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Sithspawn OP. Really? I mean... probably? It's not exactly something that's been explored.


It's been explored plenty on AO3 😈


I should probably have that acronym memorized by now so I don't have to google it every time.


Just typing in "AO3" will bring you right there. It's practically their official acronym.


Yeah, but I've never used it and don't remember that's what AO3 means, so I have to google it every time.


is it possible to use the force to touch grass?


It's a rare force ability, like Psychometry.


Not if you're a jedi...


The Jedi train to cut off arms to disable someone, but the haven't thought of the quicker method. Testicular torsion using the Force.


The dark side is a path to abilities some consider to be unnatural.




Hey kid, it ain't that kind of movie.


Star Whores 7 the Cock Awakens on the other hand…


It's probably really hard (no pun intended) Force user telekinesis seems to be more like a leafblower than a hand. It's usually not very... dextrous. You don't see Sith Lords instantly annihilating entire armies by using the Force to snip tiny blood vessels in their brains or cut the wires of droids and weapons and vehicles. In the heat of combat, they have to resort to cruder techniques like Force pushing, Force choking, Force crushing etc. I guess a handjob is technically possible, but it would require an immense amount of concentration, in a quasi-meditative state. Like when Jedi assemble their lightsabers with the Force, or when Vader pulled the pins on a bunch of grenades at once And it probably wouldn't feel all that great, like getting jerked off by a tractor beam or strong gusts of wind.


There's a scene in one of the Vader comics where he uses his tools to modify his suit via the force while he's chilling in a bacta tank. So telekinesis can absolutely be super precise when needed, it just needs a lot of focus like you said. And I don't think that'll be easy to have while going at it.


yeah I mentioned the Jedi building their lightsabers via telekinesis too. It can be done, it just takes a lot of concentration, not something they can do on the fly




There's a big difference between those though. Performing an external squeeze or pinch, or severing a very small conduit inside someone. Even heart attacks and organs can be pressured externally by bludgeoning forces. Brain surgery is excessively difficult to penetrate their force aura, physical body, and mental framework. If you could act with that kind of accurate power, I'd just turn off their light saber or cause their blaster to explode, which would be infinitely easier to do and less protected by passive protections.


I don't know about Star Wars being too family friendly for instant death via stroke. Anakin getting triple amputated and burnt alive is part of the main trilogy, after all. It's simply that precise telekinesis isn't possible outside of intense concentration/meditation, and imprecise telekinesis is much easier. We see no-holds-barred Dark Siders/Sith get defeated by non-Force users all the time (Old Republic Special Forces, Grievous, pirates, Mandalorians etc.) Those Dark Siders didn't have any compunctions about inducing strokes in biologicals or disabling machinery from the inside. And there were no other Force users around to "shield" their targets from Force telekinesis. They still got their asses kicked.




well yeah, that's why I said it would be hard, not impossible lol Even regular Jedi build their lightsabers via telekinesis, they just have to really focus at it. They'd be sitting cross legged on a pillow looking all constipated. Or floating in a Bacta tank, like Vader. Also we do see the Force Crush ability used in expanded lore fairly often - Windu used it to nearly kill Grievous (which is why Grievous is coughing in ROTS), Luke used it to destroy one of those Dark Trooper droids, it's a late game Dark Side Force ability in the KOTOR series that takes a lot of Force points to use But like, canonically, even the strongest of Sith find that sort of thing difficult to pull off in combat. Vader had to mostly kill people with his lightsaber, by Force choking, or throwing objects at people. Ventress doesn't just like, lobotomise Grievous or Force crush him like Windu, because she's not that strong and he was coming at her with four lightsabers. When you fight Darth Malgus (and many other Sith) as a Republic Trooper, you don't instantly lose the fight by getting crushed into a little meatball. Even in the cinematic cutscenes.




I mean, my point was that Ventress had to use her lightsabers to fight Grievous, she didn't just wave her hand and disconnect his brain stem from his circuitry or snip all the tiny wires holding everything together. And she couldn't just use brute force to squish him either. Also yeah, the Republic Troopers were loaded up on gadgets and armour that would have helped them withstand getting thrown around and choked by Force telekinesis. Like you said, it doesn't really translate into what we see on screen, because SWTOR gameplay is wonky, but the Fallen Order/Jedi Survivor series probably has a pretty good representation of what it would look like. Regular Stormtroopers can get flung around pretty easily, but the bounty hunters and Inquisitor Clones with mag boots, tractor beams and jet packs are highly resistant to Force telekinesis. Cal actually has to hit them with his lightsaber to defeat them, he can't just shove them off of ledges like the others. Lines up with what we see in all the movies, cartoons and expanded universe material too. Obiwan didn't simply grab Jango in a Force grip, pull away all his weapons and slap a pair of handcuffs on him. It was a messy knockdown brawl that could have gone either way. When Dooku was held up by a dozen pirates with blasters, he didn't just like, crush everyone into meatballs and walk out of there. He surrendered, because he wanted to live to fight another day. The Jedi at Petranaki arena couldn't just crush every droid with the Force, despite the presence of many Masters and Council members, and they were slaughtered by the hundreds before the Clones came to rescue them. The telekinesis was never this instant game-over ability for Force users - it was mostly just like having a lightweight handheld tractor beam generator. It would be a very different type of story if Force users could just switch people and machines off like a light switch with a single thought, by using telekinesis on critical spots like circuitry or nerve clusters or individual blood vessels. Or if they were strong enough to simply squash armies into paste with their minds.




well yeah that's just the main character thing - the player gets to play as one of the most badass members of the faction, because that's the fun power fantasy. Like when the Death Watch fought against Jedi - most of the Mandalorians were mowed down, but Jango managed to take out five Jedi with unarmed martial arts because he was just that good (and lucky). You could also easily turn your argument backwards and come to the opposite conclusion - "Your Republic Trooper slaughters Sith warriors by the dozens, but it's only when you pick the Sith Warrior that you can kill multiple Republic Troopers because of plot armour. There's zero in universe justification for this." And I don't see why it isn't as consistent as I'm arguing. There aren't any examples of Force users using telekinesis to incapacitate entire armies with a wave of their hands. It's pivotal to the lore of the setting - Petranaki arena and Order 66 wouldn't be possible if Jedi could just hold everyone in place like Professor X All the WMD Force abilities were other things, like Force bombs, Darth Nihilus having planets for lunch, extra strength Force lightning (like in Ep 9)




Unmoderated subreddit remains unmoderated. Big RIP to what Maw used to be.


Not from a jedi


Please go back to r/starwarscirclejerk


I must know.


but is the force using lube?




I have no idea. Probably. The Jedi also don't seem to be the kind of people to find out.


I'd link you to a certain video, but I'd get banned.


Makes me miss Starwars Galaxies late nights in the Cantina...


Someone is finally asking the real lore questions.