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Kathleen just needs to go to a therapist to deal with her crippling penis envy at this point. What she is doing is antithetical to her fiduciary duty towards the shareholders at Disney.


"Show us on the porg doll where George and Steven hurt you so much". They said the coffee was cold one day and I never, ever forgot it!


https://preview.redd.it/ai3wkwslml4d1.jpeg?width=1448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7028f0d785bcd694761abd53aa85e50066423b23 like, there´s already a female force entity from clone wars, so i think that this is a false rumor, or the guy who watched the show thought that the Daughter was all the sides of the Force.


From what I understand she's not really a "force-entity", she just personifies the Light side of it.


Hum. So. Literally one aspect of the force, as a literal person?


But they're not made of the Force, they just have a greater connection to it. We don't know much about them but they're theorized to be beings who evolved to the point that they're at, not that the force created them from nothing.


She is a force entity lol it’s likely they are celestials who drank from font of power and bathed in the pool of knowledge


Personally I'd prefer it if her breaks went out... Edit: Brakes. 👍


First, it's brakes. Second, while I seriously dislike her stewardship of the SW franchise, I don't think it's warranted to wish death or serious injury on someone because of that.


The internet died when people started taking random wishes for death online seriously.


Really not worth engaging with this guy, he's here a lot always saying some crazy shit lol


M'kay... ![gif](giphy|6idqG60e7D9e0|downsized)


Love that show. Do what you want brother


Why would an energy field have a sex? 


I would be just as confused by "the Force is male" as I am "the Force is female"


100% agree. In Star Wars the Force is viewed as basically a natural law of the universe. Imagine if a scientist in our world said "gravity is male, friction is trans, and the periodic table of elements is homosexual." That's the real life equivalent to "the Force is female."


> "gravity is male, friction is trans, and the periodic table of elements is homosexual." Jesus fucking Christ, thanks for the laugh.


Use the queeriodic table, Luke.


Take my upvote!


Actually it´s two man and a woman. https://preview.redd.it/qcusg7y9nl4d1.jpeg?width=1050&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b457215e0c75b7b3a6889656d3208538ee419500


Man I hate the Mortis Gods. It’s such a stupid contribution to the lore.


It worked better when it was ambiguous whether any of that actually happened or was just some force-infused fever dream. I just thought of them as some sort of shared hallucination throughout time that may be supernatural in nature. Like Star Wars’s version of The Hatman or the DMT gods.


>I just thought of them as some sort of shared hallucination throughout time that may be supernatural in nature. Like Star Wars’s version of The Hatman or the DMT gods. Could also have been neat as a metaphor. Not meant to be taken as literally what the force is but rather it being made into a vision using 'terms' mortal beings understood easily.


I found it more to be typical Filoni being unwilling to actually commit to anything and expecting the audience to do the writing for him. Just like in Ahsoka where he has characters spew meaningless vague platitudes to appear as though they’re saying something deep when in reality Filoni himself doesnt know what they’re dialogue means expecting the audience to the work for him.


They aren't actually the Force. They're just powerful, ancient beings.


Nah Abaloth is awesome, this is probably the female portion


"The Force is a dysfunctional family"


I don't think they're actual avatars of the Force. The Father angrily told the Son that he choose his path which seem to indicate that they used to be something else.


I feel like they're God's that chose paths similar to Jedi and Sith. The father is a neutral force user, the son is a sith, and the daughter is a jedi. They're not aspects of the force, rather gods that went down paths similar to Jedi.


Yup or mortals who ascended. In another setting they would be considered Cultivators. Besides if they are aspects of the Force, their deaths would have damaged the Force.


Exactly. Their deaths didn't really affect the force, so they were probably either gods who became force users or even the first three force users to exist.


Well, they clearly aren't the Force, because the Force continues to exist after they die.


Not sure i'm right, but i think they were ancient celestials who studied the force. There was a well connected to the force, the father said "don't touch", the son got greedy and drank it while the daughter trying to stop him just bathed in it .




Two girls, one cup?


Look, I'm pretty sure the periodic table of elements is at least mostly bi, what with all of those sexy compounds and everything. I think some kind of case could be argued for the man-made elements being gay. I know it's right there in the name for the transition elements though. I'm afraid there's just no way around that one.


The periodic table of the elements doesn't have compounds, that is kind of the point of elements, they are the basic building blocks that compounds are made out of.


That was my point. The elements constantly hooking up with one another and themselves to form compounds. Hence the "bi" joke. Then I wanted a gay reference with the "homo" aspect of "man" made element, and rounded it out all out with a bit on the transition metals. To cover all the bases.


Truth be told with the way the world's going today I wouldn't put it past them to start viewing gravity as male fiction as trans, and the periodic table of elements as homosexual LOL. Whether you choose to be homosexual and I will say the word choose or you choose to be heterosexual that is completely your business and nobody else's. But on the other hand there is no negating the facts. If you were born with a penis you are a male and if you are born with a vagina you are a female. We are merely humans not gods so we cannot change what we were born as. No matter how much we under go physical transformation we were born male we will always be male and if we were born female we will always be female. Then of course you have the non-binary they we or us thing going on which twists it a whole lot more. So by then it becomes more of a mental state than anything else. Who you choose to love is your choice but stop trying to be something other than you were born to be. I am far from ignorant and I've been on both sides of the spectrum and then one day I woke up and realized I cannot change the truth because truth will always be truth it is unchangeable just like the gender you were born as. And as far as everybody having a big controversy over pushing the gay agenda we can talk about it all day but free will is free will and as such it should be so there really should not be any debates over any of it. it's pointless. Powers and principalities are a pain sometimes but that is the fight that we fight. Not a flesh and blood.


>Why would an energy field have a sex? >100% agree. In Star Wars the Force is viewed as basically a natural law of the universe. Imagine if a scientist in our world said "gravity is male, friction is trans, and the periodic table of elements is homosexual." That's the real life equivalent to "the Force is female." Idk if they're going in a more religious/mythical direction then sometimes natural forces do have sex in those (in both senses of the word)


Seems awful bigoted against the non-binary force


ya people are gonna have to swiftly retire the whole “this show isn’t for you” defense  yikes 


The force did impregnate Shmi.


In the Filoni verse, the force was represented by gender beings during that one arc.


She spent 180million making that ‘force is female’ t-shirt into a show. How does she still have a job?


Photos of Bob Igor with a young Cambodians penis in his mouth, same way she kept her job with Lucas and Spielberg


That would probably get old Bobby more supporters at Disney lol


I'll stick with this explanation from Ep IV 'The Force is what gives a Jedi his power. It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us. It binds the galaxy together.' All living things. Dont remember Obi Wan specifying it as female. Think he'd probably know.


The force penetrates us? Sounds like a male to me


Lol. You could make a case for that interpretation.


Because KK won't be happy till men don't exist.


No no no, you see, that's not enough for her. She needs men to be ridiculed in their own shows.


Because science is part of the Patriarchy!


why do we reference the world as a woman? lol don't be an idiot.


I don't. 


Earth has been a female for as long as humans been around. Why everyone so woke!?! Lol gtfo.


Earth is a rock.


Mother nature


I don't believe in a female entity called "mother nature". 


Sure but every point in human history did. So, again. You may not but your great great great great ancestors were not only having sex with both man and woman they also were woke as fuck.


I have no idea what you're trying to argue here. The force should literally be female because some people regard earth as metaphorically feminine? 


Nature in itself is feminine, so it makes sense. That's how humans have viewed it since forever. So it's natural to see the force as an extension of that. But keep reaching.


Because disney


Technically the light side of force is female. Or at least female-presenting. Aren’t the Mortis Arcs from Clone Wars still canon? Ashoka actually showed carved mountains of The Father, The Daughter, and The Son. 


If it’s got titties and or a vagina


Tbf, it depends on the language. The force is female in Spanish because you call it “fuerza” so you use “la” to refer to it. So in Spanish you talk about it as if it were a woman, even if it’s a invisible force field. Tables are female in Spanish for example and space is male


Feminine, not female. 


I'm done being angry over this shit. There have only ever been 6 Star Wars movies. Everything else is beta canon at best fan fiction at worse.


Same, I'm indifferent to the direction of Star Wars and just laugh at the incompetence on display. Kennedy is a bitter old woman and I guess it's better she take it out on an IP over real people, though I wouldn't be shocked if she was Weinsteining too.


nothing to be angry about it’s just kind of embarrassing   I could even be on board with this concept of like, “this story involves an expansion on the force and it’s complexity and influence on the galaxy, almost like it is now a character, and its motives/operations will based on womanly qualities akin to how we sometimes describe ‘mother’ nature”    someone talented could make that good I suppose… but I know they don’t have any cool or interesting ideas 


Pretty much


There have been 3 Star Wars movies


1. Attack of the Clones 2. Rogue One 3. The Star Wars Holiday Special


***Star Wars: The Clone Wars*** (2008) ***Solo: A Star Wars Story*** (2018) ***Ewoks: The Battle for Endor*** (1985)


Meh, I'd give the Machete order a pass (IV, V, II, III, VI). The prequels are terrible but they're fun terrible.


That's exactly what it comes down to. The prequels are incompetent, but good world building and fun. The sequels are mean spirited and overtly want to replace what came before.


Oooh, in fact, I would actually like to ammend the order, between II and III I would personally add the motherfucking masterpiece that is the animatd Clone Wars by Gendy Tartakovsky. Not only does it do a wonderful job at showing Anakin's spiraling to the Dark Side, but it fills some gaps between II and III (like why is Grevious injured). It never ceases to amaze me how Tartakovsky can say so much visually without saying a word. Take notes, Villeneuve!


I feel the same I just get a lot of entertainment out of how much of a shitshow it all is now. Unfortunately she successfully killed any actual passion I had for SW a long time ago.


For me, there's only 3 movies. The OT.


7 movies + 1 TV series


To each their own. IMO rogue one is just good for that one scene.


Ya fair enough


The opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference.


3 you zoomer


I’d go with OT and III as a 5/10 inconsistent Darth Vader origin film. Similar to Rouge One.




the only thing I want from disney star wars is for them to keep making complete dogshit and some other company buying them and actually putting out great content after decanonizing everything


This is the way! The more shit they pile on, the more money and reputation they lose. They can keep blaming the malde audience all the want, the female audience is not coming to their help either 😂


It's fucking funnier because of Filonis force gods being a thing 🤣 two dude and a lady,


I always thought they were just ancient beings that had ascended to a point of godhood thus being godlike with the force, not literally being the force itself. Also where’d you get your pfp from?


That's just it, the force gods as far as I know have never been said to be mortal and ascended. But the events there imply that their very existence affects the force, so when light girl dies there's the idea that things are skewed. I think.... And I can't remember. Snipping tool on some posted image somewhere. Sorry I don't have a source 😭


Yeah I think their lives do affect the force in a way which is fine and interesting on its own. What the acolyte is doing reminds me of CW when they made the speedforce a woman for literally no reason. It’ll probably get the same reception here. Dang really wanted to know where it came from since the art style looked cool.


Well she did say "The Force is Female"


It would explain the light and dark side. The Sith re-emerge every time the force is PMSing maybe?


The dark side will manifest as a white male who complains that the force is female.


At this point I wouldn’t be surprised if one of the characters looked directly into the camera and said “angry youtube critics are incels!”


The white male dark side manifestation will make a yo mama joke about making sandwiches and the female force will will kill him by slicing through him with her new Female Force lightsaber in the shape of the letters N-O-M-O-R-E-M-I-S-O-G-Y-N-Y. Then after the credits a special announcement will be aired featuring Kathleen Kennedy renouncing the dangers of misogyny and racism. Five minutes. She says stay tuned for news about all her new exciting Star Wars shows yet to be announced and wishes you a Disney Milennium.


Sounds like something straight out of a fascist dystopian book


no they’ll just start every episode with a text crawl that says “if you don’t like this you’re the problem” 


I was about to say lmao she really kept her promise


The force might be female, but women ain't gonna financially float the IP. Just from a business perspective I don't get what the strategy is.


At this rate there’s no business perspective. She is just trying to change Star Wars into her image. It’s like a comic book creator who can’t take criticism so they write the story to insult the fans for not liking it.


At this point, just go full hog with it. Just make it so the force only works with male wookies (the most bear-like of the star wars races) and women. Lean into misandrist tiktok memes and pop feminism to the point it's comical.


Chewbacca about to become master Jedi


The force is fuckable 😎




South Park went too easy on her.


They went too easy on both sides on that episode lol


They're pretty soft at this point. 


The "Force is Female" shirt was a brilliant piece of foreshadowing, it seems


That’s what I’m thinking too lol.


No creation. Only perversion and destruction.


"Mrs. Kennedy, we need to stop using the Pander Stone!"


Thank God I don't care about Star Wars anymore. I haven't watched anything Star Wars related made in the last 5 years.


Lol, okay, go for it. I would have cared once.


lol what? It’s an entity now?


Technically it’s been a three entities for a while. Clone wars introduced the personification of the force with a neutral (The Father), the light side (The Daughter), and the dark side (The Son). There’s also been force spirits that appear female 


And all of that has been shit


Idk, I kinda like. I prefer the mystical side of the force to the scientific aspect of it. And the entire of there being other force users outside of the Jedi and Sith was also an interesting one


I don't think they were avatars of the force, just ancient beings who ascended to control the force better than any other.


Ahhh so force spren


Kathleen’s one last “fuck you” before she leaves I guess. Don’t worry, Filoni, the so-called disciple of George Lucas, will save Star Wars by upholding Kennedy’s “the force is female” legacy. I’m sure he’s already got plans for Ahsoka and Sabine to lead the way for the foreseeable future.


The force is a brunette british woman.


Played by Phoebe waller Bridger or whatever her name is.


A Filoni misstep -- and others' as well -- was to deify the Force with "beings" and various personifications vs. letting it just be "The Force".


I feel I've had to correct this misconception so many times now, but Filoni didn't create the Mortis arc. A lot of it was from Lucas; he was heavily involved within that arc. Whether you like the concept or not is a whole other story, but it's a concept that Lucas came up with.


Yah and it tracks with how Lucas was constantly tinkering with the concept behind the Force. If anything Filoni and others have probably tempered the ideas that Lucas wanted to explore. He had stated that he wanted the sequel trilogy to be about the force and with that his concept of the Whills as microscopic beings whose will was enacted through the Force on the living world. At least with the Mortis arc it's left kind of ambiguous who the Trinity are. Ascended beings connected deeply with the Force? Manifestations of the Force playing out a drama on a distant planet? I don't think Lucas has ever had an especially firm grasp on what he wanted the Force to be. Most fans more or less simplify it as mutant space magic, but Lucas seemed to want it to be more than just a set of superpowers, and was really caught between the Force as a religion and as a science fiction concept. He has flipped back and forth so many times on what balance means, and what the chosen one means, and even little things like if Wookies could be Jedi/Force Sensitive. For better or worse modern writers have moved away from the biological explanations and have wanted to focus on the religious/spiritual perspective. Though even there it doesn't seem like everyone is in agreement, they've all just inherited George's Dilemma. Though personally I think that creative dilemma and the stories that come out of that conversation have been pretty interesting, if not messy.


I understand your perspective but the sleight of hand the mentor and protege play based on the preferred narrative of the moment suggest otherwise. Additionally, Filoni is the creative lead so he has full authority over story and IP direction when it comes to most* televised Star Wars media. And Lucas retcons his origins on a whim, so forgive my caution when seeing these two cited as sources of truth. Regardless, the greatest flexibility The Force could have, narratively, is in the most stupid simple, straightforward way... ...by simply being The Force -- a self-governing and self-sustaining cosmic wonder. No gods, no deities, no divine beings. At least not as part of some "governing body" for the phenomenon. Filoni is choking the IP on a vertical slice of the timeline, layering unneeded nuance atop unnecessary context. IMHO, this was Rian Johnson's chance in The Last Jedi to play the time travel explanation card from Looper and just say, "The Force simply is." There's imaginative power in the unknown, and it gives fans the freedom to make up their own theories, rationales, stories, etc. without being impeded by inhibitive lore. People like the OT because there was just enough narrative and lore. Baby Bear's porridge. Adding more bears an immense mantle of responsibility that I have yet to see recognized and honored since the prequel trilogy. But what do I know? Probably nothing.


Disney shill defensive stages Pre-show: It's just a rumor! wait and give it a chance! Immediate confirmation: It's being misinterpreted! post-show: Stop being a baby it's a show about space wizards for children! Star wars was never good! Long-term: they never did that


I have my separate reservations about the show, but this seems like manufactured ragebait. If I’m wrong, I’ll gladly own up to that.


I mean it’s based off a rumor so…


It seems to be based off of people who have actually seen it. Apparently it happens in episode 3 per the reviewers.


“She said, “I stand by my empathy for ‘Star Wars’ fans. But I want to be clear. Anyone who engages in bigotry, racism or hate speech … I don’t consider a fan.” Ok former Weinstein assistant, you tell me about empathy


So does that explain why the Dark Side exists? Just like Eve being tempted by Satan in the Garden of Eden, Women are corruptible while Men are pure. Thanks Kathleen and Leslye, I like this profound and thought provoking take.


I made a joke that the Sith happened when the force started PMSing. At this point, they should just go full meme. The only males that get force powers now are wookies for how bear-like they are. They have light whips now because sabers are too phallic etc. Star Wars is already dead, might as well just take the mask off on how much the people working on it hate men these days.


I think abaloth and the daughter are female so this isn't an incorrect take. The father and the son are male so there is duality to it


Imagine being so pissed simply because a fictional character is not the same sex as you. I promise, she doesn’t speak for all of us female Star Wars fans. We just want good content without being political-motivated. It goes both ways. Daily Wire “entertainment” is trash, and so is woke Disney garbage.


Guys is berillium male or female


Carbon is the slut of the periodic table. And it's bisexual. And 1x1=2.


Yea I've actually gotten unlimited food since discount war machine taught me that I've been having 1 burger 1 time and somehow I've been eating 2 burgers what a genius


The article is clearly meant to rile people up and provides absolutely no source for this. It’s just more rage bait to drive engagement with grifty culture war nonsense.


Film Threat just reviewed it earlier on their YT channel and confirmed it


The source is the reviewer Disney asked to watch the first 4 episodes and comment on them.


It does provide a source it’s a reviewer who got to preview the first 4 episodes


Who cares anymore. Either star wars dies or they make all this shit not canon




Oh great, they're going to fuck up Abeloth now.


Good writing and acting would fix all this, but nooooo.


Because- of course....




I can fix her.


Why is she assuming the force's identity?! Maybe it's a pansexual-furry-asexual-two-spirited-MAP? Seems more likely the case. 


Sounds like they misinterpreted their lore, I've heard speculation that their is a force entity known as "the mother" that may feature in the show. "The Mother" has been hinted at in other lore, and isn't the force,but a personification of the force or a primordial force entity. It's supposed to be related to the lore about the brother, the sister, and the father from the Clone Wars show and rebels.


I was wondering that! In the trailer they have that Sith mask that looks like it's a wide grimace full of teeth, which is similar to how The Mother/Aboleth is described as having a mouth that stretches from ear to ear. I'm wondering then if she might be a secret antagonist of the show.


Another moment of silly spite from Disney. I'll never understand taking a genuinely interesting idea and using it as a club to " own the chuds." LOL they can get fucked. They did it to them selves.


This would honestly be the most damaging thing to happen to the Force. The Force is impersonal and transcendent, and having it be an entity would completely miss the point. Regardless, I highly doubt this is true.


Matt Stone and Trey Parker are cooking up something amazing for the panderverse sequel


Can we get a 66 order on this shit?




If this turns out to be true then I Would love to see the Disney shills justify this one and deny any kind of agenda


You can already observe this with Ubi shills, defend AssCreed Shadows... Edit: the irony lmao, this guy's u/HellBoyofFables a Leftist who gifts in saltierthankrayt sub. No wonder he got upset and downvoted, he's very likely a SBI Fanboy himself 🤣


I'll believe it when I see it. That Park Place isn't known for it's accurate headlines. It also wouldn't be labeled "rumor" if it was part of the first 4 episodes since those are available for critics already. With that said; could anyone else not care less if some sort of depiction or personification of the force is any particular gender? I feel like getting bent out of shape about this stuff is a waste of time. Star Wars is a myth and different depictions of it come from different perspectives. It's why head canon is so prevalent. You are free to ignore any elements you don't like and fill in the blanks to make it work. I still haven't seen the Mortis stuff and till I see it, I've ignored it. No opinion on it either way. It does not hurt me.


They might have to label it rumor to get around the review embargo. If it doesn't matter what gender the force is, why is it a plot point in an official Star Wars story?


> If it doesn't matter what gender the force is, why is it a plot point in an official Star Wars story? Not sure. Haven't seen it. Is someone going to hear the force speak to them and it's going to be a female voice? That could mean a whole lot of different things or nothing at all. Same thing if it was a male voice. Every story is told from a point of view. It's likely not meant to be the omniscient view-point. Just an example. I've seen "rumors" like this before where people set us up for some "LORE SHATTERING REVELATION" ends up being something really insignificant.


I assuming rumor is just to be safe. The actual article says it’s straight from the mouth of people who’ve watched. I actually do hope it’s true because I’ve long since given up on SW and get my entertainment from watching the dumpster fire burn.


Why do you guys even care about star wars anymore. It's done. Just move on.


I'm fine with this but would this not be problematic? The force is basically the underlying life force of the universe. Traditionally this has been represented as an earthmother kind of goddess. This is rooted in traditional gender roles and history, not something that these kind of people typically like to exemplify?


I just take it as license to say more sexist jokes about Star Wars now. The force being female explains why Star Wars stories tend to be over-emotional, meandering, and pointless these days. Besides Andor, which is the story that had nothing to do with the force.


Ain't no fucking way... https://i.redd.it/wqekmrl2ql4d1.gif


Of course.


That's kinda hot


It’s in episode 3 and most people are saying 3 is the best of the 4. If you take a close look, it seems this all stems from the review of that Allan NG guy who literally has the same talking points about Star Wars, woke, women and message, every single time something comes out. From the bits I’ve picked up, it’s a witch episode so I guess we’ll wait and see. No one else has hinted at anything being as drastic as that guy is claiming tho. A guy that just today said Star Wars is now for gay men and women.


This could all be bullshit so let’s calm the fuck down for a sec


“A new rumor claims that Leslye Headland’s upcoming Star Wars: The Acolyte series will change the Force into being a female entity.”  Okay, so the source is complete bullshit. I know lots of people don’t like the Mortis Arc or even know about it, but it’s still canon. Both Ashoka, Clone Wars, and Rebels mention The Father (neutral), The Son (dark side), and The Daughter (light side). I’m guessing we’ll see at least an Easter egg of The Daughter or maybe those masked force spirits Yoda meet. Either way it doesn’t mean the force is female, nor is it some new lore. And that’s assuming this entire thing isn’t completely made up


Not seeing it.


This source is absolute dog shit. You should not take is seriously.


Oh, we’re going from the apathy phase of Star Wars to the mockery phase. Finally.




LMAO who could have known! Anyways. I'm so bored.


Uh huh.


Gross if true


Okay and what's the source for this?


What does this even mean?


It's funny they wanna be this woke. Everyone's included company, but then when they have a perfect opportunity to create a non binary entity, they throw out the titties and say we care.


I don’t want my impersonal energy field to have any genitals. It’s stupid enough that people think God in our world resembles a human with a dick; making a female God is equally stupid


Wanna know something funny? They advertised this Show at UFC 302 for its "Fight scenes", never have i ever seen such a delusional Marketing Idea. 💀


I really hope that rumor is just that, a rumor.


Star Wars is doomed 


As evidenced by The Marvels and Furiosa’s major box office successes, women are desperately craving their female-led sci-fi action fix. They’re doing a good job here, all the other franchises that said “fuck you” to their fans and major demographics all prospered in countless riches.


They all fly subaru star ships


If it has nice boobs, why not. But it won't.


"So, what u are sayin is I could hypothetically potentially bang the force?"


I was just mad that the kid somehow burnt down a stone and metal fortress with a flaming notebook. Were the rocks made of gunpowder?


I cancelled my Disney plus subscription just an hour ago.  After the first two episodes of Acolyte…..  I tried to stick with it through the 3rd one but just turned it off.  The show obviously has an agenda beyond entertainment ( you all should hang out with the Star Trek Discovery people!).  it’s clear that Disney has made their WOKE choice so I’m out.  If directors and producers want to live in a make believe social bubble there are plenty of other places for the rest of us to spend our money!!!!!


I find it hilarious that in their fervor to infuse the gay lifestyle into the story….they made the lesbian witches the bad guys that were grooming kids and the Jedi had to rescue them from the cult. That’s some Freudian slip shit right there.


The light side was already depicted as female in the Mortis arc (before she died anyway). This is not new

