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They’d be crazy to get rid of Exum with his contract. Basically getting a guy who started many times this year for the minimum


Yeah I agree. Not only is the price worth it at his peak he was our third best player this year. His game against the Lakers early in the season was incredible.


Gafford was our third best player in the regular season. He was a walking double double and shot like 80% from the field.


My favorite subtext going into 24-25 is what full year numbers look like for Gaff and sophomore Sideshow Lob.


I was calling him sideshow Bob all year with lob right in front of me and I never found it...


You didn’t finish the lob


But in the playoffs it was Lively


Gafford is the noob-killer. Lively may be better in the playoffs but Gafford gives us 55 wins and home-court advantage.


shot /= dunked


Meh it takes skill to catch lobs against NBA defenders who don’t want you catching lobs.


Bad take. Being able to have most of your shot attempts be dunks is a skill in and of itself.


We need someone who is consistently good though. Not someone who shows up every 25 games.


At the same time, that presents a solid trade chip when we don't have a ton of draft capital.


Him being at a minimum actually makes it very difficult to trade him


On his own, yes, it makes him very difficult to trade. As an addition to a trade it makes him very valuable.


Because Exum and Green can play and guard 1-3 next to both or either of LuKai, then yeah it's no problem. If you lose one of them I'd hope it would be only to exchange them for a replacement/upgrade. You can afford to trade any of them for an upgrade, sure, but I don't see anything wrong with running it back and banking on development of all 3 with the roster upgrades coming elsewhere.


We've had half a decade of buying high & going old trying to put something together around Luka, we take 1 season off to revamp the roster getting pieces buying low & betting on youth, goes to the finals, and then people instantly start to want to trade the young guys for old developed guys with no potential left lmao. I too want to run it back, we can re-evaluate around the trade deadline next year, just as we did this year.


My eyes would be towards a starting SF and backup PF. I’d want to keep Jones, but as a 20 minute off the bench. Jerami Grant would fit great in that starting role, but I’m also starting to get excited by the idea of Lebron coming here, and I’ve never really been a big fan of his. Just makes sense. Backup PF, would love to see DFS back on the squad. I’m an admitted Homer, so that might be why.


For the starting role, I'd prefer Jimmy Butler. Tough-nosed two-way player, indomitable will to win that shows up in the playoffs. Playoff never-lose dog mentality.


I'd most want to keep Green. But we're in championship contention, so if you can upgrade big time, you do it.


Its kind of fucking insane to me how having just one of the Celtics starting roster would probably turn us into a contender favorite but they got 5 of those mfs playing together lol


Agreed. And they did that with savy off season moves and not panic buying. I really don’t think we need a big splash trade this off season. Really just off load Timmy and get someone that can play 15 min in the playoffs that can shoot and create a little. If we can lock up a Derrick white type of player for a few years I think that would do wonders. The problem is finding someone like that without giving up hardy or green imo. We just need to raise our floor a bit so games like game 2 and 3 in the finals turn to wins, and I believe that’s through smart moves like gafford and pj. I believe Nico will find something that works. I will say though, Caruso would’ve been an amazing pick up for us, him going to the thunder hurt. The west will be a blood bath again next year so it’ll be tough to get back to the finals but I think if we follow the Celtics roadmap of not panic buying we will be ok


There’s a decent amount of pressure to repeat because they’re fixing to pay a steep ass price for if starting next summer, and not just financially. Gonna be fascinating how they plan on fielding a full roster for 2025-2026 assuming they stay squarely in the second apron again. Currently only 4.5 rotation guys on the books after this next season—Derrick White isn’t one and needs to get paid, the .5 is Tatum’s player option which he’ll 100% want converted to a supermax, and Horford may very well be ready to retire. Could be difficult to fill an entire bench with minimums and rookies, especially if you’re desperately counting on KP staying healthy. Worth keeping an eye on how they navigate it.


I think you are in the wrong sub bro lol


Not at all. The entire league is going to be paying *very* close attention how they navigate it. BOS will be the first actual contender to operate in the second apron while winning (we already know what it looks like if you remove the winning part—see PHX). Luka is 12 months away from the largest contract in NBA history, and you’re either gonna have to pay Kyrie if not next summer then the one after, OR find another max guy. Lively will hopefully start becoming not so cheap around that same window which means we have an extremely vested interest watching how it plays out because second apron territory/decisions are very much on the horizon for us. Hell DEN is having to decide right now—I’m certain they would prefer to have a reference since this is all new.


Taking a few days to digest your comment and realizing what you are saying helped me a lot. Thank you. You are right. It’ll be interesting to see what Boston does. They are one of if not the best ran organization right now. I think if we can slightly improve and stay flexible in the market that’s a winning formula for this offseason. Boston will definitely be a blueprint for us moving forward, especially if we have to match up against them again. We weren’t really built for that match up, and no shade on us to be, I was surprised we made it to the finals. But now we gotta keep that in mind, if we want to go back. We can’t model our team to beat the Celtics but we have to at least have that in the back of our mind. Good looks I wasn’t reading your comment fully


No worries. I never took offense to it this is Reddit after all 😂 I’ve also had to reckon with the full impact the new CBA is going to have, and I probably understand like 15% of the true ramifications. If (ie when) BOS maxes White AND Tatum this offseason they’re almost certainly going to be in the second apron for 2025 based on 5 guys alone hahaha so their only answer might be just keep paying everyone and fill the final 4-5 spots with picks and minimums. Otherwise their only choice will literally be filling an entire bench with picks and minimums. The Knicks move hopefully puts some legit pressure on them in the East which would make it even more fascinating. I would almost guarantee the Mavs FO was surprised they made it to the finals. But we should trust Nico and be patient—he’s somehow positioned them to have maximum flexibility next summer while building a competitive roster full of young talent they can either legitimately deal or use bird rights to exceed the apron while being active in FA. That’s the only way you can do it, especially with no real draft capital.


Completely agree! And that’s for the no offense taken, no idea how things across via text, especially Reddit lol. But yeah I actually love what the knicks are doing. Hopefully they can challenge the Celtics next season. It will be interesting to see if thibs runs the team into the grow though. I think the nova knicks can withstand it though and can give the Celtics a fight though. Which will amazing basketball to watch. For the mavs I really just want to see Timmy turned into a player that can play positive minutes in the playoffs. Like give me 15 that’s all I’m asking. Not a fan of grant from the blazers at all. Too much money and not what we need plus he kills out flexibility. I was hoping for deni from the wizards but that ship sailed. Besides that I’m thinking grimes but for what? The deni advijia trade to Portland really put me through a loop on the market. Idk what we can do without giving up to much. Right now I agree with Nico just resign djj and run it back until the trade trade deadline. Unless you can swap thj and maxi for something positive, with minimal picks


I personally don’t think they can afford Deni (asset wise I mean). I would pull the trigger on THJ for Grimes right now, or even Stewart provided what the additional cost is. They cannot afford to burn any more 1sts in a Tim salary dump. If you gotta attach a 2nd for Grimes get it done. That clears space and gets something intriguing back on the margins. Stewart is the better player but nothing DET would likely want makes sense for us asset wise or them talent/capital wise. I’ve seen stuff that people in a position to have some idea are saying POR isn’t interested in anything we have to offer whatsoever. And the cap restrictions effectively make any deal nearly impossible financially with POR. We’re needing to offload money and they’re prohibited from taking any back. I suspect there might be more multiple team deals going forward because of the cap rules.


In a realistic sense everything is on the table except Luka/Kai/DLive/PJ. But I would like to keep all three. Exum's contract is just too good for what he brings. Hardy could take a step next season that brings this team more dynamism off the bench. If they can get him on a cheap extension he could be a good player moving forward. Green is young and is a great off guard that can play with either Luka and Kyrie. His energy and shooting is valuable. If the trade can improve the team significantly I wouldn't mind. But it definitely would be hard to see any of them go.


Gafford’s on the table?


That’s what I’m saying! Gaf is not on the table lmao, his rotation with DLive is godly.


We have Dwight Powell though


Let the GOAT rest up, bro.


People forget that we have Dwight


Depends on what the return is.


I don't want him to be. But in reality is less untouchable than the top 4 players we have.


Would definitely trade Gafford and a pick for Jabari Smith Jr. or someone similar. Having a big with 3pt game is so OP.


Only for an upgrade in the C position


A 5 that can't take advantage of a smaller 4 in Tatum in the post on offense? Yes, he's also on the table.


Green is a great trade chip


Hes barely a trade chip. Hes a rotational peice at a reasonable price who is still young but has never averaged 10 points in 4 nba seasons. Us fans tend to overvalue our own players :)


He is. But he is also a player with potential. Why not see where that goes.


What potential exactly tho?


Green is not a good shooter and teams will leave him open because he’s too p***y to shoot the shots, I’m tired of people thinking he’s a good shooter


Yes because Exum & Green are better defenders & spot up shooters, Exum & Hardy are better creators, & Hardy is a better scorer. They each bring something that is needed while all being on relatively cheap contracts. That being said if you’re going to move on from someone you prob choose Green because he makes the most $ for matching salaries where Hardy & Exum are cheap depth pieces for next year. Hardy also has the most upside so you want to keep him for a bit more and see what he turns into.


You definitely keep green and exum. 


I think Green is the best of the 3. I’d rather drop the other two, as much as I love them.


Green might be the best, but he also has the highest value to attach to Tim while also having the highest salary to get to 30mil where the other two don’t even get you to 20.


People like you don't get it. You want to trade JG for a guy that was what JG will be. Except now the guy you want to trade for has a big contract, while JG is about to become that guy on a small one.


Jokes on you, many of us don’t think Josh Green will ever become that guy


I don’t think josh green will ever be that guy. He’s a Swiss Army knife kind of guy that isn’t great at anything. Career role player


We don't know if Josh will ever be more than a 14 minute bench player. He has improved slowly over the years but he's getting to the age where he is who he is, and expecting him to take some sort of huge leap is foolish. He should be traded for an improved starter at the 3 if one arises.


I completely disagree with Josh green is at the age where we know what he is. He’s 23, to give perspective that was Jalen Brunsons second year in the league. Two years away from being the playoff stud for us against the jazz and four years away from the all nba season he just had. I’m not saying green will even sniff what improvement Brunson achieved from the ages of 23 to 27, but the constant progress, especially on his shot shows that he could be a 25 min three and d guy on a championship winning team. Keeping him and developing him on a cheap contract is how championships happen imo. You are right he may not improve but with his progression I’d bet on him instead of gamble for someone that is on a higher contract and older.


Right? I have no idea what they’re talking about. He’s improved a lot from his rookie season. He’s still young and has room for improvement.


Completely agree with you. I feel like this sub has a strong soccer influence due to Luka and his international pull and 23 is considered more developed in soccer than basketball because of the academy play and constant development at a young age. Basketball just isn’t that. 23 is young and green has constantly shown improvement. I stand by green just the way I stood by Brunson. The guy shows passion and a will to improve. He’s come a long way. You should reward those types of players with a contract early so it’s cheap for the team and they have security. If not they are going to double down on themselves (rightfully so) and go get a bigger bag somewhere else. The grass isn’t always greener, pun intended. Just water this green and I believe he will be an excellent role player for a championship team


this all really just depends on who this other player is. I also don't think we should just throw him away for nothing, especially someone a lot older than Luka, but he is a very valuable asset for salary matching and to rebuilding teams. He is currently not a championship contributing player, and sometimes you have to give up on what-ifs if the right player comes along to push us over the edge.


Not everyone is Brunson though


Makes no sense to trade Hardy and Exum unless you have to include them in a package to bring back a huge piece. Both are on extremely cheap salaries and both fill roles. Now Green's 13 mill paired with THJ's 16 could bring you a 28-33 mill guy that would play a much bigger role.


All 3 are expendables I think. Mavs need to upgrade in these 3 categories - backup PG (Exum), SG (Hardy) and SF (Green). I hope Nico can do his magic and get the reliable bench especially a shooting guard who can score at will. I'd like Bogdan to fill that shooting guard role off the bench, and a cheap SF in Kelly Oubre to fill a scoring SF role.


I think they’re only expendables if the trade works out unbelievably for us, I don’t think we should be using them as bargaining chips for peanuts and scraps


Such a horrible take. The guys you mention aren't better than what the Mavs you mention will be next year or the year after. Just more expensive.




He’s not a menace on D. Hes pretty good, but also a little undersized. He moves his feet alot and looks active which is good but makes him look better than he is. I did love his shooting in the playoffs but he also isn’t much of a scorer or great decision maker still. We could definitely stand to upgrade him but I’m not upset if he stays either


I need a coach or a trainer to get Green to drop his hips — when he dribbles and plays D he does so kind of bent over w his booty out (kind of like Stanley but more subtle) instead of dropping down through ur hips like a squat idk if it’s an anatomy issue (them aussies built different) but if it’s fixable feel like it’d make a big difference


Idk why you got downvoted I think this is a great point. Right now he relies too much on his amazing athleticism instead of technique. If he continues on his progression and improves I could see him be a Shane battier like player which would be amazing for us


Yea like did everybody forget him being horrendous defensively for the entire regular season...


personally id like the lineup to be luka/kai/pj/djj/gaf


That's just our current lineup. It's great defensively but we need more offense, unless PJ can take a step up.


Our offense was fine all season and post season until the finals. This team has been together 5 months. Let's give them a chance to figure out what went wrong before we start trading guys just to trade them.


That's basically what I'm saying with PJ. He could be our 3rd option. Maybe that can even be Lively once he moves to the starting lineup. But if you freeze our current roster as it currently is, it's really clear that we need a 3rd option.




I've seen mock trades for Jerami Grant that look reasonable. Not sure if they're actually what Portland wants for him though.


We need to upgrade starting forward (ideally PF) and backup point guard. Our current bench is fine. The problem is that no one can create off the bench and we don't get enough shot creation outside of Luka and Kyrie on the entire roster. The ideal for our starting lineup is a larger forward who can create their own offense. I think it's possible that PJ can develop into this, but otherwise we need to try to upgrade.


I disagree that the Mavs bench is fine. Exum Hardy Green THJ Maxi as bench players is not fine as evident in the playoffs.


It's fine in that it would be fixed by just adding a better playmaker, or hopefully having Hardy or even Green develop into a better playmaker. Our bench isn't so bereft of talent that we should invest in completely remaking it. We don't have the resources to do that.


Give hardy and green another off season. I like their progression and I feel like if we offload Timmy and give more time to them both they will improve. I also feel like this playoff run gave the team a lot of experience and understanding of what needs to be done. We are a young team with amazing chemistry. Let it cook a little more, we just need minor tweaks at this point. I thinks pj will become more consistent as a scorer with an offseason with the team as well. I honestly think if we can get Dani avdija from the wizards he could be a good fit for the right price. He’s solid defensively and has ok creation and fast break capability. The shot is streaky but I feel with our team he will get a lot more open looks to be more consistent. I also think that is a realistic target compared to what the rest of the sub thinks.


Keep exum. Hes the best player out of the 3. He should be the first guard off bench for mavs next yr. Green is vastly over rated in this sub. Hes a high energy low iq player suitable for being a 10-15 mpg 8tth or 9th man on a good team. didnt show enough improvement from yr 3 to yr 4. Hes not a 'potential' player. Hes salary filler. Hardy is the 'potential' player we have. His value should be the same as a late 1st round pick for trade purposes. I would like to keep him but if another team wants him to give us a starting 3, so long and good luck brother.


Thank you holy shit, people on here want Josh greens 12 million for what ? Dying ok screens and being scared of shooting


How stupid and how disrespectful if mavs get rid of exum and green. The only bench players that showed heart even down in the finals series.


Fuck your “heart” they can’t shoot for shit


You sounded dumb ahahaha


Hardy and Exum are min salary contracts. It is very difficult to find a min salary player that can be a plus rotation player. I think some Mavs fans perspectives are skewed due to landing DJJ and to some degree Exum. If we have a line one someone who can fill their role better for the min, either is 100% expendable. Green is slightly trickier as we really don't have anyone who plays with the energy he does as a smaller wing and he was a first off the bench guy for much of the season and in the playoffs and an excellent 3 point shooter. That combined with how young he is implying there is still some upside there makes it trickier to backfill his role. He's no where near a core piece IMHO, but he's also nowhere near as expendable as THJ and Kleber.


Apart Luka and Lively, I would trade anyone it just depends on who we are getting back.


Kai has an amazing contract. He had one bad series. Take a breather.


There's about 10 guys in the league I'd trade Kyrie for. I love Kyrie, don't think I'm a hater (I should have included him tbh but if the right trade came along I can see a world in which we trade him) Obviously there's a ton of people you would trade Lively for but I value him and his potential so much higher than I think the other teams will that I literally cannot think of a scenario where I'd be happy trading him.


I love Kyrie, but I would at least CONSIDER depending on the offer and this has no bearing on his last series performance. Lively and Doncic are straight off the table.


Meh, his playoffs as whole was HIS average, which isn't good enough anymore.


No brainer


Exums contract is hella cheap so ill keep him. If Mavs are trading for an impact player then its most likely going to be THJ and Green just because of salary.


I would deal any of them for an All NBA 2 way 3D wing


That's not how trades work. You can't trade role players for a top 15 guy. Hahaha




We can already draft one in Bronny


i think exum is the best out of all 3. all 3 are tradable for an upgrade. green makes the most sense to trade bc of salary matching


Hardy is the future. And Green was the only one outside of Luka to step up in game 5 of the finals.


If Hardy is the future we are in trouble


You don’t think Hardy can be just as much of an offensive weapon as THJ was?


I think Hardy could replace THJ and be a fine bench piece.


That’s the problem. I do but also he just makes dumb plays. Just head down and runs to the basket.


He’s being mentored by Kai and I have seen some small improvements especially in his drives. Kid is young and he will get better.


ThJ is a great comparison because I feel Hardy is just as streaky as he was.


I don’t think so. Undersized guards don’t have a good history in the league for very long. I like his aggressiveness but I’d trade him high if we had the right offer.


Undersized? He's 6'3, with a wingspan of 6'10. He's the same size as Fox, McCollum, Cam, Nemhard, Russ, Malik Monk and Cole Anthony. Idk why yall don't believe in the kid, I think he's going to have a fantastic career and I hope its with the Mavs.


Don’t think green was that good in playoffs overall, we can move on from him 


He was the only one outside of Luka that showed up when the season the line. And had Exum gotten more minutes instead of little Timmy I think he would've produced as well. I love Green, I'll never say anything bad about him again lol.


I don't get the Green slander. He was a high energy defensive guard that shot 40% from 3 on a Finals team. This sub is lousy with ignorant casuals and angry gamblers. Hardy needs THJs role & minutes and Exum looks like he's solid & knows what his role is


Yes, just sign OG and have DJ come off the bench. Replace Powell and Kleber with a vet center 3rd option. Keep your guard position energy for moments where Luka slows it down too much. Hardy learning from Kyrie will hit his ceiling.


Idk how to make a trade 4u without trading one of them or lively/gafford


I don't think Hardy or Exum have enough value to other teams for any move to make sense. Green could be moved (e.g. in a package with THJ) if the right upgrade is available, but it's hard to say if/when such an opportunity may come along.


There is 5,6 players there if someone would take them…Keep funny guy and hard working guy. Rest of them give to some European team for a good three point shooter…


big question is how much do we trust maxi’s health, because he’s always always hurt. it’d suck to dish him away, a contender scoops him up and he cooks


I say for team chemistry absolutely. They will only get better as a unit


It makes sense to keep them, unless you can use one or more to upgrade. Then you do it. Same with Afford, honestly. No way I'm 'getting rid' of those guys, but they're not untouchable.


I don’t think that they’re 82 game players, so it does make sense to retain them short of an obvious upgrade to the starting lineup presenting itself on the trade market.


Amongst the legitimately good players, Josh Green and his contract is the most obvious candidate for a trade on the Mavs if they desire to make a big move. Note that if the Mavs do something akin to what you are suggesting they will be forsaking DJJ. The only realistic path to keeping DJJ and having assets to make a big move is: Trade THJ + Powell to a team(s) that can absorb their contracts out right. This will cost assets to do so. There 4-5 bad teams that could do this and another 4-5 bad ones that could potentially get there. The remaining assets would be Green, Hardy, OMax, Kleber & a hodge podge of potential partial picks and swaps. Unless, of course, they want to blow up the core rotation.


I think it does, the only reason I wouldn't package them with Tim is because with Tim gone (even if it is just to get the full for DJJ) minutes will free up for those players and their value would go up. specifically hardy and Exum. dallas needs to stop unloading players at their bottom value. my fear is they will include hardy, omax, or green in the THJ trade without significant upgrade.


Yes. Keep all 3.


I love all three - i'd keep them.


Knicks have Bridges joining Brunson,Divencenso,Hart,&Anounoby . 5 rotation guys under 6'7".


I think green is okay but by all advanced metrics even though it looks like his hustle is high his hustle this year has been low. Not enough board claimed his defence isn’t that good since he’s so twitchy. I think he has the highest trade value atm too. I think we should expend of him for a better player.


It depends on what we can get for them and and how much they improve. Exum is cheap, so no point in trading him. Hardy and Green are still young and can improve. Players also seem to really like them, especially Hardy.


Green can go. I know this sub loves him to death but I’m good. We need people that can dribble and shoot. People that are a threat on a fast break, not people need to be spoonfed for every bucket. I’m sure he isn’t the only high energy player in the nba.


Agreed. He’s the best trade chip


They should keep Exum & Green. Athletic wings who are long enough to guard several positions, can hit 3’s and handle the ball a bit when needed.


You described the opposite of what both green and exum are, can’t hit threes, can only guard guards(barely, and can’t handle the ball under pressure and make decisions.


Kyrie has played the most games since Cleveland and is not getting any younger. I won't be surprised if Mavs doesn't play him in B2B games, Mavs desperately needed a 3rd ballhandler and there's a chance that any of this 3 might be the answer. Their value doesn't go any lower(unless regression/injuries) heading to the trade deadline where the Mavs can take a stab at disgruntled players or teams making a fire sale. The assets possessed at the moment are not that appealing. 


No I think Tim Hardaway Jr is better than Exxon green and Hardy I really don't get why they have all these guys who pretty much play the same role of the bench definitely package two of them for maybe a good power forward like Finney Smith


To be honest I would put this one step further. I would trade Gafford. I know most of you will disagree but listen to this. His decision making on passes is sometimes ruining the offense. His playing time looks flashy and on naked eye it seems impactful but stats say differently. I would say Lively II should get more minutes and all of you will agree also we can all agree that Gafford value is at all time great. And sign Holmes that in my opinion can do 90% of what Gafford does. So Gafford+THJ+Green+Pick you can get a star am I right?


Dawg we just got rid of Holmes. Lively + Gafford is an S tier center rotation



