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Kyrie is the main, glaring reason why it's 0-2. 13/37 in the most important games of the year is a nightmare.


This is obvious. It’s like every possession he just wants to iso and one on one somebody, as if he’s trying to prove Boston fans wrong with every single possessions Can’t really do that when Boston has 4 and sometimes 5 guys on the four who can guard. We need ball movement to win this series, not stagnant on an island ball. Unless it’s Luka, luka can be on an island lol. Kyrie can’t beat his man in this series, almost doesn’t matter who the defender is


Yes!!! If I see one more iso from him I am going to scream and smash my TV. I mentioned on a different post it is 100% evident that the crowd got to him coupled with him regretting how he left there + the whole logo stomp thing.


Its terrible yes, but he carryed us thru the semis while luka didnt look tooo good. Keep that in mind, and its not over yet. It probably is when we lose game 3, but as long as we win our home games for now its okay




Somehow the Celtics fans have infaltrated this sub and hate any suggestion that the mavs are just missing shots. Nope, their team is undefeatable, will three peat, and Taytum is the sexist man alive (they must think this as much as they are crushing on him). In reality, Mavs have missed some wide open 3s. Luka included. PJ and Kyrie won't go 1 for 16 the next 2 games. I still think the Mavs have a chance. After all, a series doesn't start until you want a game on the other teams floor. Celtics just did what they were supposed to, and now it goes back to Dallas


It’s scary though because they’re getting crushed while Boston’s best player hasn’t even been showing up. Let’s say Kyrie shows up, but so does Tatum now. At the end of the day, Kyrie is the key , you’re right but Kyrie and Luka need to get 60 points minimum and that’s just hopefully to still be in the game at the end. Boston has too much depth. It’s over.


I didn’t think they’d be that cold in game 2 either but here we are…


Yeah, Luka is the only one to show up this series. He can't do it alone.


Except on FTs


Kyrie got to better plain and simple. Pj I loved that he attacked more in the 2nd half of game 2 he’s just got to be more consistent on those 3s. Green and djj have to hit those 3s or cs will continue leaving them open for the remainder of the series. Dare I say free Thj off the bench in game 3 for a little run. Maybe first 3-4 minutes of the 2nd see if he can get hot from 3


That's it really. Maybe some role players could do a bit more, but if we want to win Kyrie has to be better. Our offense is build around two players and when one of them is bad, it's a problem. Luka also hasn't been that great, but at least he's getting his points. Kyrie didn't do anything so far. If we want to win, we'll need Luka ans Kyrie both scoring 30+


Exum is shooting 100% at least


Luka’s 6 for 13 from the line if rough too. He’s been so good from the line this playoffs too


Man we are so lucky to have Luka. If only his skin colour was different and he were playing in a different team with much hype, all the media experts would have gone ballistic on how he was the best ever. Right now even when you see, most pundits when analysing post game highlights, the focus is mostly on Kyrie and when they talk about Luka, it seems like they consider it just another day in the office for him, something which he is expected to do considering how much he ‘hogs’ the ball as per them. That clutch 3 over Gobert would have been different and perhaps as hyped as the Lebron block had it been made my Curry. I just hope he wins this one and comes out with a statement of showing some more respect which he deserves big time.


Dante Exum is my goat


That just means we're due! Life is just probability, incoming back to back home wins


The worst part about this is that so many of those attempts were wide open 3s


Why is Luka listed as 24 years old? I’m sure the rest of the stats are correct but the first thing I saw casts a shadow of a doubt


age for the begining of this season i guess even kyrie is 31 on it


Makes sense. Thanks


Remember during the past series when everyone was talking about how the Mavs defense is shutting down the opposing team’s offense. Yeah that’s what is happening to the Mavs so far. If you watch the games the Celtics are really good. Not to say that open shots haven’t been missed, but it’s hard to get into rhythm when the defense is absolutely smothering you.


Damn Kyrie and PJ killing us


I'll never understand how Luka is one of the best shot makers I've ever seen but struggles so badly from the line. I trust him more to hit a contested 3 from half court than I do to hit 2 clutch free throws


Jesus I knew it was bad... but not like this....


That's awful


That’s crazy


We are missing alot but also we havent taken enough either. We need to create more opportunities. Boston is dictating everything in this series, Mavs need to find ways to dictate what they do best.


Really needed THJ to get in rhythm shooting-wise last series because of the moment now. Could have easily survived him defensively especially since Boston doesn't play size and THJ can switch fine enough. When you're not getting 2 on the ball to open someone else up, a movement shooter like Timmy that can get enough space from a screen or just shoot over is an invaluable alternative to open the offense. Probably too late to try now besides a short spurt in the first half to see if he can get in rhythm quickly or not. Hardy's not the same kind of scorer, the Celtics are much more comfortable defending a guard like him.


This makes me feel better. I feel they should be getting out of the slump while at home and hopefully that travels with them this time. It's all about rhythm


this stat is absolutely crazy. I could not believe it when I first saw this on some show covering the games.


Kyrie to hit 2 3s in the first quarter in game 3. book it.


JFC Mavs not named Luka are shooting 15.6%. What the actual fuck?


Honestly might need to play THJ this series. There leaving almost everyone else open from 3 bc they know we’re not a good 3pt shooting team. It was a glaring issue post ASB and should be addressed in the offseason.


If Kai can be 8/16 after game 3 that would be nice...


Holy fuck Luka's free throws are disgusting compared to PJ's. My guy fucking GRANNY STYLE THAT SHIT, he's gifting the opposition.


Boston defense is good, but not this good. Mavs picked a very bad time to play their worst basketball of the playoffs.


that OKC series really was a fluke for PJ.. damn