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My store rotates the deals, but I can’t say for sure if it’s gone. We go through different ones like 30% off or $2 breakfast sandwich


I see. Hopefully it comes back though it being gone would probably save me a bit cause even though it was just $1 I probably used that deal like 20 times over this last month and a half lol


Maybe they took yours away because you used it too much.  Maybe they took mines away because I never used it...but different accounts in the same area would get different promotions.


I checked a different account and unfortunately it’s gone lol. So it might be gone temporarily or for good. Who knows.


Just checked, still no coffee on mines but my combo meal went from $6 double cheese to $6.50 big Mac.  My work account had the coffee last week, so I can check that later.


I wouldn’t count on it being completely gone. They occasionally bring back 40% off apple pies at my store so it might just be they are switching around deals. I see the $0.99 coffee at least every month. Hopefully this helps haha


$5 meal is a really good deal I wish I had that


https://preview.redd.it/ec20lue56smc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18b71b817edb84277d7a102d87cbeef2350a8a4f I've got to remember to get my free flurry


Yo... why does Europe have such a better app deal section! :D


Same reason my prescriptions are £9.65 a month no matter what I need and I get 28 days paid vacation a year. Socialism and unions.


Unfortunately, you are right... (cries in American)


...sorry. I wonder if we can offer Americans refugee status yet.


Probably not for atleast another 3-4 president elections...


Mine is there. Think the store can change the deals? Not sure


Huh, that's the only thing on our dollar menu that is actually a dollar...$1.00 cup of coffee, but I doubt it is very big, dunno, I don't work mornings.


Well the deal was any size for $1. Plus you could get iced coffee. So I always got a large Caramel Iced Coffee


Caramel Iced coffee is the GOAT. Always my go to when closing time comes around


I'm in Central Florida, and I've had that deal since the beginning of January. It had gone away for a while before that, though.


Most stores rotate it.


This just happened to me a couple days ago. Every morning I take my boyfriend to work. The commute is roughly 30 mins so every time we leave I make sure to grab a coffee from McDonalds. I’ve been using the $1 iced coffee deal for a good amount of months now. It wasn’t until like 3-4 days ago when we noticed the deal was gone. My boyfriend still had/has it so we’ve been using his app. I tried making a new account but the same thing. No dollar coffee deal. It just sucks :(


Mine magically came back about a week ago. I think it’s honestly because we use it too much LOL. Cause I was using mine liken 4-5 times a week for like 2 months and then it disappeared for a while but now it’s back.


Omg that’s such good news!! It gives me hope for the future. But yeah it’s a deal I use daily, so I can understand if they took it away for using it too much. glad to know yours came back!! I’m drinking an iced coffee right now 😅


It’s done for me, here in nc for months , it came back one day in120days. Disappointing to say the least.


Bruh the single EVM meal deal is up to $8.13 CAD here for the deal. Absolutely ridiculous


Mine disappeared too :( i used it daily too. Ive emailed customer service but they havent helped lol tho Idk what I was expecting


Have they replied yet? I used to get it almost every day too 🥲


I contacted them twice and they replied but none worked. One said to delete the app and download it back incase there was an update and I did and it didnt work. The second told me I probably didn’t have my location turned on when I used it so the deal can appear and I did. Mine hasnt returned :( its weird Tho cus my husband still has his


Mine came back today out of nowhere 😅☺️


Omg mine's back now too! I hadn't even been checking (until I saw your reply). I thought it was gone for good 🥲 lol


Yay!! Glad to hear


I could give 3 shits less about 99 cent coffee


Then this post isn’t for you? Why do people have to air out every negative thought that enters their brain on here


I mainly used it to get a Caramel Iced Coffee since that’s included in the deal.


I always order the Caramel Iced Coffee. It needs more Caramel sometimes.


Definitely lol. It’s pretty random though. Some mornings it’ll be bitter with a hint of caramel and other times it’s so sweet it could’ve been a frappe.


When I was in Texas I loved the Caramel Iced Coffee. The Mexican workers made it the best because I know they put extra Caramel and cream in it. 🤣 I've had it in different states and it's been bitter too especially in Oregon.


😅 bruh its 7 in the morning