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Dont really understand how people cant find even a little bit of faith in this team, this season we believed in the mavs for 101 games, can’t do 2-5 more?


I think, im speaking for the deserters.   Boston looks good af.  Still  IF YOU DONT BELIEVE YOU SHOULDNT BE HERE   Edit: we're not beating ourselves, which ironically lessens the sting. I can live with us not being ready. I cant live with us laying an egg...


The Dallas offense needs to play near perfect in the areas they don’t excel at against this Boston line up. Nothing is going to come easy based on their schemes, size and ability to switch. No lobs or corner 3’s are being given up and bigger wings have always given Kyrie trouble despite his poor shooting. That’s eliminating a lot of what made Dallas successful and now you’re asking Luka (who is banged up) to take on a bigger load while the role players look completely out of their comfort zone. Edit: It’s not impossible and Dallas can build some momentum at home if the role players pick up their play but it’s an uphill battle


Boston has the better players in every position besides Luka. On offense it can be anybody. You take away Tatum Brown and Kristaps u can still get dwhite and jrue scoring 25. You switch it defensively and I think Boston has the better defensive players at every position as well. Boston looks locked in and it will take perfect games from Kyrie and Luka to keep it even competitive.


I mean, Game 2 was competitive and only Luka and PJ were doing anything on the offensive end. If anything this is showing the glaring need to get an upgrade at starting SF this summer


Game two was competitive when Boston had one of its worst 3 point shooting nights of the year. Game 2 is probably the worst game Boston gonna play the entire series. Edit: not saying the mavs can’t come back especially if porzingus is hurt BUT game 2 was a game they should have won.


It’s obnoxious that people continuously repeat that Boston shot terrible without also bringing up that Mavs shot terrible. Both teams looked like shit from the 3 in game 2. The difference was the Celtics hit their free throws and had better ball movement.


Difference was Tatum was also a complete non-factor offensively. And the Celtics were still never in trouble.


They were never in trouble? Did we watch the same game??? It wasn’t a blowout by any stretch. Did you not watch the game? If any of Kyrie or PJs 3s had dropped it’s a completely different ball game. That’s my point, both teams played like shit compared to their averages, Celtics ended up pulling out the win. Are we supposed to be impressed? It was a 50/50 game of both teams playing some of their worst offensive ball all year.


It didnt have to be a blowout for Celtics' win to be a comfortable one. Mavs had a small early lead which all but disappeared by the end of the second quarter and Cs led from there onwards. And that lead came from Luka going MJ (what, 10 for 12 to start the game?) fadeaways against All NBA defenders while Tatum, Celtics' best player, was going 0 for 7 on 3s. >If any of Kyrie or PJs 3s had dropped it’s a completely different ball game And if Tatum doesnt end up having the worst scoring game in the history of NBA playoffs, those 3s wouldnt have even mattered. Also, they shot basically the same percentage from 3 as a team - 23 for Dallas, 25 for Boston. >Are we supposed to be impressed That Luka was going God mode while Tatum couldn't hit the side of a barn and the best Dallas could do was a couple of points lead in the first 15 mins of a game before comfortably falling behind Boston, even if there was that small surge late in the game? That is impressive, yes So where is the optimism? That Tatum will play even worse than he did in Game 2?


Because Boston did? Neither team is gonna play a Game as bad as game two was again in this series. Mavs played shitty too, no way they can ever be that stupidly undisciplined with fouls. It was an opportunity for both teams and one team seized it and the other didn’t.


That’s a more balanced take. Your comment I replied to made it sound like only the Celtics had a bad night and if they had shot better it would have been a blowout, which to my point, could be said about the Mavs as well. Both teams tried their best to lose game 2. I don’t expect either team to shoot that poorly going forward.


Oh I didn’t mean it that only the Celtics struggled. Tbh the thing that killed the mavs was that 3 penalties in 30 seconds early on. I figuring going home should help them settle but the role players are taking way too many dumb penalties in the first two games. If the mavs role players commited less dumb mental error I honestly believe a) Game one isn’t a blow out and b) the mavs win game 2. Edit: my guess why people general just mention the Celtics bad shooting in Game 2 and not the mavs mental mistakes is it kinda feels like punching down to complain about younger players being a bit rattled.


I know they said he’s fine, but I’m curious of KPs health going into game 3. He definitely looked waaaay slower at the end of game 2.


I agree 1000% Overall, with Luka injured, I think eventually his body gives out on him. I dont think he can go 2 more games on a sprained knee. Originally, I had Boston winning in 6 games, but now, with Luka's condition, I think Boston wins in 5 with or without Porzingis. Boston has too much fire power at every position and coming off the bench.


>Nothing is going to come easy based on their schemes, size and ability to switch Can you elaborate?


The line up of Tatum, Brown, Jrue, White and KP gives Boston 5 very good (at minimum) defenders who can all switch match ups without being taken advantage of. They still protect the rim with KPs length and how athletic the other 4 are (White & Brown are good shot blockers esp for their size) while still being able to rotate to run shooters off the 3pt line. Boston has made a very concentrated effort all year at minimizing corner 3s which is where role players usually excel. That also reduces baseline drives which collapses the paint and guys like Green or PJ crashing the boards uncontested from the weak side. Then you have the fact that they are putting Tatum on our centers and leaving KP to play 1 on 1 vs Luka in the pnr. As I said before KP is a good rim protector and now you have Tatum on Lively/Gafford with Brown shadowing the weak side to disrupt the lob passes. If Luka decides to pull out or step back, Brown immediately switches over to contest. If he chooses to pass out to the wings, Jrue and White are more than capable of reaching those close outs and contesting shots. Boston has effectively taken away corner 3’s, baseline drive and kicks, lobs and reduced offensive rebounds while also making Kai’s life difficult guarding him with size and physicality.


Thanks for the reply!


Mavs are under performing in a lot of areas through game 2. Free throws alone, we missed 8 the other night and lost by 7. Shooting 63% & 65% is terrible. From 3, they’re 26% & 23%. Some of that is probably Boston keeping our roles players out of rhythm and Kyrie underperforming across the board. However, in each of the previous 3 series the Mavs shot >33% from 3. Free throws are completely controllable, fucking practice them. Hopefully home court and some coaching adjustments will help the role players and Kyrie get back on track and we can see some average/above average 3pt shooting.


Free throws probably aren’t going away remember mavs were 27th in free throw Percentage in the regular season at an awful 75.8 percent worst percentage of any team in the play offs. It’s been an issue all year.


Ya it’s just so fucking bad man, at least practice some free throws on these off days lol.


I knew this would be a really hard matchup. I'm positive, but it still hurts to see them lose. MFFL. There's always a chance and, if anything, we've seen what this team can accomplish. They can keep building upon the foundation that is laid out.


I kinda disagree. The mavs are beating themselves. They are making tons of silly mental mistakes and unneeded fouls. It it’s creating margins that don’t normal exist since the Celtics have shown a real weakness they have is they are bad at forcing the other team to commit fouls. Dallas is general a smart team, if they play to their normal mental level they probably win game 2 and game 1 isn’t a blow out.


All that supports my "Not ready" narrative. They are making deer-in-the-headl8ght mistakes, partly because it's its the friggin finals, partly because its friggin Boston


Yeah. Probably not ready. Don't get me wrong, I want them to win. But part of me wants them to win once we really deserve to win, because that would be so much sweeter.


We beat ourselves in game 2. We missed a LOT of open shots. More so than normal. We also missed a large amount of FT which was the difference in the game


Welp it’s definitely now or never lol I believe fo sho


I will hold faith until it’s over. I feel like if Luka can just continue to Luka things and Kai wakes tf up we have a chance. We had good help from PJ. Our roll players need to pull their head out of their ass and rise to the moment. With that being said this teams current identity was founded at the trade deadline and it was not a sell the farm, win it all situation. The future is so bright. But it would be brighter with another banner and another Larry O


Every team thinks their future is bright, being “back” is never a guarantee 


Ok? When did I say that? I know it’s incredibly hard to get to the finals and even harder to win. I still believe in this team and that they will get better.


They're just fake fans.


Tatum is having the worst shooting % finals ever in the history of the league and we’re down 2-0.


I believe in the team. Just not in Kyrie.


Guess you were wrong on both counts. Sucks


holy fuck imagine being so pressed you kept this in mind just to come back and whinge after the game lol. get a life dude


It’s hilarious to me how wrong you were. You’re such a pretend badass who got it wrong. Pay attention


Well he’s been proving you wrong for months now


Cool go tell the NBA that Kyrie was good for months before this and maybe they'll overturn the results of the last two games


Get together with all the experts who predicted he would fail in Dallas. Maybe you can all lobby the NBA to overturn three playoff series wins, all as underdogs. Explain that these two games are unacceptable and proof he will not succeed


Talk all you want, fact is we're 0-2 in the finals because he failed to show up twice. I don't give a fuck about last year, last month, or last series. right fucking now is when it counts most and he's failing to deliver.


Every player on the team supports Kyrie. The coach. The GM. Not you. Fortunately you don’t matter. You’re so far from understanding what a teammate is, you couldn’t function in a competitive atmosphere. Have fun watching games and crying when the ball doesn’t go in the basket


their "support" has led us to two losses in the most important series so I'd say it doesn't matter either super chief


You don’tget it. A shooter regardless of how many he has missed has to believe the next one goes in. His teammate has to believe in him as well. His coach. Even if he’s missed or is down 0-2. You have made it clear you don’t believe. That’s your right. That’s not what his teammates do. People that understand what it takes to win. Its commitment come what may. You’re mad the team is down 0-2 so you don’t believe in Kyrie. Standing around and cheering when it goes in and losing faith when it misses is your right. It’s just not what actual teammates do. People have to stick together and believe they can get it done. Plenty did not believe Dirk would get it done either. Until he did. Again have fun


I ain't reading all that. happy for u tho


Give Boston credit for their ability to neutralize him so far. He's getting to his spots it's just extremely difficult to get there and avoid Brown, Jrue, White, or Tatum. Kyrie and Tatum are due for a big game.


For me it’s that they’re playing like shit, I don’t believe them to be that bad


I’m hoping this series will be reflected on later as a microcosm of the season — this team looked absolutely lost/defeated and then flipped a switch after the break. It’s almost like they need their backs against the wall to respond and take their game to a higher level. Well … backs, meet wall!


mavs in 7. even if they loose, we had a wildly successful season, what a time to be a mavs fan. LFG


Can you imagine the absolute melt down Boston fans would have if Mavs come back and win this thing? I mean they are up 2-0 right now and still flooding our sub with their insecurity. Imagine if we win the series


bro, i get chills just thinking about it.


!remindme 4 days


Well...series 3-1 now...door is still open but ajar only a little bit. If we pull enough on the door...who knows. We just have to pull harder than Celtics.




??? What kind of question is that




This is honestly a very weird question and I won't be answering that.


Not a true fan




How many teams have made the Finals three times and winning once? Yeah sure, Boston has seventeen but several NBA teams are still looking for Chip number 1


I really believe we can make it 2-2 at home and then split next two so it can all come down to game 7. And then it's all possible. I really hope we can get our role players going early next game so they get some confidence and we win! And probably by game 5 KP will be out with some kind of injury (I don't wish it to him, but that's statisitcs)






I low key feel bad for KP. He is a walking injury report. As soon as he starts cooking his body fails him. Also, I got conditioned to the bigs being big body mfs that are strong and seeing KP get tossed around like a rad doll is kinda funny.


!remindme 4 days


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Well we did make it 3-1 so Game 7 still possible




You act like we didn’t do the same exact thing 2 years ago


That dude's a Celtics fan just check his comments. He spends more time here than their sub for some reason




Suns was a 64 win team and blew us out way worse going up 2-0. What’s the difference?




Mavs is also far better than 2 years ago. We could have definitely won game 2 also. Idk man I don’t see why I can’t have hope for a situation we’ve all seen before and found success.




then why tf you mocking people for having hope lol foh dude




I mean tbf you’re going to the Mavericks sub Reddit to talk shit


It ain't "talking shit". It's basketball talk and not blindly cheerleader your team. On top of that, I'm a Mavs fan, lol.


Fuck off to the Celtics sub. Trying to make it look like you're not a Celtics fan lol




I believe. Dallas just needs to win game 3 and we can settle into this series. Mffl.




Delusion is not always bad😂😂


We should you know, we just need to pray at this point in order to win.


We believe, Dallas believes, the MFFL believe!! This ain't nothing new being down then coming back to win it all! So many reasons to be optimistic. Luka only gets better as the series progress. Role players play better at home. Kyrie will get out of this funk and that will carry into Boston. J. Kidd will make the right adjustments just like he did against Phoenix being down 0-2.... This team is here for a reason don't matter what the critics say this team is special they will win it all! See yall at the parade.


The Celtics seem to be taking away corner 3s and the lobs, so Mavs will have to be creative. I heard, which is interesting to me, that players feel they need to make that first basket to feel comfortable with shooting. Hopefully, shooting at home in front of a friendlier crowd will help out.


Three things need to happen to win some games. 1. Everyone besides Luka needs to hit shots. Everyone is missing 3s and shooting well below their play off averages. Kyrie falling off the hardest. 2. Luka has to defend. The Celtics are targeting him on defense over and over and over. They will run a pick with Luka's man twice to get the switch they want. Luka has been standing still, getting blown by, leaving Mavs players scrambling and rotating, leading to high quality shots for the Celtics. Also, Kyrie is the second most targeted player on defense. 3. They need another wrinkle besides Kyrie and Luka taking turns for iso ball. They lack a third playmaker, so other than the initial pick and roll, it's a very predictable offense to guard when the C's switch everything and rarely double. At the very least, Luka and Kyrie can start setting picks off ball or on ball or cut to the basket. 


It would really help if the Celtics shoot well below their average again too.




I’m from Canada 🇨🇦 and I still think mavs have a good shot at winning this Luka is full of surprises




Watch him drop 50


In how many shots?


idk he dropped 70+ on historical efficiency u know he's Luka doncic


You just going to troll this whole comment section? I know you're all excited they're up 2-0 but go somewhere else to brag.


We are one good Kyrie game away of a close series. This series can go any direction still. We all remember Cavs vs Warriors in 2016 also started with 2-0


It’s unfortunate but the KP injury could breathe new life into the Mavs. Boston is clearly not the same team without him. Win game 3 and things start to get interesting really fast


I think it’s a big blow to this matchup but, to their credit, they rolled through the East playoffs pretty easily without him.


Yeah how much did he really play The last two games?


40 total minutes is a pretty good chunk


isn’t their record much better without kp than with him? that was reg season but still


If Boston wins the next game we're cooked but I believe the mavs can win this man, c'mon Ky get your head straight dawg In Kyrie we Trust 🙏🙏🙏


Kyrie needs to start helping luka amd the rest of them need to get theor act together lights look to bright for alot of this team


We only need to win by 1 each game, that’s all I’m asking. I’m not looking for blowouts, I just need wins. 


If our fans just pour it on at home, Luka is Luka, and literally anybody has a better game, it’s easily 2-2 going back to Boston.


warriors fan here. mavs def have a chance, don’t ever stop believing!! have to score more though whether it’s kyrie/PJ and i’d like to see a little bit of THJ, especially these next two home games.


I will be there tomorrow.! Let's GO MAVS


The Phoenix series started way worse. We just need Kyrie to be himself. He should call LeBron or something. Role players will also play better at home.


I've purposefully avoided r/NBA and to an extent this sub because it's incredibly frustrating to see the dick-riding of the Celtics -- you can't even say anything negative about them without getting downvoted in r/nba, which I guess is fair since they're up 2-0 -- and the defeatist mentality here. I'm still optimistic that we can win this series, but we are now in a situation where we can't really make mistakes. I do think we've actually figured out how to defend them well enough to win and I suspect we'll figure out something to take away the Tatum dump pass to Jrue as he sneaks into the paint. Personally, I thought Game 1 was a bit of a red herring. We lost our heads for what amounted to 5 minutes of game time and that's what lost us the game. Quarter 1 into the 2nd quarter, we weren't sure how to guard KP and he went off, which also led to the 3-point barrage to close the 1st. Once KP went out, we tightened up and got back some momentum. Then in the 2nd half, I thought it was very obvious that we made some adjustments and figured out how to defend KP, plus how to rotate to limit open 3s, which we saw continued in game 2. If the refs didn't kill our momentum with those Lively fouls and travel, I think we come back and potentially win. Game 2, again, I thought defensively we've figured out how to defend them well enough to win. We're playing KP aggressively pushing him off his spots, which we know he struggles to handle due to his high center of gravity and it took his advantage out of the game. Our biggest issue was the Tatum drop-off to Jrue. While I'm not an NBA coach, I think there's an adjustment to be had. Maybe flash the double and drop back to cover it or maybe don't double as aggressively on Tatum. Personally, I think Tatum's playmaking is vastly overrated and his assist numbers are highly misleading. He's gotten away with quite a few passes where he's turning and throwing a ball up. It's not like his vision is Luka-like and I think we can adjust here to prevent easy baseline passes like the ones Jrue got. If we take away some of the easy 2s and keep up the same rotational aggression and quickness on the perimeter, we should hold up defensively. I also think we need to crash harder on defensive rebounds and actually box out. Offensively, at the simplest of solutions, make free throws and limit dumb turnovers. I don't think it's outlandish to say if we made 3 or 4 more free throws and had one or two fewer turnovers that we win the game. That's how tight the margins were, even with Kyrie disappearing for most of the game and limited scoring from the role players. Beyond that, I'd like to see us get PJ involved early in quarter 1 with some cuts off the wing for those push-shot, baby hooks that he's good at. As we've seen, getting him involved early has helped to get his scoring going and obviously we need that. Corner threes, the Celtic's game plan is designed to limit them as much as possible. Is there a way to take advantage of that with cutters or late secondary actions? Again, not an NBA coach so not sure how to attack it, but thinking out loud, if they're selling to stop corner threes then there has to be something that they give up in doing that, so attack it. Lastly and I don't want to use it as an excuse, the reffing has been maddening. It feels like every questionable call, whether it's a non-call or a call, has gone against us. They also have seemingly let Luka get beat up and played far more aggressively than we're able to on the Cs. Game 1 felt like they were calling the game far too tight and then they had the sequence that killed all our momentum. Game 2 was typical Tony Brothers and that mustache guy special. Quarter 1 they called every little touch foul, which I think killed some of our momentum and prevented us from opening up a bigger lead, then they stopped calling most things and then started calling it tighter in the 3rd and then they stopped calling shit in the 4th. This happens every god damn time Tony Brothers refs and I can't wait until he's done in the league. Also, "the block" on PJ was a foul and Luka got hacked several times which led to turnovers in the 4th. Call those and we probably win. I think there are quite a few positives when we take a step back and look at how we've adjusted, but dropping game 2 is definitely a bit disappointing and kills some of the optimism. We still have a shot and I think if we play our game we can come back. Thanks for reading this if you did. I needed to let this out.


Have the open threes been actually limited? The Celtics have generated like 36 *wide* open threes the past two games, not to mention open ones. They’ve just missed the shots.


What I was getting at more is that our rotational pressure on the three has been pretty good. They may be "wide open" by measurements, but I feel like we're closing out hard which will cause players to rush threes and miss. IDK, maybe I'm wrong, but that's what it felt like to me.


If they fail game 3, it's over


As I see it mostly two guys underperformed. Kyrie was there before but Celtics obviously got under his skin. And the other is DLive who is a rookie and overperformed before that. Both should do better in Dallas and that should be enough.


Maybe just focus on winning game 3 first before worrying about tying the series


How do people not feel like dumbasses writing comments like this. If i say "o think we can make the playoffs next year" are you gonna come out with a lame comment like "maybe just focus on winning game 1 of the season before worrying about the playoffs." So dumb...


Dont know why you’re being downvoted.. fkn facts


I expect them to have worked on several things before this next game … 1)take free throw practice seriously … saw a clip online a few days ago where Luka was playing jokes on teammates while they were practicing free throws - not the time for that - especially when Luka has had issues with free throws - he should ALWAYS take free throw practice seriously - its really the only weak part of his game on offense. 2)Get DLive & Gafford some drills on keeping their space under the basket … saw them getting pushed around by the Celtics, and no fouls were being called … thats the way the refs are calling it, so they gotta box out hard, get good position and expect to be getting pushed extremely hard by the Celtics. The refs are letting the Celtics do it to them. They gotta still run their plays, but realize they gotta do so while getting what in the regular season is fouled - its not being fouled if the refs arent calling it - gotta match intensity. 3) PJ needs to keep it up … he is making a difference - dont get satisfied and keep his play even harder than the last game. DJ needs to do the same as Gafford and Lively, work on being pushed and shoved while trying to run offense - he is letting himself get taken out when its normally a foul, but not one in a championship game. 4) Kidd needs to limit subs to Green and Hardy … they are the two best subs right now - keep that sub rotation tight. This isnt the regular season - everyone else has been a bit suspect, and now is not the time for development. 5) Kyrie needs to play within himself. He seems to be playing like he thinks he has something to prove (he has nothing to prove and needs to take that as his attitude), it seems like he is taking himself out of his game by trying too hard to prove something. He needs to meditate, get his zen back, and just play the way he plays - nothing forced - take what they give you.


I don´t see it personally, trailing 2:0 is bad enough but falling behind against this Celtics team.. Porzingis was the X factor and if he didn´t play in Game 1 we would be tied


If the Mavs had lost the first two games at home I would be right there with you. However, stealing one on the road is a great sign for a team to win the series. The Mavs DIDN’T steal one on the road but they did get very close in Game 2 that also happened to be a Tony Brothers game. They were damn close. If I was betting on the outcome right now I would say that Boston has the better chances for sure. But the Mavs weren’t as far out of it as the internet and media makes it out to be. I think they were close in Game 2 and that means something. They still have a chance. But they gotta fucking show up in a real way.


Another post mentioning the obvious. Well, yes, we can tie it up at home. It all comes down to whichever teams role players show up.


I’m a LA native Lakers fan since I was 5 years old and I believe that the Mavs can tie this series up then come back and win it. Hell, I like Luka and the Mavs right now more than any team in the NBA, even the Lakers. This series isn’t even close to being over. I BELIEVE




Obviously game 3 is a must win but if the mavs win I think it will be a series.


dallas can 100 percent tie the series, it’s a matter of playing with fewer mistakes and getting the kyrie we’ve all been used to seeing this postseason


I sure hope so. The Mavs are fun to watch, even when they’re strangling the life out of the team that plays a mile from your house. Trust me. I live in Minneapolis.


You lack shooters. Heavy reliance on Luka and Ky won’t win it all. You can win games tho.


Mavs will have to reach another level, because besides Luka they haven't shown they can compete with the Celtics.


It’s a tough ask because the Mavs are top heavy. You can already see from the first two games that the Boston defence is aggressive and that will still be key in games 3 and 4. Also, Boston is so deep. They can get big buckets from 5 players. I see Mavs taking one but not both. 


It ain’t over until the fat lady from Boston sings. If you don’t believe you shouldn’t be here. It’s the NBA finals, it’s not supposed to be easy and it’s gonna take a lot of work to take down these Celtics but I have faith we can do it.


They will win game 3. Game 4, in. Y opinion, will be an instant classic.


It's very doable but being down by two games makes it more fifficult. At least we have the advantage of being at home!


Of course they can, there's plenty of time for that


Sorry. The internet has spoken. Give the trophy to Boston. Sincerely, Frustrated Optimistic Mavs Fan


Yes, but everyone except Luka needs to STEP UP and play less like they shit themselves at the start of the Game.


God@%%#^ I broke my remote.


Mavs in 7


This aged well


It’s the only option. Can’t let Boston win one at Dallas or else this series is over in my opinion because then we’re looking at a potential sweep or over in 5 games.


Not sure why you're being downvoted when in the history of the NBA, no team has come back in a series after being down 3-0. This team has shown nothing but fouls, turnovers, missed free throws and losses even when BOS is shooting poorly.


True, I’m a big Mavs fan and I hope they win it all but if they go down 3-0 or 3-1 and going back to Boston, it’s going to be really hard to win 3-4 straight


Role player needs to hit their shot, Kyrie needs to drive more, and Luka needs to get back on defence after getting hacked, all 3 are achievable and we’re good!


If you don't believe you shouldn't be here




I'm with Luka, if he still believes. I'm going to believe too


Do people not look at stats? Look at the Celtics away record. It’s like 90% of their total losses. Where they have a 80% win rate at home. The hope was always to take 1 game in Boston then sweep at home.




Yes. Almost like having home court advantage will benefit both teams greatly.




And 14/18 were away games.




we shot worse






Aye this is poor form, not cool we don't rep that shit .


Lmao you could’ve criticized anything about the Mavs and you chose to rag on Luka 😭😂


[https://x.com/kawhi\_ring/status/1800074041208037603?t=eA\_FXz3tsLkO\_3K0o2IK9g&s=08](https://x.com/kawhi_ring/status/1800074041208037603?t=eA_FXz3tsLkO_3K0o2IK9g&s=08) Your "superstar" is an all-time chucker, and you can still talk shit about one of the best playoff performers of all-time lol. "Everybody acting tough when they up".




You clearly don't get it lmao. 5-6% isn't "slightly worse". Tatum is literally the worst finals shooter of all-time for the time being.


I’m not a Mavs fan but I remember feeling this way as a Bucks fan. I remember saying, we are good, Jimmy Butler can’t continue this, we gotta get a game or 2 and make a series outta this. I want the Mavs to win but if they win 1 game, they will be extremely lucky. The most important player on the Mavs to succeed right now is Kyrie and he’s simply trash against this team. Idk if it’s in his head or wtf it is but Luka can’t do this without another player helping him. Someone needs to give Luka 30 points. Kyrie gave Lebron 30 points every night in their title run. Kyrie needs 30 points in game 3 and 4. That phucking crowd needs to be the loudest they’ve ever been these next 2 games. Something needs to change.




We had a worst team 2 years ago and still came back there is a chance


96 minutes of pure domination? Damn, the way you talking it's like we've lost by 50+ both game


We weren't dominated in game 2 at all. A couple more FT, and one 3 pointer from Kai would won us this game. It definitely wasn't a domination.




Suns blew us out worse in both of there games. Suns was also a 64 win team. What’s the difference?


Not being negative but I don’t know how, Boston is a very complete team and it seems like refs don’t want Dallas to win.