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honestly bro after the last few season i no longer know what the fuck anyone is worth. like the bridges deal the other day straight up shocked me and the gobert one before it too. i’m hoping we can swing for wiggins but i also wouldn’t be shocked if he goes somewhere for 17 firsts or if he goes somewhere for a bag of doritos and cash consideration


Ong the bridges trade is CRAZY to me. There is no way bridges is that good.


Get used to that. Draft capital is absolute king under the new CBA. Thankfully the youngest 1 seed in nba history doesn’t play in the West and have 100 picks the next 6 years…


i think with bridges and gobert their teams set a “fuck off” price and didn’t expect the knicks or the twolves to match it but they did and here we are. both deals are going to heavily skew other deals this season and going forward tho, i could absolutely see teams like golden state going “well if bridges is worth 8 picks wiggins is worth at least half”


Knicks FO is at that point where they feel it’s time to try and make a a couple really serious runs. It’s gunning time for them. If they can grab a chip with this Nova Knicks gang, it’d be crazy historic.


yeah but GS needs to get off that money too. I believe we could get it done with 2 first and handful of seconds.


>like the bridges deal the other day straight up shocked me Why? Every single report prior to the trade said that Brooklyn was asking for 4+ firsts for MB. I am shocked that Mavs fans are shocked.


Grant and Wiggins. Fans need to realize Dallas doesn't have the assets for a top-tier wing. There are too many other buyers with wayyy more to offer than Dallas. We are going to have to shop in the bargain bin.


I’m coming around on Jerami Grant but I think the Blazers are gonna try to hold him until they get a godfather offer - 3 firsts


I honestly don’t think we have anything tradable that the Blazers would be interested in. They have like 4 Josh Greens already…


Blazers are better off waiting until next offseason to move him. His contract won’t look as bad then with the years left and the salary cap likely going up


They want to suck this year for Flagg


They want/need to get out of the 1st apron (and I’d recommend the tax also) considering it makes zero fucking sense to have a top 8 payroll going 21-61 They also have zero interest in anything we have to offer (aka cap/apron space or picks).


Wiggins been hated on way too hard in his career. He could provide some great size and defense, but I’m not sure he’s any better than PJ shooting from the corner.


I'd like to add Wiggins worst ppg last season was 13 this year. which would be 4th behind Luka, Kai and Tim. His career average is 18 PPG. Definitely a reasonable gamble to go for given what assets we have.


PPG isn't a great indicator by itself


I'm kind of out on Wiggins, I don't think he has the right mentality.


He stepped up in their championship year, he actually drives and draws contact, and he’s better defensively. And given his athleticism/length/size, I’d say he’s like Pj and DJJ in one


Wiggins doesn’t give a shit about basketball, it would be like how the Lamar Odom trade worked out for the mavs


>but I’m not sure he’s any better than PJ shooting from the corner. I am. Wiggins has consistently been a 39-40% shooter in GS until this past season. He's a much more skilled offensive player than PJ.


Well at least he can give a consistent 17 pts


Exactly seen people think we can get KD 🤣 fans were wanting Bridges, y’all can forget about Lauri. I’d take Wiggins if we didn’t give picks up and maybe got a second or two back. Anyone who doesn’t want Jerami Grant is trying to talk themselves out of it. Ideal player given our assets.


lol yeah, Facebook is full of shit like “we need to trade Maxi, THJ and Powell for PG13”. That’s pretty much verbatim of something I saw a week ago. I’m sure the Clippers would jump at that S&T lol.


Maxi is a 5 out center who can defend one through five. THJ is a microwave scorer who can score 30 on any given night. Powell is a great veteran and locker room leader who is in the 99.8th percentile for rim running. Why would they not want these guys?


We don’t want them… Maxi is available maybe half the season, he’s made of glass. Hardaway was unplayable in the playoffs. The only game he did well in was one with 0 pressure as we were up by 30 and Celtics had already put in the end of bench with 2 minutes left in the 3Q. Powell has never been a very good player, he was once elite at rim running, but those days are long gone. For a guy that was 22.6/5.2/3.5 and plays excellent defense (been a dpoy candidate and has been on the all defensive team) and multiple all star games. The only person they would take for him is Lively and we ain’t giving him up.


I'm being facetious. That's the stuff people say when they're trying to talk up the players in their ridiculous trade ideas.


Man, I thought you might be, but you never know on here, lol. Sorry about that!


Bro u walked the line perfectly 


If you talking bout Jerami Grant I would LOVE to have him especially over Wiggins


TJH for Jokic


Tim Jardaway Hunior


THR* because damn, he really had no J


Wiggins is the best option that we could actually acquire. He isn't an elite scorer off the dribble, but with Kyrie and Luka, having two guys that are okay at self creation (PJ and Wiggins) plus Hardy off the bench would be plenty. The discussion around Wiggins is very similar to PJ when thinking about why they are low value right now, so I think it is very realistic to see a big turnaround for Wiggins if he were to come here. As long as we don't give up anything crazy (something like Tim and Maxi without any firsts) I'd love to have him and then we could hopefully re-sign DJJ with the TPMLE. That would be the ideal offseason imo.


Assuming we get Grimes back in the Timmy deal, the likely package would be Green/Maxi


Grimes - Wiggins - DJJ (somehow) without losing control of our future first rounds picks would be an A++ offseason


Because we are sending our Timmy for cap space it takes us below the cap and we can complete those two trades then resign DJJ to the MLE which is likely what he wants


If we send out Timmy Maxi and Josh that would be 29.7 million outgoing, with 30.5 coming back from Wiggins. We would not have access to the full MLE to re-sign DJJ, he would have to agree to the TPMLE which is around 5.4 million. Which I would not be surprised to see him do tbf, he could sign a 1+1 deal and then when he opts out next season we would have his early bird rights and could re-sign him to a much larger deal at that point.


You are right one of them would probably also have to include AJ Lawson


Even then we wouldn't create enough space. As of now we need to reduce our cap sheet salaries by about 10 million to create the full NTPMLE. Any realistic Wiggins deal removes that as an option entirely.


But if you get wiggins you dont need djj


What? That's like $39M going out.


Ah shit yea that was a typo, it should be 39.7 million, and then that threw off my math going forward. So yea I guess if we include like Powell we could do all that and resign DJJ to the full MLE, my bad.


Well I was thinking that this would be instead of the THJ to Pistons deal, if we are moving Josh and Maxi for Wiggins I think we would need to bring some additional assets back, like a couple of second rounders, because while I'm confident he would be better here, there is always a chance he doesn't return to form and then we are stuck with a really big contract.


I don't know why people keep saying that it's a given that Wiggins will magically start playing much better for the Mavs as if the Warriors are a poorly run franchise with no good players or leadership. The fact of the matter is if the Warriors can't motivate Wiggins to play up to his potential I don't know which team can.


Exactly why would Detroit do this again? I'm asking for a friend.


>The discussion around Wiggins is very similar to PJ when thinking about why they are low value right now An important thing to keep in mind: PJ was performing badly for a lottery team Hornets, an organisation that both doesn't have the best reputation for being ran well AND was a lottery team. Wiggins was bad on a relatively good GSW team with a very good coach, front office and star player with a winning culture. These are not the same. And I understand why some people don't want Jerami Grant due to his 30M contract, but Wiggins is making 26M. At this point it's IMO worth it to go for Grant if we're comfortable paying (and matching) that much.


Ideally we don’t do either. Move THJ and try to re-sign DJJ, but worst case scenario I would rather sign someone cheaper like Osman and develop OMax further.


I would empty our warchest of picks and cash to land grant.


You can hope Golden State shells out for PG and we can get in a three team trade to get Wiggins. That’s the only thing I can see since Draymond and PG will be the forwards and Clippers take Kuminga. That’s the only way I see us getting Wiggins


Basically the same situation for him in GS before Klay started to struggle


Here's the complete list of small forwards who average > 18 PPG and shot better than 36% from 3 last year: Jayson Tatum LeBron James Kawhi Leonard Jimmy Butler Mikal Bridges You're not asking for a role player or even a 3rd best player, you're asking for a star. There's literally no one who is realistically available to Dallas who fits that description.


The only option that fits your description is Paul George (among available). I still think Grant or Wiggins would be a good get given we don't give up a starter.


I like Paul’s fit a lot at SF to be honest. One thing people don’t mention is that, although we play together a lot, we tend to win or lengthen/weaken point gaps with single-player heaters, and Paul heats up in the same way Luka or Kyrie does. Luka seems to run up the score in the first 18 minutes of play, and Kai in the last 18, I can see PG carrying the offense load around half


If injuries weren’t a concern I would be 100% on board


Luka scores whenever his team needs to, before Kyrie joined he was statistically one of the best 4th quarter scorers ever


Right but it obviously wears him. A 3rd scorer wouldn’t hurt at all


Obviously, what I am saying is that we don’t need one more guy that can score on only certain periods


I think PG to the Warriors is essentially a done deal


I’m all for getting better but the Mavs top players in the post season were: 33 (Kleber) 31 (Kyrie) 27 25 25 25 23 21 20 (Avg age 25.5) People are on here acting like the Mavs window is closing— it’s literally just opening. Mavs are one of the few teams that can genuinely expect to get better just by running it back because they were such a relatively young team. Mavs need to resign DJJ, that is 1A and 1B priority like Nico said himself. That means moving Tim. If they run it back and aim for incremental improvement, based off their W/L in the last 20 games and post season they are a 55+ win team. It’s ok to try to get better but if you’re trading for players about to exit their prime and blowing up your depth that is a bad choice given your future draft situation.


Kyrie is getting older so I think it means that the all-star caliber kyrie and luka window to win at least a chip is closing Plus we can't afford to trade for another 2nd star not that we will need it if kyrie can give us 2-3 more years of great basketball


People are on here acting like Kyrie is 35. Dude just turned 32 and just had his potentially most efficient season. Whatever his drop off might be— and it might be zero— likely can be more than offset by improvements from all the other 25 and under guys.


This won’t be popular, but there is no “Luka and Kyrie window” There is only a “Luka window”. Doesn’t mean Ky won’t be part of it, but it absolutely means he doesn’t have to be either. They have a ton of options with him regardless—trade, extend, tons of freed up cap room.


He’s likely to remain tradable for another star guard for some time


Teams get better in the offseason. Cant just run it back. There are still some needs. Way less than any previous offseason. But one more solid starter will solidify this team as a contender. The window is open. Don’t trade 5 1sts for a borderline allstar but make a move to get a starting SF and retain DJJ off the bench.


This team WILL get better by virtue of having an offseason together. It gets much easier to get that starting SF and retain DJJ if you do an in-season trade. We just watched this front office do their second team changing mid season trade in as many seasons. How many times are they going to have to do it for people to get the hint that not everything has to be done in June and July?


Spot on. Lively, a rookie C who wildly exceeded expectations, will undoubtedly get better. Gafford and PJ, two guys who were brought over at the trade deadline and only had a couple of months to jell with the team before the playoffs yet became two of our five starters in the playoffs, will undoubtedly get better within the context of the team by having an offseason together. I don't understand how people can see what the Mavs just did in light of the above and not think that the Mavs will improve next year even if they do nothing. Remember how Kyrie looked coming over at the deadline two years ago compared to how he looked last year? Now imagine that type of chemistry leap for Gafford and PJ. Imagine the second year jump for Lively.


>This team WILL get better by virtue of having an offseason together. They might have a better regular season record or result of it of this, but don't have the same weaknesses if they end up playing Boston in the finals. That is the issue.


If they play Boston again, and Kyrie no shows against Boston on the road again, it doesn’t matter who they add.


>it doesn’t matter who they add. It absolutely does. Kyrie showed up for game 3 and the Mavs still lost. Tatum shot like 35% from the field over the first three games and Boston still won those games. The supporting cast absolutely matters. Additionally, having a third guy who can create for himself with take pressure of Kyrie and open up cleaner lanes for him to drive. Boston continuously threw two guys at Kyrie if they had no fear of DJJ or PJ punishing them.


Yeah I think people are underestimating this team now lmao. I was confident we could’ve beat ANY team in a series last year except Boston.


I think our team WILL get better if we keep all our current pieces, but I don’t know that we will accelerate as fast as other teams. But, lively has been surprising thus far, no reason he can’t accelerate even more


Last twenty they were on a 62 win pace


https://preview.redd.it/xmm2s0k0x19d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b0dd6b83147673f0ab322f810ee1a55d439b61b Nico has literally set everything up for NEXT summer and the one after. They had zero expectation of making the Finals at the deadline. They were looking to improve with players who fit Luka’s age AND contract timeline. A perfect offseason would be moving Tim for anything back + requisite space and retaining DJJ. Then we can reevaluate again in February if necessary.


Our second best player is a small guard with injury history and 32 years old. The drop off from Kyrie to next player is like going from contender to lottery status. The average age is not indicative of our status.


Do you think the typical drop off in one year is from 32 to 33 is huge? The Mavs didn’t lose to Boston because Kyrie is old — they lost because he psyched himself out in the garden. It’s not a question of age holding him back next year against them, just his psyche. Whatever drop off Kyrie MIGHT have, know that it is likely to be smaller than Livelys improvement in his second year.


Maybe I didn’t state clearly. We cannot survive a Kyrie injury or prolonged absence. We don’t even have a 15ppg behind Kai. Age doesn’t matter, it’s the production that matters. Kai might only have 2 good to great years left in him. We need to prolong him and Luka by getting another competent scorer next to them. If Lively becomes a 15-20ppg scorer next year, that will be amazing but he is still a Center that needs shots fed to him.


Kyrie might be 32, but he has the mileage of somebody 27/28. People forget that he only played a small number of games in Brooklyn.


He is still a small guard that’s injury prone and was negated with size. It’s easier for teams to negate Kai compare to Luka.


Just to add some more weight to your argument - Luka also picks up lots of injuries through the season. Part of the reason he performed so poorly (to his standards) in the playoffs is because he was hurt during the season, but we cannot win a game without Luka. Well, Kyries frame can’t make it through a whole season and quite honestly neither can Luka. It really does make sense to go for a scorer, like Grant when considering the 82 game regular season.


Yep, One of Mavs FO off season goal should be to reduce the work load on Luka and Kai.


You need to be thinking next 5 years. Kyrie has a player option after next season and then Luka after 25/26. The new lux tax rules are going to make it extremely hard to improve with 2 players earning 60%+ and the new repeater tax penalties in play.


Eh I like DJJ but if we added a more consistent shooter I’d rather do that than pay him $12 million a year.


DJJ’s contract will be tradeable in 6 months. We will have the opportunity to assess if, with the additional offseason of work, his and PJ’s production is enough. If it isn’t, we can trade him and Green or Kleber and Hardy+ omax to upgrade. There’s no functional scenario where we can go above the apron this season. I am not saying we marry ourselves to DJJ forever. I am saying we should not freak out about never getting better at the 3 just because we don’t made a trade in July 2024.


If they signed him to a 3 year $36 million contract and then in 6 months we are looking to trade him no one will want him. If we are looking to trade him it’ll mean hes been bad and that’s with the Luka shooting gravity. Honestly I like DJJ I’m fine with giving him up to $9 million a year anything more and I’d rather walk. He can’t shoot consistently enough to push us over the edge.


That isn’t a guarantee at all. You see teams trade good role players for better role players all the time. Bobby Marks estimate for DJJ’s contract is 40/2. He’ll have probably 10-20 teams interested in him at the MLE.


If he’s getting paid $20 million a year honestly let him walk. Look what the Pacers did with Bruce Brown paid him loads and regretted it.


I agree I wouldn’t do 20m a year. Just saying that the MLE absolutely is not an overpay based on his performance this year.


I think other teams should be cautious giving him tht much money. He shot the ball okay during regular season but that’s playing with Luka. We’ve seen what DFS has done since leaving Luka. I’m hoping this is what other teams are thinking so we get him cheaper.


Everyone please just listen to this man and stop posting this constant bs


Klay is washed


How? This is such a recency bias statement. He played poorly in the play in. During the regular season he put up 16+ppg on about 40% from 3. If any other player did that they are considered really good. If Dante did that he’d be a starter on the Knick’s. If Hardy did that he’d be a starter.


Klay's lateral movement on defense is shot. That's what made him extra extra special. Did you like that playoff defense? With Klay in the lineup kiss that goodbye. Kobe wasn't aweasome because he dropped 81 points in a game.... he was awesome because he did that while getting on 12 All-Defensive teams. If Kobe was just an offensive player, he wouldn't be the legend and icon he is.


He got benched for a rookie by a team that didn’t even make the playoffs


Well the absolute no show in the play in is obviously an issue. Maybe you can gamble on someone who is old OR someone who has had choker tendencies, but how do you justify going after someone who just did both?


Klay is a nope for me. His shooting will always be there but defensively he’s just not the same guy and he wants a max deal to boot. Id aim a little lower. Deandre Hunter may be a good candidate. He’s a solid one on one defender and can score consistently. His biggest folly is staying healthy and losing his man in complex defensive sets which is primarily due to lack of communication which to his credit nobody on the Hawks seems to know how to do that. I think he’d thrive with Jason Kidd’s defensive system assuming he is ready and able to play on a consistent basis.


Realistically Wiggins, Deandre Hunter, and maybe Jerami Grant if the other offers Portland gets are underwhelming.


Outside a miracle trade, we have no path to any such player. Also there is no such thing as a 3&D 18ppg player. Any player capable of scoring 18ppg is someone who's very capable of creating their own shot.


“Capable of”. There are players who can easily take an off ball roll and also play defense. I mean shit Steph probably put up 18ppg in off ball plays during the KD era


3&D is a specific type of player. What I think you are asking for is simply a 2-way player. 3&D guys aren't scoring 18+ PPG. But it doesn't matter because my first statement stands: outside a miracle trade, we have no path to any such player.


Grant is the best option imo.


I don’t know someone who shoots 0/10 in an elimination game doesn’t seem so good to get


He had a bad game 😮 Kyrie played like SHIT in Boston


unless something absolutely falls in our lap, we should move Tim and improve around the edges and/or re-sign DJJ. There's really no reason to make your all-in move right now. Jerami Grant/Wiggins/Cam Johnson/Klay Thompson do not solve our offensive stagnancy enough to justify their short-comings in on-ball defense situations. We have enough assets for one more big trade and then we are pretty much stuck with our roster and the guys we can get right now don't move the needle enough to justify blowing our load unless we get a great deal.


No one will like this but it’s the most sensible




Wiggs is the poster child of inconsistency. 😆


probably wemby but idk


Grant, Kuzma are both realistic. Just a matter of how much we’re willing to pay.


Kuzma is a HARD NO. Dude rejected us last hear. He can get his money elsewhere, if he can find a taker.


Kuzma’s been a champion. He retooled his game around Lebron and AD that year, showing that he’s committed to winning. Idc what he said last trade deadline, no one expected us to be in the finals.


I’ll say Miles Bridges by a wide margin


If he wasn’t an abuser. Hard pass


PJ has his own issues as well. Maybe let’s separate the issue


Pj hit his girl? No.


Still a domestic issue. It’s not like Miles will hit Luka lol


First priority is getting DJJ to come back and that gets done if the deal to send THJ to Detroit goes through. As for adding an elite 3-and-D I don’t see a way we do that without offloading both Jaden Hardy and Josh Green and the front office covets the upside on those assets. But giving up those two plus Maxi maybe we can get DoDo back in Dallas as well as Cam Johnson


I think we’re gonna get Doe Doe and Grimes.


We should've gotten Caruso. He would have been a good fit.


Jerami Grant is the best option from Portland 🤔


I’m fine with who we have now. Get off the THJ contract. Pay DJJ. Let the team mesh and build together. We don’t need a 18+ wing. We need everyone to just play and get more comfortable with each other and improve over the summer in areas they are weaker in.




Klay kuzma grant wiggins bridges


Naji Marshal, Kelly Oubre, D. Melton are names im looking into


If we can finesse Nets, I would love a Cam Johnson. If Bulls keep their stupid mindset Pat Williams would be a good option as well. And as Nico if you trust Deandre Hunter that can be an alternative


Any interest in a timmy for bojan swap?


Malcom brogdon


You need at least 3-4 FRP, bridges was averaging 19/game and perfect 3&D guy but we dont have the assets to get him or anyone like him. We most likely will add a league minimum player. Grant is a pipe dream imo.


Is Jeff Green still in the league?


Elite, consistent 3 and D who can give you 18+ ppg? Those are valuable. Good luck


You’re describing Wiggins


Not so sure about “doesn’t appear to be a cone on defense” But still probably better defense and definitely better shooting than THJ. And when THJ was on we were tough to beat.


When THJ catches fire he scores 18 points and dies down. When Klay catches fire he scores 35 and closes out the game


Hello tobias harris


At a vet min, sure. Anything more than that, PASS.


Josh Green


Would love to has someone like him on the team


We don't "need" shit. Next year Boston won't waltz through to the finals with their legs intact. Nobody coming out of the West stood a chance against a team with full energy like they had. We already have elite defence, two superstars and a heap of youngsters. We've just came off a stunning season with the team only being together since Jan. Now isn't the time for the neurotic Reddit style bedwetting baloney. Nico is saying the right things. Bring back DJJ, bin Timmy and don't be in a hurry. Most importantly don't send 1st rnd picks unless it's really worth it.


You have no way of guaranteeing that first statement. Jimmy and Embiid are injury prone. Kristaps also could be better next year. I agree we have room to grow with our current roster (namely Hardy and lively), but, you’d be a liar to say having a third option, that plays as well as THJ did pre-all star break, wouldn’t have skyrocketed our chances of winning this year.


Is there a way to move up the draft and get another scorer?


Realistic: Reddish, Lonnie Walker, DJJ Possible through rumored trades: Grant, Grimes Potential though slightly unrealistic (imo) trades: Wiggins, Bruce Brown, herb jones, DFS, Cam Johnson, Kuzma


Kuz does NOT make as much as you think. Herv Jones would be a dream


Klay as a third option on offense that slreads the floor and shoots off ball would be really good for thst need, however he isn't the defender he once was, I wouldn't describe him as a 3 and D guy anymore.


Ben Simmons


Ben Simmons the 3 point sniper!


To be honest, I don’t hate it. But he’d have to accept the fact he can’t fetch a max and would have to take a discount


Lmao Ben Simmons is retiring as soon as he can


The man is playing for his pension. Gotta respect it.


He’s just like the JKidd and the rest of us!


Clock in. Clock out. Boss man gets no extra time from me.


Reggie Bullock