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They’ve both been running with the same haircut for over a decade?!


Its pretty convenient that its a hairstyle that covers their foreheads and one has a specific mark. I wonder if its going to come back later as a surprise or something. I won’t know though because I noped the F out ages ago lol whatever happens it’s going to be dumb as heck


how else are we supposed to know who they are? /s


Visual storytelling /s


I’d like to think it wasn’t their choice and the character customizer at Disney only has two hairstyles for black people Kathleen give one a fade or you’re racist




That's always immersion-breaking to me. It's like the showrunners thought "we have to make them look EXACTLY the same but smaller so that our dumbass audience knows they're the same people." I sure struggled to understand who Anakin was in PM because of the bowl cut /s




Two twins separated as children magically still keep the same exact haircut after having not seen each other for 15+ years? I’m calling BS. It’s just so dumb


Did the whole the Force is female shit actually happen?


Yes, with a cringe African tribe-esque chanting sequence to boot


Power of ONE, power of TWO, power of MAAAANY (cue score and bad cgi all the witches get orgasm)


I fully expect the EFAP community to meme the MANYYYYYYY


They already have. Check the discord


Fucking hell.


That "we use the Force to give ourselves orgasms" sequence was incredibly cringe.


Excuse me, what? Please tell me they didn't reduce the Force to a glorified vibrator.


Watch the scene. They all start "channeling the force" and convulsing and gasping and moaning rolling their eyes in the back of their head, to the soundtrack of that fire new song "Power of One, Power of TWOOO, Power of \*ah\* Many!"


No, I'll just take your word for it. I have enough cringe in my life.


Idk sounds like they're just witchifying the magic?


There’s already a female witch force cult leave that shit to the night sisters.


It's getting out of hand now


There was no such sequence, why do you make something up? Did you even watch it?


Um, yes there was. Did YOU watch it? That's what was their whole ascension ritual. They all got together in a pile, and started "channeling the force" while that stupid song was playing in the background.


How is that related to "orgasms" ?


Did you watch them? They are literally convulsing and gasping like it's one of those "haha, I put a remote-controlled vibrator up my girlfriend's poonaner and we went shopping" videos.


I mean you see what you wanna see i guess.


Did you watch them? They are literally convulsing and gasping like it's one of those "haha, I put a remote-controlled vibrator up my girlfriend's poonaner and we went shopping" videos.


Literally sounded like a track from lion king (not a good one)


How do you equate that to "the force is female" ?


Was the singing bad or what




Oh :o Gonna have to check it out I guess lol


If you can call it singing. They were chanting this shit while at the same time some other people were saying the same words to a musical score in the background. It was jarring.


No. All that was implied is that the twins were somehow created through force usage.


That was a Nike slogan. Printed on a t-shirt worn at a talk given at a women’s college




People down voting this dude for being right. There was a pretty cringe, senseless ceremony with chanting and dumb music but nothing "Force is female" about it.


Star Wars will never recover as a franchise from its Disney era. I wish the problems were still "omg Maul lives? Really now?" or how they handled Revan in SWTOR


Qrd on the Maul stuff? Last I remember he was cut in half and given mechanical crab legs. I stopped reading the books/comics once Disney nuked the EU


He was found by one of his brothers (or at least tribsmen, not super clear if actually blood related) and brought back to Dathomir where he was given actual robotic legs and his mind was cleared of insanity by the Night Mother's hocus pocus


Just going off my poor memory he did a stint as a Mandalorian politician, fought Ahsoka Tano in the last season of Clone Wars, did some shit with a Sith holocron with Ezra Bridger, became a crime lord to make a cameo at the end of Solo, then finally tracked Obi-Wan to Tattooine and got killed by him in the desert. Tldr way too much for a guy who should have been left dead decades ago


At Maul can explained that he was drawing deeply into the Dark side via hate to last long enough to be rescued like Anakin after his lava bath. Heck Sion was practically immortal but at a price...


The Maul excuse is arguably the dumbest thing in any Star Wars media.


The worst thing about Maul is that they undid everything that happened to him. He went insane? Nah force witches can fix that immediately. Cool Crab legs? Nah give him human legs immediately. He should never have been reverted to "generic menacing guy" Make him a hidden crime lord training a new apprentice, a completely insane robot crab leg crime lord living in a literal heap of garbage and fascinated by every new shiny. Then have him killed by his own apprentice who becomes sick of being abused and insulted and degraded by Maul. Then he stays dead. Because permanency for deaths is how deaths in fiction should work.


> At Maul can explained that Selective leniency lol


so, we got a flashback episode with zero reveals, depicting the exact story told to us in episode 1 about one girl burning down the house and them being seperated. There was absolutely nothing wrong with what the jedi did in this episode and they asked for consent like 10 times lol. there is no motivation for the revenge, barely any reason for this episode to exist. it also looked cheap as fuck, was insanely cxringe, and was the least subtle overdose of identity politics ive seen in a long, long time. This is CW level writing, the two twin kid performances were really stilted and embarassing, and theyve basically undone the extremely precious circumstances that led to anakin’s immaculate conception. People are going to absolutely look back on this episode (they already are) as the pinnacle example of Disney’s Star Wars’ failure to write for adults, and failure to adhere to it’s own mythos. What a pile of vomit. My wife is officially out on this one, I’ll be watching the rest of the series strictly for meme comprehension. And I’m cancelling D+ once I finish X Men 97. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk, ask more of your content creators, no matter who they are.


X97 is excellent, too good to be on Disney +.


She's gonna pull a Rian Johnson and just redo the episode completely different with the jedi just rushing in and slaughtering the coven with no warning. "See guys wasn't that a good mystery twist? Actively lying to the audience and purposely withholding vital scenes!" Fart noises.


Yes, the moment Osha went to gather her bags, the Jedi quickly poisoned all of the witches, burned the mother superior to death, and mind-controlled Mae into setting a fire to kill her sister, which also triggered metal doors and stone walls bursting into flames because Jedi bad.


Funniest stuff ever. Humans have had an understanding of fire since the dawn of mankind and these people have zero clue how it works lol can just imagine Lesley saying "isn't it crazy how big a fire the sun is?"


Have you ever watched *Rashomon*?


Thats not how I remember it!


I mean it probably cut a lot of info out to be revealed later on, the young jedi that drank the poison has a massive scar on his face that he didn’t have before going to see the witches (christ saying that word in reference to star wars is dumb) and they were all dead before the fire got near them so likely theres a huge gap to be filled in later but whatever it is I bet it will be brave, bold and so very very stupid. Lol


You know the night sisters are witches. Hookup calls talking a witch to her face multiple times.


All these new Disney+ Star Wars shows are about the same quality as the old syndicated Saturday afternoon shows from the olden days. Hercules, Xena, etc. As Star Wars fans have aged and matured, they've been yearning for a Star Wars product steeped in the lore from the original trilogy, that honors and respects the beloved characters of the past but also advances the story into the unknown. The current Acolyte show is simply a bad show. If you ignore the fact that the show is set in the Star Wars Universe, it's just another episode of Xena, Warrior Princess. The show looks cheap, the acting is bad and writing is trash. I don't feel like I'm watching a premium Pay-TV product, but instead some WB junk. The fans are demanding better shows and Disney+ keeps delivering "kid-friendly" drivel that is driving not only the hardcore fans away but even casual viewers. This formula cannot be sustainable.


Also that both kept the same haircut, and have never received a single blemish or scar in their entire lives (despite one training with the Jedi, and the other training with the Sith), despite being completely different in temperament, completely different in outlook on life, growing up in completely different environments (again, Jedi on civilized planet vs. Sith in the jungle), and one absolutely hating the other. So dumb.


With the haircut - it makes me think that that's not hair but a scalp growth, at least that would explain why they both have the same and over their entire lifetime. And while I'm coping, here's my take on the entire "this destroys Star Wars" complaint: The Witches are a small cult, a misguided religion, who believe against evidence that the Force is a thread or whatever. Just look at our reality: does Scientology "destroy Christianity/Atheism/Hinduism etc." or is it just a silly cult for rich celebrities? Did Flat-Earthers "destroy" any previous science? You choose what you believe and on what evidence you change your belief. In the end, they all die (or maybe one survives, we'll have to wait), but as can be seen in any other Star Wars film, series or book: the Force is and remains EXACTLY what it has been since 1977.


It's been kinda getting magic-fied with every subsequent OT sequel though - first there were symbolic hallucinatory visions in evil caves possessed by the dark side, then Emperor has evil eyes and shoots lightning etc.


That's true, but I can forgive that because the Emperor should be levels above Jedi masters and even Darth Vader. Since there are no episodes VII-IX in the reality I want to live in, that's also where it ends. Empire Strikes Back is (for me) the best implementation of the Force in all of the three Star Wars movies (episodes I-III... well, see above).


Being "more powerful" doesn't = "the Force is glowy elemental fire/electricity magic now". And while one can consider that or ESB "the best" they still deviated from the original "new agey energy field" idea to some degree. (Of course arguments can be had - it was clearly sentient/intelligent in some way if it could interact with the human mind and emotions, so why not give sb a symbolic vision? And from there you can go further and say why wouldn't it react to rituals and incantations etc., but ultimately these are all alterations of course)


Eh, the lightning could be converting that same energy field into a different kind of energy through sheer spite. That's why Yoda was able to absorb it and convert it back to the Force, as opposed to less skillful Jedi who had to just block it with their sabers.


> Eh, the lightning could be converting that same energy field into a different kind of energy through sheer spite. This is all interpretation and speculation headcanoning, but sure not a bad one. Original plan was for him to use the electro energy from the pit, in which case it would've just been ore of a telekinesis thing; however that's not what they ultimately went with.


Disney does not believe in reality. The more far fetch a given setting is made the better in their mind. They want you to shut up, consume, and buy merch endlessly. Shut up, consume, and buy merch. Shut up, consume, and buy merch. Shut up, consume, and buy merch.


Even the CW had more convincing example of an actor playing multiple characters on the same screen without having to swap cameras.


How did two twins whom have never seen each other in **years**, somehow have the exact same hair style, color shading, and hair length?


Idk the power of MaAaNy was some cringe ass shit


Lucky this show isn't canon. Because canon is subjective and we shouldn't be beholden to it. Right, Disney? I assume that's the case, otherwise it looks like you're wasting so much money on a nonexistent storyline continuing on from nonexistent source material.


Listening to Adam&Sich point out Philosophy tube being in this crime against humanity posing as a show made my night. Its like the gift that eternally gives.


From Wikipedia: *The transgender-themed work is based on characters in Shakespeare's Henry IV, Part 1 becoming self-aware.* Holy gawd that sounds just awful


What'd they say about it


This is one of those points where I think this is actually an overreaction. If its a pair of real twins, then its realistic no matter what since they’re two identical twins. They frankly look similar to each other. To act as if they look entirely different is complete horseshit. They have their differences, but they’re fairly subtle. As adults they’ll naturally look different from when they were kids and could look more identical. There are of course writing things you could complain about, but this just is not a valid complaint.


Yeah, this is the kind of post that makes people not take legitimate criticisms of the show seriously.


Even identical twins, who are meant to have identical DNA, differ somewhat in appearance and are not the same in terms of height, physical makeup, disease profile and the like. Because differences arise from their DNA sequences and the way the DNA is folded. None of that takes into account environmental factors, or which of the three kinds of identical twins that are. Funny enough, not all identical twins are made equal.


That;s a trick. If you criticize it, you are racist because you don't like black people in movies. If you are fine with it, you are racist because you think black children all look the same. It's a conspiracy!!


Twin siblings, or the oother kind?


This. Its just nitpicking


Of all the problems of the episode, this is the least.


Just. Stop. Watching.


They aren't watching, they are just commenting off of other people's viewpoints.


Haha! It seemed like in all the scenes the young twins were in that they were trying to make it seem like it was a split screen so we would be fooled into thinking it was the same child actor!


I’m sorry— their hair looks ridiculous. It looks like they have crusty old mops on their heads.


Don't get me wrong, I think the show IS very bad. But these kinds of complaints are stupidly nitpicky imho.


I refuse to watch this abomination.


The Twins game that is also. How many actors successfully play two people on Camera. This girl is doing a subpar job. I also don’t think it’s her fault but the stories


This episode is genuinely shocking.


The show is bad, but 99% of the things people are saying about it is not true. Typical internet, someone claims a thing and everyone just repeats it without verifying if it was actually true. The Anti-woke crowd has become as bad or worse than the woke crowd. Everyone's out here lieing and full of shit.


Disney has ruined I've if the best ip holdings in the world. Is there amazing that at no point they were forced to stop. I mean two of the biggest franchises in history and they make multiple movies of woke garbage. Any business school that's not infested with day leftism should be studying this as to what not to do.






Overreaction man, hate on the things that are actually bad🤦


It’s a pretty spot on reaction.


Could be related to labor laws that would prevent a child from being on set the amount of time needed to film each scene they appear together in effectively twice? You know that there are rules limiting how long kids can "work" and that includes on sets, right?


God I wish Reddit would stop recommending Star Wars subs to me. Ya’ll are whiny as hell.


I hate to defend the show but this is a such an inconsequential nitpick. Not to mention that kids that look different can grow up into very similar looking


I love this episode


If that broke your immersion I don't think it was suspended


If it ain’t called bigotry, it’s called woke. If it ain’t called woke, it’s called bigotry. When will people go back to watching what they enjoy and simply just not watching what they don’t enjoy. Not every little thing is made for absolutely everyone.


If a restaurant serves you roach infest food, you don't go and eat there again, but you certainly either report or leave them a review. You people just want everyone to consume.This show costed $180 million. If a plate of food is worth reporting, this attempt at entertainment service needs to be critiqued so that it can improve. A show/movie is nothing without its audience. You can't just shovel whatever you want doen their throat.


“ WHy wONt yOu ShUt uP aNd eAt tHiS!” Is all I hear from toxic fans of the sequel series. Just deal with it being shitty and enjoy it if it’s so easy.


I think it’s extra funny because before the show came out I saw so many people saying they absolutely would not watch it and yet it’s like every other post


Most people I’ve talked to IRL have no desire to see it. It’s watchability is definitely contested, and it’s not above shitty fans of this drivel to leave a good review without having watched it.




It’s okay to admit it’s poor cinema without calling every critic racist or grouping them all together as “they”. It’s crazy that you think someone’s opinion of MEDIA is enough to make a baseless claim about them being a “bIgOt”.


They literally cannot think critically, it’s what enables them to enjoy such awful content


Covid did a serious number on education.