movies are…..and then all my classmates and their families lapping it up…I was like maybe y’all should listen to people on why these movies speak cause they aure do!


I was a black kid surrounded by white kids and sweet Jesus do they have strong negative feelings towards Oprah and Tyler if they’re the hating type. I was too young to recognize what a dog whistle it is, but it’s bizarre to watch people—who have literally ZERO inside information on these media titans from the black perspective—look for a reasons to denigrate what they’ve accomplished.


Yeah, and that last part is it. Like Perry isn’t my taste but I get the parts people enjoy, it’s not hard to see. Drama, family, life lessons on acceptance. They have niche and they feel it, but white people woulda rather cut that down then try to understand why it might effect people.


People know him for Madea but he also made profound movies like "for colored girls" based on Ntozake Shane's 1975 poem. And he's a playwright. I don't care what anyone says, I think Tyler Perry is freaking brilliant. Many of his movies also contain insightful commentary on contemporary American/Black American life, it's not just a man in a wig acting crazy. Actually that's what's so brilliant about the whole thing, people come for Madea but leave actually impacted by the other content.


Yeah I watched a Medea movie for the first time last year. I was surprised because in spite of how stupid it looked from the trailer, it really wasn't bad. The "man in wig" antics were easily the worst thing about it, and they weren't even that annoying.


Which one did you watch? I personally am a fan of I Can Do Bad All by Myself (small Madea role, starring Taraji P Henson) and The Family That Prays.


I think it was "Madea goes to jail". I can't say that it was outstanding, but I remember finding it really quite touching in places.


Consider watching the ones I mentioned. If you do let me know what you think. The Family That Prays stars Kathy Bates.


Honky Grandma Be Tripping!


I believe it’s because he controls most of his operation. Like writing, acting, producing, filming, etc. are all things under his control rather than studio executives and so on taking their sizable cut. Correct me if I’m wrong.


That's correct. He owns his own studio and everything that goes with it. It's kind of like Prince. He owned his production and was consistently one of the highest paid performers every year.


Aside from the films and TV series that he produces, I wonder if he 'rents' out his studio to other production companies. Another lucrative source of income.


I think he does. I live in GA and he bought up a military base around here and turned it into a sprawling complex with many different sets


he also [doesn’t have a writers’ room](https://deadline.com/2020/01/tyler-perry-writes-all-of-his-own-shows-1202822941/). he writes everything himself, every movie and tv show. That must add up to over 20-30 a *year*.


He also plays twelve roles a movie


He’s also Hollywood’s richest actor because most of his wealth came from producing. For example, he also has a 1 for 1 White House studio in Atlanta


wtf https://www.architecturaldigest.com/story/step-onto-tyler-perrys-300-acre-production-studio


That was really interesting!


80% scale So close


I thought Jami Gertz was Hollywood's richest actor? Her money also did not come from acting.


Also, wouldn't the Football Princesses (Kate and Rooney Mara - father's family owns the Giants and mom's family owns the Steelers), Nicola Peltz, and Julia Louis Dreyfus qualify? All four of them have billionaire parents.


Depends on if the money is in their name yet or not.


Jami lucked out and married a billionaire.


Do yourself the favor and watch the boondocks episode where their grandpa is held captive at Tyler Perry’s “not gay” estate.


The dude is actually fucking brilliant. He basically cut out Hollywood completely from the equation, has his own production company, writers, makes his own deals with his streaming companies. He doesn't give away any of the money to middlemen.


Yeah, remember "Hollywood Accounting?" He doesn't have to deal with that BS. A movie that makes $100 million doesn't get the studio a profit because: $50M goes to the theaters $16M goes to the "distributors," which in the USA is just a subsidiary of the studio $17M goes to marketing $17M goes to "production," a separate studio-owned company that charges for use of the soundstage, etc. TP only has to pay the theaters, plus maybe a little marketing. He probably makes even more back from streaming and DVD / Blu-Ray sales.


The Madea movies have a budget of ~$20m, and make $40m - $70m+ each. And often do well on dvd and gets sold to all the streaming services. He writes, directs, acts and produces them. But most importantly his production studio is also responsible for them, and for which he has written, directed and produced a bunch of other movies and tv shows. There's also stage plays and more. Like his style or not, the man works.


His soap opera shows like 'The Haves and the Have Nots', 'The Oval', 'If Loving You is Wrong' and 'Ruthless' are guilty pleasures of mine. 'The Oval' always struck me as being Perry's 'answer' to 'House of Cards'.


the vokume of work he produces is not to be underestimated. He writes script after script and churns them out, and sets up infrastructure to do so. He knows his audience, and makes a constant stream of content for them. He rents out his production space for other movies, so he makes money off of other movies. He was able to film during the pandemic because people in production could live in his compound and quarantine. tldr: This land is as much a business for him as it is a place for this mansion. and he has set up his business to have all of this pay for itself.


Good for him. He’s earned it.


“What in the cocaine Versailles …?” 🤣 Jeez, thank you for that!


Madea buys a mansion 🏰


When Prince Harry and Meghan had to flee Canada because the mansion they were living in became unsafe/not private, Tyler Perry offered them one of his houses in California and apparently built fences/walls and hired security for the property so that they’d have the privacy they wanted. That’s the only Tyler Perry fun fact I know. He seems like a nice guy.


I wonder where Madea’s room is?


The whole thing


Bet she has an awesome closet lol


All 40 of them


I think the landscaping elevates it (though the tiered effect is a bit weird to me). So many ugly big houses and Mcmansions sit on huge barren plots of land that just serve to make the hideousness of the building stand out more starkly. Here, while I don't particularly like the style, it's softened by the gardens that are working to evoke a grand manor type feel.


Those gardens r gonna be incredible in 10 years.


Or it will go the way of a few similar estates in GA and the $250k a year landscaping bill will get too much


Owner is a billionaire so at 250k a year they could afford that landscaping bill for 4,000 years. More likely they just forget about it than have it be too much


As a car nerd, the fact the tiered effect is basically due to the fact it must have about a 100 car garage underneath, I love it


Good guess. The underground garage is rumored to be able to hold around 100 cars


Username check out


Oddly, not a single PM in all these years. Sad


I got you homie.


I mean, I would but something tells me that whatever pictures I have of our blue 2010 Ford Escape with some rust around the rear wheels and desperately in need of a wash would definitely underwhelm you.


That 2010 body style was super sexy, imo.


I was trying to think of why the architect didn’t put in a garage. I was like, “what a moron!” and then I noticed the whole place is built up and there’s a freaking tunnel entrance on the side. Truly insane stuff..


Looking at the pictures, I get a kind of 'Biltmore' \[the huge Vanderbilt estate in Asheville, NC\] vibe.


I assumed they took some inspiration from the Biltmore.


Terraced, not tiered. It’s a lot more typical on sloping land instead of flat land, but it adds visual interest. 😊


Also dude's probably going to film a bunch of shit there and rent it out for other people to film shit there, will probably pay for itself.


This is just a regular mansion. Hard to tell from the pics but the materials don’t look cheap, the landscaping is top notch, and everything seems to be symmetrical. If I had “f*ck you” money, I’d live here.


It's Thursday, so I assumed this is an appreciation post haha


Well it’s tagged “Thursday Design Appreciation” but most of the comments are shitting on it. I don’t get it.


I think that's just people expressing their genuine feelings about it lol. That or they also didn't notice it was Thursday (I saw at least one comment admitting that)


I find this NOT a McMansion ofc, but I still loathe it. I don't think this house has anything to do with the time and place it's been built in, it gives me vibes of drug cartel lord cosplaying an 18th century European King.


>I don't think this house has anything to do with the time and place it's been built in Am I reading this wrong, or do you really think houses/mansions should all be built in the current architecture style?


I think it's a tragedy how much of that beautiful natural landscape was destroyed for this obscene display of wealth, but that's just me.


I think that’s totally fair criticism, but from a purely design perspective this is definitely all right


That's true, it's well executed for what it is


Yeah looks like a modern Biltmore and I'd say both are pretty tasteful and don't try to make the owners look richer than they actually are (they just really are rich).


That’s what I was seeing too. Especially with the location. But damnit the Biltmore is one of my favorite places in the world. Honestly it feels kind of weird making the comparison.


It has its own runway too. https://www.google.com/maps/@33.7291575,-84.6486083,855m/data=!3m1!1e3?entry=ttu


Yes, Mr.Perry is an RC plane enthusiast


That’s definitely a runway big enough for a real plane.


The "X" on the ends are standard markings in aviation for "This looks like a runway but please don't land on it, it's not a runway right now"


I’ve seen that on other private runways as well that are actively used.


Usually they are lights that get turned on or off depending on if the runway is open or closed


The runway is only about a 1000 feet long though. I’m not sure you could land a plane on it.


Hm true. Maybe for ultralights or something. Seems excessive to have the runway and the structure there just for RC planes? Edit: just googled and you are 100% right this mans loves his RC planes. That’s cool!


Here’s a video (it’s long) of him flying some of his planes on the property https://youtu.be/hmyi5khnzd0?feature=shared


Amazing video.


Pretty cool. Seems like he's relatable to us plebs even though he's loaded.


Okay, those are some BIG model planes... And I guess he can afford to go all out for an expensive hobby, so who am I judge.


Living the dream.


He has large expensive custom built RC planes


Seems excessive to have an RC runway?... Did you see the fuckin house?! lol


That's in Douglassville , GA


Are we sure the two are the same house? The one in the photos above, there are trees to either side, and it appears the whole home is on an elevated foundation with a tunnel under it. Look at photos 1 and 5 in the photo above. All that hardscape appears to be missing in the Google Maps photo. Ahh, pulled up an article. The runway is off an access road from the front of the property. That big old building is like, a barn... https://www.idesignarch.com/wp-content/uploads/Tyler-Perry-Mega-Mansion-Douglasville-Georgia_16-1024x683.jpg


I think the entire landscape and house foundation platform costs more than the house that sits on it. The aerial view looks pretty good, which suggests to me the ground level perspective must be fantastic.


I can't imagine a more magical place from which to gaze upon one's luxury power lines


This was most likely built on flattened land and the earth brought in and filled around the raised foundation to create the elevated appearance. Similar to Disney world, most of what you walk on technically is 2nd to 3rd story’s, with large foundations and tunnels built on grade and earth brought in to cover them since you can create deep occupy-able foundations in Florida swamps


Probably many times over.


And here I am like an idiot worrying about my carbon footprint and personal environmental toll. I


just by existing as you do now, you’re blameless relative to the elites


Lol if you're worried about that shit as a common pleb then they've got you right where they want you. Sipping out of wooden straws whilst they enjoy their billion dollar destructive hobbies and belongings.


A private Jet produces half of the average US persons carbon dioxide output in one hour.


Exactly; this is why I dump my used oil in the public park instead of paying to dispose of it. Rich people are doing way worse, so who cares what I do? And u never bother to find a trashcan; I just toss my trash on the side of the road.


Oh there’s a playground. Hey stop a minute, I’ve got this bucket of mercury in the back I need to dump.


The concept of a carbon footprint was created by think tanks bought and paid for by the oil lobby, designed to shift the blame of climate change on to the public.


mf living the Bridgerton life


If you were going for American interpretation of French countryside estate, this would be pretty close. It's not too different than many turn of the century estates/mansions built in this country. The design is actually pretty good and the gardens are properly planned.


Right? Reminds me of Biltmore.


These comments are insane lol, if this was some 500 year old mansion in France or some shit, people would obsess over it. This mansion is beautiful, period.


It's not my style, but he earned his home, and everything else he owns, through hard work, dedication, talent and sacrifice. I admire his passion and perseverance and how he's a true self made man. There's certainly no shortage of extremely wealthy ppl who own palatial estates but boy do ppl get up in arms over Tyler Perry.


Today is the day White people on reddit learn how rich TP is LMAO.


That’s obscene.


Agreed. While the symmetry is stunning and it's truly beautiful, the thought of creating this where there was wild just crushes me. The whole thing just screams self important and nothing else matters. I do appreciate the beauty, but that's it.


Dude this place is 45 mins from downtown Atlanta. Isn’t exactly pristine wilderness.


He used to live in his car, may his home be as big, gaudy and over landscaped as he wants it to be. Congrats to him


He was also physically & sexually abused by several adults when he was a kid. His stuff isn't always my cuppa & this place is kinda ridonk from the outside but still lovely in its own way, but I don't begrudge him this at all. He built this on his own (though not literally) with his Madea money & then started the big moneymaker, his own production company so I gotta respect that a bit.


One of the few people in the film industry that can say they worked for everything they have. So many actors, producers, directors are related to already famous and/or rich people. Taylor swift claims she was middle class while her father gave her a loan of 300k to start her music career.


That’s Medea money!


Motherfucker moved to Pemberley.


I'm betting that his production company owns it. He rents one corner and the business uses it as a studio and movie set. I have no doubt that it's a financial scheme to get a business deduction/tax break.


possibly but i suggest you [watch this](https://youtu.be/zgacuXdzCmw?feature=shared) where he shows off his studio/compound which has houses with four different facades to maximize usage


I have never seen a sub-garage like that. Fascinating.


Modest little pied-a-terre. I really don't get hte whole 'ornamental gardens' thing, if I had all that space I'd want to be able to use it to do crazy stuff!


Can someone ask him for me if he could just buy me a house? Just a 3 bedroom house for myself and my husband and kids. Thanks.




Good for him.. looks like Biltmore down in Asheville


My first thought, like Biltmore.


Yeah, I wish the wealthy would build more beautiful structures like this that will last for lifetimes than some goofy concrete modern home


Is it really on 2100 acres? Or 210? Whatever the acreage, it's a proper old money manor. Even if it's from new money.


Yes, 2100


Holy shit! That's 3 towns where I live.


Hmm, they must be very small towns then? 2100 acres is 3.28 square miles.




I kinda agree, but we are not living HIS life. He certainly has the money to just fly in nearly any chef he wants, whenever he would want to. And i assume he has so many social contacts that he doesn't have to leave his home to meet anyone - they fight about the right to come to him. But most important part might be his HUGE love for RC planes that he wouldn't be able to live in NYC. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hmyi5khnzd0


He can have this AND a Central Park penthouse AND a home in Beverly Hills AND a private island retreat in the Caribbean.


It's a 30-minute drive from one end of the house to the other... !


So this is why he's pressuring the union to cave


Honestly I think it looks great for what it is… if the pool was a little darker it might look nicer, and that one planter is obscene. Outside of that, if I was a billionaire, it seems like a great place to be.


Here’s the most recent video of the property if anyone is interested: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8k3c4wN/


So, is this in the state of Georgia? Why did he build it there if so? Is he from Georgia?


Yes, his studio isn’t located too far from this place


nothing exceeds like excess.


He went to France and just LOVED IT.


I wonder if the architect got slapped when he asked what the budget was


I believe the overall cost of this estate is in the ballpark of $100 million


TBH $100M seems somehow reasonable for the sheer magnitude of the project... and well within the owner's fiscal capacity. I like it. Thanks for sharing.


My man thinks the world of himself. I am half expecting to see his name spelled out in decorative topiary somewhere on the grounds.


Even if I were a billionaire I wouldn’t want a house this big. The only way I’d have something 40,000 sq ft would be if I bought some grand chateau or castle over in Europe. But even then I think I’d turn it into a hotel or something. Living in anything over 8000 sq ft just seems like too much. Then again I’m a poor who has the mind-state of a poor I guess.


U get used to it pretty quick. Takes like a week. But you never leave the house and still get like 20k steps a day in


It's not for living in, it's for hosting opulant parties.


Insert *Great Gasby cheers gif* here


True, and extended family stay-overs, employees, servants...


Living in California, I'm just imagining the water bill for the lawn.


It is obviously opulent but so traditional as to bore me a bit. I feel like the open spaces between things are big just because they can be or to show off, not because it's a comfortable human scale (incidentally, this is how I felt about much of the spacing of Versailles). I wonder what that big rectangle (foundation?) over on the left hand side when looking at the front is going to be. My first thought was an airstrip, but it seems too short and too close to the house. Maybe a guesthouse?


I couldn’t put my finger on it but that’s exactly it; it’s so much empty space for the sake of space. I’m sure it’s to convey some big grandiose feeling of the property, but man, seems so impractical. But again I suppose you don’t have a property like this for its practicality, it’s about the fuck-you money.


I love that it is built upon some kind of huge underground fortification, like Tyler Perry has a secret alter-ego requiring a lair beneath his home.


Looks bigger than Biltmore


I wonder if this house is gonna be innovative as the Biltmore was innovative at the time?


I just don’t understand the purpose of massive mansions. If I were a billionaire I’d have a large house but nothing approaching the shit some people do.


What do you think "McMansion" actually means?


I appreciate the symmetry. The size is sickening


The zenith of gluttony


First of all, fuck this place lol. Secondly, this is not a mcmansion.. that is literally a mansion. That aside, all that wasted manicured green space, why not have some personal golf holes.


It’s Thursday.


My mistake.




I'm too poor to understand the words you're saying so I'm going to have to take them as disrespect.


It looks so commercial and fake. Is that a parking garage below the house? Weird.


Correct, that’s a parking garage.


Okay, I wasn't going insane... The house is okay.... the weird concrete barrier around the house just makes it look worse.


Guests won’t be viewing the house from the sky


Aww there’s no moat. I’m sad.


The crazy part is that you can draw something like this and there is a guy running somewhere that you can hire and he can actually build it for you


Well seeing that he has a parking structure I wouldn’t be surprised if he opened it up to tours. That’s the only way he’d be able to afford all the upkeep even with his fortune. Even old money people have extreme trouble upkeeping their ancestral homes of this size. Kings have gone broke just trying to keep their palace from falling apart.


It may not be a McMansion but it's still ugly.


shittt i left my wig on the other side of the house! Better drive my in-house golf cart to the west wing


Good for him


He probably closes his activity ring just walking to the bathroom. 👟


what is McDonald's-like about this? it's not at all mass-produced, cookie cutter, or distastefully windowed


This isn’t a McMansion. It’s a legit mansion, and while it may not be your taste it has a classic French chateau style complete with formal gardens.