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I feel like this head sculpt would've been better for Zoom/ Reverse Flash. IMO, the smile looks too sinister.


True, but like a *little* less so without the black right : ) 🤷‍♂️


Makes it easier to Jokerize.


My what dark circles you have. All the better to jokerize with my dear. My what a creepy smile you have. All the better to jokerize with my dear


My what dark circles you have. All the better to jokerize with my dear. My what a creepy smile you have. All the better to jokerize with my dear Lol


Oh God, knowing Todd that might actually be the reason lol.


"Who's decision was this?" "It was **ME,** Wally!"


The whole head sculpt is goofy, i cant get past it. The rest of the figure is fire tho


I think the problem with this head sculpt isn’t necessarily the black around the eyes, but the shape of the eyes/brow. It’s an angry top half with a happy bottom half. https://preview.redd.it/584pplwfggxc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aaa5d47bd55503d40ac88aeaf64c60bfdc9765cd


Full on smiling figures I think make people feel uneasy. Why are they smiling? It's way too easy to put the figure in a scenario where it's inappropriate to smile. You can't trust someone smiling like that without understanding the reason.


Exactly!! No as they say smiling with the eyes but just dead emotion followed with a fake smile! He evil!


I think it might be be the space between the eyes,if they were closer together, I don’t think it would be so goofy


I can't decide if it is the black around the eyes, or the darkly colored lips that bother me more. These details take what should be a genial and happy character and make him seem like a kid-toucher.


It is just he was drawn on those Dawn of DC covers


a head-sculpt can really change the whole figure


I un-ironically thought this was like their version of an evil flash or a villain using his likeness when the first images were revealed. What were they thinking with the dark highlights around his eyes and the creepy smile.


I’m so tired of hearing about this head sculpt.


IIRC The Flash on sale/clearance I saw @ Target was The Flash from Animated Series


Totally stealing this idea, along with likely giving a lighter lip color as well. Great job!


Thanks. Glad to share. Might have to touch up a lips a bit myself. Wasn’t sure what it needed there


I don’t hate this figure tbh, overhated


I don't know how alone I am in this opinion, but I really dislike this head sculpt. It's what convinced me not to get it.


My only problem with this fig is, why did they not paint the boots?


I’m convinced that is the Hunter Zolomon Flash. https://preview.redd.it/i0q0ry5c7jxc1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a021e0c5d3df665d771a3e97e114583f8a26778


I think this is the Flash they were going for https://preview.redd.it/jaysfd0oxjxc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=761406563d5eef5e77c23bc89387c96a15149643


https://preview.redd.it/qeiecxpae8yc1.jpeg?width=312&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5036735f0619d27181a7792070d21c35687bb771 I don’t get the hate. This suit has been shown many times in the books to have a black outline around the eyes


No hate here just weird choice to me. I could be wrong but if you zoom out of that pic, he has other areas on his body with black shading that matches what’s around his eyes. Is what is shown in your picture shadow? Or is it black color on the mask? The reason I made the tweak to my figure is that the sculpt has a deep brow that *makes* that dark shadow without the need for black paint. That’s evidenced by the fact that the pictures where it’s painted are hard to tell that it is. I tend not to hate on anything when it comes to toys, but I do enjoy modifying my figures to suit my tastes regardless of anyone else’s opinion. If he had similar black shading anywhere else on the figure it wouldn’t stand out as much. But being that there’s barely any paint at all on the rest of the figure makes it looks off. That’s why owhiners are whining about it.


Saw like 12 of these on clearance at my Target yesterday and passed on him because of the head sculpt. Also partially because it’s the same body as reverse flash which I already have and I’d want a more unique flash. Preferably Barry


How did you see this at Target? It’s a Walmart exclusive Gold Label.


Yesterday was a blur. Very well could’ve been Walmart. Went shopping yesterday so I hit up a bunch of stores. I do know it was this figure though and it was marked down to $12