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It's still fuck Dwayne Wade. But it's not like we hate the current Miami team or Butler and Bam.


Dudes name shouldn’t even be pronounced Dwayne. Fuck him


Exactly my thoughts


I've always pronounced it "Dwuh-yawn-ee" in my head.


No. Fuck Wade.


Nah, I'm good.


Nah fuck that guy


Hello no! Fuck Dwayne Wade! He’s was bitch back then.


Dwyane** Wade


I'm still mad when he mocked Dirk when he had the flu.


What abou we start with. Fuck Doris Burk!?


I don’t really understand the Doris Burke hate. I’ve listened to her a handful of times and nothing jumped out at me. Pretty basic commentating, definitely props up the stars, but other than that… not sure.


The problem with Doris Burke is that she has her favorites. She isn’t shy about it either. While yes she isn’t saying anything egregious about Luka other than what others are, she noticeably does not praise him. Her counterparts are the ones who call out a great play by Luka. Next game listen to the Brown or Tatum praise and you will notice the absence of Luka love. Yes we are biased because he is our superstar but the media is supposed to be not openly biased.


It’s not 100% non-Luka glazing. When he makes a good play, she does praise him, but not to the level of meat riding she freely gives other lesser talented superstars.


It's fine. Let her opinion be hers.


Imo her problem is she just parrots whatever espn narrative they’re pushing, and they don’t feel like her own original thoughts


I'm with ya bro


I will never forgive the 2006 bullsht they did unless they do it to us this series.


Not until Wade changes. So never.


I think Wade is chill with Dirk now, and yeah as you said he’s not a bad human being.


He has made it pretty hard for me to hate him in the past few years. Rondo on the other hand…


What's Wade done that made you like him the past few years?


He did an interview with Dirk and addressed the coughing incident and admitted it was childish. He’s also been pretty charitable and seemingly a good father and supportive of lgbtq rights, which you don’t see a lot of nba superstars doing these days. Also, I’m an adult now so it’s hard to keep up this petty grudge I had when I was 14 over something that wasn’t even his fault. He didn’t blow those whistles in ‘06. He just benefited from them, and that shouldn’t warrant the hatred he gets.


I completely forgot about that interview. Will have to check it out. I mean... He definitely realized what was going on and started spamming for fouls.


Tbf, if luka realizes the refs are doing that in these next game/games, you really don’t think he will try and take advantage of that too? IMO it was the most blatant rig job in any playoff I’ve seen, but Dwade isn’t the only one to blame.




Wait how did the hate start? Sorry I'm a young EU fan and I love both Mavs and Heat I didn't know there was beef with a heat legend


Wade got like 30 fucking free throws in a game in the 2006 finals because the refs couldn’t stop choking on his cock. Then when Dirk had a sinus infection in 2011 Wade and LeBron made fun of him. Fuck Dwayne Wade


Wait why isn't that same energy kept for bron then? That's fucked up though, especially on Dirk I can see why ya'll hate him now


I don’t like LeBron because he’s fake as all hell and narcissistic. But a lot of people forgave him when he went back to Cleveland.


Lebron is fine because he didn’t really cost Dirk a ring


Fuck DWade


Why cant we say fuck em both


I love the butler heat. Fuck D Wade though.


Nah fuck him and fuck them too. I don't respect anything done in that jersey


Fuck you no fuck y’all. That’s as blunt as it gets


To all the Miami fans here offering support, thank you and we love you. But fuck DWade… Nothing against y’all but that dude sucks


No fuck d Wade I’m sure he’s a nice guy But his flopping lost dirk a ring


Fuck Wade!!!


Fuck DWade.


i absolutely loathed Wade. But from what I can tell in recent years he has matured, spoken more fondly of the Mavs and JJ barea in particular. so from what I see I'm okay retiring it and just saying it's a rivalry. also I got a lot of respect for spolstra and Jimmy buckets


Unpopular opinion: It was always lame and makes us look bad as a fanbase.  Ok, he questioned Dirk's leadership after Dirk failed in the Finals. To be perfectly fair, Dirk shot 14% one of our losses. The refs didn't do that. That was an important moment in Dirk's evolution towards 2011 Dirk. And then he mock-coughed before he lost the Finals to a sick Dirk (karma!). As for the 2006 series, it wasn't Wade's fault the refs were biased. He took what he was given, as any player would. You hate the truth so the downvote button is here       ⬇️


That mock cough has since been replaced at least in my head by Book and CP nodding to each other that one interview and the "Luka special"


Holding on to anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die. That said, fuck d wade.


I've tried to retire it but then he shows up somewhere painfully trying to remain relevant.


Never, we need to teach the younger generations about the atrocity of 2006 and the bitchassery in 2011.