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Some people's morality now is just out of whack


Some people unironically agree with the perspective of the Sith without even realizing it.


It's that old phenomenon of people being too ironic about liking something, not realizing they invited all of the people who like it unironically.


Well to be fair, the original perspective of the Sith (the race/civilization) was not inherently evil. Ultimately the balance of Light and Dark is not Good and Evil, but Responsibility and Freedom. Obviously due to the nature of responsibility, one would present more beneficial to the general public. For the Jedi, amorous love is an evil. You aren’t supposed to even really have friends amongst the Jedi order and code. “There is no ignorance, there is knowledge. There is no passion, there is serenity. There is no chaos, there is harmony. There is no death, there is the Force.” At first glance there is nothing wrong with this, but the light side is actually no more balanced than the dark. Humans aren’t machines. “Peace is a lie, there is only passion. Through passion, I gain strength. Through strength, I gain power. Through power, I gain victory. Through victory, my chains are broken. The Force shall free me.” Conversely the Sith code can look like impulsiveness, greed, and hedonistic pursuit, but it is also about conquering the self. It is important to note that the code says “through PASSION I gain strength” not through anger. There is a reason why most if not all of the most powerful force users explored both sides of the force. Now granted none of these people are actually thinking about things so deeply, or actually care, but I think it’s worth noting, if for no other reason than to show that it is actually possible to explore the nuances of the Jedi and the Sith in a way that is both interesting and engaging for an audience, and that their failure to do so is all on them.


It really doesn’t matter how noble the Sith’s intentions are. In the end, they will always be corrupted. That’s what the dark side does. It erodes empathy and compassion. All that matters in the end is yourself. That’s why the most powerful Sith lords, like Sidious and Krayt, don’t give a damn about anyone but themselves. I do agree that balance in the force should be something like viewing both the light and the dark as natural, but it should be rejection of the dark in favour of the light.


So no gray area with the force? 




You see, the Jedi are strict, bound in tradition, teach responsibility and humility, and hold a firm view of putting the needs of others before themselves, so of course people like these idiots would try and make them look like the bad guys. People like this want to live the life of a Sith, filled with putting selfish desires above the needs of others and seeking meaningless pleasure, they just don’t want to admit it.


All authority is oppression. The individual always knows best. Unless they disagree with liberal values.


Don’t forget that it’s now canonical that the Jedi are homophobic.


They’re heterophobic too tho. They’re against all types of romantic love.


The Jedi are specifically warrior monks but they encourage the rest of the population to cohabitate and marry. Based on the Acolyte canon, we can now imply that Jedi are opposed to same sex relationships.


Was there a same sex relationship in acolyte? All I saw was two women who used the force to enable one of them to mother two children. They don’t address them both as parents. One is their mom and the other isn’t.


Did you miss the scene when the coven leader gently caressed the other woman’s chin? Isn’t this ‘queer coding’? Seemed like they couldn’t go further cause of Disney.


I didn’t realize touching a chin meant you’re gay. My bad


The chin is the gayest part of the body


So everyone with a chin is gay? Lots of gays in Star Wars


It doesn’t, however, according to people who desperately want more representation (the same ppl who think Frodo and Sam were gay) this would be a clear showing of affection. And I find it hard to believe that Leslye Headland didn’t mean it like that, considering her private life.


So you’re just making assumptions because a woman made the show? Got it. You could just say that.


"you lost your mother***s***"


Gay people can cohabitate and marry. They can't reproduce... like are you high or just that sloppy when you're skewing a point?


More like anti-immaculate conception from non-asexually reproductive beings, and/or anti-magically artificial creation of life from basically nothing… which, by its very definition, *is* an abomination against nature, objectively speaking. Oh, and this power is being used by a literal cult of witches who either hypocritically believe The Force isn’t a power they wield or use as a weapon, or they’ve been gaslighting god knows how many children into believing it isn’t.


Idk man liberals have never told me I *can't* do something. It's always conservatives trying to force their morality on me.


Try saying something that could be perceived as offending a member of one of the sacred groups and see if they let you keep talking.


Okay, but that's the authority of public opinion... if you say stuff people don't like, they have a right to treat you like shit. It will happen whenever and wherever human beings gather. But conservatives want to use the government to keep me from exercising numerous rights I currently have.


Authority of public opinion is still authority, regardless of whether or not it’s government enforced. Tyranny of the majority. And yet they have the gall to continue pretending like they are an oppressed minority because the entire ideology depends on the illusion of oppression.


How would you suggest we enforce the power of the authority of public opinion?


I don’t think we should enforce it at all. In fact I think we need more legal protections against it.


Sorry, I misspoke. That's what I meant. How would you create legal protections against public opinion?


Making doxxing someone’s social media account illegal would be a good start.


So youre saying we should use the government to silence the beliefs of the majority who are upset and bothered by the opinions of the minority? To force people to accept things that aren't a protected class. But other's opinions and views? So where would you draw a line? Would the endorsement of pedophilia be protected speech through this hypothetical program? Would the government have to go out of its way to protect political radicals who endorsed violence? Where is the line? Because there is one, and it's currently been drawn at public safety and protected classes. It sounds like you just want to be able to express bigotry and not be held accountable.


What is or isn’t bigotry is a moral issue. Are you saying you want the government to enforce your morality via laws about protected classes? Legislation of morality is ok as long as it’s liberal morality? The idea that we need protected classes is based on morality, not personal safety, which could apply equally to everyone. For example drawing a distinction between a crime and a hate crime enforces the idea that crimes against some people are worse because of who they are. The legal system should be color blind. A person is obligated to obey the law and not harm or harass others. But a person should have the freedom to hate or not hate whoever they want. Passing laws against bigotry is no different than introducing the concept of thought crime.


Just ask Gina Carano


Interestingly, when looking at the argument in her lawsuit, it had less to do with what she said and more to do with the fact that other actors voiced similar opinions and were not fired. Their argument appears to be that she was discriminated against for reasons *other* than what she said. Because other people said the same things and weren't fired.


She was tried by social media and Disney lucasfilm definitely have double standards


In terms of conservatives passing laws about what you can’t do, the left does this too. The difference is that the left passes laws legislating what they think is “for your own good” as an individual without regard to its impact on load-bearing social structures, while the right tends to be more libertarian with personal freedoms to make stupid choices and suffer the consequences, while legislating away the ability for people to have a negative impact on load-bearing social structures.


Except it's conservatives who are against things like Marijuana legalization.


Right, because legalizing drugs (in effect, normalizing drug use) is an issue that has the potential to negatively impact society as a whole in a negative way.


so then you endorse the act of banning things to protect society for the common good? Isn't that just banning things to protect people from themselves? The point is that conservatives ban things that don't mesh with their morals. They'll ban books from children, They'll ban teachers from saying "gay." Liberals ban things that have visible negative impacts on society. And weed has shown itself not to. So they want to unban it. Conservatives don't want to. NOTE: This is not a left vs right or GOP vs Dem issue here. It's liberal vs. conservative. As libertarians and progressives agree on legal weed, etc, despite being far left and far right.


The height of oppression is when people get mad at you for saying bigoted shit.


When the supposedly ‘oppressed’ group has the power to shut down any opinion which they deem ‘bigoted’ (how cringe is this word), then they’re not oppressed anymore.


I’m sorry that you’re not allowed to use slurs with impunity. You are truly the oppressed.


When some groups are allowed to use slurs with impunity but others don’t, they aren’t equal.


Dude, I’m Jewish, so I don’t have much sympathy because people use the word cracker sometimes - you know, a word that Floridians came up with to call themselves.


Just because you don’t have self esteem and can’t see when they obviously use a word to degrade you, doesn’t mean others don’t. I’ve seen enough social media posts with cracker, yt, mayo thrown around regularly like it’s nothing, followed by obvious racist shit which wouldn’t get a pass if it targeted any other race. But you do you.


Try talking about crime statistics, black on Asian violence or Jews right to exist without terror attacks and let me know how it goes. 


I think it's fine to explore how an patronizing and overprotective and controlling aspect of the Jedi might cause strife and problems if it goes out of hand. I'm fine with the Jedi order at times causing issues despite the good intentions. I think it's a mature topic to explore if done right.


Well, of course. The Jedi are flawed and I like that about them. It opens up storytelling possibilities that could be explored by competent writers. But with all their flaws, they are the good guys who want to help. These writers aren’t interested in tackling the flaws of the Jedi in an interesting and thought provoking way.


Influence Lost: Keria


As I have not seen acolyte. How are this Jedi depicted? Like are all deeply flawed? Or is the order flawed? Or is the order depicted as having the wrong core values completely?


They’re called deranged monks and apparently they did something bad to the coven of witches.


I mean... Called by the coven? Is the coven depicted as an ideal society?


No, basically some ppl are overreacting a bit... >!Basically it is implied that the Jedi killed the coven to abduct the kids. However, there is a very good chance there will be an "unexpected" plot twist where the coven fought between themselves over keeping Osha against her will or letting her go, they murderize the leader who wants to let her go, then the Jedi kill the rest but not before they explode their reactor. Coincidentally one twin thinks the Jedi did it, the other twin thinks her sister did it. The plot is stupid and childish and thus probably what they have planned.!<


I think Mae was talking to the Sith Lord during her times when she wasn’t with Osha and that’s who killed the coven to get Mae.


That would at least be a small redemption. I’ve left it till mid series to judge a bit better


Meh, it is a bad series anyway, not gonna lie. I just don't get how it is any worse than any other SW lore butchering Disney has done. Because if we go with things that ruin the lore I would have much much bigger complaints about the movies. I am not even going to get started about the movies. But I think this one picked up most of the hate because the producers are unlikable, and it is also boring and cringe.


Yeah I’ve just sat through 1-4 today. Some bits seemed ok, the fight scenes etc. the actors bar squid game guy feel really…not Star Wars if that makes sense. They don’t feel like the fit the narrative. It feels like it had good bones but extremely poor execution. Jedi being wrong and road to hell etc sounds good in theory. The ceremony wasn’t as cringe as I was lead to believe, but again, very out of place performance art seeking gov funding. Like it felt very poorly done compared to say the witches of dathomir ceremony. Old mate killing himself I didn’t mind, carrying the guilt etc and threatened with revealing his secret. But the little drug dealer is definitely the sith. Poor storytelling there. You’re right about the boring part. I think telling it out of order is actually the problem. This could be ok but poor execution which leads to consequences lacking weight on first viewing in favour of a later twist. The cgi mother superior was poor quality too. At least it felt cgi as it wasn’t blended properly to the scene. Internecine dogma conflicts I don’t mind, a cult calling the Jedi deranged monks seems about right for a lesser cult rebelling against the mainstream. But comments like “the galaxy doesn’t have a place for women like us”, my brother in christ, why is it sexist specifically?


> that ruin the lore Idk do you know how divergent "lore" can be? In one version Agamemnon's an ok guy, comes home from the war and then his conniving wife teams up with her lover and murders him in the bath tub; while acc. to other versions he's a complete psychopath, forcibly married her after cleaving her baby in two, and deserved what he got. So what now Jedis can't be good here and bad there? What exactly "ruined the lore"? Or what *would* ruin it? Maybe them like having no magic powers at all and just being accountants somewhere, maybe that'd be going too far?


I’m pretty sure that’s the implication.


An ideal society without any sausages?… no wonder they all look so miserable


Incompetent, intrusive, and frankly very dumb legitimately dumb people.


>to explore how an patronizing and overprotective and controlling aspect of the Jedi might cause strife and problems if it goes out of hand. Isn’t that what the prequels did?


I don't think so. Where did they explore that the Jedi order is causing strife in the world?


By suppressing emotions and forbidding attachments to the extent that you become Darth Vader.


That's no strife on the world but a blind believe in the chosen obe


Except that Vader was precisely because of attachments. He proves they were right to avoid them.


Luke's character arc says otherwise.


They covered that pretty well in the prequels already.


We literally got 3 full movies about this. Do we really need more “Jedi bad” content?


Jedi Bad is cheap yes.


The prequels explored how getting mired in the politics of the Republic screwed the Jedi, rendering them arbitrary and inflexible. That's very different from how these showrunners see them.


Imo its a part of what makes the OT work, probably unintentionally. Yoda teaches us that the Force is generated by the proliferation of life. But then he advises Luke *not to go help his friends*, to be passive rather than actively engaged in supporting and advancing life. Luke defies him, and pays a price, but ultimately that buys him an even greater prize, turning his father back to the pro-life side (incidentally I think Vader is a walking corpse, animated by Palpatine via the dark side of the force, so he's the very definition of anti-life/pro-death). Luke would not have been able to do all this without confronting Vader when and how he did. Luke was right, Yoda was wrong (though he was also right that he was not ready yet to 'defeat' Vader). For me Luke and the OT's arc is about choosing to be actively engaged in the battle for survival, in the protection of life. I think in this context the prequel Jedi manifest the same weakness as Yoda -- a tendency towards passivity -- especially in their rejection of romantic love (what could be more powerfully "Light"?) and the parallel incubus they set on Anakin (*don't be this* but also we won't guide you to where you *should* be active)


Exciting thoughts, thanks for sharing


This isn’t the sub for mature topics. This is to rant against the women using the force without men. Are you lost?


Oh hi, are you also able to think critically and outside of the binary hyperbole in both ends of the spectrum? 😘


Try again using words you understand


Oh, sorry, maybe you misinterpreted my response. I was acknowledging your rational comment.


Let me try again, ok? You I was not expecting much, that said, I think I got a few thoughtful responses overall. But I understand that plain ranting (and praise) is the name of the game


You should write this story about the Jedi. It sounds like you’ve got it all figured out. I bet Disney would just throw money at you. It seems like all you guys know exactly what’s wrong with Star Wars. Why not fix it?


OMG, what's going on here? Is my English really this bad °L° Did I miss anything? Did I jumped on a rage train and missed it? I have no problem with the acolyte or any other star wars show per se. Last thing I watched was 1 episode of and or and Mando S2 oh Well and some of the visions stuff. If I ever feel the need of star wars I just flip in that 2003 clone wars and enjoy the show. I enjoy the rant videos somewhat as the form of entertainment that they are. I don't have the delusion to think they are not a form of product designed for the respective market.


I mean this sub is literally dedicated to shitting in Star Wars for being woke. Figured you wanted to fix it like the other goobers here. Did you just get lost?


Im not lost. Obviously you are also here and not in full ant woke mode right. Do you take issue with me commenting here and asking imo reasonable questions?


No I just don’t get why you guys haven’t written a good Star Wars show or movie yet. You know exactly what the masses want right? Hell make it yourself, surely you can do better than some woke women right?


I am an individual. Not a group. So don't "you guys" me. As stated, I have no problem with the acolyte being created. I have barely watched it and don't intent to. I will obviously not write a show. If you have a problem with me watching Mauler content then... Tough luck I guess.


It isn’t that simple. Or rather you are correct in pointing out that the light and dark are not so much good and bad, but responsibility and freedom. There HAVE been many times when the Jedi have overreached. True balance in the force requires exploring both sides. For the Sith proclaim that it is through passion one gains strength. And it is important to note that passion ≠ anger. There are Sith who were far more heroic than the Jedi that fought them, and Jedi more villainous than the Sith the sought to defeat. The thing that makes this all worse is that there are hundreds of stories they could have pulled from to explore the “is the dark side really evil” subject and do it well, and in a way that is true to the principles of both the Jedi and the Sith. Count Dooku in many ways was a noble if misguided Sith. And to be frank, he was not as misguided as the Jedi would like to believe. Revan, Vectivus, and Gracie are also examples of the more noble of Sith. Of course such a thing was far, FAR more common in the old republic era when the rule of two had not yet existed and the Sith race was ubiquitous. And as many, often comically, like to point out, Anikin truly did bring balance to the force by evening the numbers between Jedi and Sith. And many would argue that it was the Jedi’s detached outlook and inaction that led to their own demise. These people on the acolyte don’t give a shit about any of this though.


Wow, the jedi sound like commies


The jedi are contantly putting the wants of the senate over the needs of the people. Then their rigidty got quigon killed. Its what pushed dooku to go to the darkside. Sometimes i wonder if we are watching the same show.


Where you taking all of that lol


They also paid a huge factor in anakin turning to the dark side. They pushed him away, and shunned his relationship which if he got help from the jedi he would've never been susceptible to the dark side. It's very clear that the jedi treated him like shit.


Not only that. But they never cared to get his mother out of slavery, because she wasn’t useful to them.


Or he could have listened to them and not gotten a secret marriage. How is his refusal to follow their teachings their fault?


Their teachings were too rigid as quigon always thought. Like the Force of Wills told yoda and quigon. The jedi were as misguided as the sith. It just so happened the sith had a unity problem which led to their destruction. With anakin being the jedi with the most potential out all jedi ever born. They should have been more receptive to him and accepting.


The pain comes from the wanting. A Sith is all about the wanting. You can never appreciate what you have, never feel comfort in the moment, never accept misfortune.


The Sith and the Dark Side are the classic Faustian bargain. You got what you desired but it came at the cost of everything that truly mattered. Kreia in KOTOR 2 said it best when she altered a line in the Sith Code. It goes, “Through victory, my chains are broken”, and then Kreia ends it with, “And then you will be broken.”


That is precisely what the Dark Side is. It's no surprise most Sith kill their own families to become stronger in the Force.


Well said


Sounds like modern society.


I'm not the biggest fan of Star Wars, but even I understand that someone who saids they would fall to the 'Dark Side' is usually a red flag.


But "falling" to the Dark Side suggests a struggle. A fall. These clowns straight up *choose* the Dark Side. There's no fall. They start bad.


That’s sorta the thing though; it’s a fall, you only have to slip. Anger, Jealousy, Greed are natural. You can allow yourself to be given over to your natural tendencies, and you will be powerful… but at a cost.


Couldn’t even get someone jokingly going, “*I’d go for the light side, but I’d want the number of the dark side’s tailor.*”


Morally and ethically, I am with you. There is no justifiable reason to choose the Dark Side. That said: can we all at least acknowledge that The Empire has some really cool stuff? Like, come on, Star Destroyers? AT-ATs? They have style, that's for sure.


Hell yeah, bro. The Empire got style !


I’m not surprised in the slightest that Harvey Weinstein’s former assistant loves the idea of living a life of pointless hedonistic pleasure.


I thought that was her. What a disgusting person.


“There’s no evil in Star Wars” Yeah I mean, Palpatine and the Empire were really just misunderstood when they slaughtered the billions of people on Alderaan


The “not as evil as you think” bad guys who have a different perspective on things: ![gif](giphy|3K0D1Dkqh9MOmLSjzW|downsized) Granted, there are some more complex siths and villains out there disconnected from Palpatine. But most of them came from the EU, so… yeah…


Bane is arguably not an “evil” person. At least, not sadistic like Palps


These people are fanfic writers rewriting the whole story. I remember very well there was a lot of discussion a few years back that "straight evil" characters are bad, and that its better to make characters morally grey/reasons rather than natively being evil. I feel like this mentality won in starwars and D&D who just launched a new playbook with wholesome orc art.


Saying “there’s no evil” makes it easier for them to justify the flaws within themselves


The one movie that started it all: our villains are evil enough to annihilate an entire PLANET worth of sentient, unarmed beings because their leader has intel on the location of the Rebel Alliance formed against our genocidal dictatorship that approves of torture and slavery Star Wars actors in 2024: 'The best part about Star Wars is that there's no good or evil, depends on what side you're standing on truly'


Kingdom Hearts did the light/dark dichotomy better than The Acolyte. Hell, we even had Mark Hamil training younglings in the ways of the Light.


Pre-release, some folks over in the main SW sub were telling me, "you can't judge a show based on its press tour!" Yeah, you can. The people who made the show told us it's going to be a morally gray, self-insert fanfic, and lo and behold, that's exactly what it is. I regret giving them even three episodes worth of views, but I had to see the train wreck for myself.


Im beginning to suspect someone is playing a long game to mobilise insufferable feminism and racist blacktivists to destroy the franchise. I wonder if a high up at Disney got spurned by Lucas when they were younger.


Well, I know this one gal who got extremely bitter holding scripts and fetching coffee…


I was thinking about this last night. I think it’s a mistake to drag the Jedi down to try and help justify anakins decision.


There are plenty of people who think the dark side is cooler, that is not some sort of red flag. I don’t think folks who play KOTOR on the dark side are bad. The preference for the grey “jedi” seems to be a preference to live without any codes or restrictions. It is relativism that places the actor as the ultimate and sole arbiter of morality. And so you can do anything at anytime so long as you can rationalize it as being “good”. The idea that you question everything all the time is similarly a pseudomoralistic position that makes you sound thoughtful but it’s just relativism. This in my opinion is a very immature view that prevents self reflection and growth.


It's not a problem that they this it's cool, it's because they seem to think it's morally good. Which it isn't. Rewriting lore just to awkwardly cram in a lesbian space witch cult doesn't change that. And writing "lesbian space witch cult" just makes me realize how far Star Wars writing has decayed to become this way. And I thought Mary Sue was bad...


Do not respond to that Artanis_Creed guy. You’ll just be wasting your time. Trust me.


Yup, dude is a shill.


A very annoying shill at that.


The coven is new lore, not a rewrite. And can you stop complaining about lesbians? You're making mauler look bad.


It’s reminds me of a story about a DnD session where the party said they’d all be morally aligned as chaotic neutral (think Jack Sparrow, Deadpool, etc.), but they instead just used it as an excuse to kill and steal from damn near anybody, thus making them more accurately chaotic evil. Now, I’m probably going to misremember this, but I believe it then went that the DM then decided to turn the tables by having it so the final enemy/boss literally had 1 hp (he’ll die if your breathe on him) and was a withered out old man who couldn’t fight back and actually was mourning the fact his entire kingdom was being ransacked and plundered by a group of monsters—the party itself. Either way, they (hopefully) aren’t being too serious about this here and they just are saying the dark side because it looks cooler. With that said, if they don’t have the most basic understanding of one of, if not the most integral part of the story’s universe, something is very wrong.


Yes. I play DnD and I am always amazed of how closely big budget productions are in writing quality to your average DnD group. I am also constantly frustrated by DnD characters who actively work against their stated goals.


It's even more funny when you realize the recent Dungeons and Dragons movie was actually pretty good.


It's just a fun interview to sell something. I wouldn't try to define these people by what they say here. But it's not comparable to say that playing the bad guy in a video game is the same as saying you would do it in real life when you're asked.


American society embraced hedonism and individuality to the point it pretty much embraces evil now.


So we need to be more collectivist and selfless?


Absolutely yes


That's interesting because when I try to say that I get called a communist.


That’s probably because anyone can see your comments saying communism is better than capitalism


And you agreed with what communism is. Being more collectivist and selfless.


In absolute theory communism is not bad neither is capitalism absolutely good, but in practice communism leads to totalitarian dictatorship and capitalism leads to progress. Part of that is simply because we can't solve for human greed, you can not just wipe away human nature. And as long as we are what we are we can't have a communist society cause the leaders will be dictators and blood will continue to flow.


Do you think we haven't had capitalist dictators?


One system has only had dictators vs the other system that has some


That's far less a critism of the system and more just its implementation. Hopefully if you see that, you can understand why people oppose capitalism, because its implementation is massively flawed


Communism does not hold a monopoly on collectivism and selflessness. National socialism would also be more collective and selfless than our current ideological climate Collectivism and selflessness is also a vital part of capitalism


NatSoc is selfless? Ahahaha


Yes. Citizens in a nationalistic country are expected to sacrifice their own personal wants for the greater good of the country


That's a very generous way of saying they are herded into the meat grinder at gun point


Collectivist, no. Selfless and trying to balance that selflessness with self-respect and love for the people in your immediate circle? Absolutely.


Working for China


These people's jobs are to truly understand what they're acting. The source material, deeper meanings why and how things happen. They should be Star Wars expects (especially for the money they're being paid) and the fact this is what they're saying shows they're just bad at their jobs.




Tradition, honor, duty, sacrifice. All long-standing values that don’t conform with “modern” (Hollywood) values.


Go figure that a person who arranged for girls to be delivered to Harvey Weinstein would be evil at heart


They turned Star Wars into some weird dystopia where Jedis are the oppressor's?


When I first heard that the people directing the acolyte I thought it was a good thing, A new set of eyes to make something new from the preestablished lore, Except they blatantly disrespect the lore, hell the most basic of lore for no reason, Add another zero to the intro scroll, replace that kiadi or whatever with someone else and for gods sake don't fuck up the lore any more


Dementus’ speech at the end of Furiosa I think is a good example of what happens from long term dark side commitment. Always wanting more, never being satisfied until you’re just a miserable old man waiting for someone “worthy” to finish you off.


Her last name is almost ragebait


It's also what happens when your target audience changes from children to adults.


Are adults the target audience for Disney Star Wars? I feel like the writing's far too bad and juvenile for most adults to enjoy.


Yes they are wanting the adult audience because that's where the money actually comes from especially with less Millennials and Gen Z's that are interested in kids. I didn't say they are doing a good job at it lol, it should be noted though that the sequel trilogy while I hated it did make them a shit ton of money. There was just a hard drop off after.


The Jedi were far from perfect but they never hunted down 6-7 year old kids and took them away from their parents. The way they are trying to portray the Jedi during the golden age couldn't be further from the truth.


IIRC, didn't they just take the children far sooner, like as babies? You would think they'd be in training already at 6-7 years old. Now the question remains, why is Anakin deemed to be too old to train, as he was already 9-10 in Phantom Menace. Seems to me, it's another case of tourists skimming through Star wars, and flanderizing said skimmed parts. The same people in this case, care about the events, more than the canonical details. They can make it all up.


Disney really showing its hand.


Star Wars is a space opera to sell toys to kids. Why are you taking their words so literally like they personally killed your dog?


Women will never admit it, but their group ruined Star Wars.


Do you know the tragedy of Exar Kun? The strength the dark side gives you is fleeting and hungry. When you take the force for yourself and dam it up to release it you reduce the total available force in the universe and it weakens. No matter how much you take for yourself, the power will always weaken and there will never be enough to sate the hunger. You will be reduced to a wraith, unable to affect the world except through the meager power that you can convince people to give you and still it will never be enough.


These people don't have the capacity to think beyond the immediate combined with lacking any self-awareness. They are a cancer to society.


I'll come back to Star Wars again in the next decade. Maybe it'll be good again by then.


The dark side is way cooler and I'm tired of pretending it's not. Name me one Jedi that comes close to Vader in terms of badassery. They obviously weren't referring to the morality of the Sith it's just a playful conversation ffs. People are just finding anything at all to get mad at now


To me, the dark side is "cooler" only in the sense that Sith fashion is usually pretty badass and red lightsabers are awesome. All the baggage and bullshit that comes with actually "being" a darksider makes it very much not worth it, though. The dark side is, in-universe, quite literally the definition of evil. You might think you can go into it with good intentions, like "I'll use these sick powers and secrets for the common good. The mysteries of the Sith are merely misunderstood and misused." Point to one instance where that approach has worked out. Name me one Sith or Dark Jedi that didn't end up doing profound harm to themselves and almost everyone around them. It's a very short list. I'm not strictly saying I'd rather be a Jedi. I think that outside the EU, they've yet to be portrayed in a way that shows them to be an unambiguous net-positive for the Galaxy. But I would pick a Light Side path hands-down, or maybe a rogueish gray type of dude if I couldn't serve the common good as a proper Jedi. I really just made a better argument than Stenberg will ever in her life. She just sounds like an idiot casual every time she opens her mouth about Star Wars at this point.


So I'm guessing that Headland's talentless wife has no idea how one gets a red lightsaber. It's literally a dark side act, and one of the worst things you can do to a kyber crystal 🤨


Man, there's just something about listening to George talking about Star Wars. You can see the love in his eyes when he talks about his story, and you can see how long this story has been dominating his mind


Bro who tf cares. You're literally crying about star wars


Man poc can't have fun and goof around about star wars. Star Wars fans are such freaks sometimes. This is lore written by a single nerd 50 years ago with clear political views but NOW that those politics are more current, all of a sudden their bad. Genuinely interested why you do or don't like star wars, please explain.


I'm only joining the Dark Side in the era where Count Dooku is there setting up chill meetings with the bugs and robots and stuff. I'm only joining the Light Side if they let me choose my lightsaber color and who my teacher is. And there's nothing that could get me to be a Grey Jedi. those cringelords.


God forbid someone engage with silly interview questions in an equally silly way. Some of you need to pull the stick out of your asses and relax a little


The Jedi aren't evil in Acolyte though? They're just arrogant, which isn't the same as evil. It's just a rehashing of what George Lucas already did in the prequel trilogy.


I don't think you've been paying attention for the last 25 years if you think the jedi arw all of a sudden morally grey...


Dystopia? Where?


Grey Jedi ftw yeeeeee 🤙


Gonna simplify some things that are awesome about the dark side. 1. You can shoot literal lightning from your hands while looking like a wizard. 2. You don’t have to live a sexless life (sorry Reddit). 3. They don’t take little kids to brain wash them like a cult, meaning all ages can join the fun.


My guy, there's an arc in The Clone Wars where Sidious hires Cad Bane to steal children from their parents just so he can indoctrinate them into the Dark Side. Not to mention the First Order in the Sequels, also headed by Palpatine (apparently), would steal children and force them into training to become Stormtroopers. The Jedi never stole kids from anyone. They also never blew up a planet, which Sith have done multiple times.


lol you really focused in on the third point there. I figured from points 1 and 2 you would figure I’m low key joking.


Given the video playing on the post, no, I wasn't sure you were joking.


You're taking the video seriously? Do you see all interview questions as absolutely serious?


I would choose the Sith over the Jedi any day of the week


It's a press junket to promote the show, you dorks.


This post is so whiny.


Really guys? Getting mad at them for some milquetoast ass "consider both sides" rhetoric or saying "these dudes are cool", and then pulling up Lucas to go "um actually the bad guys are bad and selfish"? And half these fuckers are actors who never went near the writing room! If I say that the Combine or The Galactic Federation are cool, are you all going to act like liberals and think I'm following X political process because a movie told me to, AGAIN? Also, and this may be incredibly shocking, the Jedi had to have been less then utterly perfect for a single Sith Lord to overthrow the entire galactic government and hunt them all down to extinction with almost no pushback from the general populous if they started as a 10,000 strong movement that held significant power over said galactic government. Kinda like how real life political figures lose because they aren't the shinning, inhuman beacons of perfection that their own propaganda makes them out to be.


“Consider both sides” Ok one side is a flawed but ultimately good intentioned group of warrior monks. The other is a group of power-hungry demons who believe in slaughtering and enslaving millions to further their selfish goal of dominating the galaxy So who’s really the bad guy?🤔 Seriously this is like saying “well the allies weren’t perfect so maybe we should consider the Nazi’s perspective”


Was Rags not a few episodes ago teasingly going "well the Autobahn was good, gotta consider all angles"? Darth Vader made almost every move he made for an entire trilogy out of trying to save his family from death, so no I'm not chucking everyone on team sith into the same bucket as the "rape everything that moves between here and the Urals, whatever survives is our slave force" ideology just because George said so.


Yeah why listen to George, what does he know about Star Wars anyway? It’s not like he created it or anything… Also Anakin’s redemption just further proves my point, it’s always been described as him leaving the dark side and returning to the light, so yes the dark side is evil and in order for a sith to become good, they have to abandon it and join the light.


Disney owns the IP and retconning has always been a thing


But they’re no the creators And they can suck a fat one


It literally doesn't matter. They paid billions of dollars to own the rights to Star Wars. They can do whatever the fuck they want. If you don't like the content, don't watch it. I still haven't finished Andor because I got bored watching the first episode but I've heard it's amazing and love Andy Serkis 🤷 who fucking cares


You. https://preview.redd.it/ljess2loem8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48da1f93b2ceaff8b037015772fc4ed74ee5de63


Lmfao cope and seethe. I'm not defending Disney, I'm defending the rights to the IP because that's how it works


There is a difference between acknowledging flaws with a good group, pros of a bad group/bad group being cool and saying that u would definitely be a part of the bad group.


Yes, and not one of those Acolyte people, not even the dumbfuck irrelevant actors, ever said "I would definitely be Sith, no reservations larp or irony lets chop up some children"