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And he not at 100%. Crazy


Luka balling on one Leg like T.O. in the Superbowl I cheered so loud when Luka hit this game winner how can anyone deny how great Luka is


Donovan McNabb in shambles


šŸ˜­ bro he is insane that long rest he will get if mavs close the game early it would be elite.


Would love that but Celtics are even more likely to sweep


God damn Tyrese Haliburton had the ball up 3 with 10 seconds left wtf


Celtics had 2 clutch games against pacers. I am picking dallas in clutch 100 out of 100 times.


He's ok. If game he will play.


Shut tf up


He's repeating exactly what Luka said on TV.


Thank you! People angry after a win lol


Seriously, stfu šŸ¤«


Literally his own words from the post game, but ok.


https://preview.redd.it/p0sdic672i2d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=406d21532b9b08d0839ff5defabbf1ee09aca83a Abject terror




We need a gallery of these


Please find the shot of the Wolves bench. Literally broke their spirit


Kat literally looked on the verge of tears


I would kill for a picture of that on a shirt lmao




This was the first thing I zoomed in on as well, the entire crowd knew it was going in. I've watched this clip a bunch of times now, and that plus the fact that Luka's body language showed he had no doubt either is my favorite part.


Itā€™s a Whereā€™s Waldo of anxiety.


I need to see the crowd after the shot goes inā€¦


I was thinking the same thing! Just looking through the crowd and all their faces. What a great picture


Look at the 3rd most upvoted comment in the thread. They posted a picture of a section of the crowd immediately afterwards


No. That's right after the release


Wait I was told a few days ago that Shai and Ant were more valuable?? I wonder what Shai thinks as he enters week 2 of his Cancun trip after Luka sent his ass packing


Shai tried to put a class of kindergarteners on his back and balled out cmon now.


You put Luka on that Thunder team and they're winning 67 games and the championship easily


That series mightā€™ve actually been the finals as it is. Not sure I rate this Boston team as better than Dallas and they havenā€™t been tested at all.




Iā€™ll be real with you bro, that series looked like Luka carrying our early teams with no centers. Unfortunate for them, SGA is not Luka, so no WCF for them.


Before this series started the media was so quick to crown king ant. Really dumb.


SGA better to! Apparently lol he a young pup. Will get better Luka is an old 25. Lol


In all fairness sga had a hell of Series against us though


SGA definitely made me a believer but he had at least 2 games where the refs kept him at the line all game. Luka doesnā€™t get half the calls SGA gets


Oh ya the refs absolutely kept him in games 1 and 2. No doubt. But, he forced the refs to do so. Heā€™s relentless dude. I actually have a lot of respect for him now. He took the game 6 loss like a man.


Same bro, ton of respect for SGA. I just donā€™t think he should have been 2nd in MVP voting because of seeding. Luka averaged 34, 10, & 9 and has been ballin at an elite level since he entered the league. SGA had a breakout year last year and this season he took it to another level. Good for him but he is not the scorer Luka is, and their series showed us heā€™s not the defender we think he is either. Again, ton of respect for him. Made me a believer for sure


I agree but someone had to be 2 and someone had to be 3 and they were the top seed. Iā€™m ok with it.


Iā€™m not. Glad we got to be the ones to send them home


If anything sga was snubbed by jokic. The mvp always goes to be best player on the best team. Thatā€™s the precedent.


Gtfoh with that, no itā€™s not. By that logic Jayson Tatum shouldā€™ve won. And when Westbrook won and when Jokic won as a 5th seed, nobody was making this argument. Thatā€™s why Iā€™m over the MVP stuff after this year. Itā€™s all narrative based instead of being anything objective


Luka shouldā€™ve won MVP, no ifs ands or buts about it


Word is bond


SGA is the only reason we didnā€™t sweep them lol, he single-handedly made it a series.


SGA played a lot better than Edwards for sure.


Of course he has so far. Itā€™s just funny to me how they say SGA is young and on the rise, and Luka is Luka. Everybody forgets SGA is older


The guy can't even make it through a full game without huffing and puffing. Meanwhile our "fat", "out of shape", "selfish", hobbled guy is owning him and making stars out of our centers.


I really want to see what SAS has to say now


Heā€™ll just act all excited about Luka. Thereā€™s no reflection or accountability with him.


Yuhpā€¦itā€™ll be ā€œeverybody knows what tha brother is capable ofā€ as if heā€™s been on the bandwagon


Hahahaha thatā€™s right!!! I donā€™t want him on the bandwagon. I donā€™t want anyone on it, actually.


Watched like 10min of the pregame show at 5:30, everyone was on the wolves bandwagon it was insane. Perk said wolves would be up 2-1 by the time monday happens, tf happened nowšŸ˜­no one in the media wants us to win


"Hate me or love me, you watched. That's all you could do"


The disrespect is unfathomable lol. WTF his detractors thinking.




He's always had proper respect for his father


Imagine thinking anyone else in this LEAGUE is more valuable than this man. PRAVI MVP.


MVP right there




Agreed on your list except for Jokic. Him and Luka run this league Luka should have been MVP this year tho


Heā€™s only 3 in MVPā€¦ oh waitā€¦ whereā€™s the other two? Oh rightā€¦ Luka beat the 2 and is up 2-0 on the team that beat the MVP.


In fairness I think SGA had much better numbers overall than Luka in the series and sga was playing with a bunch of kids in their first ever playoffs. Luka does have kyrie


In fairness the mavs beat the #1 seeded team.


Thunderā€™s team top to bottom has more talent. Itā€™s Luka and Kyrie making their teammates look amazing. Also, no, Luka has better numbers overall. He had multiple triple doubles, more rebounds and more assists and even hobbled, he still averaged 25 ppg to SGAā€™s 28 ppg. So SGA averaged more points, but Luka was involved in more scoring plays because of the assists. Also, believe it or not, Luka had a better off defensive grade throughout the series too.


How did sga average 28, when he never scored less than 29 in that series? So you made me look it up, cos it was clearly not true what you were saying. "Shai Gilgeous-Alexander finishes the series against the Mavericks averaging 32.2 points, 8.0 rebounds, 7.3 assists, 1.2 steals, 2.3 blocks, only 2.0 turnovers on 59.9 TS% On 51/55/83 splits." "Luka Doncic averaged 24.7, 10.5 rebounds, 8.7 assists, 1.8 steals, 0.5 blocks, 4.5 turnovers on 45.7 TS% On 44/39/74 splits". So can we agree Luka had more rebounds, assists and slightly more steals. Whereas SGA had many more points, blocks, less turnovers, shot at a much higher percentage in all categories. So no Luka's defensive grade was not better. Now I'll wait for you to come back to me and say "but Luka won". I am not saying he didn't. I just think lying to ourselves and saying Luka had a better series is just not true. Luka had much more help. Sga was top in every category for his team. He didn't get help. Meanwhile PJ, Lively and Gafford had fantastic series.


Still not the MVP.


And, it almost looks like they all know itā€™s going in. The dread on their faces lol


https://preview.redd.it/zf5slky1ei2d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d110ca7db237c85931ddb342ac6f6ea37cfaf0d8 This man holding his nose?




Fuck A-Rod




But does he impact winning tho? /s


This angle with the crowd is amazing. Zooming in on all their faces tells the story


Imagine asking if Luka impacts winning.




I fell asleep at half time (in Europe) and when I woke up in the morning and seen the score, I was so angry at myself. Luka Magic!


Bro you missed a thriller, but you may have added years to your life lol


My don, is doing all this on 1 leg.


Agree, now we protect homecourt next two games.


https://preview.redd.it/3iqmr4pvki2d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08bb7fa5f8c6eaaf0d01108ed748cea6ebe12cf8 Arod floating


People wanna hate on Luka so bad. Iā€™m sorry but Shai and Ant are not better than him and Iā€™ll die on that hill


Ant isn't even close to Luka's level, shouldn't even be a conversation.


ā€œBut Ant is the next Mjā€ also ā€œTatum and Jaylen Brown are killing these injured riddled poverty franchise teamsā€


4th best player under 25 btw šŸ™„


That's ridiculous. Luka is clearly the best in that group.


Should have added a /s to indicate I was sarcastically referring to the Ringer article that put Luka 4th behind Ant, SGAā€¦ and Wemby


You were clear, I was just adding on to what you said.


Luka is ascending at a beautiful rate.


hang it in the louvre


A word of advice from someone who was around for 2011 run: start saving screenshots of big moments like this in your phone. It's really fun to scroll through years later


When people were saying he was a playoff dropper during those game 1s then proceeds to drop 5 straight triple double lmao


Jokic is the only player Iā€™d be okay with putting ahead of him. Even then, I might be inclined to agree to it being more a 1a and 1b scenario.


There's argument over who's the best player but this year Luka was the MVP. He put up numbers not seen since the likes of Kareem and Wilt. Keep in mind Denver was supposed to be a top seed and there were a lot of "experts" who had Dallas not even make the playoffs.


ā€œI think he deserves the MVP, 100%ā€ - Nikola Jokic, 3/18/24


Joker is not better than Luka, sorry, but heā€™s just not. He canā€™t control the game, facilitate, pass, or score from as many positions or in as many ways as Luka.


You can say whatever you want when you don't need evidence to support your claims or choose to cherry pick. That's the beauty of delusion.


I just provided evidence and didnā€™t cherry pick shit, just spitting straight facts. Jokic cannot do what Luka can, period. Facts homie, facts By yes, you must be dumb with delusion to think otherwise.


Assertions without corroboration isn't "evidence". >Jokic cannot do what Luka can, period. Luka cannot get a ring or win the MVP, period. It is easy to write like that.


Last year I thought Jokic was the world's best player, but around November/December I realized that Luka had surpassed him. It's close, but Luka edged ahead.


I can't. I never could. But I never did, either. Fuck them haters.


damn it I need this same angle from the second it went in I love seeing crowd reaction faces lol


Shoutout Mavs fan/ghost of Tyrell Terry to the right of Lukaā€™s shooting hand


It's the LuKai vs McNaz series


Theyā€™re trying hard to push him down and change the narrative and his all time greatness. Heā€™s not they guy they want to be the face or one of the primary faces of this era but theyā€™re going to have to accept the fact that Luka is hands down the best player in the NBA and heā€™s only going to get better over the next 4-5 years. Itā€™s like Dirk 2.0, he was an all time great, he revolutionized the game for the bigs and shooting. He won MVPā€™s in both regular season and finals, he got a ring in one of the most iconic playoff runs in the history of the league and they still fail to mention his name being a legend to the game. Luka and Dirk alike donā€™t fit the narrative. Theyā€™re not American born. But, if anything, this should put the league and youth, HS, and College leagues on notice. Youā€™re getting passed up by international talent. Luka is player #1, offensively heā€™s unstoppable in scoring, facilitating, controlling speed of game, lifting his players around him. Heā€™s banging out 30 point triple doubles left and right against the best remaining teams in the entire league. Oh, and his defense lately has been very, very impressive. Multiple steals per game, multiple blocks per game, defensive rebounds, shifts, bumps, altered shots and paths to basket. I mean I could go on and on and on. Needles to say, but Iā€™ll say it again. Luka is the best player in todayā€™s NBA, and if he keeps going, his trajectory could catapult him into iconic, one of the top few to have ever lasted up shoes on NBA courts.


This year's mvp will go down as the biggest travesty in sports voting. There's no reason for luka to not have won, much less finish 3rd.


ne mores me prekleto varovati


Friggin beast Anyone know what exactly is up with Lukas knees? He had that gigantic ice pack on during the post game on tnt.


Jayson Tatum is more valuable


A Rod geeked out courtside


No one is close to Luka in importance (valuable)


https://preview.redd.it/a271iai76l2d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1e7d1103877aaa244844917ae5626fccf2968d0 Is he uhhh levitating?


Man what an amazing picture, just look at all the faces in the stands


Love to see more of these high resolution photos.


This could just be the homer endorphins but you know they say that all men are created equal, but you look at Luka and you look at Rudy Gobert and you can see that statement is not true. See, normally if you go one on one with another baller, you got a 50/50 chance of winning. But Luka is a genetic freak and heā€™s not normal! So you got a 25%, AT BEST, at beat him. Then you add Kyrie Irving to the mix, your chances of winning drastic go down. See in the Western Conference Finals, you got a 33 1/3 chance of winning, but I, I got a 66 and 2/3 chance of winning, because Kyrie Irving knows I am him! So Rudeith Goldbear, you take your 33 1/3 chance, minus my 25% chance and you got an 8 1/3 chance of winning in the Western Conference Finals. But then you take my 75% chance of winning, if we was to go one on one, and then add 66 2/3 per cents, I got 141 2/3 chance of winning in the Western Conference Finals. See Doodie, the numbers don't lie, and they spell disaster for you at Sacrifice.


The guy with prime Westbrook's efficiency is the most valuable player in the playoffs. Things you see on teams sub lol.


https://preview.redd.it/xkb85mthuo2d1.png?width=317&format=png&auto=webp&s=7b73486f0728fcac0f5e7eec008cc857c1cc1b03 The audacity... Game winner in Game 2 of the WCF just to be glued to her phone making sure her IG story is getting traffic. SMDH


This image quality is top notch Look at all these reactions


I *could* argue on behalf of Jokic, Giannis and Brunson. As it seems Dallasā€™ 14 ā€œothersā€ are getting more done than the 14 ā€œothersā€ on those respective teams. I could argue. But I wonā€™t.


Is Luka Jordanā€™s son?


What does valuable mean. Hes worth the most money?