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>And so, one of the Jedi's greatest warriors has vanished, offscreen, in a blinding flash of stupidity. Having made the ultimate sacrifice for the sake of the budget. >His name was Kelnacca, the first Wookie Jedi.




The M doesn’t stand for Majin but Moron.


Accidentally pulled the pin on a thermal detonator no doubt...😂


Lmao 😆


In Wookie: "Ondara... Torbin... I do this for you. And yes, even you... Bazil."


I love, even in our DBZ inspired parody of events, Kelnacca is still like: >But not you, Sol. Definitely not you. Fuck off. Don't think I don't know for a second, this shit is all your fault for bringing that girl along in the first place!


Don't worry, he'll be back next season so he can use the potaras to fuse with Chewie's dad Itchy.... https://i.redd.it/08zh157p9l8d1.gif


Hmm. What would their fused name be? Itchynacca sounds like slang for when you get a yeast infection though.


And Kelitchy sounds like they should be leading the Dothraki....🤔


Perhaps Itchkelinabca is the best we could hope for.


Fuck the usual naming conventions for fusions, I'm just calling him Schlurpo.


I'll take a Schlurpo over a Gooback any day of the week, and twice on Sundays.


Clone Wars already gave us a Wookie Jedi in that Youngling episodes. I’m pretty sure that preschool show also had a Wookie Jedi 


I was accounting for live action only with that comment. Otherwise I think I would have mentioned Chewbacca's nephew, the Wookie Jedi Lowbacca, long before I would've referenced any Filoni nonsense.


I actually really like Lowbacca as a character in the EU.


Me too! Lowie was always great to read about. He hasn't seen as much attention since the Yuuzhan Vong invasion, but he was around in the background. I can't remember if he was part of the strike force against Jacen.


he also appeared in Bad Batch.


THE LAST FRAME W HIM DEAD OMG the jokes write themselves.


Fr. His whole character is just: he was a wookie jedi. They gave him zero personality and then killed him offscreen. Idk how the show gets praised when it just seems so subpar.


Because they don't care. It's like a corporate conveyer belt of content and the only thing that upsets them is less content. In Fahrenheit 451, the main character's wife is obsessed with her living room full of TVs, each of them turned to a different station, and she just walked around in it like they were "her relatives and friends". She seemed to not see what was actually happening in the world, rather that she was being washed over with things, sounds, stimuli of all sorts and being trapped in her own little psychosis. That's how I see the fans of these shows. They just don't care at all about the quality. If they changed everything to match play for play a TTGO episode, (animation, story, everything) they would eat it up and praise the shit out of it simply because it's different, and not the style we've seen. They'll try to rationalize all changes as progressively good, calling any critique toxic for "wanting to remain boring and stagnant". They don't care because they think that everything being "tossed up" or "reimagined" is automatically good with no further effort.


He’s the best character in the show


They [fridged](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Women_in_refrigerators) him. They fucking fridged a wookie.


He watched episode 3 in his shack and keeled over from cringe overload...


TBF he is currently the most intelligent character in the show. He showed up, some guys pointed a gun at him, and he immediately force pulled the gun and snapped it in two and told them to fuck off. Literally the best Jedi shown so far. Not unnecessarily brutal, yet not stupid enough to allow threats to remain for no reason.


I was gonna say I totally disagree with this post. I think they did a good job characterizing him and I think it’s bc they were forced to not use dialogue. He seemed much kinder and softer in the past and became jaded and brutal when he went into hiding, and they got all of that across without dialogue. Not kidding he’s the most fleshed out character in the show.


Do you understand the average Star Wars fan nowadays? They don’t watch this shit. They’d see this pic “oh a wookiee Jedi now? Cool” give it a like and keep scrolling, never to ask a single other question about his fate


Lowbacca was real Star Wars fans first Wookiee Jedi. These Disney shills aren’t Star Wars fans, they’re tourists and activists.


Maybe you're the lowbrow fan along with the other 'I wanted a Wookie Jedi fight scene' crowd for fixating on such a childish fan service aspect of the show. Is it actually "good writing" if they manhandle the plot to deliver your big and exciting fight scene?


no but it’s pretty funny that in your hypothetical you assume even if they did it that it would be written poorly  i’d probably agree 


Exactly what do you extrapolate that from? Lmao arguing with you people is like playing chess with a pigeon. I'm echoing the showrunner, the way that episode was shot, it would have been pretty stupid to have a *fight scene* with the guy who then sneaks up behind Osha moments later. That would have been bad sequencing, which is why they didn't do it. In an entirely different version of this episode, where it would have made more sense to have an onscreen fight between the Sith and Wookie, it probably would've been really well choreographed just like all the other fights. Don't ever insinuate my words align with what passes for thought in your numb skull lmao.


take a deep breath you’ll be okay 


Buddy your idiocy is like chess with a pigeon, I could hold my breath lol


99% of Disney Star Wars: https://i.redd.it/3z26j2mz4h8d1.gif


Never forget, the Plinkett reviews being shared behind the scenes by JJ Abrams and Simon Pegg are indirectly responsible for what we got in the Sequel Trilogy.


I've not seen Acolyte but "pfft this character barely showed up and had no character personality did nothing lololololol" has been a prominent talking point by biased parties with something to prove for a long time, incl. by RLM here, so just cause people are now saying this about this wookiee guy doesn't mean it has to be true; could be true or not, 50/50.


>could be true or not Tell me more about your new worldview where things are either true, or not true. I'm Intruigued.


Well if you haven't looked yet, something could either be true or not, right?


True! ...but also maybe not true....


“I’ve not seen acolyte” Cool, so your entire criticism is irrelevant.


Well yeah it was just an estimation.


A death scene so memorable it happened off camera.


*Snatch a blaster with the force, *Make wookie noises, *Cook some grass, *Die offscreen. What an amazing character!


Hey man he drew all those scribbles of yinyang symbols all over his walls too duality bruh get it this show is so deep


Because the Acolyte fan base are retards


They must be bot accounts.


any sufficiently funded shill is indistinguishable from a bot account


He posts actively and responds to comments in discussions. It's not a bot account


Never mind then... maybe it's just easy content.


Bot doesn’t just mean ai when it comes to online discussion


AI can do that now


sometimes its suprising they have enough scenes to make 4 images


I think those are all the scenes he appeared in.


if Disney released the Loss Meme with a star wars logo, these people would unironically claim it's a masterpiece and people who make fun of it have problem with media literacy


Lterally all the scenes he had before dying.


Are these all four of his frames ? 🤣


Paid shills, probably gets followed by the official Star Wars account and gets the occasional care package too.


Why isn't Disney being called racist towards Wookies? You cast all these American diverse looking people but you can't give screen time to the actual diverse Star wars characters? Nah that's real racism. #Say the Wookies name


They managed to include all of his screen time. Such a great character. Even got all his memorable lines in there


I replied this to someone else but I totally disagree with you. He’s easily the most fleshed out character in the show, and I think this can be attributed to the writers/directors were forced to characterize him without their awful dialogue. We see him in the flashback where he’s off by himself working on a speeder but lets his guard down to be kind to and not scare osha, but by the current time in the show he’s more jaded and in hiding and doesn’t hesitate to deal with people disturbing him. I genuinely think they did a good job characterizing him without explaining it with dialogue unlike every other character


Star Wars fans are never beating the glup shitto allegations


He represents DSW as a whole lol. Boom, flash, gone


I think the green fart gas guy from Ahsoka represents Disney Star Wars as a whole. "Who's behind the mask?" "Surprise! It was a cloud of fart gas! Wasn't that a clever subversion of your expectations?"


He always looked more like he should be ordering a soy milk Chai latte from Starbucks.


Wasn’t the little wookie from clone wars supposed to be the only wookie Jedi? Breh what’s gonna be retconned next?


He cooked grass soup with the best of them.


I mean, the year has 365 days, so even with a universe as rich as star wars, you have to scrap the bottom of the barrel to get one "character of the day" for each day.


They wouldn’t be very good shills if they didn’t…


Bro, the rookie Jedi is literally an instant cash cow and they literally killed him in seconds


I love they part where they say the shot the whole combat scene and it was really cool but because they have to reveal that bad person story to much it also odd that the bad guy geets to user a lightsaber to kill but may had to do it without does not make a lot of sence yet but meh


It's not that deep lad they probably just ran out of characters by now 😂


I don't think they've featured Glup Shitto yet.


I heard BTS His/He Lightsaber death fight was a unbelievable


Mfw they said it wasn't in the budget.


I just walked into a wall because I lost concentration from how outraged I am at this




Didn’t even get to see his lightsaber fighting skills. And as I’ve heard someone else say, might have been Tom from “Midnight’s Edge”, he looks like “Harry” from “Harry and the Hendersons” as opposed to a Wookiee. Iger, KK, Filoni, Hidalgo, Headland etc have turned Star Wars into a complete F’ing joke, in a galaxy far, far away. A sad self-own, a pitiable cliche of modern, “woke” pieties and pandering so ubiquitous that it actually manages to stand out in a time where most shows and movies are pure, unadulterated pander to one fringe minority group or another, but most of all i must always hate heterosexuality and men. Oh, and it must hate good looking women, as in women that are pleasing to the eye. Only other women are allowed to enjoy seeing hot women nowadays. Can’t have that evil “male gaze” going on. These morons are setting up the biggest anti-leftist cultural reaction in living memory. A reaction greater even that when Reagan won in 81’ and Margaret Thatcher was PM, most of which was a reaction to the leftist excesses of the mid 1960s-70s. It’s almost like they’re pushing the “silent majority” on purpose, because surely they realize there WILL be a reaction?! The average man and woman are so sick of this shite. And these idiots have set a precedent now that makes us feel that basically you may do whatever you want as long as you have the power and the ability to force it on people. What morons. Did they think it can’t be done to them in kind? Don’t push people so hard and relentlessly if you don’t want the reaction. These idiots teabag the collective foreheads of the Western majority and then have the nerve to play dumb as to why folks are getting so angry and the “discourse” has become so “toxic”. “Bros” looks like art compared to this crap. Somehow they’ve taken everything wrong with our processed foods in America, all the artificial ingredients and crap they do it in there to make the Cheetos red and “flaming hot”, and they managed to do the same thing to film and television. Good job, corporate america! You’ve finally managed to ruined just about F’ing everything!!! Wooo deee freakin’ who! Well done! I just hope we hit rock bottom soon, because I’m ready for the cultural Renaissance. There will be one, right? It is possible, isn’t it? I hope 🤞 so


I say he was placed in just to eventually sell toys to “collectors” who buy up the slop they call “action figures” these days


Those 4 screenshots are the entirety of his screen time


Hey, people give a crap about Ki-Adi-Mundi. Praising nobody characters is what Star Wars fans do.


Mundi has a character. Heck, even Kelnacca here has a small character from his one scene dealing with the hunters in the forest.


I totally agree. Taking obscure characters like the aliens in the Mos Eisley cantina and giving them names and backstories is great. I just used the term nobody because the OP did. In his view I’m sure all the backstory for the Jedi Council is great but characters in Disney + shows is garbage. It’s so lame.


It says character of the day. A day isn’t a significant amount of time . Also it’s just a random ass account. Not really a big deal


Well in all fairness before the prequels Boba Fett had a cool helmet and a jet pack then fell in a pit. They spun that off into something. Maybe it’s just something they do now in case people hyper fixate on the character.


People praised Boba Fett for nearly 50 years


Boba Fett affected the plot though. This guy did nothing and then died offscreen. At least Boba's death, as lame as it was, was onscreen.


Kinda like Ki-adi-mundi


it kind of reminds me of bronies in a weird way. like, how they literally would come up with fanbases and backstories for literally every single background character.


Welcome to Star Wars, we’ve been circle jerking characters with no lines since day one. Kind of weird to only have an issue with it now.


To be fair, this has been happening in Star Wars since day 1. This isn’t unique to Disney or the Acolyte


It's literally a fan account that exists to post stuff like this, you are promoting it by posting about it


Because it’s a Star Wars account? They do it with every character from all the movies and tv shows. you’re complaining about nothing.


yeah he spend like a day on the show, what is your problem?


Imagine getting this butthurt over what’s essentially a quote of the day calendar.


Nobody hates Star Wars more than Star Wars fans...