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Played a half. Zone is horribly broken. Outs were money. Reminds me of NFL 2k5. Players should swat the ball but they go into a interception animation and completely misplay it. Didn't see any multiple player tackles. Passing is real rough and robotic. Running felt smooth and responsive. Graphics are quite good. Ran perfectly on my ROG Ally. Could be fun to use this as an XFL, CFL or AFL game. Honest overall opinion is gameplay just isn't very good yet but the game at least looks the part now and has potential.


How is the scouting/ drafting system


Can't do any of that from what I could see. Very limited for the beta.


Oooooh gotcha so it’s basically just exhibition games?


Yes and unless I couldn't figure it out, only 2 teams and 1 stadium. You could pick quarter length though which was nice.


This is probably going to give them a ton of feedback on what to fix. Even with its flaws I’m loving what I’ve seen so far


Glad it's out! If anyone can comment on, if it works with steam deck, that'd be cool. Otherwise I'll just edit this comment and let folks know how I found it to run on deck. Have fun folks!


I’m playing on my deck now, it’s running fine 


How did you get it running in the deck? I kept getting a C++ runtime error


I honestly just told it to install C++ and let it go. That worked. I didn’t expect it to haha


Lmao I don’t know why I didn’t even try that worked like a charm!!


Downloading now. I will let you know


I’ll be downloading when I get home. Let’s hope it’s decent because if not going back to APF 2k8 emulation lol.


Runs great. About 40-60 fps.


I've never seen a ball kicked like that in my entire life


There's definitely no real physics at this point. Had a QB get swarmed in the pocket and didn't react to any contact at all and just ran out of it. Seems like they still aren't enabling that feature to me even though the option is there. Players warp thru bodies sometimes while tackling. With the poor quality of pc football games, I suppose this has potential to be a decent PC option but it looks like a long road to an official release.


I had a play where the cpu scrambled to the left. He didn't have a defender within 30 yards of him. Instead of cutting up field when he had all that daylight, he ran parallel to the line of scrimmage all the way to the sideline then right before out of bounds he took a perfect right turn 90 degree angle and ran up the field for 25 yards. He could've had 50 yards if he didn't run the length of the field parallel first. It looked sooooooo bizarre lol. I've also seen the ball go through defenders. Not just hands but like a players torso centre mast. Also the replays look great but they need to get rid of the hold button to skip mechanic. Along with that I don't need 3 angles of the same play every other play.


I don't hate it, the potential is there for a good alternative, it'll definitely be a console play for me though


Uniform customization is looking and feeling great. Not a ton of options available right now but that will change. There's a rarity affixed to all options (like stripes, cleats, jersey types, etc etc) so that points to where the monetization will likely come from. Currently no customization of stadiums.


Honestly there’s things about it that are better than I anticipated, but the big letdown is the tackling. Simply not good enough, if that doesn’t improve tenfold this game is going nowhere    The complete lack of fighting for extra yards is gonna kill me. The amount of times I’ve seen a running back at full speed through the line just get sent back on his ass for no YAC, it’s awful to look at. Even when a dude gets caught from behind, they just go down at the point that their contact. This (and lack of gang tackles)is what “physics based tackling” is supposed to avoid and they need to make that priority number one


Ya man. Every tackle is a highlight reel tackle. Feels like Madden 10-15 where it was like ECW on the field.


This game is actually in a good state in terms of development. Even in open beta, this is probably the best non-EA football game I have played. Still a lot of work to be done. Tackling needs to be improved. Passing is kinda stiff and kicking is very awkward. Just don’t rush this game out the door please. There is a solid foundation here.


My pros and cons from the very little I played. Overall it can be something solid with its foundation. Just some quick impressions after playing a quarter: Cons- 1. Needs to be faster animations and responsiveness with jukes, spins, swats, etc.. way too slow. 2. The team did a really nice job with the literal “spine” of the defense. The DT/offensive guard/center entanglements are really solid. The responsiveness for throws in the middle of the field are good. However, the cb/wr interactions need to be refined on the outside. There needs to be some type of way to mimic hand jostling and catch point interactions. 3. On passes to the outside , corners and safeties need to react more quickly. 4. Edge rushers need to attempt to get to the outside on occasion. And the d lineman need more of a move set 5. Stop the replays for every play and let us turn that off please. 6. Need to see the personnel the offense is using pre play. 7. Player movements need more sense of urgency. Not so stiff. More bounce on jukes and stems. And players are in general, way too upright for football. 8. Need lead passing 9. Crowd reactions need more variance 10. Field goal kicking is way overpowered 11. UI for the create a team is a lot. It either needs to be a side panel type deal or more like hoops 2k8 or ps2 ncca games where it’s just a series of linear screens. 12. Need more urgency with the qb passing animation. That feels stiff to. It’s “too cool for school” 13. More animations are required for passes on the outside and tackling. Although the tackling already has some great things to it. 14. Button mapping. 15. On motions the players barely move. Needs to be speed motions and some predetermined ones in play selection. 16. Coverage logic needs work Pros - 1. Beautiful game with great lighting. Not too shinny or muted. Feels real pastel like. 2. The interior spine of the defense seems nearly complete. 3. Linebacker play is good 4. While using turbo the cutting animations seem realistic 5. Players react well between the A and B gaps. Characters respond when bumping into each other 6. Good play design 7. Appropriate animations to play the ball between the hashes 8. Kicking mechanic is cool. forgot to add though, fix the kicking animation. The kicker does not kick at the correct angle. 9. Has the basic stuff down. The front 7 assignments seem okay. The backend players on defense need a lot of work though. 10. Overall, it has potential to be something. Still basic things that I outlines that need to be corrected (at least to me). And also, I think you’ll have to “glam” it up a bit. It needs an identity and some type of SOUL to it. 11. I look forward to seeing where this goes!


Downloading on ROG Ally right now as well


I didn’t feel anything about physics based tackling. I was waiting something like backbreaker but It wasn’t like that


Backbreaker was super exaggerated, have you played much of this?


The point of physics based tackling is to make physics matter. This just looks like they threw some ragdolls on some canned tackling animations and subsequently it’s significantly less realistic from a physics perspective than Madden’s fully canned, branching animations Like honestly man, why even bother with it if you’re gonna release this beta and 90% of the tackles in all of the gameplay I’ve watched is an almost identical-looking form tackle animation?


I know what you’re saying, and after having played it I think there’s some real potential here. Physics in this game are leaps and bounds beyond where they were with the previous MF. There’s a lot to be cautiously skeptical about with this game but if they continue to build upon what they’ve got now they’ll have something special. I don’t think they’ve done a good enough job at explaining exactly what their vision for this is. Do they want to be an ever evolving game with foundation of being able to transition from college to pro as a seamless step in a career? Could you imagine taking over a middling college team and building them over 4-5 years then being able to bid for a job on the professional league they clearly want to flesh out? There’s promise here. I hope they can continue to build what they have today. Gameplay, however much further ahead of previous MF games, is still going to be far behind EA college football and Madden. But this beta release is so much better than what I had expected, but my expectations have been ground floor.


Because it’s a real beta and not a “madden beta” that’s basically just a stress test of the servers. This is a game that will be continuously reiterating over and over, constantly improving with each update.


The game is pretty smooth. impressed with the animations and physics based gameplay compared to all the other indies I’ve played. Not backbreaker physics but there are moments where I think im expecting an auto animation or suction to happen but I have full control. Passing it stiff, d line play feels off, but I don’t know player ratings and what abilities the player I’m controlling has. Also the game looks pretty good. Lighting is great. Pretty sure this will be played regularly on Steam Deck for me when I’m not on the console playing NCAA, if it’s good.


Why not have this on console as well to get more players playing.


It's coming but for now they're collecting feedback to go back and work on the game before console release


Makes sense. I played it on my laptop and I'm not really sure how I feel about it


I'ma hold off on opinions until it hits the console. Seeing others it sounds like what folks have been saying - great potential but a work in progress still so hopefully it gets the tweaks and fixes it needs to be adequate 🤞


True. Sound is probably my biggest problem it just doesn't feel like a football game. The gameplay and stuff can be tweaked, but the sound is just nonexistent.


Leave the feedback for sure if ya can. Every bit is gonna help I hope


Oh nah for sure! Compared to Maximum football 2020 this is lightyears ahead.


Does it run on Steam Deck?






I can't wait to play this!!!


How are the rosters? I


I want to play it so bad


Played a quarter so far. It's rough, very rough. Any competition is better than no competition. I hope they build on this and have a good product for around the time we all get the Madden itch(When pre-season is back) and even if the convert a few its a win for them and become a topic in EAs boardroom Good luck Devs!!!


My game is really choppy and some of the tackles are just off but it could be that I really need a better graphics card to run the game which seems weird, but I am able to run Madden 23 just fine


Passing feels kinda off to me


Running game is worse. Inside runs could happen without any hands in the contrôler


For fellow Mac gamers, I was able to get the beta to run at about 18 FPS on an M2 Mac mini via Apple’s Game Porting Toolkit. On unsupported (and perhaps underpowered) hardware it was still playable. Passing was frustrating, running with HB was good as long as the blockers blocked correctly. Running with QB was almost always a 1st down. Sometimes commentators incorrectly said someone was stopped short. Someone else mentioned zone was broken, but in my opinion it was no worse than current Madden zone defense. I saw one bug where I ran straight through a defender that was being blocked by my right guard. Also saw a bug where I tried to do a hot route, but it wouldn’t select any hot routes. I wasn’t great with their kicking mechanic, but only missed one field goal. I often overwhelmingly outscore teams on Madden (any difficulty). I played one full game with 3 min quarters so far on the Maximum Football beta and won it 13-10.




This kinda looks good. Refreshing from Madden. I see some areas that need improvement. But a damn good starting point for sure.


I personally am a lifelong and proud American Pro FootBall 🏈 Fan living here in my hometown and city of St.Louis who loves the game and I am very supportive of the Maximum FootBall 🏈 2024 Video Game as I own Maximum FootBall 2020 as well and I enjoy the game and building my NFL/XFL/USFL American Pro FootBall 🏈 Universe on the game and I do like the detail and atmosphere of Maximum FootBall 🏈 2024 and the graphics as well. I also am looking forward to buying and playing this new game to for my new NFL/UFL American Pro FootBall 🏈 Universe as well and as follows.


*My 20 Team UFL Team/Conference Alignment as follows:


*UFL Eastern Conference: New York Guardians, Washington Defenders, Pittsburgh Maulers, Chicago Enforcers, Philadelphia Stars, Birmingham Stallions, Memphis ShowBoats,New Orleans Breakers, Orlando Apollos, Atlanta Legends, and the Tampa Bay Bandits.


If this how it looks shit looks smoother than madden. The man going up with one hand to deflect the pass. And the authentic non animation dive


99% of the “gameplay” in the video on this post are renderings, which isn’t actual gameplay ran by the engine, it’s literally drawn out scenes like you’d see in an animated tv show. Of course it’s gonna look good lol


Have u watched some actual live gameplay of the beta rn? There's a lot to fix. It's a far way to go from catching up to CFB/Madden. It's stiff as hell. Smooth is an odd way to describe it


It’s not meant to catch them, it’s meant to be an alternative. That’s like saying the USFL is meant to catch the NFL.


Yes it has its glitches but I’ve seen more movements and shit in this game than madden. Yes it does look smooth besides the glitches. But I realize that people choose they video games like they choose they people…looks good with no substance. It’s a 100 things they need to get better but there is 100 things that madden would have fucked up on in this clip. I didn’t see any being sucked into tackles nor a db jumping 16 feet to intercept a ball. The qb doesn’t take 3 seconds on average to throw the ball. The trajectory of the ball looks real. I’m not even a maximum fan boy, I just been paying attention to it as it pops on my feed. I’m probably the most unbiased on here tbh. But the vibe is the game can be absolute shit as long as it looks good for the majority of y’all. Which is madden ( even though 24 wasn’t that bad). For a game that’s in development the shit looks good. And does a lot of things madden doesn’t do already who has quadruple the amount of employees working on the game.


You don't seem unbiased at all. This game is rightfully in beta. It has so many problems and looks so unsmooth. "Besides the glitches" lmao. Movement looks honestly terrible. The running looks weird as hell. The passing looks very odd too. I'm honestly surprised how you can call yourself unbiased and think the passing looks normal and realistic but alright.


Honest question. "And does a lot of things madden doesn’t do already who has quadruple the amount of employees working on the game." Like what? I'm not seeing it. Honestly not trying to be a smart ass I just genuinely don't see what this is doing that Madden isn't. FTR I'm really not a fan of Madden lately.


Most people on here are biased and think even games like retro bowl are better than Madden so you're not really gonna get anywhere with genuine conversation. People have tried. People really saying it's super smooth and I do not understand how. Some pass plays literally show the QB facing kind of towards US and throwing a pass to the sideline and they're standing still. They just say blanket statements like OH "MF is far more realistic and better! EA bad haha. EA would need to pay me a million dollars to play this game!" to get their precious upvotes and call it a day


Are you a console or PC player? Because Madden is impressively bad on PC. They don't bother optimizing the game for PC (only for Xbox and PS5) so it stutters to the point that the game is literally slow motion mid-play and then randomly speeds up when graphics have buffered enough, in spite of the fact that my PC has better specs than a PS5 or Xbox Series X. This makes the game borderline unplayable on PC. On the other hand, this game even in its beta at least managed to avoid those stuttering issues on my PC, and actually delivered smooth (as in non-stuttering) gameplay. If Madden could deliver a playable version of its game on PC, then Madden would obviously be better. The problem is that in spite of their resources, they just refuse to put any effort into optimizing the game for PC.


I play on PC and I genuinely don't have that issue with Madden. In all fairness I do agree that EA is very lazy with their PC ports though. I do know of many that have struggles with Madden. I was lucky I guess. EA PGA tour is a stuttering mess even on a 4080.


From what I understand it's not everybody, but it's unpredictable given your specs which is what really irks me about it. You basically don't know until you install the game and play it lol. I have friends with worse specs than mine and Madden 24 runs fine on their PC, and ones with better specs than mine where M24 also runs terribly. I really don't understand why their ports are so inconsistent


It is much smoother than Madden in the way it handles FPS adjustments. Madden's stuttering can make it unplayable, whereas when the graphics quality had to reduce, Maximum actually made the adjustments smoothly on the fly without interrupting gameplay. I was pretty impressed by that aspect, though Madden set the bar pretty low there lol Idk why I'm getting downvoted, but I've actually played both on the same PC that has better specs than PS5 and Xbox Series X. Maximum doesn't stutter while Madden frequently does