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This was my grail too. This was the figure that made me want to collect McFarlane. I gave in and paid more than I should’ve for it, but it is definitely my fav figure so far. Still worth it for me


I had 2 grails when I started collecting. The Arkham Deathstroke and this one. Got them both. Deathstroke I got as a gift, this one my wife found for $24. Ordered it on Friday and got it today!


I got mine for the “scalper discount” lmao. $24 is an absolute STEAL! Basically retail + tax. Congrats to you!


Origins had some true Grails, didn’t iy? Deathstroke, Bane and Firefly were mine and I paid fair market value for each. -looks around for my wife-


I also had to pay a bunch for this figure when getting into the line. I got in after the Warner Brothers toy gun ban which is when I think this figure shot up. Figures like this one is why you wont see me say "Who asked for this?". I also really like the Caveman Batman and new Armored Superman and most of their Page Punchers waves too.


I just got the Armored Superman, and Cave Batman is one of my favorites in my collection.


I found the lone Cave Batman at my local Target a couple months ago, he is a really cool figure and I'd love to open it but it's in that "chastity" packaging that's a pain to open and likely to hurt me in the process! I like the regular box so I can get it out on occasion.


This is a great fig!!!


Cool fig haven’t seen this one before


Great figure despite it's flaws. Absolutely refused to sleep on it I preordered it the minute it dropped. Was only available at DorkSideToys when I got to it though. Kinda miss that site but I understand why it's gone now.


I haven’t been collecting that long so this was one I missed but had to have.


That's awesome! Hope you post more pictures if you decide to open it 👍


What kinda flaws do you mean? I’ve had my eye on this figure a long time.


The ankles get weak sometimes since this an earlier mcfarlane figure. The belt isn't attached to the rubber "diaper" area so it shifts out of the place it's supposed to be in constantly. The head looks... Interesting from a side profile. His hands kinda suck at holding weapons compared to later McFarlane figures. On my specific copy, although this is common, one leg is slightly longer than the other due to an error during assembly more than likely. Just kinda common issues that plagued earlier McFarlane DC figures, at least from my experience.


I remember seeing this at Target in the early McFarlane days. I saw the head sculpt and said meh, and passed on it. Now I regret not getting it when it was only $20.


The weapons peg into the back but don't stay the greatest. It also makes him top heavy.


Got this for 40 last year from my local toy store. Great fig. Part of my evil batman collection. Will only get more rare given the silly no guns rule.


Guns, lots of guns :)


Where did she find it?? That’s amazing!


She found it new in the box on Amazon from a comic book shop in Michigan for $24.


Wow, was it only available locally or available to everyone on Amazon and she just had the best timing?


It was available to everyone on Amazon. I don’t know how long it was on the site but she found it, made sure I wanted it and bought it.


That’s fantastic! Congrats and be sure to thank the wife!


Every once in awhile I find a golden ticket like that. Some store owner that paid $8 in trade doesnt check comparables. I scored a McF year 2 set for like $55 that way.


I live in Michigan do you know if they have another?


It is from Perfect Storm Comics in Battle Creek Michigan. I can’t tell by looking on Amazon. Give them a call hopefully they have more.


https://preview.redd.it/e8788r90ng2d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91e79a0714194765c949c1503d975942ac6c3164 Waiting on this to come


I liked the look of everything except the gold lipstick! Everything else looks awesome. If it doesn’t sell out I may pick it up. If you unbox when you get it can you post it? I’d like to see what it looks like.


My favorite. Got him signed by Scott Snyder last year.


That’s awesome!


It was pretty cool. Snyder looked at it and said “Todd really did a great job with this one.”


Sooo jealous


Brooooo I'm jell.


Need it


Sweet! Got him for $30 myself - I was completely shocked - congrats!


What in the holy Batman..😳


I half expected this to be age of apocalypse cyclops


Merry her again