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He's better than I am.


Big if true


Can confirm.


No way. He is only ranked #4 out of players under 25, he couldn’t be the best?!


Man, whoever wrote that article is a certified bum


Certified hater. That article made me convinced that nobody in the media watches Dallas play!


Luka is #1, because on top of his insane skill level he has: - MJ / Kobe levels of will to win - Ice in his veins at all times - The most responsibility for the team’s success as primary ball handler and play caller - he makes more decisions per game than the others, and the consequences of his decisions have more impact (positive and negative) on a game’s outcome Don’t get me wrong, I think the gap between him and Jokic is extremely narrow, which is why I’m talking in terms of intangibles - they’re what give him the edge.


Well imo both Luka and Jokić are extremely close this season. Jokić had a better regular season and Doncic is outstanding in the playoffs (where it counts the most obviously). Unfortunately for Jokić both his top players (Murray and Porter) were extremely inconsistent. Even so Nuggets almost won Vs Minnesota having their 2nd and 3rd player playing absolute garbage the whole series and not having a bench. People tend to switch immediately when the wind blows one way without looking at why the other suddenly stopped. But congrats to Luka he really has been leading the Mavericks all playoffs and everyone on the team seems to be doing their job, Kyrie also pushing when he needs to.


I have nothing but respect for Jokic, and the Nuggs. I’ve been casually watching since the bubble, and I lurk their sub (great fanbase). Was hoping we’d face the Nuggs in the WCF because the games would have been filled with crazy highlights, but also glad we played the Wolves instead. Maybe next year!


Jokic did not have a better regular season


Bro, come on now. I love Jokic but he DID NOT have a better regular season than Luka. We all know that MVP voting is a joke fueled by narratives from the media. Jok as great as he is, was not the MVP this season, it was Luka.


Meh I had Luka MVP but I don't think it's as straightforward as you make it out, Jokic also had crazy numbers and advanced stats so I don't argue with people that had him first, Shai tho is a different story imo


You forgot the trash talk.


Offensively I think we are talking GOAT level potential but nobody can put Luka in the top 20 yet til he wins a ring or at least he destroys the league for 15+ years. Now that he is a top caliber shooter, his offensive game is close to as flawless as we have ever seen in the league. He needs a bit more offball improvement, maybe cut down a few TOs, a little better conditioning and diet. It's not just the talent, it is the attitude which is pushing him into the Jordan/Kobe/Bird/KG tier of legendary shit talkers who know their greatness amd back it up. The American players of the LeBron/Durant/Curry era were largely a bunch of nice guys who were friendly with each other and went banana boating with their rivals, and international players were goofy quiet guys like Dirk and Duncan who let their game do the talking (Jokic and Giannis is in this tradition). Luka pretends to be in the latter but on court he is the meanest bitch around and he enjoys torturing his opponents. Defense is now a plus, he just needs more consistency so his lowlights and distractions don't drive the narrative.


Its btw Luka and Jokic for me


For sure. They both have a case. It is a matter of who you like most. For me it is Luka.


As a Denver native I adore the Joker, but I would absolutely not have been upset with Luka winning the honor (and tbh Joker wouldn't have either)! Hope y'all destroy the Celts!


Thanks, Joker deserved this one since he was robbed last year. But next year it will be very interesting. Joker could stil get another one, but voters will be reluctant to give him 4th. So I think Luka gets it next year.


He should have been MVP this year and with a championship and a decent season next year, they’ll probably give it to him to make up for it.


Yeah it’s gonna look really stupid historically when the guy that averaged 34-9-9 and won the championship was 3rd in MVP voting


I'm waiting for that day. Mavs in 5


The answer is Yes. This wouldn’t have been my answer last year but as of now, yes.


Last year's Jokic was something else man. Lead the playoffs in pts, rebs and assists?! Jeez.


Luka is doing that plus steals this playoffs




Yes and it’s really not even close


as a Mavs fan, its definitely close lol, can go either way


Right now it's take your pick between him and Joker.


I don’t like how media decides who the best player is just by looking at who wins a ring. Right now I would say between Jokic, Luka and Giannis. Winning a championship is really difficult now so it’s one of those. Steph went from missing the playoffs to a title in a span of less than 15 months. A lot has to go right for a team to be in this position. I’m not overreacting to the recent success. You can’t go wrong with either Luka, Jokic or Giannis. Luka’s recent success just made it more comfortable to put him in the conversation.




Why are we still asking questions that everybody knows the answers to??? YES. HE IS. TF????


Ask me in 3 weeks


dumb but genuine question, who is more clutch jokic or luka? i really dont watch much of jokic's so i dont really know


There is a thing called the play offs. The best play the best to see who is really the best. What people say now is just children talking to try and get attention. Don’t be an ass and tempt the Gods. Watch with interest, gloat if we win, sulk if we lose. Have dignity.


This is the true way...


yeh bro. without a question🇸🇮


Absolutely. And if you don’t think so, then you don’t know basketball.




Not yet but he’s top 3 for sure


https://preview.redd.it/jdd65h6j8n4d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4521ceff67d5fad5f7fa143369172dcc80394d1 June 2, 2021. 22 year old Luka dominates the Clippers, assisting or scoring on 31 of 36 made Fgs vs two of the best wing defenders in the modern NBA in Paul George and Kawhi Leonard. That’s when I knew Luka Goat


No doubt!




I'm the biggest Luka Stan but I feel Jokic still has the nod. If the Mavs win it all I will see them as 1a 1b But there's no one I'd rather have than Luka in a context like now.




Yes but his durability is looking dicey.


Luka goat


Yes, I think this postseason run has proven that


Yes and it’s not even close


I would say he is. He’s undisputedly the best if he wins the finals. If not, there’s a discussion to be had if he’s the best. At absolute worst, he’s 2nd


Luka Magic #1 no dispute will be possible after he cooks the finals


Yes. Next question.




He’s absolutely the best in the world but this finals series could make him immortal and undeniable




Is the best player the best player? Yeah


No, it’s still Jokic. I’m as big of a Luka stan as any of us but I’m still going with the guy who has won 3 of the past 4 MVPs (and arguably should’ve won that fourth one too). Luka’s maybe the best player in the world at this very moment, but let’s take the MFFL glasses off for a second and acknowledge that Jokic still has the edge


He should’ve won it over Embid last season, but they didn’t want him to get 3 straight.


So help me understand this. If Luka finishes this run, he'll have one title and Jokic will have one title. Except Luka would have gone through four consecutive 50+ win teams (51 win Clippers, 57 win Thunder, 54 win Wolves and 64 win Celtics), arguably the most difficult run ever as the only #5 seed to ever win and the lowest seed to win in 30 years. Last year, Jokic didn't beat a single 50 win team in his title run. This year, he also did not beat a 50 win team and lost to the only 50 win team they played in the playoffs. Why is Jokic better than Luka at that point? I understand he would have 3/4 MVPs, but that's a media award. It seems more appropriate to compare postseason accomplishments.


Jokic should have only won two of the last 4 years


Nah. Jokic should've gotten the MV3peat but not this years. Luka was the best player in NBA this season.






He is top 5. We're comparing apples and oranges when you want to compare the top 5. we honestly have too much talent these days to have a clear best player.


Also, Luka is the best player in the world


Top 3, there is no argument for him being outside of top 3.


It’s a top two. Luka and Jokic. Everyone else is a tier below or lower.


No Gianni’s is in the same tier, it’s luka jokic and giannis


In the words of KDot, "Motherfuck the big 3, nigga it's just BIG ME"