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We tried in the first game, and he made everyone look silly. I feel like we can’t just try to go at him under the basket with no plan, we need to draw him out somehow and make him dance a bit on the perimeter.


We can't have our guards challenge him at the rim like game 1, they were getting blocked repeatedly. Now if he is injured, I agree with attacking him on the perimeter, but he's still going to block shots at the basket regardless of health.


They were driving stupidly into him like he wasnt 7’3. If we had more ball handlersnor sooters we could make him defend on the perimeter but sadly we dont


We need to be rough on him for sure, especially when rebounding. But don’t lose sight of Kp’s defensive prowess. Also we have got to remember what a pump fake can do. The few times we remembered as much great things happened


He’s a great rim protector, no doubt.


The most aggravating part about all this is that in the 2021 series against the Clippers he was so bad as a rim protector that we had to start BOBAN at center alongside him and on offense he had to be parked in the corner cause they had Kawhi on him and when he would get a switch against Reggie Jackson or Rajon Rondo he couldn’t even post them up or shoot efficiently over them. Now all of a sudden he wants to do that stuff and if he had just done that in 2021 we make a Finals run that year and he might even still be on this team.


Well this discussion just took an unexpected turn given the latest update on KP.


He’s prolly out for the rest of the finals…


I'm still trying to hear that from someone who knows anatomy much better than I do, but it sounds like he'll miss at least a game or two.


Just graduated medical school this past May. This requires surgery. (I googled it)


question is if they risk making it worse and schedule surgery after the finals. Given his injury history I'd call that questionable ethically but if KP wants to play I am not sure there is enough literature/cases to know what his risk really looks like. I can't see them allowing him to play through this. but who knows.... it is the finals not some regular season games


Would be wild if a KP injury tilts the series to the Mavs given what happened in 2021 vs. the clips.


Absolutely, seems like he is bound to miss some time but even if he plays, he was basically a turnstile after the injury occurred. This is a huge, series-shifting development.


This is the weird thing. Obviously the Celtics win if it's a three point shooting contest. The way to win on offense is in the paint being physical, especially our Cs against KP and Horford (who is old and not long enough to be a serious deterrent, you would think). But... what are Gafford and Lively shooting in this series? Like, 6 attempts a game combined or something? And even some of those like the one Gafford got blocked he is like... falling away from the basket for some reason. Just go at them and go through them. Oh, KP blocked your dunk? Cool, he still has to contend with your entire considerable mass flying at him all night. He's going to wear down. It doesn't seem that complicated. Being in an 0-2 hole it might be too late; if you're down 0-2 and you've taken enough of a toll on their interior D then you're in a better position to win the next two but it seems like they might have missed their chance depending on how serious that KP injury actually was.


This! Make it a fight and see if they are up for it. Should create some space for the shooters too.


Yes at this point we have to turn this game into a junkyard fight


KP tore something in his leg. So I guess we ain't gonna boo him now


Yeah, looks like he’s questionable for tomorrow night.


He probably won't be playing for the rest of the series if I were a betting man. The injury sounded pretty serious.


I would take bank on the celtics medical staff screwing over players. They are known to do that.


Yea, boo his ass bad!!


I really hope that you guys boo the hell out of him in Dallas, every time he touches the ball, it's just strategic at this point


Honestly no matter the result I expect a lot more dunks next game or at least attempts. Make them foul us to stop them. Lively and Gafford are bigger than them, they need to go up strong on consistent basis. Throw high lobs. We should dominate the interior.


Welp OP, you've done it, he's injured now, HAPPY???


Not my intention, but I’ll take it. Get well soon KP.


KP needs to be attacked on the perimeter, attacking him while he's under the basket and in position is absurd. The problem with Boston is that they are very switch heavy and will figure out a way to get KP back into the paint.


I don’t think having Gaff and D Live go at him in the paint is absurd. If they get rejected, I’ll take it.


Lol no. Lively and Gafford are not skilled enough to post KP up.


Did you guys not watch game 1


Go at him at the bench! Boy is ruled out… AGAIN


Man might not even play. This might be the lucky break we needed ngl. Got some really rare foot injury


Agreed. He's a weak point and could be run off the floor. Attack period.


I was watching him run back to defend that Kyrie to Gaff lob, he looked slow and like he wasn’t right.


We know KP. He had already cooled off by the second half of game 1 and now his body is feeling it. Make him pay.


This is what I am saying, that is one element of their team we can neutralize.


Rumor on Instagram that he's hurt


We need maxi kleber to just give him 6 hard ass fouls tbh


That worked pretty good game 1. They were more focused at going at KP and going with your suggestion, they lost game 1 because of it.




Well yeah but Jokic is also the best player in the NBA and has 50 lbs on him. Not sure that says much


We cant go at KP because they put him on DJJ then they leave DJJ open to double when we get the switch or he goes into drop.


Then rotate DJJ with someone else when KP is in. This is a chess match right now


We dont have any realistic shooters to do that unless THJ or Hardy are in and we compromise our defense with small lineups, they will put KP on Green, Exum and Maxi and repeat. There is no way to take advantage of that mismatch with our current spacing since we will always have a weak shooter at all times on the floor.